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What is the DHS doing to keep you safe?

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Yeah and I will keep bitching about that. It's also funny you equate to me complaining about your rights being taken away, and you call it bitching. You seem like the person who likes getting shafted all the time all the while saying 'please sir can I have some more'.

You are the last person I want worrying about my American rights.....sheesh! Why the hell do you care....there is absolutely nothing you can do about it except bitch squawk in this forum.

Man up and stand up. Or it's going to get worse, for you.

Hey junior...I have already served. What have you done except bitch about America while stealing Yankee music?

I don't drink soda.

Oh...I forgot...you prefer dope!

Elected? Hardly. And does it really work? I doubt it.

Again...what you think about it is irrelevant. We will keep doing it over your doubts.

No wonder your country is going down the crapper with citizens like yourself. I hope you don't represent all of America or Americans, if so, then no wonder people around the world has a hate on for the USA.

LOL! They hate the USA so much that the swim, fly, crawl, and die trying to get into the place. There is a reason there are 308 million Americans and only 35 million Canadians, and it ain't just the lousy weather.

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There is a reason there are 308 million Americans and only 35 million Canadians, and it ain't just the lousy weather.

Hollywood. The Nelson Eddie franchise didn't have legs and quite frankly, the NFB can be quite depressing.

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Because here you have the land of the free (hahahah), and they are the shining beacon of freedom for the wold. The US invades countries to be more like them, it used to be a force of good in the world, now it's just a force.

Radiation scanners, full body invasive pat downs. Security theater. None of this is meant to catch terrorists, it is all meant to control the US citizens. Again, would you chuckleheads even know tyranny if it was staring you in the face.

You can keep going on about 'lololl why should you stupid Canadians care' but again, it is your constitution that is being ripped apart. Ever since the first inception of the Patriot Act. .... Well would you let your best friend drink themselves into oblivion or would you step in and say something hoping things would change?

It really is sad to see people laugh all this off like it is nothing, and that is disturbing in of itself.

Does the little 5 year old boy need a full body pat down? Does grandma in the wheelchair need a full body pat down? This is what happens when you have part of population that can no longer get a job at McDonalds work homeland security at minimum wage.

None of this is designed to catch terrorists. All this is to restrict your freedom and movement within your own country.

It's like looking at a pack of lemmings going over a cliff ... 'well everyone else is doing it'. Even when you know it's wrong and for the wrong reasons, you still go along with it.

BC you are a joke.

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Does the little 5 year old boy need a full body pat down? Does grandma in the wheelchair need a full body pat down?

Why would you deprive the kid of the obvious fun he was having?

...anyway, since you can't show what reights are being violated I can assume you are just tinfoil heated air...

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Because here you have the land of the free (hahahah), and they are the shining beacon of freedom for the wold. The US invades countries to be more like them, it used to be a force of good in the world, now it's just a force.

You must have flunked history...because the US is and always a force in the world...FOR THE US!

Radiation scanners, full body invasive pat downs. Security theater. None of this is meant to catch terrorists, it is all meant to control the US citizens. Again, would you chuckleheads even know tyranny if it was staring you in the face.

My dentist uses radiation too....scary!

You can keep going on about 'lololl why should you stupid Canadians care' but again, it is your constitution that is being ripped apart. Ever since the first inception of the Patriot Act. .... Well would you let your best friend drink themselves into oblivion or would you step in and say something hoping things would change?

You have truly gone off the deep end...Canada is not America's best friend...that would be the U.K. Canadians were shocked to learn this reality, but apparently you were too busy buying dope.

It really is sad to see people laugh all this off like it is nothing, and that is disturbing in of itself.

It's our choice(s)...not yours.

Does the little 5 year old boy need a full body pat down? Does grandma in the wheelchair need a full body pat down? This is what happens when you have part of population that can no longer get a job at McDonalds work homeland security at minimum wage.

Homeland Security pays more than McDonald's.

None of this is designed to catch terrorists. All this is to restrict your freedom and movement within your own country.

No, it's designed to keep you out. Thank goodness.

It's like looking at a pack of lemmings going over a cliff ... 'well everyone else is doing it'. Even when you know it's wrong and for the wrong reasons, you still go along with it.

BC you are a joke.

No, I am an American...with no need for your troubled panic from another nation. Fix your own goddamn issues first.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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So beyond it's assumed effectiveness at making us safe, how sustainable is the cost of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to tickle kids and diddle seniors?

100%. The costs are funded by the tickled and diddled.

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You must have flunked history...because the US is and always a force in the world...FOR THE US!

History is not exactly what we think it is either. History is written by the winners, not by who was right.

My dentist uses radiation too....scary!

Your dentist is also a certified doctor who is fully trained on the equipment he uses. TSA agents are not doctors, and should not be using radiological equipment. Your dentist also throws a huge protective apron on you when your teeth are x-rayed.

You have truly gone off the deep end...Canada is not America's best friend...that would be the U.K. Canadians were shocked to learn this reality, but apparently you were too busy buying dope.

Well any 'best friend' of the US is a friend of convenience.

It's our choice(s)...not yours.

Actually it's not even your choice. You no longer have a choice.

Homeland Security pays more than McDonald's.

Not by much.

No, it's designed to keep you out. Thank goodness.

No it's meant to keep you in.

No, I am an American...with no need for your troubled panic from another nation. Fix your own goddamn issues first.

Yeah the moment you don't go on a CANADA rant, I'll stop my complaining about the US. The moment you can stay on topic, I'll stop my bitching about the US.

But this is what I expect from the forums admitted troll who tends to break every rule on the forum. I know you can't play within the rules, and bitch about anyone else who does not play within the rules.

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History is not exactly what we think it is either. History is written by the winners, not by who was right.

Who gives a damn who is "right"? Stop whining.

Your dentist is also a certified doctor who is fully trained on the equipment he uses. TSA agents are not doctors, and should not be using radiological equipment. Your dentist also throws a huge protective apron on you when your teeth are x-rayed.

Nope...my dentist has more important things to do than take bite-wing x-ray films or digital images.

Well any 'best friend' of the US is a friend of convenience.

Your cute "BFF" analogy was doomed from the 'git go....grow up.

Actually it's not even your choice. You no longer have a choice.

More choice than you will ever have.

No it's meant to keep you in.

Fine by me...I've already seen the world. No big deal.

Yeah the moment you don't go on a CANADA rant, I'll stop my complaining about the US. The moment you can stay on topic, I'll stop my bitching about the US.

Please don't...I like to play with wannabe US patriots like you. Salute!

But this is what I expect from the forums admitted troll who tends to break every rule on the forum. I know you can't play within the rules, and bitch about anyone else who does not play within the rules.

I don't care what you do....maybe if you begged the mods again I will be banned so you don't have to deal with the loud mouth arrogant 'merkin that is always shoving your smug sanctimonious crap right back in your face.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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At the thought of a police-state? Yes I would.

Which by the way they do, I led them towards the dark-side while they were still in diapers.

Yes it is the thought that scares you... You should try reality for a change.

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Guest American Woman

I have not been to the US since I was a kid.

Perhaps this is why you really have no clue as to what's going on in the U.S.; what it's like to live here. You draw your conclusions on media hype. Americans aren't afraid. I have a feeling that that's going to be a disappointment to some on this forum, but that's the way it is. Americans aren't living in fear. Americans' freedoms aren't being taken away. They are living their lives pretty much the same as always. Five year old kids and grandmas in wheelchairs aren't being patted down and subjected to full body scans every time they turn around. It's not all that you think it is here, and I find it odd that someone who admits to not having been here in years would believe that they are qualified to speak of what it's like here.

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Perhaps this is why you really have no clue as to what's going on in the U.S.; what it's like to live here. You draw your conclusions on media hype. Americans aren't afraid. I have a feeling that that's going to be a disappointment to some on this forum, but that's the way it is. Americans aren't living in fear. Americans' freedoms aren't being taken away. They are living their lives pretty much the same as always. Five year old kids and grandmas in wheelchairs aren't being patted down and subjected to full body scans every time they turn around. It's not all that you think it is here, and I find it odd that someone who admits to not having been here in years would believe that they are qualified to speak of what it's like here.

I don't think you've been paying that much attention. There have been reports of the pilots themselves getting the invasive pat downs. Many pilots are trained and certified to carry a concealed weapon. Do you think screening all the pilots is going to help prevent crashes? How many life long career pilots have purposefully hijacked or crashed a plane? How many flight attendants have hijacked a plane? How many old ladies in wheelchairs are a threat to national security? How is that little 5 year old a threat? I mean really take a step back and look at it.

And your freedoms have been slowly been taken away since 9/11 with the introduction of the Patriot Act. Look into it.

Profiling needs to be done. Plain and simple. Behavior profiling can be effective. If the terrorists really are Muslims, then screen Muslims. But that is not done in the name of discrimination. So guess what, you and your family get the pat downs as well. None of this makes any sense to me.


A longtime Charlotte, N.C., flight attendant and cancer survivor told a local television station that she was forced to show her prosthetic breast during a pat-down.

Cathy Bossi, who works for U.S. Airways, said she received the pat-down after declining to do the full-body scan because of radiation concerns.

The TSA screener "put her full hand on my breast and said, 'What is this?' " Bossi told the station. "And I said, 'It's my prosthesis because I've had breast cancer.' And she said, 'Well, you'll need to show me that.' "

Bossi said she removed the prosthetic from her bra. She did not take the name of the agent, she said, "because it was just so horrific of an experience, I couldn't believe someone had done that to me. I'm a flight attendant. I was just trying to get to work."


WBTV found the anonymous submission on a blog, "We Won't Fly." The man says the incident happened earlier this month and he describes how his little boy was traumatized saying the TSA agent groped his groin and that the little boy left the checkpoint in tears.

The commenter says his son was aggressively patted down by a TSA employee.

"He was pleading for me to help him and I was admonished for trying to comfort him," the comment on the blog states. "His genitals area was groped. He walked down to the plane in tears."


Some offer graphic accounts of genital contact, others tell of agents gawking or making inappropriate comments, and many express a general sense of powerlessness and humiliation. In general passengers are saying they are surprised by the intimacy of a physical search usually reserved for police encounters.


The scanners are eventually getting fully deployed in Canada. I will not step through any of these X-ray machines. I will simply refuse to fly (not like I do anyways). Again check out youtube for many videos of this type of stuff.

It is an X-ray machine. Per scan, the dose may not be that much, but for frequent fliers, each scan is cumulative. Over time people will develop problems from these scanners.

But really, people need to think about this really hard. Is this all for security? Does it actually prevent terrorist attacks on planes? You have a more probable chance of dying by lightning than you do dying in a plane crash, let alone a plane crash/explosion caused by terrorism. If you look at the frequency in which terror attacks are taking place. They are not.

Security theater is just that, a show to make things look like they are more safe.

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.... How many old ladies in wheelchairs are a threat to national security? How is that little 5 year old a threat? I mean really take a step back and look at it.

And your freedoms have been slowly been taken away since 9/11 with the introduction of the Patriot Act. Look into it....

The methodology is required in order for such security screenings to pass constitutional muster and a court challenge, you know, all those freedoms you say Americans have lost (but can't name a single one).

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The methodology is required in order for such security screenings to pass constitutional muster and a court challenge, you know, all those freedoms you say Americans have lost (but can't name a single one).

I've mentioned the 4th Amendment being violated, let's start there.

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