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Democratic Congresswoman almost killed in Arizona

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Beg all you want. The decision was 5 to 4 in favour of the fundamental right to bear arms.

Leran to reed.

5 to 4 is not exactly a ringing endorsement. On the contrary, it's a further indication that Democrats were too slack in allowing Republicans to get rightwing conservative activists on the Supreme Court.

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Off topic but just a quick aside that I thought you might find of interest about Scala’s views..women aren’t people; life, liberty and property can be denied us along with a whole host of other things, like choice.


Well, he's being true to his ideology of wanting to go back in time to 1776. However, if he doesn't believe there are inalienable rights for women, someone should have asked him if he has the same opinion on the abolition of slavery.

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Fair enough. However, if the intruder has a gun and you don't, your eaction would be hopeless. You would be toast. If the intruder knew there was a gun in your house, he may be more hesitant to break in. Evil doers will ALWAYS have a means to get a gun, and they will never be registered.

Wrong! Someone is going to go out of their way to break in to your home if it becomes known on the street that you have guns and/or drugs.

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And I think this is relevant :D

Here’s a few from the last election cycle……..and these are just a few of the candidates, I don’t have the time for the pundits or bloggers.

- The GOP Senate candidate who recommended "Second Amendment remedies". Sharron Angle

-- The GOP Congressional candidate who fired shots at a silhouette with his opponent's initials on it Robert Lowrey

-- The GOP Congressional candidate who declared, "If I could issue hunting permits, I would officially declare today opening day for liberals. The season would extend through November 2 and have no limits on how many taken as we desperately need to 'thin' the herd." Brad Goehring

-- The GOP Congressional candidate who said he considered the violent overthrow of the United States to government an "option" and added that political violence is "on the table"? Stephen Broden

I've had to stop watching coverage of this story on the MSM over the last two days because I'm getting so sick of the false equivalency of newsreaders saying both sides need to tone down the rhetoric. The violent rhetoric has been cascading ever since the 2008 election, and Repubs realized that Dubya left them with a snowball's chance in hell of staying in power. Through Foxnews and rightwing radio, they've been fomenting fake outrage ever since; and refused to dial it back on previous occasions:

Right-Wing Media Ridiculed And Dismissed Concerns About Violent Rhetoric

Beck Mocked Rep. Patrick Kennedy's Concerns About Violent Rhetoric.

Hannity Claimed That Town Hall Protesters Just Have "Passion" And That "The Only People That Are Yelling And Calling Names" Are Democrats

Limbaugh Claimed Sen. McCaskill Town Hall Was "Civil" And Said "There Is Nothing To Apologize About."

Beck Guest Host Pat Gray Mocked Media Concerned With Protesters Carrying Guns To Obama Events: "Oh, The Humanity! A Gun!"

....worth noting regarding that story, that today Repub Peter King is said to be planning to introduce a gun control bill to keep anyone with a gun at least 1000 feet away from candidates and politicians. Now that they realize they could get shot to, their all for gun control.....to protect politicians!

Limbaugh Mocked Those Who Warned Of "Rising Militia Groups, Rising Hate Crimes, White Supremacists, Worried About Doing Harm To Obama"

Right-Wing Media Mocked Pelosi's Condemnation of Violent Rhetoric

And, if you want more, just go to this page at Mediamatters

The disingenuous, lazy and cowardly claims that "both sides do it" by CNN and other MSM talking heads just makes me totally sick. I expect to see wall to wall propaganda on Foxnews; but the honest truth is that all of the other networks and major newspapers are hardly any better.

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Guest TrueMetis
"For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list," Giffords said on MSNBC on March 25. "But the thing is that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district, and when people do that, they've gotta realize there are consequences to that action."

Just thought people would like to see this.

My link

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People. Think about this for a minute. Some of you remember the attempted assassination on Reagan. Did Jodi Foster get blamed for Hinkley's attempt, or the director of the movie The Taxi? No, we had more common sense back then, and it was realized that Hinkley was mentally sick and nobody could predict what would set him off or that he would become violent.

The movie Death of a President, which portrays the assassination of George W. Bush should have caused someone to follow through by now if this convoluted logic is to be true. The simple truth is that this movie, or the Daily Kos reporting that the congresswoman was dead to him, or the targets that some Dems used in their campaign literature are just as likely to set someone off as a red balloon floating by a window just when a deranged person looks up.

Those of you who continue to blame Palin who conveniently overlooking the same sort of imagery from the left are only deluding yourselves, and you look foolish.

, where he shoots a rifle and talks tough about obama's legislation? Why does the left continue to ignore ads/materials from the left and concentrate on Palin and the like?

The bottom line is none of these items from either side are causing violent attacks from mentally sick people or anyone else. There is nothing wrong with saying "She is dead to me", as Daily Kos had on its site. It's just a ruse used by the left to attempt what they can't do otherwise, try to make political gains out of someone's death. It's actually quite sick.

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The movie Death of a President, which portrays the assassination of George W. Bush should have caused someone to follow through by now if this convoluted logic is to be true.

Give me a break. If there were an assassination attempt on Bush after that stupid movie came out, you'd have your diapers in a knot and you know it.

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Thank-you for articulating your position. I am a lefty but don't pretend to speak for all lefties. There may be positions you adopt that I may agree with from time to time. I see government as a catalyst reflecting a variety of views representative of a cross section of society. I see the need for government providing for basic needs and infrastructure without which society wouldn't function. With respect to education I take a different position from you in that I see that education is exactly what is required in such circumstances. Your word structure seems to treat government as an inanimate object which is to be viewed with suspicion whereas I see government and its various institutions as necessary elements in a free and democratic society.

My view of government is summed up by George Washington:

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
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Would you prefer something more recent?

"political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

I am not a fan of American folklore. I guess you could say I have a fair amount of contempt for what your society represents.

How's that yankee?

Edited by pinko
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I am not a fan of American folklore. I guess you could say I have a fair amount of contempt for what your society represents.

How's that yankee?

The quote is from Mao.

My society? You aren't particulary bright, are you.

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Are you trying to tell me that if you have a disagreement with someone you don't know, they are armed and you are not, you will not feel intimidated and that person won't know it or try to take advantage of it. If you are, I don't believe you. The ability to kill at a distance without getting dirty is far different from having to get up close and personal about it. Far too easy.

I'm saying that most people are rational and respect other people and life itself. I'm saying today's democratic society and individuals have no ability to make distinction between sane, rational people and psychos or enemies. It seems the left likes to take advantage of that fact and assign psychotic senseless violence and enemy actions to people opposing their views. It should be realized it is entirely for political gain and condemnable.

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Definition of MILITIA

1a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency b : a body of citizens organized for military service

2: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service

Definition two is now passe and sexually discriminatory. It should include all citizens.

If it is the whole body of "citizens" subject to call to military service then the government should be supplying the weapons to those citizens as they do, for males in the militia, in Switzerland.

nicky is, in my view, a bit out to lunch by equating the militia to, in his words, "the f'ing army". The militia is comprised of citizens and those citizens need to have arms available to them so there should be no infringement upon their right to bear arms. In an emergency they need to have arms.

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nicky is, in my view, a bit out to lunch by equating the militia to, in his words, "the f'ing army". The militia is comprised of citizens and those citizens need to have arms available to them so there should be no infringement upon their right to bear arms. In an emergency they need to have arms.

Well, in Canada it's the f'ing army....but even then, only the oldest of regiments are still called militia, the rest are called reserves.

The Black Watch is a militia regiment...

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Off topic but just a quick aside that I thought you might find of interest about Scala’s views..women aren’t people; life, liberty and property can be denied us along with a whole host of other things, like choice.


It is true the definition of "person" was limited at the time of the writing of the Constitution. A "person" was a male and usually a landowner. Slaves, Blacks and Women were not persons.

I am with Scalia in that the Constitution should not have been changed by the 14th amendment. What Ann Woolner has done is paint that position as a typically negative, neanderthal concept typical of Conservatives. Really all that needed to be changed was the definition of "person" to include Blacks and Women. Children are still not considered persons. And in the US, criminals are not either, as the do not have the right to vote. In Canada they do have the right to vote, I disagree with that, but governments tend to make criminals out of a greater percentage of the populace, as Dr. Greenthumb is well aware.

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Well, in Canada it's the f'ing army....but even then, only the oldest of regiments are still called militia, the rest are called reserves.

The Black Watch is a militia regiment...

Right. Canadians have restrictive gun control laws that make a citizen's militia impossible. I thought we were talking about the U.S.? There are "reserves" in the States as well so there must be a particular American distinction between them and a militia.

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