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Plane attack story is a joke

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Plane attack story is the joke of the year. Please read this:

CBC today said: "Still, none of the information the government had on Abdulmutallab rose to the level of putting him on the official terror watch list or no-fly list."

CBC yesterday said: "Abdulmutallab is on an anti-terrorism watch list maintained by the U.S. National Counter terrorism Center"

NYpost today said: "Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, suspected of attempting to detonate an explosive device on a plane bound for Detroit on Friday, had been on a list of people with known or suspected ties to terrorism for at LEAST TWO YEARS, Fox News confirmed SATURDAY." Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national. Abdulmutallab received a valid U.S. visa in June 2008 that is good through 2010. Try to add up the news and it want ad up. I think the issue is: the guy was in Amsterdam inhaling PENT he brought some on the plane and he wanted to use it before getting off.

The stuff (PENT) is a drug check the study on this link: http://www.springerlink.com/content/l3t284821748h436/

Richard L. Sterkel1 and William A. Knight Jr. from the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine and Saint Mary's Hospital, Saint Louis, Mo.

Summary 1. A group of 30 patients with positive Prostigmin-morphine serum and urinary diastase response were retested after pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) was administered to them.

So the guy was HIGH, and the proof from CBC:"Abdulmutallab who later told a flight attendant he had an "explosive device" IN HIS POCKET. He was seen holding a partially melted syringe."

So what the media is HIDING IS THE FACT that PENT is a drug. The guy is coming from AMSTERDAM


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What the hell is this? The new conspiracy squad?

Richard L. Sterkel1 and William A. Knight Jr. from the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine and Saint Mary's Hospital, Saint Louis, Mo.

Summary 1. A group of 30 patients with positive Prostigmin-morphine serum and urinary diastase response were retested after pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) was administered to them.

So the guy was HIGH, and the proof from CBC:"Abdulmutallab who later told a flight attendant he had an "explosive device" IN HIS POCKET. He was seen holding a partially melted syringe."

So what the media is HIDING IS THE FACT that PENT is a drug. The guy is coming from AMSTERDAM


PETN is a highly explosive substance that is sometimes used as an emergency heart medication (same family, and same reason, as nitroglycerine.)

The fact that the substance can have medicinal use does not suggest that he was "HIGH", and considering the fact that this retard had accidentally set himself on fire and had smuggled it onto a plane using a condom strapped to his junk, I'm skeptical that it was there for emergency medical use either.


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the way the story was reported differently in news media. even CBC kept changing the info in the story in a contradicting way.

and if you examine the info in the story you will be shocked. For example the alleged attacker was reported to be on the terrorist watch list for at least 2 years (Fox news). and CBC said he was traveling on a visa that was issued in 2008 and valid till mid 2010. This is a special visa which is valid for multiple entries, and given only to people he frequently visit US. so do you believe that US embassies issue such visas or any kind of visa to someone on terror watch list. there is no way of knowing the truth when the liars control the media

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the way the story was reported differently in news media. even CBC kept changing the info in the story in a contradicting way.

and if you examine the info in the story you will be shocked. For example the alleged attacker was reported to be on the terrorist watch list for at least 2 years (Fox news). and CBC said he was traveling on a visa that was issued in 2008 and valid till mid 2010. This is a special visa which is valid for multiple entries, and given only to people he frequently visit US. so do you believe that US embassies issue such visas or any kind of visa to someone on terror watch list. there is no way of knowing the truth when the liars control the media

Tell it to the passengers. See if they decide to toss you from 30,000ft or not.


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There's reason enough for him to have largely avoided notice ... he's only 23, and has been a student in Nigeria. Why would officials in the West known about him? If he was recruited into al Qaeda, he could have met his superiors in mosques, without being noticed particularly.

There is more to the story. Two witnesses on the plane, a lawyer and his wife, say that he got on the plane in Amsterdam through the intercession of a 'sharp dressed man' at the entry lounge where passengers waited to board the plane -- presumably after all the immigration and security checks.


... Kurt Haskell of Newport, Mich., confirmed he was on the flight by sending a picture of his boarding pass. He and his wife, Lori, were returning from a safari in Uganda when they boarded the NWA flight on Friday.

Haskell said he and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.

While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time.'”

Mutallab is Nigerian. Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab's lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee.

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....There is more to the story. Two witnesses on the plane, a lawyer and his wife, say that he got on the plane in Amsterdam through the intercession of a 'sharp dressed man' at the entry lounge where passengers waited to board the plane -- presumably after all the immigration and security checks.

In that case, we know exactly what went down...obviously Vice President Dick ("Ironman") Cheney wanted to set up a high profile terrorist incident to embarrass President Obama. It might work! :lol:

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Bugs said:"in Amsterdam through the intercession of a 'sharp dressed man' at the entry lounge where passengers waited to board the plane -- presumably after all the immigration and security checks"

This means that Al-Qaeda has a representative in Amsterdam who knows the immigration and security authorities in the airport to the degree that his intercession can not be declined. you never know we may find out Al-Qaeda has an embassy in Amsterdam.

"presumably after the immigration and security checks" so you presume, fine. why would he need intercession to board the plain after passing, as you presume. all the immigration and security checks. this sharp dressed man thing makes me more convinced that the whole story is an intelligence plot for fear mongering.

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IN these kinda things one has to have a OPEN mind to ALL possibilities and that there could be more behind the scenes, which is being reported. I think trusting any government 100% is gone , especially if the CIA is involved, thanks GW for that. I think the best thing to do is wait and see what other news is reported before deciding. http://www.infowars.com/government-allowed-plane-bomber-to-attempt-attack/

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Bugs said:"in Amsterdam through the intercession of a 'sharp dressed man' at the entry lounge where passengers waited to board the plane -- presumably after all the immigration and security checks"

This means that Al-Qaeda has a representative in Amsterdam who knows the immigration and security authorities in the airport to the degree that his intercession can not be declined. you never know we may find out Al-Qaeda has an embassy in Amsterdam.

"presumably after the immigration and security checks" so you presume, fine. why would he need intercession to board the plain after passing, as you presume. all the immigration and security checks. this sharp dressed man thing makes me more convinced that the whole story is an intelligence plot for fear mongering.

Ya and the illuminati run the world too. Take your crck pot ideas and shove em.

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So, because we can't completely eliminate any possibilities here, everything must be equally true!

Tell me, Watson... if you were a shady government operative trying to create a new 9/11 by smuggling a Nigerian fruitcake onto a plane... would you be negotiating with ticket agents in full view of the other passengers? Or would you just make sure your guy had the right credentials before the trip? I mean, I'm not a spook (or am I? I might be. I wouldn't tell you if I was, would I? Trust no one!) but if I was a spook, I think I'd just get my little buddy the credentials beforehand, and avoid letting the other passengers see my involvement.

the way the story was reported differently in news media. even CBC kept changing the info in the story in a contradicting way.

Yes, in these sorts of things, details are often inaccurate in early reports as the media rush to get a story out before they can confirm things.

I always find it amusing when the board's biggest anti-racist advocates go to Alex Jones and his Nazi buddies for information.


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So, because we can't completely eliminate any possibilities here, everything must be equally true!

It's something to think about anyways. This sharp dressed man is on quite a few reports out there. I suspect they might be looking for these guys. http://www.hammerl-kommunikation.de/03_archiv/03-01_kuenstler/images/zz-top_sw-hoch.gif

Tell me, Watson... if you were a shady government operative trying to create a new 9/11 by smuggling a Nigerian fruitcake onto a plane... would you be negotiating with ticket agents in full view of the other passengers? Or would you just make sure your guy had the right credentials before the trip? I mean, I'm not a spook (or am I? I might be. I wouldn't tell you if I was, would I? Trust no one!) but if I was a spook, I think I'd just get my little buddy the credentials beforehand, and avoid letting the other passengers see my involvement.

Sometimes the best way to hide things is by putting them right out in the open.

I always find it amusing when the board's biggest anti-racist advocates go to Alex Jones and his Nazi buddies for information.

The truth is somewhere between the MSM reports and what Jones and CO report. I gotta take both with some salt.

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It seems that there might be more of them coming. If this is true, then this attack is likely a forerunner of what is to come.

At the same time, it's obviously the word of a failed jihadist. Can it be trusted? It's this uncertainty that gives terrorism its effectiveness as a method of warfare. The psychological cost of defending yourself is huge. That's what terrorism costs its target -- the feeling of safety, security.

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It's something to think about anyways. This sharp dressed man is on quite a few reports out there. I suspect they might be looking for these guys. http://www.hammerl-kommunikation.de/03_archiv/03-01_kuenstler/images/zz-top_sw-hoch.gif

Those guys look like radical Rabbis! ZIONISTS are behind this sham!!

Sometimes the best way to hide things is by putting them right out in the open.

Yeah, any details that don't jive with the theory of a secret plot are obviously just there to give debunkers ammunition. <_<

The truth is somewhere between the MSM reports and what Jones and CO report. I gotta take both with some salt.

Jones and Co don't do much "reporting". They usually just provide a Coles Notes version of a mainstream news article, then fill it out with pure speculative spin shaped by their peculiar psychoses.


Edited by kimmy
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Yeah, any details that don't jive with the theory of a secret plot are obviously just there to give debunkers ammunition. <_<

Well, when stuff does not jive, then you have a problem. Only one of version of the story can be true. If it does not make sense to you, then you gotta look at everything.

Jones and Co don't do much "reporting". They usually just provide a Coles Notes version of a mainstream news article, then fill it out with pure speculative spin shaped by their peculiar psychoses.

MSM is the Coles notes of news media as well with no more spin than what Jones' displays. I'd put Jones' and O'Reilly in the same category.

This guy's father even reported to the US back in October that his son was a threat. Why was that ignored? He was also denied a VISA in 2008 according to the BBC article.


How does he get a legit VISA in 2008 from the US when he was denied a VISA by the UK by trying to attend a fake college? The UK simply did not pass on the information. Fail.

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It's something to think about anyways. This sharp dressed man is on quite a few reports out there. I suspect they might be looking for these guys. http://www.hammerl-k...top_sw-hoch.gif

Early reports is that the sharped dressed man was chain smoking too. And William B Davis is Canadian. Oh-oh... :o

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Seems Al and Betty Qaeda is/are taking credit...



A wing of al-Qaeda has claimed it was behind the attempt to blow up a Christmas Day transatlantic flight, saying it was in retaliation for U.S. attacks in Yemen.

On an Islamist website, Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, which is based in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, named 23-year-old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and said he co-ordinated with members of the group. They also said the explosives he carried on the Northwest Airlines flight were made by al-Qaeda members.

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It seems Al Qaeda is the go-to claim/claimant for just about everyone these day's but so far this seems more similar to a Columbine or Timothy McVeigh-like act than anything. A variant of "going postal" based on feelings of persecution and retribution stemming from a combination of political, ideological and religious motivations.

As for Al Qaeda itself...anybody could throw up a website and lay claim to the latest case of spontaneous radicalisation. Their motivation for doing so is as obvious as a government's might be for any galvanizing effect it might have.

A real troubling aspect of this is in the copy-cat nature of these acts.

From a distance it probably all looks like so many wound-up rats in a tightly-pack cage - predictable in other words.

Edited by eyeball
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I heard semesters at UCL were hard but I didn't think they were THAT hard.


Apparently they weren't.

The Department in common with UCL admits students solely on the basis of their academic abilities without regard to a person's political, racial or religious background. During his time on the course Mr Abdulmutallab never gave his tutors any cause for concern, and was a well mannered, quietly spoken, polite and able young man. We are deeply shocked by the recent news concerning Mr Abdulmutallab.
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It isn't funny.

Delays in Canada - no carry on luggage - (or limited carry on to specific items) - and increased security screenings after arriving? For gods sake when was the last time Canada launched a terrorist attack against the US.. its easily been well over 8 years.



It is proposterous 140 cancelations is just a start for what is A LOT of peoples lives effected by a NON EVENT.

think of all the missed flights missed bookings, missed events.. it is madness.. this is a totally obsurd over reaction.

It is totally playing into what Al Qaeda would want ... why are they playing into it.

Why do you need a fundamentalist islamic state when you can have US DHS pulling all the stops

Edited by William Ashley
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What the hell is this? The new conspiracy squad?

PETN is a highly explosive substance that is sometimes used as an emergency heart medication (same family, and same reason, as nitroglycerine.)

The fact that the substance can have medicinal use does not suggest that he was "HIGH", and considering the fact that this retard had accidentally set himself on fire and had smuggled it onto a plane using a condom strapped to his junk, I'm skeptical that it was there for emergency medical use either.


Just to underline your point -- this video shows what 50 grams can do. (50 grams is less than 2 ounces.)


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