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The rest of Canada not cheering for the Canucks?

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There's been some newspaper columns, including one from no less than the New York Times, making the observation that outside of BC, most Canadians don't seem to be that excited about the idea that the Canucks could bring the Stanley Cup back to Canada.

I would suggest it's more likely that, because of divisional playing, most Eastern Canadians rarely see the Canucks, and are no more familiar with them than they are with, say, LA or San Jose.

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Because hockey fans love hockey and it makes it more interesting if you have some interest in who eventually wins.

They don't care who wins, as long as they can claim they supported that team all along. Buncha phoneys.

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I've been following the canucks since about '84, although I cheered for them in the '82 play-offs. I've played hockey in one form or another for over 25 years and I've become somewhat of a bitter fan, bemoaning bad trades, worse signings(Messier for 15 million over 3 years after he was washed up) and owners and coaches that should have not entered the profession. But through it all I love the Canucks and follow them faithfully, now watching them on a 4' x 8' screen(it's the only way!)

I am puzzled by the lack of support from other parts of the country, and I think that all of the reasons Kimmy raised have a part to play. But it's too bad because none of the other teams are even close to a serious run, and pride or jealousy or snootiness is no reason to not support a Canadian team. And all the reasons listed of why it's not a Canadian team or a Canadian game don't add up.

I always cheer for the Canadian team and feel real good if they knock off some American best-team-that-money-can-buy with sucks that sign there because they only want to be on a winning team. It was real good to see Detroit fall this year. But I've cheered for Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and even Calgary who is normally a hated team. I love to see the magic that happens when a group of guys from very different backgrounds with different skill levels mesh into a single body with a single purpose that has a synergy and a heart that will do anything and take anything to win.

It's probably not well known, but most of the Canucks signed in the last 3 years have left money on the table, giving the team extra cash to sign better players. It's why we are so deep in defense. That is the kind of sacrifice that puts you above some of the other teams.

Anyway, if other parts of the country don't care to cheer or watch the Canucks this year, it's their loss because this team has everything and is putting a game on the ice that is simply outclassing the opposition on a given night. It's something that champions are made of.

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The Stanley Cup is not a Canadian trophy...

And yet that is its origin.

...and the NHL is not a Canadian league.

That is obvious enough.

The Stanley Cup does not belong in Canada, iot belongs to whichever NHL team earns it.

It is not the kind of belong where they could pick it up and sell it if they want to. The Cup is under the control of the trustees, and in the counterfactual case where the international hockey and the NHL dissolved, there would be a strong argument for rewarding it, once again, to the best Canadian club.

But it is not the property of Canada in any way, it goes to the league champion, and every team now is international.

And the Stone of Destiny is not the "property" of Scotland, but every inch of it is Scottish.

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Don't know how anyone wouldn't call Bieksa a key player. One of the best two way defense players in the league. Three goals against the Sharks in this series, averaging over 23 minutes a game, +35 during the regular season and part of the shut down pairing with Hamhuis (another Canadian). He's a tough SOB to, who wins more than his share of fights. Also, best interview on the team.

Fate and circumstance has proven you to be absolutely correct! Bieksa with the game winning goal.

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The only thing more obnoxious than people going on and on about hockey are those who go on and on about not liking hockey. You don't like it, fine. Go off and enjoy your boring, shitty sports and leave the rest of us be.

Well,my obnoxious response was in response to an even more obnoxious,and almost on cue,attempt at questioning my "Canadianess" because of my complete apathy and disinterest towads the sport of hockey...

I don't think I was going on and on,as you say...However,because of the obnoxious crybaby response above,you get the response I usually reserve for the uberpatriot hockey loving lunkheads....

Go Eff yourself!!!

And enjoy your irrelevent winter filler sport!


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I am puzzled by the lack of support from other parts of the country, and I think that all of the reasons Kimmy raised have a part to play. But it's too bad because none of the other teams are even close to a serious run, and pride or jealousy or snootiness is no reason to not support a Canadian team.

What's in it for the rest of us?

There's no reason to support a Canadian team for that reason. None. You wouldn't expect, say, a Mets fan to cheer for the Yankees or a Flyers fan to cheer for the Penguins due to shared geography.

I've accepted these gutless, classless pukes in the hideous uniforms are probably going to win the Cup this year. It's going to suck.

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Most of the hockey watching public is in the East and HNIC has to make their money. I was up until bloody 1 AM last night watching a pretty good hockey game. I was rooting for the Canucks, as I usually do when they go this deep in the playoffs.

I did in '82 and '94. And I will this year too, for two main reasons:

Chara & Krejci

That is, if they end up playing the Bruins.

If they end up playing Tampa Bay, well that is easy: no one likes Tampa Bay in any sport.

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Most of the hockey watching public is in the East and HNIC has to make their money. I was up until bloody 1 AM last night watching a pretty good hockey game. I was rooting for the Canucks, as I usually do when they go this deep in the playoffs.

I did in '82 and '94. And I will this year too, for two main reasons:

Chara & Krejci

That is, if they end up playing the Bruins.

If they end up playing Tampa Bay, well that is easy: no one likes Tampa Bay in any sport.

Other than their hideous two tone orange uni's from a long time ago,what is wrong with the Buccaneers???

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:) But I thought you were a baseball fan?

I love baseball, and I can freely admit it is often dullsville. Whereas hockey is all about frenetics, finesse, and power.

Well a tuesday night game between the San Diego Padres and the Arizona Diamondbacks probably would'nt interest me either!

Here's some more "anti-Canadian" blasphemy...I don't like the Toronto Blue Jays!!!

Of course there's alot of tedium in basball,but it's a slower paced game anyway.Just because there SEEMS to be nothing going on does'nt mean that's the case.Most Canadian sports fans,quite frankly,don't grasp that simple concept.

Frenetics,finesse,and,power....Hmmm.....Sounds like football to me!

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Well a tuesday night game between the San Diego Padres and the Arizona Diamondbacks probably would'nt interest me either!

Here's some more "anti-Canadian" blasphemy...I don't like the Toronto Blue Jays!!!

Of course there's alot of tedium in basball,but it's a slower paced game anyway.Just because there SEEMS to be nothing going on does'nt mean that's the case.Most Canadian sports fans,quite frankly,don't grasp that simple concept.

Frenetics,finesse,and,power....Hmmm.....Sounds like football to me!

Ah, fuck the Jays. I agree. Who cares about the damn Jays??? :)

And no, football has only one of the three requisites for great hockey, which is why it's an inferior sport.....:)

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Ah, fuck the Jays. I agree. Who cares about the damn Jays??? :)

And no, football has only one of the three requisites for great hockey, which is why it's an inferior sport.....:)

Uh..No..Football meets and exceeds all of the 3 requirements in preseason at the high school level...

Actually,something else that exceeds those requirements is the more visceral and esoteric form of motorsport known as sprint car racing...

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Uh..No..Football meets and exceeds all of the 3 requirements in preseason at the high school level...

Absolutely, within that intense if rather childish imagination of the sport's biggest adherents.

Actually,something else that exceeds those requirements is the more visceral and esoteric form of motorsport known as sprint car racing...

Better than hockey? :)

I suppose, if we are to indefinitely expand the definition of "sport," I'm going to flex my athletic prowess today by mowing the lawn.

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Well a tuesday night game between the San Diego Padres and the Arizona Diamondbacks probably would'nt interest me either!

Here's some more "anti-Canadian" blasphemy...I don't like the Toronto Blue Jays!!!

Of course there's alot of tedium in basball,but it's a slower paced game anyway.Just because there SEEMS to be nothing going on does'nt mean that's the case.Most Canadian sports fans,quite frankly,don't grasp that simple concept.

Baseball fans are always desparate to find ways to make it seem more interesting. "See! The shortstop moved three feet to his right because the batter hits left and the guy on first has a bum knee! Isn't this exciting!!!!" Stupid.

Frenetics,finesse,and,power....Hmmm.....Sounds like football to me!

The second most boring sport after baseball. Three hours of guys standing around or walking on and off the field, 11 minutes of action.

Actually,something else that exceeds those requirements is the more visceral and esoteric form of motorsport known as sprint car racing...

It's often a dead giveaway that sport/film/band sucks when it's fans fall back on "Oh you just don't understand." It's not about enjoyment for these types, but the sense of superiority it gives them.

Anyway, enough thread drift: this is supposed to be about history's greatest monsters, the Vancouver Canucks *spits*.

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Baseball fans are always desparate to find ways to make it seem more interesting. "See! The shortstop moved three feet to his right because the batter hits left and the guy on first has a bum knee! Isn't this exciting!!!!" Stupid.

Just so. I like baseball, but this whole "it's the thinking man's game" is belied by the fans themselves. They look like thinkers to you? :)

The second most boring sport after baseball. Three hours of guys standing around or walking on and off the field, 11 minutes of action.

Yep. The only sport in which the highlights reel is honestly all you need.

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Just so. I like baseball, but this whole "it's the thinking man's game" is belied by the fans themselves. They look like thinkers to you? :)

The Simpsons nailed it in an episode where Homer quits drinking and tries to take his mind off his troubles at the ball park, where he is the only person in the stands not drinking.

Announcer: ...the windup and a 2-2 pitch. Oh, no, wait a minute, the batter is calling for time. Looks like he's going to get himself a new bat. And now there's a beach ball on the field, and the ball boys are discussing which one of them's going to go get it.

Homer: I never realized how boring this game is.

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More than the hockey and NASCAR fans, waiting for fights and car crashes, respectively.

But I am a baseball fan, as well as a hockey fan. (NASCAR not so much, but that's part of my point, too.) Most sports fans have dislikes equal to their likes...and are quite vehement about them. And the vehemence over "this sport is awesome, but that one sucks balls" is both normal and ridiculous. I'm only taking the micky out.

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What's in it for the rest of us?

There's no reason to support a Canadian team for that reason. None. You wouldn't expect, say, a Mets fan to cheer for the Yankees or a Flyers fan to cheer for the Penguins due to shared geography.

I've accepted these gutless, classless pukes in the hideous uniforms are probably going to win the Cup this year. It's going to suck.

Interesting question, what's in it for me? It suggests that some don't have the national pride that hockey brings out in others. The baseball mention reminds me of the two years I cheered for the Blue Jays as they won the World Series. I cheered for them hoping they'd beat the American teams and bring the championship to Canada. I believe you have a different approach to your support. What's in it for me, you say. I don't understand the question.

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But I am a baseball fan, as well as a hockey fan. (NASCAR not so much, but that's part of my point, too.) Most sports fans have dislikes equal to their likes...and are quite vehement about them. And the vehemence over "this sport is awesome, but that one sucks balls" is both normal and ridiculous. I'm only taking the micky out.

I don't begrudge any fan their dislikes and favorites when it comes to sports entertainment. However, sanctioned fighting in the NHL is far more boring to me than a 0-0 pitchers duel in baseball. Baseball has an elegant symmetry and clockless urgency (and hope) driven by game events. Veteran fans may even know how to complete a baseball game scorecard...there is no equivalent in other major league sports.

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I don't begrudge any fan their dislikes and favorites when it comes to sports entertainment. However, sanctioned fighting in the NHL is far more boring to me than a 0-0 pitchers duel in baseball. Baseball has an elegant symmetry and clockless urgency (and hope) driven by game events. Veteran fans may even know how to complete a baseball game scorecard...there is no equivalent in other major league sports.

Like I said, you don't have to convince me of baseball's excellence.

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