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Yukon Jack

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There may be a handful but humor me, which ones? Offhand, on a good day Indonesia may fit that description. Turkey, even, has massive violence against prisoners. So, my challenge stands.

The behaviours you describe are associated wiith the Wahabi and other Salafi sects, the state religion of Saudi Arabia (home to the Bin Ladens) and evident in small minorities in other countries, and the Taliban, Al Quaeda and other militant groups. Its relationship to mainstream Muslim denominations is qquestionable, similar to that betwee mainstream Christianity and Mormonism: Many Christians prefer not to call Mormons "Christian", just as Muslims may not call Salafis "Muslim".

Of course, you could google it to find out more, but I believe Salafi is an ancient 'religion', overlaid with a Muslim veneer, somewhat like Celts overlaid Christian practices on their indigenous ('pagan') practices, to evade the wrath of their Catholic Christian invaders.

Outside of golden and labrador retrievers, and Newfoundlands, whicih breeds?

All dogs will run in packs. It's their natural way.
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There may be a handful but humor me, which ones? Offhand, on a good day Indonesia may fit that description. Turkey, even, has massive violence against prisoners. So, my challenge stands.

Even leaving Egypt off the list, we got Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco.

->Outside of golden and labrador retrievers, and Newfoundlands, whicih breeds?

Any breed. It's not necessarily a breed specific problem, in either case.

Sorry that these issues are too complex to fit into the simplistic black-white definition you folks crave to understand the world by.

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Even leaving Egypt off the list, we got Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco.

Good list. I still wouldn't feel safe on vacation in Pakistan, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia.
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That reminds me - I had better get off the computer - and have a shower - get dressed and take my "best friends" out side to shit---and pick up said shit...They might be my best friends - but they rule me...If I had a choice my best friends the dogs would be elsewhere - and I could set my own day as I pleased............I AM A SERVVANT TO F**KING DOGS! Just can't escape servatude no matter how hard I try - If it is not humans - it's the mutts - Humans you can deny service too...dogs you can not - they rebel by crapping and barfing on your floor....so the dogs rule - and their weaponry is shit and puke - not to mention those tumble weed land mines....of hair.

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I like cats a lot. They don't bother sucking up to you - or manipulting you...they are wild...independent and noble - where as dogs, are just like people - easily bribed and controlled by the stroking hand of flattery.

Lol. Until you pull out cat nip. Everyone has a price Mr. Bach. But you do make

a valid point I suppose.

I had two cats one for 18 years one for 19 years. Very loyal to me.

I have dogs. Very loyal to me to.

The way I see it Oleg you treat any animal with respect, it treats you the same

way back.

I criticize any human using their religion to justify hating animals or life of any kind.

In my neighbourhood not just Muslims but Indians, Chinese, Filippinos, on and on, recoil andpanic and scream and have seizures when they see my dogs.

I have a golden and a terrier. Very well trained. I sort of wish they would attack and maim one of these idiots. Did I say that? Tsk. How politically improper.

The other day I am standing outside a grocery store waiting for my wife. Out comes this Filippinolady, she takes one look at my dogs both on leashes with me no where near her and she starts screaming like I shoved a hot poker up her butt. She started bouncing up and down and went intothis rabies seizure like dance.

I ignored her. When she got no reaction from me and the dogs she just stopped and quietly walkedaway as if nothing happened and then turned around at a safe distance and said she was attacked by a dog and so hates them. I looked at her and said, since she is into voodoo trances and having seizures in public the dogs may have been sent by God to rid her of Satan from within her.

She scurried away.

Can't stand people of any ethnic group, race, religion. Hate them all equally. Dogs and cats and animals I like. I find all humans however

Every religion and ethnic hrou has their morons. The conventional Muslim belief that dogs are filthy and its an insult to bring them in the house, is based on ancient times when of course dogs would have fleas, worms, rabies and continues in many of the world's countries where people live in poverty and so dogs and cats

are treated like crap. It of course does not surprise me. If you come from a third world country, you treat aniamls like crap and consider we Westerners ridiculous and absurd and inappropriately affluent with our pets.

It is I suppose a Western form of affluence to have clean and pampered pets. That said I don't think its a rationalization for why people from non Western countries should treat animals like garbage.

There are many non materialistic non Western societies that use dogs for working functions and respect them and treat them well.

You want to hate dogs or cats or any animal, I think you are an a-hole and don't hide behind your third world status, religion, ethnicity or childhood trauma to rationalize it.

As for eating dogs as they do in China and Vietnam or the Philippines, heaven forbid I should make disparaging comments given the fact I have been known to eat a Levitt's kosher hot dog from time to time in between the asparagus.

As for Michael Vick and any person who raises dogs to kill, I think he should be hung by his testacles for 12 hours until they fall off.

I have nothing against hunters. I know real hunters respect wildlife and kill what they eat. I have a problem with recreational hunters who get drunk and kill and leave the animals to rot. They are the same a-holes that watch dog fights and kick cats.

If you have no respect for wild life or animals, as far as I am concerned you are an ahole.

Edited by Rue
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Can't stand people of any ethnic group, race, religion. Hate them all equally. Dogs and cats and animals I like. I find all humans however

tsk tsk. Such generalized sociopathy could also harm you.

You want to hate dogs or cats or any animal, I think you are an a-hole and don't hide behind your third world status, religion, ethnicity or childhood trauma to rationalize it.

My mother-in-law, "Gramma" as she's know by the kids, is an Acadian woman who has always been afraid of dogs, ever since she was attacked by one when she was young. I don't find her an a-hole who's "hiding behind her childhood trauma". Are you perfect?

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I criticize any human using their religion to justify hating animals or life of any kind.


Can't stand people of any ethnic group, race, religion. Hate them all equally. Dogs and cats and animals I like. I find all humans however


You want to hate dogs or cats or any animal, I think you are an a-hole and don't hide behind your third world status, religion, ethnicity or childhood trauma to rationalize it.


If you have no respect for wild life or animals, as far as I am concerned you are an ahole.

There, a nice summary of some serious cognitive dissonance.

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Guest American Woman

Yeah but it's hard to feel sentimental over a pig, isn't it. With a dog it's so much easier.

Must be those big cute puppy dog eyes...

Who's ok with beating/mistreating pigs? Not sure where this line of thought is coming from or what relevance it's supposed to have .........

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Guest American Woman

Think about feeling sentimentality towards dogs, vs. bigotry towards millions of human beings.

So you couldn't answer the question? Ok. Not surprised since is appeared to have nothing to do with anything.

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Guest American Woman

Just because you don't get it, or refuse to, doesn't mean I have to answer your anything. I've done my part.

I understand. You can't answer the question ... no need to carry on about it. :rolleyes:

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Guest American Woman

Lots of folks keep pigs as pets.

Exactly. That's why I don't get the comment. No one here is advocating the mistreatment of pigs or saying that they would be ok with it. I don't get the relevance at all.

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I understand. You can't answer the question ... no need to carry on about it. :rolleyes:

Because the question is not about the point be made. It's about the irony of feeling sympathy for beating up dogs. After all, dogs are smart. Pigs on the other hand are smart. No one cares of they get slaughtered. Harp seals are not smart, but some people care that they get slaughtered. Probably because they're cute, and have big black eyes.

While I empathize that doggies should not be mistreated this way, like the US football 'Vick' and his friends were caught doing, etc., I'd like to know why, based on comments in this thread the OP and his associates find it so easy to despise muslims at large. The Abu Graib pictures showed dogs attacking naked, bound muslims. We, through our military have killed lots of them, including women and children. Albeit 'accidental', those are the kind of things we know must happen when we shoot missiles into buildings with robot aircraft, from thousands of miles away without confirming who is in there.

Some here claim that they love dogs, but hate the people. ALL of them. Yet there are bad, snarling mean dogs too, right?

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