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Postal Strike Imminent

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Ummm.. Socialism and Communism breed poverty. Read up on it.

Read up the things that lead to horrible ideas like Communism seeming like viable options...

It's the nightmare scenario,that will have most of this globe living like animals,the free marketeers want...

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You're not going to get extra mail. They still need to sort through the backlog. They can only sort as much mail as they did before they were locked out of the sorting facilities. You will continue to get the same amount of mail until Canada Post allows overtime.

I understand what you are saying, but I don't think you are following me.

I am not continuing to get the same amount of mail as I did before. I'm getting much less.

Furthermore, on the day the posties were locked out, mail had been sorted and was ready to deliver the next day, but they got locked out that evening instead. So there should have been mail delivery on the Monday they came back to work. They obviously resorted mail that had already been sorted and they are obviously in a snit and are doing a stealth job action. No wonder they get less and less mail to deliver as people look to something actually dependable.

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Because they started sorting Monday night and aren't allowed overtime.

In the private buisness area, part timers or contractors are used in order to save money,,,you dont have to pay them over time or benefits, Maybe the unionized postal workers are already privatized seeing they behave that way?

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I am not continuing to get the same amount of mail as I did before. I'm getting much less.

Wow I find that real hard to believe.My mail box is freekin full of advertising and flyers delivered via Canada post!


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In my opinion Canada Posts action of locking out the workers is unacceptable and they should be punished for doing so.

They put their own interests ahead of Canadians and businesses and that is not in line with the fundamental purpose of a national postal service(infrastructure).

I believe that the workers could have expanded their strike(I lack enough info to be sure of the extent).But they choose not too to minimize the impact.

Aswell it is the right of all to refuse to work or perform a task that you feel you are being poorly compensated for or if it jepordizes your safety or that of others.


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I believe letter carries make something around 24-25 dollars an hour,and the inside posties are also paid very well.They all have relatively high pay and generous benefits that exceed those of most private sector workers.And let's be honest here,one doesn't need much skill or education to work at Canada Post,management being the exception.

Can anyone name any other job that pays as much as a letter carrier,benefits included,that also requires as little skill?

As for the argument that Canada Post has been profitable for a number of years,this is true.But then again,they do have a monopoly on letters under a certain weight don't they?

Like all government workers,the posties also have rather high rates of absenteeism,which we pay for.Most of these people would have a difficult time of it in the private sector.

I already pay all my bills online but still recieve them by snail mail.I'll switch to e-billing.

I say open them up for competition.

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In my opinion Canada Posts action of locking out the workers is unacceptable and they should be punished for doing so.

They put their own interests ahead of Canadians and businesses and that is not in line with the fundamental purpose of a national postal service(infrastructure).

I believe that the workers could have expanded their strike(I lack enough info to be sure of the extent).But they choose not too to minimize the impact.

Aswell it is the right of all to refuse to work or perform a task that you feel you are being poorly compensated for or if it jepordizes your safety or that of others.


"Poorly compensated?" At Canada Post?Can you name one full time job there that does not pay well?Cumulative sick leave is not enough?Is the pension plan not rich enough?Retirement in a persons early 50s is not enough?

Give me a break.

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Not precise enough...

We have what is called "Agency Shop" laws in this country.This means that one can work in a union shop but can have their dues sent to a charity of their choice if they have an issue with organized labour.

Having been a steward,I can tell you at a certain local we had Mennonites who wanted no part of the the union local and wanted their dues sent to their church...The trade off of this is that they get absolutely no representation if they get into trouble with the company...No free rides here,unlike the sorry RTW states in the the US...

These people were made quite aware of this and they agreed...End of story...

There are some who do get free rides from unions...the bad employees.I saw it firsthand during my time as a Teamster.We had some employees that didn't do much and the union protected them and got them the highest rate of pay.One guy in particular will not show up to work if it's too hot or if he knows there is a difficult job ahead.Unions do some positive things but protecting useless workers is not one of them.

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"Poorly compensated?" At Canada Post?Can you name one full time job there that does not pay well?Cumulative sick leave is not enough?Is the pension plan not rich enough?Retirement in a persons early 50s is not enough?

Give me a break.

Man you must be living in a bubble where time stands still.

First of all from what I heard you are being very generous with your pay and benifit package(if someone can provide an up to date accurate site please do).

Secondly inflation and taxes in this country has turned 20hr into a mediocre job.

Thirdly,slavery is against the law in Canada and legislation to force people to work can be interpreted as unconstitutional.

And finaly you have completely ignored the meat of my comment.The lockout!


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Man you must be living in a bubble where time stands still.

First of all from what I heard you are being very generous with your pay and benifit package(if someone can provide an up to date accurate site please do).

Secondly inflation and taxes in this country has turned 20hr into a mediocre job.

Thirdly,slavery is against the law in Canada and legislation to force people to work can be interpreted as unconstitutional.

And finaly you have completely ignored the meat of my comment.The lockout!


Canada Post locked them out because they claimed they were losing too much money as a result of the rotating strikes.

Why do you think taxes are so high in this country?Could it have something to do with our massive public service?

I have heard letter carriers make almost 50 grand a year,which is not bad.Are you not aware that Canada Post employees have a very generous pension plan?I believe they can accumulate their sick leave as well,and while we're on the subject of sick leave,consider that Canada Post employees perhaps get more time off in sick leave alone than many workers get in total vacation time in the private sector.Not too shabby if you ask me.For you to even mention the word slavery in this context is absurd.


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Thirdly,slavery is against the law in Canada and legislation to force people to work can be interpreted as unconstitutional.

Any individual employee can quit their job at any time they choose. They are not forced to work. There is no slavery going on in this context.

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There are some who do get free rides from unions...the bad employees.I saw it firsthand during my time as a Teamster.We had some employees that didn't do much and the union protected them and got them the highest rate of pay.One guy in particular will not show up to work if it's too hot or if he knows there is a difficult job ahead.Unions do some positive things but protecting useless workers is not one of them.

I can't disagree with that,however,you don't seem to want to admit that certain workers are protected and highly compensated in non union shops,as well...

As disgusting as it is that some lazy people get protected in union shops,and equally dispicable group gets equally protected on the other side...Namely the family members,"Yes Men",and,the rats.These can beseperate groups or combinations of those three.All seem to be compensated for what they do for the company outside of their job description ie. the eyes and ears of managment...

Ever wonder why there is'nt a wage scale in a non union shop???

Ever wonder why wages at all are a big secret in non union shops???

I can't tell you how many times that I've had the misfortune of working in those situations I've been told to not tell anyone of my hourly rate or any pay raise I've received...

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I can't disagree with that,however,you don't seem to want to admit that certain workers are protected and highly compensated in non union shops,as well...

As disgusting as it is that some lazy people get protected in union shops,and equally dispicable group gets equally protected on the other side...Namely the family members,"Yes Men",and,the rats.These can beseperate groups or combinations of those three.All seem to be compensated for what they do for the company outside of their job description ie. the eyes and ears of managment...

Yes, who hasn't worked in a private sector job in which obvious bad decisiosn about promotions, raises and so on weren't common, thanks to nepotism, incompetence, blindness, and so on?

These are all part of normal human affairs. Unions, evidently, are to be held to an impossibly higher standard.

I can't tell you how many times that I've had the misfortune of working in those situations I've been told to not tell anyone of my hourly rate or any pay raise I've received...

I've had jobs in which it was a terminal offense to discuss wages.

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Man you must be living in a bubble where time stands still.

First of all from what I heard you are being very generous with your pay and benifit package(if someone can provide an up to date accurate site please do).

Secondly inflation and taxes in this country has turned 20hr into a mediocre job.

Thirdly,slavery is against the law in Canada and legislation to force people to work can be interpreted as unconstitutional.

And finaly you have completely ignored the meat of my comment.The lockout!


Are you off your rocker?

Postal workers currently accumulate sick days at the rate of 15 per year, with no maximum. The extent of this bottomless bank of sick days is illustrated by a recent Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) bulletin that offered up the apocryphal example of “Narinda,” who has “402 days of sick leave credit.”

Canada Post’s ... strategy is to establish a more reasonable pay and benefits system for workers in this declining industry—but only for new hires. Other than replacing the absurd sick-day bank (which Canada Post has offered to refer to binding arbitration), full-time postal workers would keep all their existing wages and benefits, whether appropriate or not. New employees would have a lower starting wage, receive six weeks of vacation instead of seven, and subscribe to a different pension plan.


The above is for a group of workers with little to no education.

Doctors only get 4 weeks. http://www.carms.ca/eng/r1_program_salaries_e.shtml#QC

This is no where near slave labour. If Postal Workers are considered slaves, I'd gladly give up my job to take up this slave labour work.

Edited by pegasus
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How is a post office clerk, or a postal worker, any more qualified than a Tim Horton's or McDonald's employee? They're not!

So why is it that they're paid so much better? Literally anyone with two legs and basic literacy can do their job, so why are we, as taxpayers, paying more than we should for postal service for people who are trying to shake us down for even more? I know a lot of people who'd love to be paid $40-50k a year to do monkey work.

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Letter carriers' jobs are surely more physically demanding than Tim Horton's workers'.

Possibly, but anyone who thinks that working at Tim Horton's isn't demanding (if you're doing your job right) is fooling themselves. I used to work in an office, at a computer, in a middle management level position. I now own and manage a retail business for half of the week. The latter is much more difficult, stressful, and rewarding.

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Letter carriers' jobs are surely more physically demanding than Tim Horton's workers'.

I've been both a courier for a newspaper and a worker at a fast food chain, and I can tell you that being a courier is far more enjoyable even given the 3am wakeup times.

As a courier you get to be outside and breath fresh air and walk/jog about with nothing but time breathing down your neck/stressing you out. As a fast food worker, you barely move 5 feet for 8hrs inside with customers being rude at you and an uptight high school dropout manager breathing down your neck for coming into work 5 mins late.

I made something like 150/wk as a courier (with no benefits and waking up at 3am 6 days a week.. Got to sleep in until 5am on Sundays!). Letter carriers make around 4-5 times that with 7 weeks vacation, bankable sick days, one of the best pension plans in the country, and (correct me if I'm wrong) don't really have to start their route until 9-10am or even later.

Poor guys.

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Only a fool would get out of bed for 150 bucks a week...if your figures are correctly typed. Postal workers in part ensure some sort of middle class..those working for minimum wage and glorify their position - ensure more globalization of labour - cheaper labour and a slavish and equal existance for those that except poverty as being cool. Postal guys like TTC employess do made a fair wage - when I questioned a TTC employ who worked driving a street car for 30 years if he would do it again - he said NO!

The selling of and trading of your life for a good wage who's by product is horrific boredom and lack of personal satisfaction...can not have a price attatched - sell your dreams and your life for a bass boat and cottage might just not be worth it as this TTC guy implied.

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Only a fool would get out of bed for 150 bucks a week...if your figures are correctly typed.

I guess if you don't mind being a male housewife your whole life you can just elope with a rich heiress. Some of want to do something with our lives though.

Also you only really work 2hrs a day, at the time it was more than min wage and could fit around the schedule of a ft job. 600/mo is enough to pay for most of the rent if your girfriend's dad and the Canadian taxpayer aren't doing it for you.

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Only a fool would get out of bed for 150 bucks a week...if your figures are correctly typed.

Or he could have been a young kid or student or something or it could have been thirty years ago. Oleg, get a life. Your declarations like this are almost as dumb as the majority of your posts.

The selling of and trading of your life for a good wage who's by product is horrific boredom and lack of personal satisfaction...can not have a price attatched - sell your dreams and your life for a bass boat and cottage might just not be worth it as this TTC guy implied.

As usual your posts barely make any sense. There's always a price for your labour. It's up to you to make your labour valuable. You've made it pretty clear you don't know anything about that, however.

and CPCFTW, don't believe Oleg's story about marrying a rich heiress. Rich heiresses, or at least their parents, generally don't attach themselves, and therefore their money, to just anybody off the streets. Oleg has a VERY long history of making crap up here. I've read fairly numerous conflicting versions of his life stories. I doubt he's even remembered half of what he's told us.

Edited by Moonbox
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Oh, what year was this in?

You're paid by the paper + inserts and you only work 2 hours a day. It was about 5 years ago (I'm under 30). The good thing is that it's under the table (tax free... shhhh). So if you are working a 40k job and deliver papers in the mornings for another 10k, that incremental 10k is tax free. Of course this forum of public servants wouldn't understand working hard for your money.

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You're paid by the paper + inserts and you only work 2 hours a day. It was about 5 years ago (I'm under 30). The good thing is that it's under the table (tax free... shhhh). So if you are working a 40k job and deliver papers in the mornings for another 10k, that incremental 10k is tax free. Of course this forum of public servants wouldn't understand working hard for your money.

Leaving aside your misrepresentation of Public sector jobs, how many posters here do you suppose work in the public vs the private sectors? Have you done a poll?

I've always worked in the private sector, for example.

And yet, strangely, I don't feel oppresed by those Public worker "elites."

Though occasionally, I have felt somewhat badly treated by the private tyrannies for which I've worked.

Do you have any other inventions you'd like to float around to try to back up your ideological opinions?

Edited by bloodyminded
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