Oleg Bach Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 Kimmy called me senile earlier - now she called me "completely mental" - as if I really believe in what I write - I write what ever comes to mind in that brief moment...like Kimmy - simply does not like me because I am black...I mean old -----------oh what ever! Quote
pfezziwig Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I love nothing more than to work hard with a competent employer to earn tax dollars to pay for these organizations to do such amazing work, they deserve a raise for working so hard on this pressing matter. What does Iggy have to say about this organization and the double standards it provides to vocal special interest groups? I'll vote for the first party claiming they'ld get rid of these bureaucrats. Quote Healthcare Reviews , rate your doctor, dentist, hospital and more
sharkman Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I agree with the thoughts about rap music. Are they going to ban the word "nigger" as they did faggot? I seriously doubt they would have the cajones to do it. If they try, the usage of the word on the street would probably go up among black culture! Quote
GostHacked Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I agree with the thoughts about rap music. Are they going to ban the word "nigger" as they did faggot? I seriously doubt they would have the cajones to do it. If they try, the usage of the word on the street would probably go up among black culture! The word loses it's meaning when me and my white cracker friends use the term amongst ourselves. It's almost like when a term has lost it's original context and meaning when used in modern times, it's all of a sudden an issue and needs to be addressed. OMG all the kids are going to use this term .. yes .. yes they are. Ask many black youth what 'nigger' means you might be surprised of the answer. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
sharkman Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 This reminds me of a (white)comedian who poked fun at blacks calling themselves niggers. He told how he and his cracker buddies were out one night and a black guy called them crackas, and how offensive it is, only whites can use that word! When you see it in that context, it looks silly for blacks to be calling each other niggers and then get offended if a white guy uses their word. There is also another word, niggardly, that has nothing to do with the offensive meaning. Quote
WIP Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 The Sun editorial makes some good points. Censorship’s dire state The song Money for Nothing is about intolerance. Written 27 years ago by Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler, it describes an actual conversation he heard between two deliverymen, in which one belittled all pop stars as getting “money for nothing and their chicks for free.”Knopfler includes the word “faggot” three times in the deliveryman’s deprecating description. “That little faggot has his own jet airplane, that little faggot is a millionaire,” the deliveryman says. I remember at the time, seeing him on TV explain how he got his inspiration while wandering around an electronics and appliances store and eavesdropping on the conversation of the guys in the shipping and receiving dept.. But, as they say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions!" I'll leave it for someone else to debate whether "faggot" is serious enough to call for a ban....it doesn't seem to be that big of deal to me.....but I'm getting old and behind the times, maybe things have changed. On the other hand, Eminem and Kanye West seem to be trying to present their latest deplorable videos as public service, but they should be banned as well, whether or not they believe their own bullshit stories. Quote Anybody who believers exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. -- Kenneth Boulding, 1973
sharkman Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 (edited) Yeah it's funny what's allowed and what isn't. Some of the worst "art", and I use that term very loosely, in all of history is being produced today, and anything goes, from using urine or animal dung, yet the word faggot gets banned from the airwaves. Reminds me of an old Steve Martin bit where he hatches a plan to rob a bank, and one of his demands is to have the letter M stricken from the english language so later on when he's captured everyone will know right off that he's insane. I wonder what he thinks of banning words? Edited January 14, 2011 by sharkman Quote
dre Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 (edited) I would usually mock such a decision, but since you guys already have that well in hand... As Da Shwa points out, this decision wasn't made by a Human Rights Commission. It was made by the Broadcast Standards Council, which is operated by broadcasters themselves. Membership is apparently voluntary. LonJowett's comment regarding children listeners is a fair one. I don't think that every station should program for the idea that children are listening, 24 hours a day. However, I think that some stations will want to program based on the idea that families will be listening at some times of the day. If I had the radio on while I was getting my kimlets ready for school, I wouldn't pick a station that's going to have off-color jokes and raunchy music. It might be nice if a parent had a way of knowing which station that might be before the off-color jokes reach the kids' ears. You're completely mental, Oleg. "Classic rock" stations still play "Money For Nothing" at least 6 times each and every day. I wonder what they'll do with all that time? Urban themed stations would pretty much have to go "dead air" if "niggah" and "bitch" were banned, wouldn't they? While I agree, I'd point out that lots of artists have released "radio-friendly" edits of their material, edited for language, and for length as well. (the album version of "Money For Nothing" is over 8 minutes long. I don't think the version radio stations play is more than 5.) I don't believe in censorship, but I do believe that broadcasters should make some effort to be conscious of their audience. Like, I think you should be able to show people having sex on TV, but I think it should be after 10pm on Showcase, not after school on Treehouse. I don't know if System Of A Down is a staple of too many playlists around the country. -k I don't know if System Of A Down is a staple of too many playlists around the country. -k Yeah I dunno wtf is wrong with people! Theres little bit of system on MOST of my playlists! Got Radio Head and System on my list today too And a little slayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3KgHPFZeI&ob=av2el Edited January 14, 2011 by dre Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
The_Squid Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I love nothing more than to work hard with a competent employer to earn tax dollars to pay for these organizations to do such amazing work, they deserve a raise for working so hard on this pressing matter. What does Iggy have to say about this organization and the double standards it provides to vocal special interest groups? I'll vote for the first party claiming they'ld get rid of these bureaucrats. Iggy is not the PM. The real question is what is the current gov't going to do about the stifling of freedom of expression by artists? Quote Science flies you to the moon, Religion flies you into buildings.
DrGreenthumb Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 Are you opposed to them bleeping out the N-word in rap songs too? Personally I think commercial radio should bleep whatever words you don't want a five year old repeating in Kindergarten. It's not Orwellian mind control. It's basic manners and etiquette. I agree completely, I actually think there is way too much smut allowed on the radio, and on reg tv channels. On satelite radio or channels you have to sign up for fine, anything goes, but stuff even like family guy comin on in the middle of the day or after supper on networks kind of bugs me. That said I'm perfectlty capable of monitoring my kids TV habits without the government poking its nose in. Censorship is a bad thing . So is having to put up with overtly sexual songs coming on the car radio in the car all the time when you travel with impressionable children. I think a "clean" station that was kid friendly and still had good music might be a good business opportunity. The market will eventually take care of this situation without government intervention. Quote
dre Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I agree completely, I actually think there is way too much smut allowed on the radio, and on reg tv channels. On satelite radio or channels you have to sign up for fine, anything goes, but stuff even like family guy comin on in the middle of the day or after supper on networks kind of bugs me. That said I'm perfectlty capable of monitoring my kids TV habits without the government poking its nose in. Censorship is a bad thing . So is having to put up with overtly sexual songs coming on the car radio in the car all the time when you travel with impressionable children. I think a "clean" station that was kid friendly and still had good music might be a good business opportunity. The market will eventually take care of this situation without government intervention. I was wondering about the bleeping thing... If they can still play the song, and just need to bleep out the word faggot, then all outrage and Orwell connotations in this thread are quite silly. Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
wyly Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I love nothing more than to work hard with a competent employer to earn tax dollars to pay for these organizations to do such amazing work, they deserve a raise for working so hard on this pressing matter. What does Iggy have to say about this organization and the double standards it provides to vocal special interest groups? I'll vote for the first party claiming they'ld get rid of these bureaucrats. the CBSC is non-government, independent there's bugger all the government can do...and already you want to blame iggy Quote “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill
BubberMiley Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 The market will eventually take care of this situation without government intervention. I think that's what's happening. THe Broadcast Standards Council was formed to prevent government intervention. Quote "I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
GostHacked Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 I was wondering about the bleeping thing... If they can still play the song, and just need to bleep out the word faggot, then all outrage and Orwell connotations in this thread are quite silly. What else will you let them censor? Things like this are slow at first with a couple songs in the sights.... then next thing you know almost every word will be bleeped out. Leave the music alone and spend time on things that matter. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
Wild Bill Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 Back in the early Pleistocene Era, when I was a teenager, I remember watching Ed Sullivan, who was featuring Jefferson Airplane singing their song, 'We Can Be Together' and hearing them sing plain as day "Up against the wall, motherf*kers!" It was done so smoothly in vocal harmony that unless you were a young hippy familiar with the song the F word didn't stand out. It fitted in so smoothly that virtually all the 'straights' missed it! Now we have the example of this Dire Straights song. Some dweeb at the Council has successfully ensured that everybody in Canada now knows about that 'word' being in that song. The band will enjoy some last minute royalties as many folks rush out to buy a copy of what's causing all the fuss. Seems to me that many "do-gooders" trying to censor songs and books like those of Mark Twain are really just continually picking at sores to make sure they last forever! Quote "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." -- George Bernard Shaw "There is no point in being difficult when, with a little extra effort, you can be completely impossible."
BubberMiley Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 (edited) Personally, I thought it was more offensive when they bleeped out "satellite radio" in the Black Eye Pees' song "Boom Boom Pow." But even in that instance, it's their radio stations. If they don't want to give free advertising to the competition, I guess that's their right. They can broadcast what they like. And if they want to maintain a reasonable standard, more power to them. Edited January 15, 2011 by BubberMiley Quote "I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
Argus Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 The psychosis our society has in regards to sex is interesting. Violence and killing is perfectly fine on TV, even in children's programming (as long as it is not too graphic), but sex (and even completely non-graphic suggestions of it) is not. And yet, violence and killing is something that we as a society don't want most of our members doing, while sex is something that almost all healthy adults will and should partake in. The warped notions of morality that make a normal and pleasant human activity taboo while violence and killing are not taboo need to be examined. You're absolutely right, and our prurient attitude about sex goes with everything accompanying it, including nudity, ie, the human body. I was just reading a piece in the Star about sexting, ie, teenagers sending naked pictures of themselves, and it happened to mention how two girls were hounded to suicide after pictures of them naked became public. Another story was written by a woman talking about how she endured years of taunts after a little strip-tease video she did at 15 was circulated. It's just the human body, but people freak about it. We put men in prison for looking at naked pictures of anyone underage. Why? Because people think that being seen in our skin is so horrific to endure that someone has to be punished for looking. At least when it comes to anyone underage. You know, I sell stories on Amazon Kindle. Their contracts, along with those of other "mainstream" online retailers are revealing (no pun intended). They don't care about violence, however gruesome, however graphic, gory, pointless and bloody. Books like American Psycho are not only sold with ease but sold in regular bookstores and stocked by libraries. So are books like Mein Kampf. But don't you DARE write stories which have graphic sex scenes! You can describe in loving, intimate detail, someone disemboweling someone, but describing sex is considered disgusting. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
eyeball Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 We put men in prison for looking at naked pictures of anyone underage. Why? Because people think that being seen in our skin is so horrific to endure that someone has to be punished for looking. At least when it comes to anyone underage. I thought we put these sort of men in prison because the act of consuming kiddie porn is so intimately tied to the act of producing it that the relationship between consumer and producer is no different than we're encouraged to believe when thinking about terrorists and their networks of support. Otherwise, what kiddie porn has got to do with earrings, jet airplanes and being a millionaire is beyond me. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
Argus Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 I thought we put these sort of men in prison because the act of consuming kiddie porn is so intimately tied to the act of producing it that the relationship between consumer and producer is no different than we're encouraged to believe when thinking about terrorists and their networks of support. If you can demonstrate, however remotely, that looking at a video of a 15 year old doing a strip tease, which she filmed and performed herself, is somehow related or has any influence/affect on the act of it being filmed or being performed then go for it. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
dre Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 What else will you let them censor? Things like this are slow at first with a couple songs in the sights.... then next thing you know almost every word will be bleeped out. Leave the music alone and spend time on things that matter. I see your point, but to suddenly stand up and rant about George Orwell over this song, when the same thing has already been happening for decades across a wide array of mediums just seems goofy. But whatever... talk to the "family values" crowd. The idea that endless glorified violence, war, and military idolitry is A-OK, as long as children dont see boobies (GHASP!) or here the work fuck, sure as hell didnt come from me. Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
dre Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 If you can demonstrate, however remotely, that looking at a video of a 15 year old doing a strip tease, which she filmed and performed herself, is somehow related or has any influence/affect on the act of it being filmed or being performed then go for it. Thats painfully easy. If theres a market for videos depicting naked children, then the supply side will evolve beyond 15 year olds voluntarily filming themselves. Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
Argus Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 (edited) Thats painfully easy. If theres a market for videos depicting naked children, then the supply side will evolve beyond 15 year olds voluntarily filming themselves. Whether it "evolves beyond" that, the fact is that is illegal today. We don't punish people for doing something because at some point some other people might be inspired to do something else. Or at least, we shouldn't be. Also, the fact remains you can describe, in exquisite detail, the most graphic murder of a teenage girl in a book or story, but you can't describe one having sex, even if it's your own diary, without risking imprisonment. Edited January 15, 2011 by Argus Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
dre Posted January 15, 2011 Report Posted January 15, 2011 (edited) Whether it "evolves beyond" that, the fact is that is illegal today. We don't punish people for doing something because at some point some other people might be inspired to do something else. Or at least, we shouldn't be. Sure we do that all the time. Take drug prohibition for example... the laws arent there because anybody really gives a shit of some dude gets high in the privacy of his own home. That individual is punished for the simple purpose of constraining the market. I think I agree with you that in most cases we "shouldnt" do this. But if you analyze the majority of our laws you'll bump into some variation of that same concept sooner or later. Also, the fact remains you can describe, in exquisite detail, the most graphic murder of a teenage girl in a book or story, but you can't describe one having sex, even if it's your own diary, without risking imprisonment. Seems idiotic right? But it also makes sense... nations throughout history have needed (or wanted) to fight violent wars from time to time, so its in the national interest for violence to not become "taboo". Glorified violence, and military idolitry are probably rooted in this, and the way that humans have "competed" throughout history. Edited January 15, 2011 by dre Quote I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger
sharkman Posted January 16, 2011 Report Posted January 16, 2011 I don't know what examples you guys are thinking of WRT child porn getting prison terms. But I can remember Robin Sharpe in his court case being allowed to own it, or write about it in a journal. I believe publishing or sharing pictures was the tipping point, and I never could understand what the judge's logic was in not throwing the book at the guy. Quote
Argus Posted January 16, 2011 Report Posted January 16, 2011 Sure we do that all the time. Take drug prohibition for example... the laws arent there because anybody really gives a shit of some dude gets high in the privacy of his own home. That individual is punished for the simple purpose of constraining the market. But why are they constraining the market? Not that they are. They don't want people using mind altering narcotics. So really, you can see the close relationship. However, putting people in prison for viewing videos of teens on the internet because you fear they'll somehow pay people to rape children is more than just a stretch. By that standard we should ban depictions of murders on TV because we fear that might create a market for people to buy murder. Seems idiotic right? But it also makes sense... nations throughout history have needed (or wanted) to fight violent wars from time to time, so its in the national interest for violence to not become "taboo". Uhh... no, that makes NO sense whatsoever. But if we go from that are you suggesting the government has a deep and abiding national interest in not allowing teenage girls to be seen naked? Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
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