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US Congress - Clash of Science and Scripture

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I did at first, but after several years on these forums it is obvious how the Canadian identity and cross-border neurosis works. Pointing at the U.S. is their universal answer for all that is lacking in Canada. And some here sure as hell do not like it when the "favor" is returned.

You just described exactly what you do yourself. You guys dont even bother to comment on the appointment of a creationist loon to a secular post. Your reply to this, and every single other post about the US is "Canada does it to!". You are way more consumed by this type of reasoning than anyone else here... you use it in 80% of your posts.

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Guest American Woman

You just described exactly what you do yourself. You guys dont even bother to comment on the appointment of a creationist loon to a secular post. Your reply to this, and every single other post about the US is "Canada does it to!". You are way more consumed by this type of reasoning than anyone else here... you use it in 80% of your posts.

Our reply was more than appropriate to an "only in America" claim - when obviously a "creationist loon" is the appointment to a secular post in Canada.

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What doesn't really surprise me is all the attention being focused on the American by Canadians, as the Canadian is all but given a pass. Don't you find that odd and hypocritical?

Edited to add: Although in retrospect it does seem to be mainly Canuckistani ....

I can't speak for Canuckistani, but I didn't know about our Minister of Science. I get as far as knowing who the Ministers of Finance and Defence are, and pretty much leave it at that.

As a British "Americaphile" (is there such a word?) I agree with you on the whole American/Canadian thing. I've been here since 1984 and I've noticed the irrational, knee jerk reactions many Canadians have towards things American. I tell them: You're just not that different. They hate that almost as much as they hate me putting "ice" in front of "hockey".

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Our reply was more than appropriate to an "only in America" claim - when obviously a "creationist loon" is the appointment to a secular post in Canada.

BS. Heres was you posted...

What doesn't really surprise me is all the attention being focused on the American by Canadians, as the Canadian is all but given a pass. Don't you find that odd and hypocritical?

And its not even true. The Canadian is not given as pass. Theres numerous threads and posts about him in the CANADIAN POLITICS section of the forum.

LIke this one....

"Is the Canadian MInister of Science a Creationist", and bunch of others.

This whole "Canada does it too", and the hollow claims of hypocracy are basically a boiler plate theme for you. You puke this stuff up in one form or another in the majority of discussions you participate in.

So here we are on page 2 and you havent even offered an opinion on the subject. Nobody even knows how you feel about this guys appointment to that post, because youre too busy vomiting up your standard hogwash.

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You just described exactly what you do yourself. You guys dont even bother to comment on the appointment of a creationist loon to a secular post. Your reply to this, and every single other post about the US is "Canada does it to!". You are way more consumed by this type of reasoning than anyone else here... you use it in 80% of your posts.

This is by design....I don't care about the appointment of a "creationist loon" to a "secular post", but the cross border obsession is fascinating and very entertaining. I engage at that "cultural" level, regardless of the topic, because in these forums I have discovered a nation seemingly consumed with whatever Americans do. Canadian authors have confirmed my conclusions. It's a one-way mirror at the border, and some Canadians are startled when an American says "boo"...we can see you!

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....As a British "Americaphile" (is there such a word?) I agree with you on the whole American/Canadian thing. I've been here since 1984 and I've noticed the irrational, knee jerk reactions many Canadians have towards things American. I tell them: You're just not that different. They hate that almost as much as they hate me putting "ice" in front of "hockey".

Agreed.....other nationals have objectively commented in similar ways. I posted a Montreal Gazette article from 1964 that confirms this longstanding behaviour. It's difficult when there isn't much difference, but the Canadian identity desperately needs to create such differences for fear of being "smothered" or "crushed" by the "elephant".

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Guest American Woman
I can't speak for Canuckistani, but I didn't know about our Minister of Science. I get as far as knowing who the Ministers of Finance and Defence are, and pretty much leave it at that.

Even after I posted about Canada's minister of Science in this thread, Canuckistani blamed his appointment on the U.S.; that was his response. "But, you're right, more craziness we've imported from the US."

As a British "Americaphile" (is there such a word?) I agree with you on the whole American/Canadian thing. I've been here since 1984 and I've noticed the irrational, knee jerk reactions many Canadians have towards things American. I tell them: You're just not that different. They hate that almost as much as they hate me putting "ice" in front of "hockey".

The popularity of "Joe Canadian/I am Canadian!" kind of speaks for that mindset; and of course it's ok for a Canadian ad to say that "Canada is the best part of North America!" but can you imagine the reaction if a popular American ad made that claim about the U.S.? Here, too, several Canadians say without any qualm that "Canada is the best country," much better than the U.S. - yet Americans are always being accused of making such a claim, and of course it would be horrible if we actually did.. It's all very ironic.

But yeah, "ice" in front of "hockey" just separates it from air hockey, right? Nothing to get upset about there. tongue.png Hockey is actually quite big in some states, too: Go Red Wings! lol

Edited by American Woman
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But yeah, "ice" in front of "hockey" just separates it from air hockey, right? Nothing to get upset about there. tongue.png Hockey is actually quite big in some states, too: Go Red Wings! lol

Real hockey is played on grass...


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Say what?? Field hockey?

Wiki says:

The first recorded use of the word "hockey" is found in the text of a royal proclamation issued by Edward III of England in 1363 banning certain types of sports and games.

[m]oreover we ordain that you prohibit under penalty of imprisonment all and sundry from such stone, wood and iron throwing; handball, football, or hockey; coursing and cock-fighting, or other such idle games.

Pretty sure he didn't mean Ice Hockey.

This could derail the thread...
Edited by bcsapper
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Even after I posted about Canada's minister of Science in this thread, Canuckistani blamed his appointment on the U.S.; that was his response. "But, you're right, more craziness we've imported from the US."

Yes...I noticed this as well. Some of these blokes are conditioned to abdicate and associate such things with creeping "Americanism" or "American-style", even when it can be shown to have domestic origin(s). That's one reason why it is very relevant to highlight their own Canadian experiences and history, even when some refuse to acknowledge its existence. Seemingly, the U.S. owns and is to blame for all that has happened since its founding, but Canada gets a pass for even last week.

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Guest American Woman
Wiki says:The first recorded use of the word "hockey" is found in the text of a royal proclamation issued by Edward III of England in 1363 banning certain types of sports and games.

[m]oreover we ordain that you prohibit under penalty of imprisonment all and sundry from such stone, wood and iron throwing; handball, football, or hockey; coursing and cock-fighting, or other such idle games.

pretty sure he didn't mean Ice Hockey.

No, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean ice hockey. Checking out your link, I see there are a few variations of hockey, and even the Canadian government specified "ice" hockey when passing the National Sports of Canada Act:

The game commonly known as ice hockey is hereby recognized and declared to be the national winter sport of Canada and the game commonly known as lacrosse is hereby recognized and declared to be the national summer sport of Canada.

[edited to add quote I was replying to]
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Trolls and thread killers... What does any of this have to do with science and scripture?

God spoke to me and because of his grace I was able to post. The "topic's" intent was obvious...there is no clash between Science and Scripture.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Guest American Woman
Yes...I noticed this as well. Some of these blokes are conditioned to abdicate and associate such things with creeping "Americanism" or "American-style", even when it can be shown to have domestic origin(s).

Even if it were creeping Americanism, which it's not (as you pointed out), no one is forcing it on them. Yet the 'Canuckistanis' don't own the behavior. Personally, I'd rather acknowledge what we do as our choice than to try to portray us as so weak that what happens in the U.S. is the fault of another nation. Furthermore, the U.S. is only perceived to be involved in the negative - anything positive is Purely Canadian.

That's one reason why it is very relevant to highlight their own Canadian experiences and history, even when some refuse to acknowledge its existence.

I also believe that it's relevant to the discussion, because the mindset is so often intermingled with the topic/discussion.

Seemingly, the U.S. owns and is to blame for all that has happened since its founding, but Canada gets a pass for even last week.

Yep. That is so true.

Edited to add: In addition, while the U.S. is brought up countless times in threads about Canada, we're not supposed to bring Canada into threads about the U.S.

Edited by American Woman
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This is by design....I don't care about the appointment of a "creationist loon" to a "secular post", but the cross border obsession is fascinating and very entertaining. I engage at that "cultural" level, regardless of the topic, because in these forums I have discovered a nation seemingly consumed with whatever Americans do. Canadian authors have confirmed my conclusions. It's a one-way mirror at the border, and some Canadians are startled when an American says "boo"...we can see you!

Most are unsurprised to find they can see right through you.

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Most are unsurprised to find they can see right through you.

Gosh...I hope so....as it couldn't be more obvious. I want to be that "Ugly American" punching bag that some Canadians need to define themselves and their (ignored) nation. You even blame the fish for swimming to American territorial waters.....traitors !!

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... and even the Canadian government specified "ice" hockey when passing the National Sports of Canada Act:

The game commonly known as ice hockey is hereby recognized and declared to be the national winter sport of Canada and the game commonly known as lacrosse is hereby recognized and declared to be the national summer sport of Canada.

[edited to add quote I was replying to]

I didn't know that. Oh, the ammunition!

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There is a continuing theme as echoed in the Vancouver Sun article, namely the belief in Canada (and by some Americans) that great strides in science and technology are hampered by the belief systems of individuals or groups. Some Canadians bemoaned the end of the Space Shuttle program, and lower funding for NASA in general, because they think of NASA as their own "ministry", absent any equivalent investment in space compared to other nations as a percentage of GDP.

Again, this Love-Hate dynamic is at play, wanting the Americans to continue to lead the way in such things, but hating the real or perceived impediments to such "progress" even as they invest far less.

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Sin of onanism - don't spill your seed on the ground.

Just one example.

Not the first doc to believe in the bible. I sure wouldn't want a doc who doesn't believe in evolution and embryology.

Nice sharp hatchet they have, too.

The first one is not masturbation( though I know that some churches use this as evidence that its wrong) and the second one is not raping daughters, nor is it standing orders when attacking another nation. You are taking something out of context and then extrapolating.

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As the article says, he's an MD who doesn't believe in evolution nor embryology. But does believe that the earth is 9000 yrs old - ie doesn't believe the entire structure of physics and chemistry. And what kind of social engineer would he make (more so than he already is)? Back to a hand for a hand and masturbation is evullll and raping your daughters and all the other good stuff in the bible?

As you can see, you are claiming that the bible says to rape daughters, and rape your own daughters. You really need to read more. And Jesus referenced the hand for a hand scripture and preached against it. The law you reference was for a specific time and place.

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Gosh...I hope so....as it couldn't be more obvious. I want to be that "Ugly American" punching bag that some Canadians need to define themselves and their (ignored) nation.

There's a lot to be said for anonymity - see 9/11.

You even blame the fish for swimming to American territorial waters.....traitors !!

No, I blame Ottawa for stopping me from catching more of your's.

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Paul Broun's renewal as the chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee is not a comment about America as a whole. However, it's certainly a comment about the state of the Republican party.

Broun's renewal indicates that despite pleas from Bobby Jindal and others, the Republicans are happy to continue to be viewed as (in Jindal's words) "the Stupid Party."

They protest about how unfair it is for people to characterize Republicans as ignorant Bible-thumpers and then they turn around and make a mook like this their science committee chairman. Really, what more can you say about that?


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...They protest about how unfair it is for people to characterize Republicans as ignorant Bible-thumpers and then they turn around and make a mook like this their science committee chairman. Really, what more can you say about that?

What was there to say in the first place.....except "so what" ? The President of the United States also believes in a "flying spaghetti monster in the sky"....oh my !

...and Canadians wanted him re-elected.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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