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Ignatieff's Wife is Not Canadian Citizen

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He has a Hungarian bred wife? I did not know that. Have you ever seen a Hungarian that does not look like a revitalized vampire? On an experieced personal level - I have never met an Eastern European - especially a Hungarian that I liked - SEE if I am correct on this - Not ever having laid eyes on Iggys old lady - would someone post a picture of her so I could have a quick visual study.......so if she is not a Canadian citizen .................HOW LOYAL CAN A GUY BE TO CANADA WHEN HE WANTS TO BE PRIME MINISTER BUT DOES NOT SEE IT FIT THAT HIS FAMILY IS CANADIAN? What the hell it that? I am getting not to like the guy the more I learn about him...Do these egg head Iggy types actually believe Canada is a NON- nation and up for grabs by any hobbyist that wants to have his own empire?

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Ignatieff's wife has some role in government?

Of course. If he gets to be Prime Minister, she will have a role somewhere. And we will have to pay for her meals and lodgings too. More "welfare" for the immigrants is what I am sure we will hear. :angry: ;):D

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I don't think it should have any bearing on things right now.....but it will to a very small degree. Rightly or wrongly, it's just one more element that will case a few more Canadians to fall off the fence and decide that he's not "Canadian enough". It doesn't have to be fair....that's just the way it is.

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Who cares if she's a Canadian citizen or not, are we not suppose to marry people from outside the country now?
This just in from the COns:

Married to a non-citizen? You're not a real Canadian.

Lets see how it plays with the ethnic vote.

BT and Posc, that's not the issue. Harper's wife lived in Australia. Dion's wife was born abroad.

Ignatieff returned to Canada in 2005. He married his wife in 1995. And yet, she is still not a Canadian citizen. Even with bureaucratic delays, they have had ample time to "solve" this problem - and yet they didn't.

Judgement of Ignatieff's wife should be way out on the periphery of all this. Would it be fair for an employer to ask questions about your significant other in order to make a hiring decision?
When the federal government hires certain employees, it does background checks on spouses.
Ignatieff's wife has some role in government?
Yes, she does g_bambino - at least, in the 21st century. Even in your beloved Great Britain, Cherie Blair was a political player.


I am wary of nationalism but I have to recognize that English-Canadians seek legitimate symbols of reassurance. The symbols have to be genuine.

The citizenship of a spouse of someone who wants to be PM is an issue in the same sense that the political beliefs of a spouse of a GG.

The multicultural, internationalist, "We Are The World" philosophy is fine in theory and even in practice sometimes. But at a certain point, he who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

Edited by August1991
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they have had ample time to "solve" this problem - and yet they didn't.

It isn't a problem. I swear, some of you Conservatives are completely irrational.

Yes, she does g_bambino - at least, in the 21st century.

No, she doesn't, and she wasn't. She is not the wife of the head of state or their representative, and this is not the United States.

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You seem to equate being Canadian only with Canadian citizenship. Is one's nationality really defined purely by an Act of Parliament?

Nation signifys people - an extended national family or orginally your clan or tribe - nations began as single families. Where as country defines real estate - geogrphy. IF you are brought into the national family through marriage - or as a new and adopted citize...It MUST be formalized - socially and lawfully. As for that act of parliment..that is not the issue here - It's a case of IS.....the wife of Ignatieff part of our extended national family or is she loyal primarily to her place of origin - Her original family? Same can be said of Iggy.

Here is an example - a musical associate of my yougest son wonder why there is a sign on the door stating an incorporation - and as he put it as far as musical product is concerned "What does it have to do with you?" - He was trying to portray me as an outsider -when I am in effect the founder of this losely knit company. I am HIS father and HE is my son....we are a little nation...and if you are to be part of this corporation - It must be stated that you are loyal formally. Loyalty and honour are two concepts that keep a nation great and prosperous...NOT to adhere to this destroys our personal and national sovereighty....atonomy comes from the top -unless you hate govertnement - matriarchy - patriarcy...and all authority in general.

This is OUR family - this is OUR nation....and you must show grace and respect when you enter and participate - IF not then all we are is multi-cultural trash.

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She is not the wife of the head of state or their representative, and this is not the United States.

And even so, what role in government does the spouse of a head of state have? None. Unless they're given one, and I havn't heard of Mrs. Ignatieff being lined up to be the next ambassador to Chile, or Clerk of the Privy Council. Not that her lack of Canadian citizenship should necessarily bar her from any such post, anyway; she'd have to take almost the same oath of allegiance to occupy a high government office as she would to become a Canadian citizen. Do people forget that Prince Philip is a privy councilor but doesn't have Canadian citizenship? Ditto Conrad Black.

Anyway, I digress. There's no government role that comes ex officio with being wife of the prime minister. August is barking at phantoms.

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But TB, if you still don't get my point, imagine for a second that when Ignatieff returned to Canada, he had chosen instead to run as a Conservative. How would the Anglo Leftist MSM now be portraying his identification with Americans or defense of Bush's invasion of Iraq?

I'd like an answer to this too.

Harper took so much criticism in his earlier days as PM and opposition leader for being pro-American from Liberal supporters but they can conveniently ignore Ignatieff's "my country" comments etc...

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Well, the Prince and Mrs. Johnston do seem to have a very small role. Harper's wife doesn't.

Right. As I said, the spouse of the head of state has no role in government unless they're given one. Philip was sworn into the Queen's Privy Council for Canada four years after his wife became queen; his appointment wasn't automatic upon her accession. Ignatieff's wife could be given a government position if he became prime minister, but that's a matter for after the election, not during. There's no government post that's ex officio filled by the prime minister's (or monarch's, or governor general's) spouse.

I don't know what Sharon Johnston does, though; she's always seemed very low-key to me. What role has she been given?


Edited by g_bambino
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I don't know. She's not of an alien culture from some "third world toilet," after all.

If this is true - then Iggy was not dilgent -the second he rushed into Canada he should have rushed his wife into a place where she could take an oath and BE a Canadian citizen - This shows dishonesty and a contempt for Canada...if it is true that Ms> Iggy and hubby did not find that being a Canadian was important.

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Who cares if she's a Canadian citizen or not, are we not suppose to marry people from outside the country now?

!) He's trying to run for PM. How long is he married?

2) Feminists criticize harshly men who marry women from Asia.

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If this is true - then Iggy was not dilgent -the second he rushed into Canada he should have rushed his wife into a place where she could take an oath and BE a Canadian citizen - This shows dishonesty and a contempt for Canada...if it is true that Ms> Iggy and hubby did not find that being a Canadian was important.

You would then be jumping on him for using his political clout to get her to jump the queue, while others that have paid their dues are waiting.

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Yes...the Gabor Sisters.

I knew you were going to say that. My mother fashioned herself after that Gabor's - AND mum bless her soul was flashy and a phoney when it came to presention. The point of this is similar to whether Obama was born in America...if not - then thumbs down - If Iggy did not respect this nation enough to make sure that his spouse become a citizen then that show - not the empowering of the Canadian nation but the dis-empowerment of it - I would say thumbs down on Iggy for this slight and slight of hand.

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Toronto Sun

What I don't understand here is that she has been resident in Canada since 2005 (5 or 6 years) and she still has not obtained citizenship. Why not?

It requires three years residency before one can apply for citizenship and I can understand bureaucratic delays but this seems very long. Either Ignatieff's wife didn't see this as a priority and hence hasn't pushed the bureaucracy or she simply didn't apply on time.

I personally take these matters seriously. If someone wants to represent Canadians in government, I think they should be resident here and strongly attached to the country.

Canada is not a flag of convenience.

Sure it isn't---- ask any of the "Canadians" living abroad in the Middle East who haven't been here for 15 years, don't pay any taxes here and only need their "Canadianism" when there is revolt, war, or rioting in the country in which they spend their lives.

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