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Did you Support Israel Attack on Palestine

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Israel is as a giant in front of Palestine and from way passed years till today they are continuously attacking Palestine and killing poor,innocent people including women,small children. What will happen if some other more powerful country attacked Israel and kill their people... Hardly any casuality from public side in Israel and hundrends of killed in Palestine for just in their self defense..

Do you think Israel attack is justified?

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Well, first I wanted to find out which side started this and so I did find one view and by the time one finishes the article, its kinda impossible to say BUT it takes TWO to tango and I blame both and like two kids always going at it, its time to sit them in the corner and cool off!! It doesn't help when other country leaders, such as our own, take sides. Harper saying that Israel has a right to defend itself, yes, ALL countries have that right! leaders should blame both and call on both to end the killing of their people. What is going to take to end this, a nuke war , is that what the world wants, is that what the countries that support both sides want? Where is the world's peacemakers, some thing or someone have to get through to both sides or we are days from all out war and that will include Syria and Iran and I'm not looking forward to 2013 when I think of the possibility of another war. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/11/who-started-the-israel-gaza-conflict/265374/

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Palestine started this by launching rockets non stop into Israel. Then they started to fire rockets at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and Israel said enough is enough. Do you think Israel should allow Palestine to fire rockets and kill its citizens and do nothing about it?

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Israel is as a giant in front of Palestine and from way passed years till today they are continuously attacking Palestine and killing poor,innocent people including women,small children. What will happen if some other more powerful country attacked Israel and kill their people... Hardly any casuality from public side in Israel and hundrends of killed in Palestine for just in their self defense..

Do you think Israel attack is justified?

Yes, Israel is very much justified. They have to make a stand especially when they're surrounded by those who want to see them annihilated.

That Palestine suffers great loss is the fault of Hamas. That's what you get when you've got a terrorist organization running your country! If they want a peaceful life alongside Israel, they ought to boot out the trouble-maker!

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Israel is as a giant in front of Palestine and from way passed years till today they are continuously attacking Palestine and killing poor,innocent people including women,small children. What will happen if some other more powerful country attacked Israel and kill their people... Hardly any casuality from public side in Israel and hundrends of killed in Palestine for just in their self defense..

Can't help noticing those weasel words in those statements that lead to the question.

Yes, Israel is very much justified. They have to make a stand especially when they're surrounded by those who want to see them annihilated.

That Palestine suffers great loss is the fault of Hamas. That's what you get when you've got a terrorist organization running your country! If they want a peaceful life alongside Israel, they ought to boot out the trouble-maker!

The same can be said about the Israel government refusal to halt the settlement expansion in Palestine territory.

Edited by Sleipnir
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Israel is as a giant in front of Palestine and from way passed years till today they are continuously attacking Palestine and killing poor,innocent people including women,small children. What will happen if some other more powerful country attacked Israel and kill their people... Hardly any casuality from public side in Israel and hundrends of killed in Palestine for just in their self defense..

Do you think Israel attack is justified?

No, the Israeli attacks aren't justified, and NO, it doesn't always "take two to tango!" Latest news coming in from Israeli news is that the IDF activated their "Iron Dome" antimissile defense system two months ago. If that wasn't an obvious indication that they were planning attacks well in advance, such as the assassination of a Hamas negotiator, then I don't know what is! The first claims by the Netanyahu Government that missiles were launched at Israel from Gaza were never verified -- and the western media, U.S. & Canadian governments etc. just took their word on it that missiles had landed in Israel, that they used to justify launching their attacks. Obviously, some reaction could be expected from Hamas and other Palestinian groups in Gaza....and the Israeli Government was counting on it to justify further attacks. And the Israelis have a much greater capacity for violence than the Palestinians do -- as can be seen by the latest casualty numbers: 40 Gazans dead, 3 Israelis.

And it has to be pointed out, again and again (since it's never mentioned in mainstream media) that Gaza is run as a virtual prison colony. Back when the last Israeli settlers were forced to leave Gaza, there was some expectation that Gazans - free of internal Israeli checkpoints and private, Israeli-only roads, could enjoy some semblance of independent home rule....but, the boot was never lifted off the throat of the residents of Gaza.

I know already, that if I get any feedback for these observations, it's going to be the usual Palies-are-enemies-dedicated-to-Israel's-destruction type of comments, but I am no longer all that interested in unwinding the long, sordid history of this area of the world, referred to as The Holy Land for some absurd reason. All I know is that over the years, the Arab locals, both Christian and Muslim, never got used to having massive numbers of European Jews moving in to their territory and taking over, trying to establish a European model of living. And over the years, as it becomes more and more clear to Jews living in Israel that peaceful resolution will never be reached, the rational, pragmatic, and less religious Jews have gradually abandoned Israel over the years, while more and more Orthodox absolutist nutcases-willing to fight to the death, have replaced them. So, all westerners, wherever they live, need to drop the BS about Israel being "the only democracy and ally in the Middle East."

The truth is that Israel is a burden for the West, both financially and rhetorically, as supporters of Israel have to justify increasing levels of barbarism by the Israeli Government. The next step will be ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from territories that Israel desires for their own. So far, they have been trying to carry out ethnic cleansing by more subtle means, such as the constant harassment of having to pass through military checkpoints, not being allowed on special Israeli-only roads, and lately by restricting the overburdened water supplies to Palestinian settlements. And if that doesn't work, they will just force them out....and all of the kneejerk Israeli apologists over here will be mouthing whatever the latest talking points are from the Netanyahu Government to justify their actions.

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The Palestinian population is growing much faster than Israel's, so any alleged policy of "genocide" or "cleansing" isn't working.

Unlike Canada or the the United States, Israel does not have troops fighting wars in other nations, or bombing nations that are not an "existential threat".

Try giving advice to Israel from a better position. Any desire to see "peace" while sitting in the comfort of a North American media room is trumped 1000 times by Israel's right to self defense.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Guest American Woman

The Palestinian population is growing much faster than Israel's, so any alleged policy of "genocide" or "cleansing" isn't working.

Unlike Canada or the the United States, Israel does not have troops fighting wars in other nations, or bombing nations that are not an "existential threat".

Try giving advice to Israel from a better position. Any desire to see "peace" while sitting in the comfort of a North American media room is trumped 1000 times by Israel's right to self defense.

Agreed. Furthermore, Palestine is surrounded by Islamic nations - yet Hamas can't accept the existence of one Jewish nation. I can just imagine if the situation were reversed, how threatened Palestine would feel. I give credit to Israel for existing as it has, under the conditions that it has, for "holding back" as much as it has. I doubt if many of the critics of Israel would expect, or accept, the same of their country if they were in Israel's shoes, so to speak.

Edited by American Woman
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In the end all that matters is that someone is throwing rocks at your house, maybe you deserve it, maybe you don't, but you cannot allow someone to throw rocks at your house, and you have a stockpile of bigger rocks. Do you ignore the rocks (no), do respond by only throwing the same size of rocks back, or do you punish the people who threw the rocks by throwing more and bigger ones back at them (duh).

Sure you don't have to discuss the history of the place, however in the here and now a fight between two parties isn't usually won but the smaller weaker one, stop throwing those little rocks, even if the other guy deserves them, he's gonna hurt you.

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Yes, Israel is very much justified. They have to make a stand especially when they're surrounded by those who want to see them annihilated.

That Palestine suffers great loss is the fault of Hamas. That's what you get when you've got a terrorist organization running your country! If they want a peaceful life alongside Israel, they ought to boot out the trouble-maker!

hmmm Israel has had three confirmed terrorists as PMs...I don't define occupied populations as terrorists in the west we've traditionally defined them as freedom -fighters/resistance

and Israel being the occupying force in defiance of international law there isn't much doubt who is at fault, resisting occupation by foreign powers is legitimate...

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referred to as The Holy Land for some absurd reason.

All I know is that over the years, the Arab locals, both Christian and Muslim, never got used to having massive numbers of European Jews moving in to their territory and taking over, trying to establish a European model of living.

Hamas launched the first rockets and now they are crying foul when Israel defends itself. This is typical behaviour from the left wing types who defend Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist group yet many posters here take their side. Interesting.

It is referred to the Holy Land because the events in the 3 Holy Books contain events that occurred there. I am interested to know why multiculturalism is ok for western nations but you feel that it isn't ok for "Palestine"? Why should Palestine not be more multicultural?

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Hamas launched the first rockets and now they are crying foul when Israel defends itself. This is typical behaviour from the left wing types who defend Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist group yet many posters here take their side. Interesting.

Israel launched the first rockets and now they are crying foul when Palestine defends itself. This is typical behaviour from the right wing types who defend Israel. Israel is a terrorist state yet many posters here take their side. Interesting.

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....and Israel being the occupying force in defiance of international law there isn't much doubt who is at fault, resisting occupation by foreign powers is legitimate...

Then surely you also condemn the actions of Canada, domestically and internationally, and applaud its enemies trying to remove the "occupiers".

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Israel launched the first rockets and now they are crying foul when Palestine defends itself. This is typical behaviour from the right wing types who defend Israel. Israel is a terrorist state yet many posters here take their side. Interesting.

Israel is not a 'terrorist state', it is Hamas, Palestine who are the terrorists.

Israel has every right to destroy rockets and munition dumps used to fire missiles on a daily basis into Israel.

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Agreed. Furthermore, Palestine is surrounded by Islamic nations - yet Hamas can't accept the existence of one Jewish nation. I can just imagine if the situation were reversed, how threatened Palestine would feel. I give credit to Israel for existing as it has, under the conditions that it has, for "holding back" as much as it has. I doubt if many of the critics of Israel would expect, or accept, the same of their country if they were in Israel's shoes, so to speak.

If my country was was engaged in an ocupation spanning decades that kept millions of people stateless for the purpose of plundering their natural resources, then not only would I expect violent resistance but I would encourage them to resist us and I would consider our government to not only be an enemy of the people we are conquering but an enemy decent reasonable Canadians as well.

So theres certainly no double standard here. I wouldnt accept a permanent Canadian occupation for the purpose of theft any more than I accept Israels actions in CONFLICT: DIRT-FARM HOLYLAND

Edited by dre
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Uh-huh, cue First Nations story in Canada in three...two...one....

The difference being that our natives can not only paricipate in our political system but they can seek remedy to any injustice by the Canadian government against them in our courts, and they are doing so with a fair ammount of success.

The other difference of course is that this land was conquered hundreds of years ago when such action was commonplace and before we signed treaties pledging to never to anything like that again.

Analogy/Comparison = False/Moronic.

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If my country was was engaged in an ocupation spanning decades that kept millions of people stateless for the purpose of plundering their natural resources, then not only would I expect violent resistance but I would encourage them to resist us and I would consider our government to not only be an enemy................

If Hamas accepted Israel's right to exist, quit threatening Jews with genocide, quit firing rockets on a daily basis, quit kidnapping and generally agreed to live in peace, there would be peace and some agreement.

If Israel laid down it's arms there would be genocide

If Hamas laid down it's arms, there would be peace.

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The difference being that our natives can not only paricipate in our political system but they can seek remedy to any injustice by the Canadian government against them in our courts, and they are doing so with a fair ammount of success.

Sure...no matter how long it takes. Nice!

The other difference of course is that this land was conquered hundreds of years ago when such action was commonplace and before we signed treaties pledging to never to anything like that again.

But Canada is still doing it.

Analogy/Comparison = False/Moronic.

Of course...an Inconvenient Truth. But please continue with the Cognitive Dissonance.

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If Hamas accepted Israel's right to exist, quit threatening Jews with genocide, quit firing rockets on a daily basis, quit kidnapping and generally agreed to live in peace, there would be peace and some agreement.

If Israel laid down it's arms there would be genocide

If Hamas laid down it's arms, there would be peace.

PRoblem is none of that is true. Prior to the latest intifada the PLO was able to stop almost all attacks against Israel for a few years, and SETTLEMENT BUILDING INCREASED. Israels policies of settling the occupied territories, and plundering them for resources would not change NO MATTER WHAT palestinians did. This is evidenced by whats happening in the west bank, were we have the most moderate palestinian leadership in history, and a cessation of hostilities by the government there, yet settlement building has not stopped.

Thats because aggression by the arabs is not the REASON Israel does what it does in the occupied territories, its an EXCUSE for them to do what they want to do ANYWAYS which is extract vast ammounts of natural resources (2/3rds of their water supply).

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But Canada is still doing it.

I dont know of any ongoing Canadian military occupation, where we are plundering someone elses territories for resources and keep the people in a permanent state of statelessness.

If you cant see why these two situations are completely different then you have some serious issues employing basic logic and reason.

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I dont know of any ongoing Canadian military occupation, where we are plundering someone elses territories for resources and keep the people in a permanent state of statelessness.

The occupation is complete, as is subjugation. International plundering continues as needed.

If you cant see why these two situations are completely different then you have some serious issues employing basic logic and reason.

So did these guys:


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