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Opposition want to make election about Harper.

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This is another pathetic attempt to demonize PM Harper in advance of the upcoming election. The Liberals cannot run on their record because they don't have one. The last legacy of the Liberals is ADScam and the voters haven't forgotten or forgiven the Liberals for that one yet. Plus the voters dislike Ignatieff. The sooner this election is over the better.

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This is another pathetic attempt to demonize PM Harper in advance of the upcoming election. The Liberals cannot run on their record because they don't have one. The last legacy of the Liberals is ADScam and the voters haven't forgotten or forgiven the Liberals for that one yet. Plus the voters dislike Ignatieff. The sooner this election is over the better.

The Tories preached about accountability and openness, truthfulness but they don't DO what they preach! First, they try to buy a member vote, then they pulled an in and out scheme and some could go to jail, some of his members have done wrong and should have been kick out as minister but he only kick out one and she has been declared by the RMCP innocence. They have spent and spent. They want to spend billions on jets and prisons, which we probably don't need. As far as the adscam, most of the liberals seating weren't even in the party when it happen. If you still want to blame them, then should we also put all of Mulroney's wrong doings against the conservatives too? If the Tory party does this kind of stuff in a minority, what do you think they would do if they had a majority. Harper is NOT good for Canada.

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If you still want to blame them, then should we also put all of Mulroney's wrong doings against the conservatives too?

Sounds like a good idea to me! Let's go for it! This new party is far more Mulroney's than Manning's anyway.

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This is another pathetic attempt to demonize PM Harper in advance of the upcoming election. The Liberals cannot run on their record because they don't have one. The last legacy of the Liberals is ADScam and the voters haven't forgotten or forgiven the Liberals for that one yet. Plus the voters dislike Ignatieff. The sooner this election is over the better.

"demonize PM Harper?" LOFL! :lol:

Have you not seen the CPC attack ads on TV "demonizing" Ignatieff? Because, you know, he's not here for you.

Prime Minister Harper deserves everything he gets.

Michael Ignatieff at least can say AdScam wasn't this Liberal Party, he's the new guy remember? Harper cannot get off the hook so easily.

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The Tories preached about accountability and openness, truthfulness but they don't DO what they preach!
Surprise! Politicians acting like politicians.

an easy dismissive cop-out, hey?... one that flies in the face of the uber-partisan Harper Government apologist... if no biggee, if it's simply "the way"... why bother apologizing for the Harper Government. No biggee, hey?

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The Tories preached about accountability and openness, truthfulness but they don't DO what they preach! First, they try to buy a member vote, then they pulled an in and out scheme and some could go to jail, some of his members have done wrong and should have been kick out as minister but he only kick out one and she has been declared by the RMCP innocence. They have spent and spent. They want to spend billions on jets and prisons, which we probably don't need. As far as the adscam, most of the liberals seating weren't even in the party when it happen. If you still want to blame them, then should we also put all of Mulroney's wrong doings against the conservatives too? If the Tory party does this kind of stuff in a minority, what do you think they would do if they had a majority. Harper is NOT good for Canada.

What do you mean we don't need them, this is how we alway get behind the 8 ball, like the helicopters. You have no idea what is going to happen in the future and I perfer to be ready for whatever happens, I am tired of being embaressed every time something happens in the world and we can do nothing, because we always get caught with our pants down. Like having to wait to rent russian aircrasft whenever we need them, but thanks to harper we now have our own heavy lift airplanes.
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What do you mean we don't need them, this is how we alway get behind the 8 ball, like the helicopters. You have no idea what is going to happen in the future and I perfer to be ready for whatever happens, I am tired of being embaressed every time something happens in the world and we can do nothing, because we always get caught with our pants down. Like having to wait to rent russian aircrasft whenever we need them, but thanks to harper we now have our own heavy lift airplanes.

We do that because we can do nothing else. Without good leadership, and a functional foreign policy we are hooped. We have no viable defense strategy, nor can we really afford one.

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they don't DO what they preach! First, they try to buy a member vote

How much money you got?

then they pulled an in and out scheme and some could go to jail

But Liberals ACTUALLY did go to jail..

If the Tory party does this kind of stuff in a minority, what do you think they would do if they had a majority.

Save us lot of money.

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At this point we need PM Harper to start having the Tory PR machine put into action. Ever since the Tories looked like they were going to get a majority the opposition have been going crazy slinging mud. They know if this Harper Government gets it majority it will be awesome for Canada and bad for them because the Harper Government is so organized and has great ideas.

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At this point we need PM Harper to start having the Tory PR machine put into action. Ever since the Tories looked like they were going to get a majority the opposition have been going crazy slinging mud. They know if this Harper Government gets it majority it will be awesome for Canada and bad for them because the Harper Government is so organized and has great ideas.

:lol: This is true :lol:

They do need to manage the message better as the anti forces are getting the most press, it's time to get the war room going and introduce some perspective into the issues... good piece on it here and the issue of committees etc.


Still, a little perspective is warranted. Just how serious are the Tories' transgressions? How can we find them in "contempt" when the same label was never imposed on Jean Chrétien's Liberals?

In his twin rulings on Wednesday, Speaker Milliken correctly stated that the ability of the House to demand information from the government and the obligation of the government and its ministers to comply "goes to the heart of the House's undoubted role in holding the government to account." As it surely does.

But that role needs to be fulfilled equally under majority and minority governments, Liberal as well as Tory. And at the moment, it is not.

Majority governments ignore requests from Commons committees all the time. In the first place, few truly independent requests make it through the hermetic seal that committees throw up around majority governments. Secondly, when requests do make it through, the government uses its majority on committees, as well as in the House, to ensure no one ever files a contempt complaint when it fails to answer.

The speaker was right to rule that the Tories may be in contempt for refusing to respond to committee requests for full cost-accountings on new prison construction and operation. But it was only because the Tories are in the minority on most committees that the issue was even brought before him. His ruling speaks as much to the need to reform the Parliamentary committee system as it does to the need for the Harper government to be respectful of Parliament.

When the Liberals were in the majority, they used committees as a force field around the cabinet and government. When controversial issues arose such as global warming, welfare, crime, gun control, health care or abortion, the Liberals used their majority on committees to exclude witnesses with evidence contrary to Liberal policy and to shoot down opposition motions demanding the same kind of data that the Conservatives are guilty of withholding in this case.

Far from being independent and investigative, Commons committees under the Liberals (and other majorities) were mere rubber stamps.

more at the link
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:lol: This is true :lol:

They do need to manage the message better as the anti forces are getting the most press, it's time to get the war room going and introduce some perspective into the issues... good piece on it here and the issue of committees etc.


more at the link

Good grief! As though they aren't in all-out campaign mode (using a lot of taxpayers $ as well as their own) already.

And your link? The most important word in it is 'majority'. It's the difference between the will of parliament and contempt of parliament.

Edited by Molly
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Good grief! As though they aren't in all-out campaign mode (using a lot of taxpayers $ as well as their own) already.

And your link? The most important word in it is 'majority'. It's the difference between the will of parliament and contempt of parliament.

These things are very minor in the grand scheme of things. Canadians know that every government is corrupt it just matters how much. The Tories aren't outright stealing the money like the Liberals did. The Tories are shifting it around that's all. No big deal. Much different then t he $500 million the Liberals stole from the taxpayer then gave to their friends during Adscam.

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Good grief! As though they aren't in all-out campaign mode (using a lot of taxpayers $ as well as their own) already.

And your link? The most important word in it is 'majority'. It's the difference between the will of parliament and contempt of parliament.

ya, ya... clearly, scribbler's link to the NP's Lorne Gunter is gold, real gold... according to Gunter (and scribbler), the only reason we're hearing about the rash of ongoing Harper Governmentâ„¢ transgressions/scandals, is because they don't have that ever elusive majority. Apparently, the simple resolution is to have Canadians satisfy that elusive majority and the resulting ,"appropriate adjustments", to committee staffing levels would ensure we would never have to hear about the ongoing Harper Governmentâ„¢ transgressions/scandals again... a lil' ole, out of sight - out of mind! :lol:

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These things are very minor in the grand scheme of things. Canadians know that every government is corrupt it just matters how much. The Tories aren't outright stealing the money like the Liberals did. The Tories are shifting it around that's all. No big deal. Much different then t he $500 million the Liberals stole from the taxpayer then gave to their friends during Adscam.

ah, yes... another team vote for "they all do it", so... no biggee, hey?

you've been repeatedly challenged to cite/source your claims over your continued use of the $500 million figure... I believe to the point you back-tracked on it. Since you seem adamant to continue, provide your cite/source or STFU.

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I don't really understand how anyone can vote for Harper after what happend in the G20 protest. It was Canada's turn to beat up their citizens in front of world leaders. I guess that is how g20 nations show hospitality.

...and why does Harper want to make Canada a prison state? Is this really what Canada is about? Super prisons? I much rather go liberal with a scandal here and there, than have someone that is out of touch with the freedom that we have as Canadians.

EDIT: Was talking to a lawyer friend of mine, and he shakes his head about Harper. Told me that he has never witnessed such disregard for Canada's charter as he has under Harper. I just don't understand why anyone would vote to have the US extension of the war on citizen rights here in Canada.

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I don't really understand how anyone can vote for Harper after what happend in the G20 protest. It was Canada's turn to beat up their citizens in front of world leaders. I guess that is how g20 nations show hospitality.

Hospitality? The G20 security measures were there to make sure foreign leaders and dignitaries felt safe.

...and why does Harper want to make Canada a prison state? Is this really what Canada is about? Super prisons? I much rather go liberal with a scandal here and there, than have someone that is out of touch with the freedom that we have as Canadians.

Me thinks you're painting a doomsday scenario. Personally I'd rather not have our politicians steal from us.

EDIT: Was talking to a lawyer friend of mine, and he shakes his head about Harper. Told me that he has never witnessed such disregard for Canada's charter as he has under Harper. I just don't understand why anyone would vote to have the US extension of the war on citizen rights here in Canada.

Anectotes! So relevant!

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Hospitality? The G20 security measures were there to make sure foreign leaders and dignitaries felt safe.

They felt a lot safer than Torontonians on their own street. Rubber bullets used for the fist time in the history of Toronto. How many more heads have to be bashed so that they feel safe?

Me thinks you're painting a doomsday scenario. Personally I'd rather not have our politicians steal from us.

I agree with you fully. The worst thing they can steal from you is your rights. They will always figure out how to get your money. I wouldn't charactarize a whole party by one thief, there is the example of Brian Mulroney.

Anectotes! So relevant!

Honest to goodness conversation. I asked what was the state of the legal system in Canada and got a candid response from a lawyer that is more conservative than anyone I usually talk to. It wasn't about the politics for this guy, it was about the law. He was worried that our country was loosing its way, on behest of our naighbours to the south. He must be looney, after all we know that America stands for freedom.

Edited by no1ninja
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