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Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto UPDATES


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From what I gather, the Ford bros., and Stephen Harper are good buddies. When Harper gets booted from office, and maybe from the party, they could all get together and we could have a re-creation of that very popular humor show of the day, The Three Stooges.

Where do you gather that from?

The Ford Patriarch was friends with Flaherty. He was quite emotional about the revelations that Ford did smoke crack. Probably more disappointed with him than anything.

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Where do you gather that from?

The Ford Patriarch was friends with Flaherty. He was quite emotional about the revelations that Ford did smoke crack. Probably more disappointed with him than anything.

Flahrety had a blow up with (IIRC) Jason Kenney when the latter said he thought Ford should step down.

Didn't Ford go fishing with Harper at one point?

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I guess they did. Doesn't mean they're BFFs.

It was pre-crack scandal.

I think people forget that early in his mandate Ford had some serious political clout.

He received a rather impressive mandate and would have been considered an asset to both the CPC and the Ontario PCs who need ridings, where Ford dominated, to receive their own mandate.

Doesn't mean either Hudak or Harper should share the responsibility of Ford's abysmal behaviour.

He also demanded respect from council early in his mandate, not anymore.

Edited by Boges
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I fully, understand why other cons piled on the Ford bandwagon in the early days. He was a popular con in lefty land, why not use him to boost support for other cons? However, now that he has become a colossal embarrassment, they deserve a little backlash for associating themselves with him earlier. If the buffoon cared at all about conservatism he'd step down to avoid stealing support from Tory and further tarnishing the c word.

I'd like to see Grapes interviewed about Tommy Boy now.

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I fully, understand why other cons piled on the Ford bandwagon in the early days. He was a popular con in lefty land, why not use him to boost support for other cons? However, now that he has become a colossal embarrassment, they deserve a little backlash for associating themselves with him earlier. If the buffoon cared at all about conservatism he'd step down to avoid stealing support from Tory and further tarnishing the c word.

I'd like to see Grapes interviewed about Tommy Boy now.

But even the Ontario Liberals jumped unto Ford's "SUBWAY, SUBWAY, SUBWAY" talking point an ran a candidate in a recent bi-election calling herself the "Subway Champion".

People knew Ford was a bit of an odd duck when he was elected. But it's come out that since being elected mayor, it would appear he sees himself as some sort of Godfather figure in Rexdale, his popularity went to his head and he thought he could get away with anything.

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I guess they did. Doesn't mean they're BFFs.

It was pre-crack scandal.

I think people forget that early in his mandate Ford had some serious political clout.

He received a rather impressive mandate and would have been considered an asset to both the CPC and the Ontario PCs who need ridings, where Ford dominated, to receive their own mandate.

Doesn't mean either Hudak or Harper should share the responsibility of Ford's abysmal behaviour.

He also demanded respect from council early in his mandate, not anymore.

Harper also attended one of the Ford's family barbecues in 2011. Not saying they are thick as thieves, but neither are they strangers.

Ford tried to get an audience with Harper last year at another barbecue, but was kept away by handlers because he was too drunk.

As for Ford's clout: how long did that last? Six months, tops?

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Harper also attended one of the Ford's family barbecues in 2011. Not saying they are thick as thieves, but neither are they strangers.

Ford tried to get an audience with Harper last year at another barbecue, but was kept away by handlers because he was too drunk.

As for Ford's clout: how long did that last? Six months, tops?

I think it petered out once Stintz and her other mushy or might middle councillors overturned the budget proposal for the Scarborough Subway. It was considered Ford's first defeat. Ironically Stintz and many of the councillors hilariously flip-flopped on that later on.

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He does provide fascinating evidence of the judgement of the Conservative base in Canada, especially by the fact they still support him. He's a warning to anyone considering voting for a conservative politician anywhere.

Excuse me ,but this is a case of what goes around comes around and the ROC is having a great laugh at the ''great city of toronto'' Toronto needed a piece of humble pie and be reminded that they are no better then anyone else. But hey don't blame ford, blame the toronto star for thier obsession with the guy, and their plan to bring him down. It backfired big time. LMFAO

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Excuse me ,but this is a case of what goes around comes around and the ROC is having a great laugh at the ''great city of toronto'' Toronto needed a piece of humble pie and be reminded that they are no better then anyone else. But hey don't blame ford, blame the toronto star for thier obsession with the guy, and their plan to bring him down. It backfired big time. LMFAO

Yes blame the Star for showing the world what a horrible human being is Rob Ford.

Tell me, is there any behaviour you wouldn't excuse from Ford? Guy could murder a baby on national TV and you'd have an excuse at the ready: "that baby would have probably grown up to be a liberal LOL go Robbie!"

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But hey don't blame ford, blame the toronto star for thier obsession with the guy, and their plan to bring him down. It backfired big time. LMFAO

I love Ford so I have nothing to blame the Star about. I'll leave that to you, because I know how you feel about people taking responsibility for their own actions.
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Yes blame the Star for showing the world what a horrible human being is Rob Ford.

Tell me, is there any behaviour you wouldn't excuse from Ford? Guy could murder a baby on national TV and you'd have an excuse at the ready: "that baby would have probably grown up to be a liberal LOL go Robbie!"

Countless cases of people like rob ford no matter what political stripe you are, but why is he a horrible human beingv. Did he rape and steal?? Does he bugger little kids? No he acted like a normal human being that got into some trouble. But people like yourself that think their shit does not stink are a minority and yes you can thank the star's obsession with him for becoming a international star at Toronto's expense and it looks mighty fine on you. And let remember it is the left that likes to be soft on perverts in this country, not the right.

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I think when the Star decided to go with the story about Ford strangling a football player, the argument could be made they had it out for him.

But their journalism ended up paying off. Ford bleeped up and showed that he's an abysmal person.

It's ironic because Ford surrounded himself with some excellent handlers that helped him get elected and when the bleep hit the fan for Ford, instead of listening to his associates he fires them.

I guess that's what an addict does.

Edited by Boges
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Countless cases of people like rob ford no matter what political stripe you are, but why is he a horrible human beingv. Did he rape and steal?? Does he bugger little kids? No he acted like a normal human being that got into some trouble.

There are not countless people like Rob Ford in high office. You can't even name one. He may or may not be a horrible human being, but he certainly hasn't acted like a "normal" one. He deserves everything he gets not just because he compromised the city by cavorting with gangsters and threatening violence and firing people for doing their jobs, but also because he didn't have the character to resign when he was caught for it. The Star deserves a medal not only for exposing Ford but also for withstanding the abuse from Ford's enablers, like you, who don't have the character to admit when they are horribly, horribly wrong.
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...Ford's enablers, like you, who don't have the character to admit when they are horribly, horribly wrong.

But, in the process of denying their mistake, they have adopted a far more lenient stance on druggies and a more critical eye towards the police. Perhaps if Ford were re-elected, the trend would continue and those once arch-conservatives would come to fit right in at rabble.ca.

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Bubber your trying to hide behind typos to avoid dealing with your comments speaks for itself as does your continuing to smeer and stereotype all conservatives. You keep repeating your subjective assumptions and stereotypes as to all conservatives as supporting Ford. You use Rob Ford as an excuse to insult all conservatives. Those are your words not mine. I challenge those words you use. I never claimed to know what else you think but I do keep seeing your lumping all conservatives as Ford supporters.

Hide behind the typos I make to avoid that Bubber all you want it doesn't erase your comments or their absurdity and lack of logic. Why not just come on the board and instead of couching your insult behind Rob Ford just call all conservatives stupid. That is what you are doing.Why couch it behind Ford's fat butt?

Go on say it out in the open or do you want to keep couching it.

Ford is Ford. His failures as a human being to do not reflect on nor should they be construed with what anyone believes. Stop stereotyping people and then responding as if you are a victim to my stereotyping of you. I challenge your words. I could care less what you think of conservatives or what your beliefs are. What I challenge is your couched insult of all conservatives. Its pointless.

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Mighty AC I could see you criticizing anyone who defends Ford's non political ideology, i.e., his denial of drug and alcohol addictions, his denial of having a mental illness, his bullying, his claiming if anyone brings up his behaviour its a political attack against him.

However to say people who voted for fiscal responsibility should be blamed or held culpable for his behaviour is illogical Its not what they voted for. If anything they have been betrayed,

Don't scapegoat them for what Ford has done. Its not his political ideology has caused the current problems-its his denial of his mental illness, Its his using his alleged political beliefs as a shield justify his mental illness that is the problem.

Belief in fiscal restraint does not make one necessarily a conservative. Politicians from all ideological spectrums now embrace it.

Tell me how many of the self righteous know it all leftists on this board would have voted in George Smitherman? sMITHERMAN IS a self admitted drug addict who did cocaine while in office, wasted billions with gross mismanagement of health funds and deleveloped a reputation surprise surprise of being just like Ford, a rude, abusive, intolerant brute. So? If people criticized his drug addiction and bullying behaviour would he leftists accused them of being anti gay or anti government spending? Of course.

The fact is jack asses claim to be many things, conservative, liberal and ndpand the fact is there being jack asses has nothing to do with their ideology and everything to do with them being jack asses.

who each day

,Let's cut to the chase. Rob Ford is both mentally ill and a jack ass. I think its said he is an alcoholic and mentally ill in denial of both I think it said he has an enabling psychotic brother who each day looks more and more demented. I am not sure who will self destruct first, Doug or Bob. The fact remains they are both as well complete jack asses and it has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with personal values and choices they have made with their lives that has nothing to do with politics.

The sad display of seeing the dysfunctional Ford family on t.v. said it all.

The fact some people on this board still defend the way the Star reported the Ford story also is par for the course. They will not admit what the Star did in fact enabled Ford to play the role of martyr and avoid being held responsible a lot earlier. Had the Star done is job properly, Ford could not have lied the way he did and play martyr. Had they shown just a bit of maturity and ethics and waited until they had sufficient evidence, then Ford could not have propped himself as a martyr. The Star made Ford a martyr because of their ridiculous imbalanced reporting. They are a classic example of lazy journalism and bias impairing the ability of the media to serve as the final line of democratic accountability. They forced that role on the Police Chief who never wanted it.

Ha d the press done its job, Blair would not have had to do his the way he did.

Edited by Rue
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What I challenge is your couched insult of all conservatives. Its pointless.

The only conservative that I'm aware of that has asked Ford to step down (Kenney) was told by a fellow conservative (Flaherty) to STFU. Harper also did not withdraw his previous endorsement of Ford. The rest are still rabidly attacking the Star for telling the truth (including those who, I recall from post #79 of this thread, insisted it was all a "media conspiracy"). The polls suggest his base is still there. What am I to think but to think he is still supported by conservatives? I bet they vote him in again.
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What am I to think but to think he is still supported by conservatives? I bet they vote him in again.

Just because he was supported mostly by conservatives, people who consider themselves conservative may still support him now, and some Conservative politicians have publicly supported him (silence does not equal support) does not mean every conservative supports him, which was implied in your earlier post.

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The only conservative that I'm aware of that has asked Ford to step down (Kenney) was told by a fellow conservative (Flaherty) to STFU. Harper also did not withdraw his previous endorsement of Ford. The rest are still rabidly attacking the Star for telling the truth (including those who, I recall from post #79 of this thread, insisted it was all a "media conspiracy"). The polls suggest his base is still there. What am I to think but to think he is still supported by conservatives? I bet they vote him in again.

The Toronto Sun said he should step down the day the Chief admitted the crack video was real.

Are you proposing that if Conservatives don't come out against Ford, in public, they must support his behaviour? That's flawed reasoning. I think Tim Hudak's rebuffing of Doug Ford is a clear indication he doesn't support the stigma attached to Ford.

I've mentioned earlier, Flaherty is a family friend, it's sort of a conflict of interest, but even he wept because of what Ford had done.

The only major politician that has come out strongly against Ford is Kathleen Wynne, which is wildly hilarious because she the leader of an inept and horribly corrupt party.

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Countless cases of people like rob ford no matter what political stripe you are, but why is he a horrible human beingv. Did he rape and steal?? Does he bugger little kids? No he acted like a normal human being that got into some trouble.

Yep, just a little crack smoking, blow snorting, blackout drinking, hangfng out with hookers and drug dealers. Totally normal behaviour.

But people like yourself that think their shit does not stink are a minority and yes you can thank the star's obsession with him for becoming a international star at Toronto's expense and it looks mighty fine on you.

Compared to Rob Ford, my shit smells like vanilla and jasmine.

And let remember it is the left that likes to be soft on perverts in this country, not the right.

No idea what this is about, but the right is supposed to be all about personal responsibility, but you can't stop pointing the finger for Ford's issues at anyone and everyone but the man himself.

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The fact is jack asses claim to be many things, conservative, liberal and ndpand the fact is there being jack asses has nothing to do with their ideology and everything to do with them being jack asses.

You forgot internet lawyers.

,Let's cut to the chase. Rob Ford is both mentally ill and a jack ass. I think its said he is an alcoholic and mentally ill in denial of both I think it said he has an enabling psychotic brother who each day looks more and more demented. I am not sure who will self destruct first, Doug or Bob. The fact remains they are both as well complete jack asses and it has nothing to do with conservatives and everything to do with personal values and choices they have made with their lives that has nothing to do with politics.

Conservative Jack asses if you please.

The fact some people on this board still defend the way the Star reported the Ford story also is par for the course. They will not admit what the Star did in fact enabled Ford to play the role of martyr and avoid being held responsible a lot earlier. Had the Star done is job properly, Ford could not have lied the way he did and play martyr. Had they shown just a bit of maturity and ethics and waited until they had sufficient evidence, then Ford could not have propped himself as a martyr. The Star made Ford a martyr because of their ridiculous imbalanced reporting. They are a classic example of lazy journalism and bias impairing the ability of the media to serve as the final line of democratic accountability. They forced that role on the Police Chief who never wanted it.

Ha d the press done its job, Blair would not have had to do his the way he did.

Pretty sure the real funny part are people, who without any shred of integrity left still insist the Star is at fault, when in reality they should be commended. Not to mention every single other paper reported the same things, including such stellar reportage from Christian Science Monitor...remember them, oh ye who cannot admit truth? Edited by Guyser2
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