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Colonel Russell Williams

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The report on the confessed lady killer was deeply disturbing. The idea that this woman hating hetro-phag was taking videos..in effect making snuff films. This made me wonder, who was he planning to share these horrific recordings of suffering torment and human devised hell with?

The picture of the dear Colonel dressed in drabby drag on the front page of the Star today reminded my of an associate I knew from my sisters circle..I will call him Dan - Dan married a nice red headed lawyers daughter..he was an agressive atheist..and after snooping around his farm house one afternoon I descovered that he was also some strange cross dressing lunitic..who was also an amateur astronmer who would comment when looking through his telescope..."what a mess the universe is..I could have designed it better".

At one time Dan was dating my sister..my mother smelled a rat..she grabbed the John Lennon wanna be hippie by the hair and tossed him out the door..

Years later Dan had the sweet lawyers daughter bear him a couple of kids...THEN Dan decieded that growing breasts would be a good idea..His wife..who used to say "Dan is the finest man this nation has ever produced". Later the poor wife became so depressed with Dan's wierdness and power mongering that she took her self out to the pick up and shot her self in the mouth..This is a true story sad to say...there are indirect lady killers..like Dan - and there are direct hands on killers like Colonel Williams..who I am sure that someone also once said he was the finest man the nation ever produced.

Getting back to being disturbed by the Colonel's trial...The public should be spared what will be for some - titilating details...Our judical system should NOT.....make a show trial out of this....nor entertainment for the gloomy and curious.

What I would like to know as far as character judgement...who promoted this crazy god and woman hating man to Colonel?

AND what effect did this jerk have on the men lower in the ranks as far as attitude towards...murder - duty - death and sex?

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I suppose that the hawk faced Peter McKay is not going to be all mocho buddie buddie with the killer Colonel at this point in time..everyone will distance themselves from the killer..as if the never knew him..Yet someone respected him..makes you wonder how smart politicans are when it comes to good judgement..for God's sake - You hired a creep right out of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS...to tend the sheep.

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I suppose that the hawk faced Peter McKay is not going to be all mocho buddie buddie with the killer Colonel at this point in time..everyone will distance themselves from the killer..as if the never knew him..Yet someone respected him..makes you wonder how smart politicans are when it comes to good judgement..for God's sake - You hired a creep right out of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS...to tend the sheep.

Has the defence minister, public safety minister or PM been as vocal about removing the pension of the killer Colonel as they have other criminals?

I can't recall reading anything about their outrage that the Colonel will continue to receive his $60,000 annual pension.

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The report on the confessed lady killer was deeply disturbing. The idea that this woman hating hetro-phag was taking videos..in effect making snuff films. This made me wonder, who was he planning to share these horrific recordings of suffering torment and human devised hell with?

The picture of the dear Colonel dressed in drabby drag on the front page of the Star today reminded my of an associate I knew from my sisters circle..I will call him Dan - Dan married a nice red headed lawyers daughter..he was an agressive atheist..and after snooping around his farm house one afternoon I descovered that he was also some strange cross dressing lunitic..who was also an amateur astronmer who would comment when looking through his telescope..."what a mess the universe is..I could have designed it better".

At one time Dan was dating my sister..my mother smelled a rat..she grabbed the John Lennon wanna be hippie by the hair and tossed him out the door..

Years later Dan had the sweet lawyers daughter bear him a couple of kids...THEN Dan decieded that growing breasts would be a good idea..His wife..who used to say "Dan is the finest man this nation has ever produced". Later the poor wife became so depressed with Dan's wierdness and power mongering that she took her self out to the pick up and shot her self in the mouth..This is a true story sad to say...there are indirect lady killers..like Dan - and there are direct hands on killers like Colonel Williams..who I am sure that someone also once said he was the finest man the nation ever produced.

Getting back to being disturbed by the Colonel's trial...The public should be spared what will be for some - titilating details...Our judical system should NOT.....make a show trial out of this....nor entertainment for the gloomy and curious.

What I would like to know as far as character judgement...who promoted this crazy god and woman hating man to Colonel?

AND what effect did this jerk have on the men lower in the ranks as far as attitude towards...murder - duty - death and sex?

Maybe it was a mid life crisis. Due to the high level he was at in the Canadian Military it is impossible to rule out some type of set up or silencing. Digital media these days can be edited. It is really impossible to know what is going on 100% but it is easy to take the line - the end result is... except for perhaps preventing a similiar medical prescription combination or ruling out external engineering of the situations there is not much use to dwelling on this horrific story.

Some drugs are known to create distortions and odd behaviour, detachment, as well as create sexual urges or tendencies, including some tested military chemical weapons, I recall reading an article about testing by the US DOD on spray chemicals able to make people have sexual urges (and possibly even have sex with fellow soldiers)

The chronic pain may have been nerve overstimulation by a chemical weapon.


here is an example.

Edited by William Ashley
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I suppose that the hawk faced Peter McKay is not going to be all mocho buddie buddie with the killer Colonel at this point in time..everyone will distance themselves from the killer..as if the never knew him..Yet someone respected him..makes you wonder how smart politicans are when it comes to good judgement..for God's sake - You hired a creep right out of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS...to tend the sheep.

Where's any evidence Peter McKay hired him or anyone else in the military????

WHEN did Russell Williams start his military career???

Who hired mass murderer Denis Lortie into military????

Who let him out of prison????

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This made me wonder, who was he planning to share these horrific recordings of suffering torment and human devised hell with?

And what makes me wonder how would liberals run with it for years, if he was president of National Rifle Association instead Colonel of Canadian Armed Forces.

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everyone will distance themselves from the killer..as if the never knew him..Yet someone respected him..makes you wonder how smart politicans are when it comes to good judgement..for God's sake - You hired a creep right out of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS...to tend the sheep.

Well to be fair it seems that he was able to conceal his alternate persona from all those around him. Where criminals are concerned, the most sneaky ones are often highly intelligent. And there can be little doubt that someone who achieves the rank of colonel would be fairly intelligent. Much like your analogy to Hannibal Lector in the movie, he was an evil killer but also a genius. Such people do exist, apparently. I doubt that he ever showed up for roll call dressed in drag.

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Whose outrage did you read about, and written by whom in what paper?

Stephen Harper's outrage that Clifford Olsen a mass murderer, like Colonel Williams, was receiving his pension.

The PM was bound and determined to put an end to Clifford Olsen's pension.

Written in the Conservative friendly Ottawa Sun.

Harper outraged over Olson pension

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was personally upset to learn serial child killer Clifford Olson was collecting a federal pension behind bars and said his government is determined to claw back the benefits.

“I’ve read all the stories recently, the stories in the paper about Mr. Olson, and I must admit that I’m as upset about this, as concerned about this as any other Canadian is,” Harper said during a visit to London, Ont., referring to recent reports from QMI Agency. “I think probably the reason this hasn’t arisen before is this is unusual, these are unusual circumstances. It is not typical that we have senior citizens facing life incarceration. But obviously this is a situation that I think has many, many Canadians upset, and for good reason.”

Last week QMI revealed Olson, who is serving a life sentence for killing 11 girls and boys between nine and 18 years old, is receiving more than $1,100 a month in pension payments. Harper said his government will look for a way to halt the payments.

“I’ve instructed the minister to look at what options are available to us to rectify this situation, because it should be rectified,” he said.

Olson, who turned 70 this month, has shown no remorse for the murders.

Edited by Rick
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Where's any evidence Peter McKay hired him or anyone else in the military????

WHEN did Russell Williams start his military career???

Who hired mass murderer Denis Lortie into military????

Who let him out of prison????

You would assume that when McKay was proudly hanging out with military murder boy that he might have had a fleeting thought in regards to the Colonels over all vibes..perhaps like...."there is something amiss with this fellow" - But what do you expect from what is a light weight like McKay..dating Belinda Stronach showed very poor judgement also...We all assume that our politicans are preceptive intelligent wise persons..this seems not to be the case.

I really don't know why I would be the slightest big surprised seeing that our military turns a blind eye to the sodomizing of young Afghan boys...and seems to condone murder in the form of "mercy killing" - or turns over prisoners to be tortured...I don't believe that Williams is a rare case in so far as being a brutal crazed animal in the ranks..He might just be typical.

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Stephen Harper's outrage that Clifford Olsen a mass murderer, like Colonel Williams, was receiving his pension.

Maybe it has escaped your notice but Williams has even been sentenced ye, and things are not done to one person alone, if olsen had his pension stopped, all lifers would too. And if he hasn't had it stopped, complaining about another won't make it happen either...

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Has the defence minister, public safety minister or PM been as vocal about removing the pension of the killer Colonel as they have other criminals?

I can't recall reading anything about their outrage that the Colonel will continue to receive his $60,000 annual pension.

These people know they have no real business in Afghanistan other than business. The insiders such as the PM and other close advisors surely understand the system and know they need evil henchmen to make things run according to plan and agenda. Look down at our courts..They constantly support crimminals and release the bastards to harrass the population..

The pension is all about reward..and why would they NOT reward an evil jerk when the supporting and facilitation of evil seems to be the tacit policy that powers the whole nasty machine we call the system..All evidence points to the clear fact that goodness and doing the right thing for people is the last thing on their power mongering self serving minds... 60 thousand buck can buy a lot of comfort in the jail or nut house...and heaven forbid that henchmen go unrewarded...as for comments from the PMs office..it is not what they say but what they do NOT say that counts..so far - silence on this topic!

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Maybe it has escaped your notice but Williams has even been sentenced ye, and things are not done to one person alone, if olsen had his pension stopped, all lifers would too. And if he hasn't had it stopped, complaining about another won't make it happen either...

Sentencing is happening right now.

The Colonel has already issued a guilty plea and admitted to these heinous crimes. The PM issuing comment on the murderer's pension would have no impact on either verdict, trial or sentencing.

As for the Clifford Olson vs all lifers argument, the PM singled out Clifford Olson and referred to him personally.

Military service should not put Colonel Williams above Clifford Olson nor exempt him from the PM's wrath.

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Sentencing is happening right now.

The Colonel has already issued a guilty plea and admitted to these heinous crimes. The PM issuing comment on the murderer's pension would have no impact on either verdict, trial or sentencing.

As for the Clifford Olson vs all lifers argument, the PM singled out Clifford Olson and referred to him personally.

Military service should not put Colonel Williams above Clifford Olson nor exempt him from the PM's wrath.

Jail should be uncomfortable not a place of luxury or santuary for evil doers. Pension money should be removed and Williams should surive like the rest of them on a meger allowance of next to nothing...jail is to be a Spartan existance..BUT - You have to realize that whether it is law enforcement officers - or military officers...They are considered "one of theirs" Politicals are reluctant to make it hard on the ones in their own ranks that get caught with their panties down.. Just like a lawyer caught in a crimminal act - the law society will cover for them in the most shrewd manner.

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As for the Clifford Olson vs all lifers argument, the PM singled out Clifford Olson and referred to him personally.

So? Would you prefer he hadn't singled out Olsen? Or would you have prefered that Olsen's case had not been broought up by the media and that Harper had not been asked about it?

And it seems, that by bringing it to the attention of Harper, that the practice of giving prisoners pensions will end.

Today, she said the government wants to implement the legislation as soon as possible, beginning at the federal level and then working to convince the provinces and territories to do the same in their institutions. They hope to have it passed this year.


So what is it exactly that you're upset about?

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When a person though crimminal acts removes the rights and privledges and or life of the victim..then said person should have all rights also removed...Why should a person who has done the ultimate in disempowerment of another have POWER? One can sit in the jail house and manipulate the outside world with cash..If respect is the transphere of power - then no respect should be shown to the killer....maybe some political types and judges are facinated by evil ---after all without it they would be out of a job.

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Some people are kinky to the point of murder..and some are mildly kinky to the point of bad judgement and a crude facination with preversity...I have witnessed low level judges take great glee in anything sexual or stange..Human nature might have it that the reason our judicary is so weak is because we have a lot of kinky mother f**kers sitting on the bench - men and woman of privledge and a life time of searching for a way to eleviate the boredom that comes with privledge...everyone is seeking the next thrill..whether it be a Prime Minister who wants to mimic his grandfather and be a MAN and wage a war..or an individual like Williams who waged his own thrilling war against the defenceless?

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Military service should not put Colonel Williams above Clifford Olson nor exempt him from the PM's wrath.

The Canada Pension and Old Age Security are geared to providing the necessities of life to seniors with no other income. It can be legitimately argued the state is already providing the necessities of life to Olsen and his ilk and thus has no responsibility to provide him with further money.

This guy's military pension is a contracted agreement with his employer into which he paid a sizable sum of money over his years with the military. As such the government can't legally refuse to pay it just because he's vermin.

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The Canada Pension and Old Age Security are geared to providing the necessities of life to seniors with no other income. It can be legitimately argued the state is already providing the necessities of life to Olsen and his ilk and thus has no responsibility to provide him with further money.

This guy's military pension is a contracted agreement with his employer into which he paid a sizable sum of money over his years with the military. As such the government can't legally refuse to pay it just because he's vermin.

Both are paid by the end user. Both paid sizable sums.

What would be the difference? (yes yes we are ahead of ourselves)

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Since the Tories are against capital punishment, I think Williams should go to a mental institution for life instead of jail. The guy is very sick mentally and I wonder if he'll ended up in the same prison as Bernardo?

LOL A true liberal , the poor boy is sick, send him to a mental institution, he is not sick ,he is pure evil and should be shot. I was waiting for some liberal smuck to come out in his defence.
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The partisan zealots here are confusing pensions with social benefits.

The Canada Pension Plan and Williams military pension are both actual pensions. You don't get any money out unless you have paid money in, and both Williams and Olson would be entitled to CPP. I doubt Harper or anybody else can do anything about that, and why should they since the money has nothing to do with their crimes?

Note that in the quotes above, Harper does not mention pensions as such, because he cannot halt a pension earned..

What is at issue is Old Age Security benefits and OAS supplemental benefits. They are not entitlements and are also related to income. If you have a fat income, you don't get OAS or the OAS supplement.

Williams wouldn't get much if any OAS benefit, his military pension plus CPP plus any RRSP type investment income would have him making far too much to collect. Olson may well collect. The government can stop OAS benefits, consdereing that unlike most Canadians Olson has 3 meals per day and a warm bed guaranteed at Her Majestys pleasure for the rest of his life.

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What is almost as sickening as Williams actions is the media coverage right now. This mornings paper has 3 large photos of Williams dressed in womens lingerie at crime scenes.

I know what a mostly naked man looks like. I know what womens underwear looks like. I do not need to see the two combined in crime scene photos where the clothing may well belong to a raped and bloody corpse a few feet away.

It is pure titillation and a gross insult to the victims of his crimes, to reduce the unspeakable things he has done to human beings to a freak show on Page 2. The media should be ashamed of themselves.

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It is pure titillation and a gross insult to the victims of his crimes, to reduce the unspeakable things he has done to human beings to a freak show on Page 2. The media should be ashamed of themselves.

ft, I absolutely agree.

The media who report these things are only doing so to get attention, IMO. It's unnecessary, and also hypocritical in that they're capitalizing on the misery of others, as the murder did.

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