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Toronto Municipal Elections 2010

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There is nothing nuanced about it. It's just a plain ugly fact.....and the Walkerton Report brought about changes across the COUNTRY to try and prevent this type of local irresponsibility from happening again.....because make no mistake - Walkerton COULD have happened ANYWHERE in Canada. Walkerton just happened to be the eye of the Perfect Storm.

The nuance is that WB acknowledges the role of the province, albeit less than my regard for their culpability.

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Well, he's certainly struck a chord with Toronto's citizens! He's doing very well in the polls!

I guess maybe it's just another example of the pendulum swinging as the 'system' tries to adjust. Miller took the city way out of balance, putting it not just deep into debt but he altered the very structure of the 'system' so that it meant inevitable higher taxes and inconveniences for citizens, especially those who have to drive to work.

So they are looking for someone like Ford to save them! Well, they loved Miller when he was spreading the cash around. Now they're upset because they've seen the bills! It may be that the bills are so high they CAN'T be saved, without sponging tax money from the province that the rest of us have to pay!

Just like to say that lots of people from outside toronto comute and work in toronto or for companies based in toronto.

It is more than just the people that live there that benefit from the cities services and well being.

Although I am a very staunch fiscal person when concerned to governmental financing ( I think it should be raised by the government - not taxed) and I don't support deficit spending nor keynesian economic policies. I'm not a politician though so I don't have to worry about securing votes or buying support.

Fact is Ford might appeal to a bunch of torontonians because maybe they think that he is going to be light on drugs enforcement - and turn a blind eye on domestic practices - he has nocked himself as supporting municipal programs - and has only attacked his council mates more or less. It is clear that council has positioned itself to counter balance him (20 vs 10) if the polls came back around the same. None the less

It is funny to see smitherman more or less totally alienated from media support - as opposed to Rocco - who happens to be the "power liberal" counter weight - effectively drawing from smitherman, likewise sarah thomson is drawing the womens vote who might otherwise oppose ford over domestic abuse or just otherwise non interest in ford as opposed to smitherman.

What we see here is a triple split giving ford the go ahead. It ain't complex to read the situation.

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Lol.. This is for all the people that don't understand what it's like to live here. People who don't believe me when I say that I do not hear English being spoken all day when shopping. Take a look at the Toronto election site:


Too funny. I seriously question anyone's economic contribution when they can not speak English. You should see all the indolents here in the GTA. They are everywhere. It's a very, VERY common sight to see an elderly person from the third world just wandering down the street. And you should see our hospitals. No English being spoken. Nurses hired to speak to these people in their own languages. People in ethnic costumes and rags in in the ER. No English. No jobs. Free health care for them while our own elderly who served in WW2 are dying because too many of these people (who survey's show do no 'consider themselves Canadian) clog up our communist health-care system.

Living here is a big mess and has become laughable these last couple of years. We are trying to renovate the house now and look at selling and re locating elsewhere. These past years it has just gotten worse and worse and now it's becoming unlivable here. Impossible to find a job, (find a spouse if you are single), and meet friends. It's a HUGE racial mess here. The most racist, disgusting, smelly place on earth is this 3rd world they call the GTA.


Edited by mikedavid00
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Lol.. This is for all the people that don't understand what it's like to live here. People who don't believe me when I say that I do not hear English being spoken all day when shopping. Take a look at the Toronto election site:


Too funny. I seriously question anyone's economic contribution when they can not speak English. You should see all the indolents here in the GTA. They are everywhere. It's a very, VERY common sight to see an elderly person from the third world just wandering down the street. And you should see our hospitals. No English being spoken. Nurses hired to speak to these people in their own languages. People in ethnic costumes and rags in in the ER. No English. No jobs. Free health care for them while our own elderly who served in WW2 are dying because too many of these people (who survey's show do no 'consider themselves Canadian) clog up our communist health-care system.

Living here is a big mess and has become laughable these last couple of years. We are trying to renovate the house now and look at selling and re locating elsewhere. These past years it has just gotten worse and worse and now it's becoming unlivable here. Impossible to find a job, (find a spouse if you are single), and meet friends. It's a HUGE racial mess here. The most racist, disgusting, smelly place on earth is this 3rd world they call the GTA.


Kanadischer(Lictor) and you should be quite happy together.

Zieg Heil,Mein Fuehrur!!!

So,who on the ticket is aiming at the "lonely,single,white supremecist vote"?

Edited by Jack Weber
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Just like to say that lots of people from outside toronto comute and work in toronto or for companies based in toronto.

The city unions in Toronto ultimately says who will win the election. Very similar to immigrants in Canada. We have a single group that all vote down the same lines and vote in high numbers. What they decide to vote on is who will win. This is just math and stats and is a factual statement. The only thing that gave Liberals official party status last election was the immigrant vote. This is factual and documented. Same with Toronto city unions hijacking the election. They decide the fate of the mayor.

Do you really think that they will support Rob Ford? Maybe they will actually.

Rob Ford speaks to the simple guy. The laborer. Many of the city workers are these people. These people also don't realize that they are the problem. These are the very people that are bankrupting the city with their useless job roles, insane pay, and crazy vacation times and benefits. Rob knows he'll need the union votes or he wont win. The immigrants will never vote for him and THANK GOD they have a low turn out for municipal elections or there would be no chance.

The Toronto municipal election is decided by unions, not the citizens of the city.

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The city unions in Toronto ultimately says who will win the election. Very similar to immigrants in Canada. We have a single group that all vote down the same lines and vote in high numbers. What they decide to vote on is who will win. This is just math and stats and is a factual statement. The only thing that gave Liberals official party status last election was the immigrant vote. This is factual and documented. Same with Toronto city unions hijacking the election. They decide the fate of the mayor.

Do you really think that they will support Rob Ford? Maybe they will actually.

Rob Ford speaks to the simple guy. The laborer. Many of the city workers are these people. These people also don't realize that they are the problem. These are the very people that are bankrupting the city with their useless job roles, insane pay, and crazy vacation times and benefits. Rob knows he'll need the union votes or he wont win. The immigrants will never vote for him and THANK GOD they have a low turn out for municipal elections or there would be no chance.

The Toronto municipal election is decided by unions, not the citizens of the city.


It's no longer those dirty immigrants...It's the dirty unions...

And ....They're going to be duped by Rob Ford,the guy who's lining up to destroy them...

Got it...

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It's no longer those dirty immigrants...It's the dirty unions...

And ....They're going to be duped by Rob Ford,the guy who's lining up to destroy them...

Got it...

These just aren't my opinions, they are documented facts. Immigrants for whatever reason have very low turn outs for municipal elections (because immigrants main issue during elections is immigration - getting relatives over easier). They don't really care about city politics.

Unions in Toronto control city politics as they vote in very high numbers and down the same line. A LOT of these workers live in the clouds and a lot of them like Rob Ford. I'm just saying it COULD happen.

Listen man.. Canada is a funny place.. it's not like other countries. To understand our elections and turn outs you have to understand who actually votes in what election and in what part of the country.

Remember, we're a very small, corrupt, funny joke of a country. Always keep that in mind. Half of our citizens report speaking English at home.

Basically what I'm trying to get at is we are not like other countries and you can't use common sense when discussing things that go on here. When you discuss this Toronto election, the union will basically decide the outcome. Similar to how the Sikh's at the Montreal Liberal convention decided the fate of Stephan Dion. One 'group' with a special interest deciding the whole parties fate. This is how it is 'done' over here.

Again, we live in a very, very strange country with strange ways of doing things.

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These just aren't my opinions, they are documented facts. Immigrants for whatever reason have very low turn outs for municipal elections (because immigrants main issue during elections is immigration - getting relatives over easier). They don't really care about city politics.

Whew, for a minute there I thought you were making this all up. So now that you have these "documented facts" would you mind sharing a link, or a book, study or report title or something please?

Listen man.. Canada is a funny place.. it's not like other countries. To understand our elections and turn outs you have to understand who actually votes in what election and in what part of the country.

Please do share...

Basically what I'm trying to get at is we are not like other countries and you can't use common sense when discussing things that go on here.

It appears you are well equipped to discuss things on non-sensical terms.

Again, we live in a very, very strange country with strange ways of doing things.

This is like saying the world is rose coloured when wearing rose coloured glasses. In other words, is it possible that the country is normal and you are very, very "strange?"

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Don't forget the weather.

Our family has withdrawn voting and supporting our current riding because islamic immigrants have hijacked it. If we move to a normal part of Canada, then we may take part in the process some day.

Also my neighbours are both Liberal supporters (both retired civil servants and immigrants) so a Conservative sign would scare them and create bad blood.

I'll try to get a Libertarian sign on my lawn but we're not going to waste our time partaking in a useless process when we know what the outcome is going to be.

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Our family has withdrawn voting and supporting our current riding because islamic immigrants have hijacked it. If we move to a normal part of Canada, then we may take part in the process some day.

Also my neighbours are both Liberal supporters (both retired civil servants and immigrants) so a Conservative sign would scare them and create bad blood.

I'll try to get a Libertarian sign on my lawn but we're not going to waste our time partaking in a useless process when we know what the outcome is going to be.

That's it...

Opt out of the democratic process and then complain it's not helping you out...

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Our family has withdrawn voting and supporting our current riding because islamic immigrants have hijacked it...

That's why you didn't vote the last time? The Muslims made it rain?

That's it...

Opt out of the democratic process and then complain it's not helping you out...

Whining is part of the right-wing agenda.

Edited by daniel
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That's why you didn't vote the last time? The Muslims made it rain?

Whining is part of the right-wing agenda.

Many simple minds on the forum.

My riding has become Liberal due to the Liberal immigration policy. Same with most ridings around the GTA. This isn't my opinion is factual.

So why are we going to go and waste our time voting when we already know what the outcome of the election is going to be? If I play poker with world champions, I might as well save my money and fold my cards early and leave the game.

Same concept. As long as I'm living in this 3rd world hell hole, I will not be voting. If I move to a normal part of Canada, then maybe we'll consider voting.

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Many simple minds on the forum.

My riding has become Liberal due to the Liberal immigration policy. Same with most ridings around the GTA. This isn't my opinion is factual.

So why are we going to go and waste our time voting when we already know what the outcome of the election is going to be? If I play poker with world champions, I might as well save my money and fold my cards early and leave the game.

Same concept. As long as I'm living in this 3rd world hell hole, I will not be voting. If I move to a normal part of Canada, then maybe we'll consider voting.

Please describe a "normal" part of Canada???

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Please describe a "normal" part of Canada???

The whole country is messed but a normal part of Canada is a place where people speak Enlgish or French around you when you when you are going about your day. That's the simplest way to describe it.

And you probably live in a normal part of Canada. That's great. Now get us out of here!

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The whole country is messed but a normal part of Canada is a place where people speak Enlgish or French around you when you when you are going about your day. That's the simplest way to describe it.

And you probably live in a normal part of Canada. That's great. Now get us out of here!

Actually...My wife is one of those horrible immigrants you despise so much,so...

Completely abnormal around here...

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Actually...My wife is one of those horrible immigrants you despise so much,so...

Completely abnormal around here...

The far left always do what you do. Do not address the issue at hand, but bring something totally off topic into it in order to pull at emotions etc to convince people of your argument (Hitler, Nazi's, war crimes etc when discussing a topic of cup cakes). It's so easy to see through and it's amusement to me. It works on other simpletons, not myself though.

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The far left always do what you do. Do not address the issue at hand, but bring something totally off topic into it in order to pull at emotions etc to convince people of your argument (Hitler, Nazi's, war crimes etc when discussing a topic of cup cakes). It's so easy to see through and it's amusement to me. It works on other simpletons, not myself though.

Completely off topic???

Let's see...

You claimed that I "probably live in a "normal" part of Canada",and to ,"get us out of here"...

You've made fairly disparaging remarks about immigrants and I said my wife is one of those immigrants you despise so much...

Then you claim I'm some sort of leftist by not discussing the issue at hand...The issue being your claim of some "normal" part of Canada,one I can only surmise is fully Caucasian and speaks either French or English...

Then you make some sort of specious claim that I "Zig Zieglered" the whole thing by mentioning NAZI's in some sort of nullification excercise...

The point being,unless you go to some remote town in Nunavut or the North-West Territories,your idea for a "normal" Canada simply no longer exists,and therefore,it's now completely abnormal.By the way,my wife speaks:French,English,a little German,a little Spanish,and at least 5 tribal languages...has a degree in Chemistry AND did graduate studies in Switzerland,but if that's abnormal to you....

Perhaps you'd like to join some ethnically like minded,anti-government militia that lives out in the woods and segregates itself from the rest of society?

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Many simple minds on the forum. ...

Yes, I agree. The only saving grace from not voting due to rain is that these simpletons remove themselves from the democratic process. Unfortunately, they continue to whine about it.

Here’s an explanation:


Originally from The Toronto Star March 2006.

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It's no longer those dirty immigrants...It's the dirty unions...

And ....They're going to be duped by Rob Ford,the guy who's lining up to destroy them...

Got it...

Typical liberal , this is why we can never have real debate about immigration, say one thing and you are a racist. Dirty immigrant give ne a break, and where does it say that being canadian means taking it up the ass by people that have done nothing for this country but be a leech. And this liberal myth that says all cultures are nice and we will all get along ,well the only culture we have left is a culture of appeasment. Everybody can have their culture but english canada.
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Typical liberal , this is why we can never have real debate about immigration, say one thing and you are a racist. Dirty immigrant give ne a break, and where does it say that being canadian means taking it up the ass by people that have done nothing for this country but be a leech. And this liberal myth that says all cultures are nice and we will all get along ,well the only culture we have left is a culture of appeasment. Everybody can have their culture but english canada.

Beyond clueless...

Could you please point out where I've siad that current immigration process,or the levels of immigration,are acceptable?

Could you point to any evidence where I've said that ethnic cliques in our largest cities are a good thing???

As always with the patently uninformed,please be specific....

Edited by Jack Weber
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By the way,my wife speaks:French,English,a little German,a little Spanish,and at least 5 tribal languages...has a degree in Chemistry AND did graduate studies in Switzerland,but if that's abnormal to you....

That's good for her, but Canada doesn't need her here. We don't even have enough jobs for ourselves. This is again a 'number's factual thingy' that the far left don't like discussing.

She does a lot of damage by being here that is too long to get into.

Her dreams came true here, but at a cost to a Canadian. We are the only country in the world that allows this 'crime' to happen. (Australia arguably also).

Let's put it this way, I would MUCH rather have welfare indolents from Somalia here than your wife as your wife causes MUCH more damage to our country than the indolents. But that is probably a bit over your head to reason with you exactly why.

(and no it's not your wife in specific of course, I'm just using her as an example.. people like her do not benefit Canada at all, but rather do 'extreme' damage to our country).

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