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Muslims Muslims Muslims

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That's all I ask when it comes to Shania! :lol:

Love you BC - your a joy ---now off to the little gig with the kid - wish your pops was alive - we could form a band... :lol: We could call ourselves the beagles...or bugletts...looks like you and benny are in competion for the one liners - It's good practice for a young political - to say it short and sweet - but it has to be good ...over and out - shifting to a sub channel - say hello to Mr. Obama for me - and get him to the surgeon - those ears!

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Love you BC - your a joy ---now off to the little gig with the kid - wish your pops was alive - we could form a band... :lol: We could call ourselves the beagles...or bugletts...looks like you and benny are in competion for the one liners - It's good practice for a young political - to say it short and sweet - but it has to be good ...over and out - shifting to a sub channel - say hello to Mr. Obama for me - and get him to the surgeon - those ears!

How about a "troll reduced diet" for you two, just like the one imposed on M.Dancer!?

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Haha if someone doesn't have the same opinion as yours he's from a backward culture! I was born and raised here ;), so no backward culture for me. I'm just as Canadian as you, except that I'm not an ignorant that has been educated by T.V.

That's odd. You sure don't seem to think or argue like a Canadian. Rather, you argue like a foreigner who is unfamiliar with our culture, and certainly isn't a part of it. You grow frantic and sulky and posture absurdly about everyone here decrying "all" muslims. Many people here have defended Muslims far, far better than you appear capable of, not because of your lousy English but because of your lousy attitude.

No point debating with you then!

Then don't. Just go away.

Keep being scared of Muslims..

Yeah, okay. You keep being scared of basic grammar rules.

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As I said it many times before, when someone is a White Canadian and he does something wrong, it's because he's a bad person or has some issues. When it's a Muslim (or Black, Jews, Indians) it's because he's Muslim. Argus illustrates that point of view pretty easily.

Clearly, your taxi-driver English isn't up to comprehension either.

Many peole have pointed out to you already that the problem is not that of the actions of individuals, but the actions, or rather, non-actions, of the Muslim community as a whole. Ten thousand fatal terrorist incidents, and what is the response of the Muslim community? A big shrug. Firebrand preachers crowd your mosques all over the Muslim world, even the biggest, most important ones, making ludicrous, violent, emotional pleas for violence on behalf of Muslims. And when anyone points that out all the so-called moderates do is get defensive.

You yourself are a perfect example. Not one word, not a single word of condemnation of anything going on in the Muslim world, terroristm, violence, anti-semitism, the barbaric treatment of women, etc. You just dismiss it all as "a couple of assholes".

And when someone criticises Sharia law you instantly go on the defensive and get angry. How odd for a guy who says he's not religious.

No, Muslim culture is barbaric and backward, and you are a great example of it. Born in Canada, you say, not the least religious, you say, but angrily defensive of Sharia law.

Imagine how angry and defensive the vast bulk of religious Muslims are on the subject!

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Maybe. But it's not Islam that tells you to kill your women if she cheats on you. That guy had a backward mentality that he learned I don't know where.

Gee, maybe from the Koran? Maybe from Sharia law? Maybe from his religion?

By the way, plenty of White people (non Muslims) kill their wife each year, each week, but it's ok, they are not Muslims.

Yeah, you keep playing the race card there, Abdul. Maybe someone will be convinced.

As for people who kill their wives. You yet again don't seem to comprehend the difference between the actions of an individual, and the actions of a society. You get back to us when a White guy kills his wife with the aid and assistance of his mother, his father, his brother and sisters, and his cousins.

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Gee, maybe from the Koran? Maybe from Sharia law? Maybe from his religion?

As for people who kill their wives. You yet again don't seem to comprehend the difference between the actions of an individual, and the actions of a society. You get back to us when a White guy kills his wife with the aid and assistance of his mother, his father, his brother and sisters, and his cousins.

These barbaric murders are I think a sign of cultural regression. This regression may well comes from the fact that Mohammad is said to be a prophet but his prophecies are nowhere to be found. When one has a religion where the past, present and future are all disconnected like that, his/her culture is stuck in the past.

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1. I'm not afraid of them I just don't trust them and when I see one of your "women" dressed in a full head covering with only her eyes showing I let her know that this is Canada and she should behave like we do. I've done this many times in shopping malls, mostly when I go to Brampton which I try very hard to avoid if I can. I prefer to shop in the tri cities for this reason.

2. Muslims simply don't integrate for the most part, this is a fact. Muslims stay in their own little communities and ghettos they build up. Look at Dundas and Hwy 10 in Mississauga for reference.

Covering yourselves from head to toe isn't conducive to integration and being open to our way of life. I don't understand why muslims come here at all if all they want to do is make them selves separate from the rest of Canada who let them into our country in the first place.

3. Muslims, a lot of the time have quite backward beliefs that you have already listed.

4. I don't support honor killing's as part of my everyday life and neither does any real Canadian not even the Liberal ones for the most part.

This isn't Saudi Arabia please stop trying to make this country into that. Wit hthe hand, head and foot chopping off. Canada afaik doesn't want that and we've evolved beyond the seventh century, time for Muslims to catch up. There will be riots in the streets before that happens...

Edited by Mr.Canada
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That's odd. You sure don't seem to think or argue like a Canadian. Rather, you argue like a foreigner who is unfamiliar with our culture, and certainly isn't a part of it. You grow frantic and sulky and posture absurdly about everyone here decrying "all" muslims. Many people here have defended Muslims far, far better than you appear capable of, not because of your lousy English but because of your lousy attitude.

Then don't. Just go away.

Yeah, okay. You keep being scared of basic grammar rules.

My lousy English is 100 times better than all the other languages that you speak or could speak. As I said before, you know that I'm Muslim (on paper) so you think that everything I do is because of that. That's how pathetic you are. Foreigner? Not really, born and raised here, most of my friends are White Canadians (100%), don't practice any religion. I'm Muslim because my parents are and they don't even practice. But something in my blood must be wrong I believe according to you........

I'm as foreigner as you are.


Oups, I forgot that you don't know how to read English, Mr perfection!

Edited by monkeyman
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1. I'm not afraid of them I just don't trust them and when I see one of your "women" dressed in a full head covering with only her eyes showing I let her know that this is Canada and she should behave like we do. I've done this many times in shopping malls, mostly when I go to Brampton which I try very hard to avoid if I can. I prefer to shop in the tri cities for this reason.

2. Muslims simply don't integrate for the most part, this is a fact. Muslims stay in their own little communities and ghettos they build up. Look at Dundas and Hwy 10 in Mississauga for reference.

Covering yourselves from head to toe isn't conducive to integration and being open to our way of life. I don't understand why muslims come here at all if all they want to do is make them selves separate from the rest of Canada who let them into our country in the first place.

3. Muslims, a lot of the time have quite backward beliefs that you have already listed.

4. I don't support honor killing's as part of my everyday life and neither does any real Canadian not even the Liberal ones for the most part.

This isn't Saudi Arabia please stop trying to make this country into that. Wit hthe hand, head and foot chopping off. Canada afaik doesn't want that and we've evolved beyond the seventh century, time for Muslims to catch up. There will be riots in the streets before that happens...

#1: Why don't you trust them? You think they will put a bomb in your mail box?????? Canada is a country with RIGHTS, if you don't want Muslims to wear scarves then you should impose a dictator as the Primer Minister. You're not in Iran here, you can dress the way you want, you're not obliged to dress with Jeans and Shirts (even if that's what I do). Don't get me wrong, I don't approve women wearing a huge dress where we can only see their eyes, but unfortunately they have the right. I don't see however why you say that Muslim women who wear scarves don't integrate....

#2 What do you mean, for THE MOST PART ? We have a Muslim Humorist in Quebec, who was born and raised here. His name is Rachid Badouri. What is for you to NOT INTEGRATE? Can someone be integrated when he speaks Arabic or Urdu and he goes at the Mosque (I personally don't, )? We don't have "Muslim" ghettos in Montreal, so I don't know about Toronto. I'm pretty sure that if you see someone speaking Arabic in the Subway, you'll say he's not integrated to the society!

#3 100% useless point if you can't cite examples

#4 Honor Killing, IT'S TERRIBLE WHEN IT HAPPENS, but how many cases do we have in Canada? Maybe one or 2 ? And the guy from Afghanistan was not found guilty yet. So these 2 Muslims represent the thousands in Canada and the 1.5 B in the world? You think that in the 48 Muslim countries you can kill whoever you want? For the hand cut off or the head, you have the States that kill people every year using the Death Penalty. Maybe you have more Muslims that have a backward culture and mentality, I concede this, but it's not all of them that have that backward mentality.

Honor Killings hen! That's how you see Muslims basically, you see on tv that one person did it (maybe 2) and you generalize the whole Muslim population of Canada. Wake up, Honor Killing doesn't happen in 99.9% OF THE MUSLIM FAMILIES IN CANADA! There's more White Canadians that kill their wives then Muslims!

Some Italians are in the Mafia, some Blacks sell drugs, some Muslims don't integrate and kill their wives, some Latinos beat their wives, some White Canadians are pedophiles. You can't however generalize someone based on its origin, it's ridiculous and stupid.

Just say you don't like Muslims and you take one anecdote to generalize the huge majority that only ask to work and be able to live peacefully in the country that they chose, Canada. Because that's what you are doing! You basically take one Muslim that killed his wife (honor killing, and I DISAGREE STRONGLY WITH THAT PRACTICE, HE HAS TO GO IN JAIL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE) and you pretend that all Muslims are for Honor Killing!

You're just intolerant, you said it, because someone wears a scarf, he's not integrated and should go back in his country.

Edited by monkeyman
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My lousy English is 100 times better than all the other languages that you speak or could speak. As I said before, you know that I'm Muslim (on paper) so you think that everything I do is because of that.

I don't care if you're a Muslim or not. I find your arguments to be frantic, juvenile, and filled with resentment towards White people. Others have noted your habit of glossing over the abuses within Islam as if only "a couple of people" were responsible, which leads most of us to believe you don't really have much of a problem with the cultural barbarisms and backwardness of the Islamic world. And your arguments are replete with the culturalisms one would expect from an immigrant from the Muslim world.

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#1: Why don't you trust them? You think they will put a bomb in your mail box?????? Canada is a country with RIGHTS, if you don't want Muslims to wear scarves then you should impose a dictator as the Primer Minister. You're not in Iran here, you can dress the way you want, you're not obliged to dress with Jeans and Shirts (even if that's what I do). Don't get me wrong, I don't approve women wearing a huge dress where we can only see their eyes, but unfortunately they have the right. I don't see however why you say that Muslim women who wear scarves don't integrate....

#2 What do you mean, for THE MOST PART ? We have a Muslim Humorist in Quebec, who was born and raised here. His name is Rachid Badouri. What is for you to NOT INTEGRATE? Can someone be integrated when he speaks Arabic or Urdu and he goes at the Mosque (I personally don't, )? We don't have "Muslim" ghettos in Montreal, so I don't know about Toronto. I'm pretty sure that if you see someone speaking Arabic in the Subway, you'll say he's not integrated to the society!

#3 100% useless point if you can't cite examples

#4 Honor Killing, IT'S TERRIBLE WHEN IT HAPPENS, but how many cases do we have in Canada? Maybe one or 2 ? And the guy from Afghanistan was not found guilty yet. So these 2 Muslims represent the thousands in Canada and the 1.5 B in the world? You think that in the 48 Muslim countries you can kill whoever you want? For the hand cut off or the head, you have the States that kill people every year using the Death Penalty. Maybe you have more Muslims that have a backward culture and mentality, I concede this, but it's not all of them that have that backward mentality.

Honor Killings hen! That's how you see Muslims basically, you see on tv that one person did it (maybe 2) and you generalize the whole Muslim population of Canada. Wake up, Honor Killing doesn't happen in 99.9% OF THE MUSLIM FAMILIES IN CANADA! There's more White Canadians that kill their wives then Muslims!

Some Italians are in the Mafia, some Blacks sell drugs, some Muslims don't integrate and kill their wives, some Latinos beat their wives, some White Canadians are pedophiles. You can't however generalize someone based on its origin, it's ridiculous and stupid.

Just say you don't like Muslims and you take one anecdote to generalize the huge majority that only ask to work and be able to live peacefully in the country that they chose, Canada. Because that's what you are doing! You basically take one Muslim that killed his wife (honor killing, and I DISAGREE STRONGLY WITH THAT PRACTICE, HE HAS TO GO IN JAIL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE) and you pretend that all Muslims are for Honor Killing!

You're just intolerant, you said it, because someone wears a scarf, he's not integrated and should go back in his country.

monkey (what a fortunate name) has about the same arguments as this waste of skin Islamic "scholar"... featured in this interview with Richard Dawkins.

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I don't care if you're a Muslim or not. I find your arguments to be frantic, juvenile, and filled with resentment towards White people. Others have noted your habit of glossing over the abuses within Islam as if only "a couple of people" were responsible, which leads most of us to believe you don't really have much of a problem with the cultural barbarisms and backwardness of the Islamic world. And your arguments are replete with the culturalisms one would expect from an immigrant from the Muslim world.

Ressentment toward White people? That's why my girl friend is White, most of my friends etc.

My argument is that you take a few anecdotes in CANADA and you try to make me think that most of the MUSLIM CANADIANS are doing wrong things every day and they are bad people, that don't integrate, don't work, abuse women, kill women. That's your point of view. A bit Xenophobic and Racist.

Unlike you, I hate no one, or reserve special conditions based on race or religion. If someone commits a crime, he must go in jail, that's it.

On top of that you seem very intolerant toward women who wear scarves and the fact that these "useless bitches"

have the same rights as you do, as "THE REAL CANADIAN"

You probably never met a Muslim or something like, stay deep deep deep in your rural area, with your good VALUES

Ressentment toward White people, that's a good one mate.

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monkey (what a fortunate name) has about the same arguments as this waste of skin Islamic "scholar"... featured in this interview with Richard Dawkins.

I'm not interested in your rubbish anecdotes that come from nowhere, sorry.

I realise what's going on in the streets, not in newspapers, forums, t.v., internet or whatever. What's going on in the streets the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE, that's what I'M interested in.

1,5 Billion people, keep getting me some anecdotes, I'm not a dumb Naive person, sorry.

You could say also that Black people are bad because they rape white women, but I won't generalise as you do, and laugh at your xenophobic person

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I don't care if you're a Muslim or not. I find your arguments to be frantic, juvenile, and filled with resentment towards White people. Others have noted your habit of glossing over the abuses within Islam as if only "a couple of people" were responsible, which leads most of us to believe you don't really have much of a problem with the cultural barbarisms and backwardness of the Islamic world. And your arguments are replete with the culturalisms one would expect from an immigrant from the Muslim world.

Oh and....Why justify your Hate toward Muslim people with articles, stats, stupid anecdotes??? Why not just say that you don't like them!!! It's pretty simple.

Because the generalization that you're doing is horrible, rubbish and stupid.

Say it, "I'm White CAnadian, I was born here, my parents are, I don't want the fucken Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics to have the same rights as me because they're not pure people. And if they commit some crimes, they should go back in their countries because prison is only for White people."

There you go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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There are some people here who are racists and white supremacists. Argus and lictor616 aren't worth arguing with on questions of race/culture (the only topics they're interested in) as there are no limits to their hatred and depravity.

They do not represent Canadians.

My advice: Just use their posts as a reason to provide useful information for other readers who are interested in learning, and report their more racist comments as offensive.

For example, Argus keeps talking about '10,000 dead' from Muslim terrorists.

Do you have any idea how many innocent Muslims are dead because of western intervention?

I am pretty sure that in Iraq alone, that number is a whole lot higher than 10,000.

In fact, I've heard estimates of up to half a million children, not even counting other civilians.

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There are some people here who are racists and white supremacists. Argus and lictor616 aren't worth arguing with on questions of race/culture (the only topics they're interested in) as there are no limits to their hatred and depravity.

They do not represent Canadians.

My advice: Just use their posts as a reason to provide useful information for other readers who are interested in learning, and report their more racist comments as offensive.

For example, Argus keeps talking about '10,000 dead' from Muslim terrorists.

Do you have any idea how many innocent Muslims are dead because of western intervention?

I am pretty sure that in Iraq alone, that number is a whole lot higher than 10,000.

In fact, I've heard estimates of up to half a million children, not even counting other civilians.

Brilliant comment.

Argus is a mean person and a pathetitc human being.

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I'm not interested in your rubbish anecdotes that come from nowhere, sorry.

I realise what's going on in the streets, not in newspapers, forums, t.v., internet or whatever. What's going on in the streets the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE, that's what I'M interested in.

1,5 Billion people, keep getting me some anecdotes, I'm not a dumb Naive person, sorry.

You could say also that Black people are bad because they rape white women, but I won't generalise as you do, and laugh at your xenophobic person

from nowhere? Richard Dawkins is a scholar of international repute.. and he debunks the whole of your assertions in this very concise and easy to understand interview...

Xenophobia is supposed to mean "fear of people from other nations".... I am an avid traveler, and myself come from a foreign country... I was also an exchange student in Venezuela for one year... now please stop focusing on individuals... and to the arguments.

and btw, you do generalize (for instance you referred to white inmates in canadian prisons as majority pedophiles once)... you also agree that every minority is a victim of racism, and that every minority is denied job opportunitiies in canada.

either way Generalizations are not always false, and do provide us with insight with real world application. If you're mugged in the US... chances are its not at the hands of a norwegian girl...


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from nowhere? Richard Dawkins is a scholar of international repute.. and he debunks the whole of your assertions in this very concise and easy to understand interview...

Xenophobia is supposed to mean "fear of people from other nations".... I am an avid traveler, and myself come from a foreign country... I was also an exchange student in Venezuela for one year... now please stop focusing on individuals... and to the arguments.

and btw, you do generalize (for instance you referred to white inmates in canadian prisons as majority pedophiles once)... you also agree that every minority is a victim of racism, and that every minority is denied job opportunitiies in canada.

either way Generalizations are not always false, and do provide us with insight with real world application. If you're mugged in the US... chances are its not at the hands of a norwegian girl...


I generalize like you do, I play your game with White people the same way you speak about Muslims. That's it.

But I heard that you and ARgus are White supprematists, so you won't be able to answer in an ojbective way.

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Stop defending your White supprematist collegue.

he's not my "colleague" and we've have disagreed on many subjects...

but I think he's right on this one... and judging by your frantic denials and "détournements" I know you cannot rationally account for what you're saying... since you'd rather be calling people absurd labels like "white supremacists"... when they complain about the institutional racism that is affirmative action, which deprives many whites of equality...

that's right you're calling people who aim for equal treatment... "white supremacists"... that's why you've dropped the freaking ball my friend...

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Argus and lictor616 aren't worth arguing with on questions of race/culture (the only topics they're interested in) as there are no limits to their hatred and depravity.
But I heard that you and ARgus are White supprematists, so you won't be able to answer in an ojbective way.

Lictor is indeed quite an unsavory creature. For example, he has glorified Nazi Germany and blamed the holocaust on the Jews, among other things. But Argus often makes excellent points, and he frequently brings data and facts to the table, in addition to reasoned opinions and arguments. You would do well to distinguish between them.

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Lictor is indeed quite an unsavory creature. For example, he has glorified Nazi Germany and blamed the holocaust on the Jews, among other things. But Argus often makes excellent points, and he frequently brings data and facts to the table, in addition to reasoned opinions and arguments. You would do well to distinguish between them.

blamed the holocaust on the Jews? Funny, can you quote that for me?

I did say that Jews were not entirely "not responsible" for the way they were looked at by Germany and indeed the rest of Europe... I reject the notion that the behavior of Jews was irreproachable and not in any way related to the way Germans perceived them.

I do agree that I and Argus display many dissimilarities in opinion and we shouldn't at all be bunched together.

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