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God forbid anyone stand up to bigotry, racism, and misogyny on this board. We wouldn't want to upset the old boys club.

Ah yes, the brave crusader for social justice. Fearlessly posting insults on an anonymous online forum to people who don't perfectly tow the social justice line. I'm sure future generations will thank you for your contribution. Perhaps build a statue in your honor.

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Ah yes, the brave crusader for social justice. Fearlessly posting insults on an anonymous online forum to people who don't perfectly tow the social justice line. I'm sure future generations will thank you for your contribution. Perhaps build a statue in your honor.

You can proudly stand on the sides of bigots, racists, and misogynists and try to silence those who stand up to them all you want, but don't complain when people are disgusted by your character.
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This is quite similar to my experience here as well. it's almost as if the forum has received some kind of official complaint or warning from a human rights tribunal or something.


Reiterating posts is trolling now,


Reiterating posts "with inflammatory language and personal attacks BEFORE the substance of the discussion is addressed" is trolling.

Misrepresenting somebody's writing is at least 1 of 2 things: trolling and or an error in judgement.

Any idiot can see quite plainly that the world is flat.

That is an archetypical troll post. It's one not believed by the writer, and is put in place purely to arouse indignant responses. It's an obvious troll post and won't inspire any legitimate discussion, nor is the writer interested in doing more than toying with those who respond.

Oh, you think the world is round? Well, prove it! No, pictures won't do. They can easily be altered!

Something as obvious as this wouldn't likely engender much bother. But it doesn't take an awful lot of subtlety to get angry responses.

Agreed. That subtlety is in dispute.

Going along with your globalist choice of analogy, some folks complain about polite comments such as Anybody can see quite plainly that the world is flat. Most of you are quite eloquent. Reality is a mix of the 2 extremes.

Please note that simply saying something insulting is not trolling.

I disagree with your distinction in lexicon. Saying something insulting is a sub-set of trolling, in my opinion. Regardless, none of that matters because a personal attack is thread drift and being rude is disrespectful --- both violations are their own sub-sets within all of the rules and guidelines.

Once a discussion becomes personal, it becomes thread drift. Once a line of discussion becomes rude, it becomes personal. Once it becomes personal, it is thread drift. Acting on thread drift becomes important in moderation because it strips out the element of bias.

If you believe something is "trolling" then ignore it --- you might be wrong. If you misunderstand/disbelieve a fellow member's statements and you honestly want to carry on a civil discussion, ask for an explanation and or for evidence. If the explanation and or evidence does not satisfy you, say so and move on.

All you have to do is be polite and you will be fine. The bias is in favor of polite discussion.

Yes, but not very humid.

Boy, Canada sure is a stupid place.

This sort of leap in discussion is both thread drift and trolling --- trolling because we all accept that "stupid" is an insult.

The problem is that your hyperbolic dramatization is a poor illustration of what really happens in discussions. What usually sets people afflame is when somebody says something like Boy, Canada sure is a rainy place too. to which somebody has a conniption fit exclaiming Canada is not rainy!! I live in INSERT WHEREVER and we rarely get rain. How dare you accuse Canada of being rainy!!???!?? and then somebody else piles on with So what if Canada is rainy?!? Do you have anything against that??! Are you jealous? Perhaps you are not satisfied with our crop yields?!?? Invariably a dull drive-by Canada is rainy?? You say that like it is a bad thing! gets tossed into the mix.

Leaving any meteorological or geographic differences in perception you folks may have aside, trolling is a sub-set of the larger violation of thread drift --- the identification of which is usually impersonal. The identification of thread drift is more useful than everybody nodding their heads in agreement over some arbitrary universal concensus over the definition for the act of trolling.

I think the board would be better served by cutting down on things like this; "We have Harper, a sociopath", but it seems the people who complain most about a certain troll care much less about incredibly stupid statements or outright lies than they do trolling. Which is unsurprising.

I agree with you.

The problem is that the board refrains from censoring comments once people respond intelligently to "We have Harper, a sociopath" or other inflammatory comments.

can you please advise what constructive purpose is realized by the ongoing, purposeful and overt denigration of Canada/Canadians by one particular MLW member here?

No because it is not for mod staff to inject bias into a discuss.

If you do not understand, ask the member who says it.

The next time your-know-who "denigrates-as-you-perceive-things" whatever, instead of having a conniption, respond with the following template: "Excuse me but what you said does not makes sense. Can you explain why it is so, in your opinion? Please, thank you and I am sorry you bumped into me." That is the Canadian way.

Or by incessantly, "out-of-the-blue", without any contextual association to the discussion at hand, make a reference to Canada/Kyoto... or to the government "controlled" CBC... or to the falsely perpetuated "Denier Nation" labeling of the U.S. ... or to, quite literally, another dozen+ examples that reflect upon nothing more than long established discussions and points of disagreement. Yes, of course, disagreements can... and will exist. However, drawing attention to them, out of context and off-topic, is not a constructive purpose; rather, it is simply an attempt to inflame.

Lay it out for me brother!

Ok, I will inject bias by giving you a hint: Your disagreement is on definitions.

Is accusing other posters of bigotry and genocidal tendencies over and over again okay?

No, it is not okay but if somebody responds intelligently to it, then we usually let it be. We give the civil/intelligent poster the freedom to address anything.

Perhaps you stop short as soon as you see "bigotry and genocidal tendencies" and arrive at the conclusion that "The mods permit trolling!!!" before you realize that there is no need for censorship because somebody/somewhere managed to deal with the issue civilly.

Civil and intelligent discourse trumps trolling. Too many people are quick to get inflamed when it is clear they misunderstand what has been expressed.

as an example, when you drop a one-liner about Canada/Kyoto (completely out of context to the discussion at hand), how does that relate directly to your perception of, "an imbalanced obsession with the United States"?

If you dispute the context, then ask for a defense of the context.

Why must you, by adding nothing else to the discussion, decide to drop a one-liner that highlights something along the lines of, "and yet another Merkin source being used"?

Wrong question.

Why must you respond to that which you do not understand? with anything but a civil request for clarification?

That is the real question.

Lots of bigotry, especially against Jews and Americans.

I agree. However, we are proud of most MLWebbers who take such views to task.

Why do you see things in a negative? As mod staff, we see fellow members who do a good job of countering bigotry and putting it in its place. Such defenders against bigotry are given the liberty to civilly and intelligently disagree openly.

The rules and guidelines are not to steer morality. The rules and guidelines are to steer decorum in expression or conduct.

And disagreeing with a woman is not misogynist.

Suit yourself.

If this was a poetry circle, I would probably just go with whatever she said.

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Misrepresenting somebody's writing is at least 1 of 2 things: trolling and or an error in judgement.

Like I said, if you're giving out warnings for straw men arguments and errors in judgment you've got a long road ahead of you. You'll be making a fulltime job of this gig.
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This may be worth a point.

Umm, Jacee has been calling anyone racist, and even white supremacists who don't cow tow to her ideology, and not a word. NOT ONE WORD from our moderation group.

Yet, put Jacee's name in the post, and voila, magical, instatfuckintaneously a mod shows and an edict to end personal attacks appears.

Seriously, Charles, are you kidding me?

From drummindriver on another thread. My question to you, drummindriver, is did you report the post ?

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Oh, the posts where she demanded you lock the thread as it didn't fit her narrative? Because Argus was a "racist troll" even though there was not an inkling of racism in his post?

Odd that that particular post is gone. All her other posts which contain her calling ppl racist are edited on the other Reconciliation thread. Odd.

How do posts disappear? Magic?

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From drummindriver on another thread. My question to you, drummindriver, is did you report the post ?

lol. No. Why?

She demands you lock a thread.

Charles disappears her inappropriate posts.

She calls everyone and anyone whatever she desires with no consequence.

Carry on. I think it's funny, to be honest.

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I do not understand why people get excited for being called a racist or bigot or misogynist.

A racist is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. Many people interpret that as being a nationalist. Many people also find it distasteful but to be a racist is not illegal and is celebrated by other racists.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions. Many people interpret that as being assertive and resolute. Many other people find it distasteful but to be a bigot is not illegal and is celebrated by other racists. It is seen in almost every post where posters demean other posters because they disagree with their opinion.

A misogynist is a person who dislikes, despises or is strongly prejudiced against women. Many people interpret that as being a realist. Many people find it distasteful but being a misogynist is not illegal and is celebrated by other misogynists.

It is not like calling someone a pedophile or traitor or terrorist. That is accusing someone of doing something that is against the law and should not be tolerated on a public access board.

Generally posters on this board are fairly intelligent individuals who are able to read English and can easily develop an understanding of the persona, views and vision of society of each poster. Personally, I see examples of bigotry, racism and misogyny expressed daily by certain posters. I do not think it is my position to inform them of my opinion more than once and then move on to those who have something interesting and informative to share.

I continue to be amused at posters who are angry, confrontational and rude to other posters. I do not understand why someone would spend precious leisure time to hurl insults at some anonymous avatar. Some people must have very difficult and painful lives if they have to resort to arguing and insulting in their leisure time to gain some virtual satisfaction or joy. That is sad.

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Odd that that particular post is gone. All her other posts which contain her calling ppl racist are edited on the other Reconciliation thread. Odd.

How do posts disappear? Magic?

If the post is gone, then it was probably acted on, warned against, and deleted. Isn't that exactly what the mods are supposed to do ?

I'm not sure what you want, here.

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A racist is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. Many people interpret that as being a nationalist.

Right. As a position, we neither ban people who hold it nor do we stop people from using the term on others if it can be supported, as far as I understand.

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Right. As a position, we neither ban people who hold it nor do we stop people from using the term on others if it can be supported, as far as I understand.

Technically, I think that would be true for "racist" opinions or positions, not labels for members. Otherwise one would quickly run afoul of forum rules against personal attacks.

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Otherwise one would quickly run afoul of forum rules against personal attacks.

Not entirely clear. There are some words that can be used either as insults or as factual tags. Some posters are very clear and up-front about their racist beliefs, so it might be discriminatory to use that label pejoratively you see.

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Not entirely clear. There are some words that can be used either as insults or as factual tags. Some posters are very clear and up-front about their racist beliefs, so it might be discriminatory to use that label pejoratively you see.

Nah...slippery slope....see forum "Insults" rules. "Factual tags" opens the door to all kinds of misunderstandings and mischief, regardless of any underlying proof that can be "cited". Views can be racist....people are just people.

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Not entirely clear. There are some words that can be used either as insults or as factual tags. Some posters are very clear and up-front about their racist beliefs, so it might be discriminatory to use that label pejoratively you see.

If the post is gone, then it was probably acted on, warned against, and deleted. Isn't that exactly what the mods are supposed to do ?

I'm not sure what you want, here.

lol..you were the one surprised it wasn't there.

And further to your argument...it's now cool if I call x member "fag" because they are a male homosexual?

No...of course it isn't.

Silly boy.

Edited by drummindiver
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lol..you were the one surprised it wasn't there.

No - I can see posts that were 'removed' even if you can't. She never posted on the thread you complained on.

And further to your argument...it's now cool if I call x member "fag" because they are a male homosexual?

Not the same thing, as per my point above.

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No - I can see posts that were 'removed' even if you can't. She never posted on the thread you complained on.

Then why were you surprised it was gone?

And, yes she did. Again, Michael, whatever. I was commenting on it as it's funny. You and Charles want to get her back, that's cool, but I'm gonna laugh at it

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It's funny how you're complaining about how they handled her posts, meanwhile she's suspended. You know, if there's any confusion why she hasn't responded to you calling her out in this thread.

Edited by cybercoma
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It's funny how you're complaining about how they handled her posts, meanwhile she's suspended. You know, if there's any confusion why she hasn't responded to you calling her out in this thread.

It's incredulous that Jaycee was suspended. It blows my mind. She sticks up for minority and vulnerable groups and she gets suspended!

Edited by WestCoastRunner
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How can this surprise you? Accusing people of racism and genocidal tendencies is not okay.

It's ok if it's calling out people for what they are and when they are attacking vulnerable and minority groups. I don't understand why Jaycee was singled out. Jaycee is one of the most knowledgeable people here on the most vulnerable minority groups and for her to be suspended is simply ridiculous. It is a bad reflection on this forum in my opinion.

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