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Khadr - Court rules he must be Repatriated

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Stop making them - and selling them to the highest bidder - our arms dealers need to be regulated...as of now they are pirates acting as privateers - it's wrong - no child or any civliian or soldier needs to walk about with his genitals missing along with a leg... These things kill long after the conflict

Not going to happen....the best you can hope for is self sterilizing mines. I used to manufacture a mine called "Gator" for CBU (cluster) munitions....very cheap and effective for force multiplier and area denial. The peacenicks used to go nuts over mines! We would moon them from our office windows.

Mine warfare may not be sexy, but it is here to stay.

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Mines don't have to be sexy to maim children; they only have to look like toys.

I don't like to hear the word "sexy" when it comes to death - sex creates life - not death....this cute use of words is annoying..cluster bombs are bad - and confining those seeking refuge during a conflict - (Shrilanka) and shell groups of confined civlians is horrendous..or to quietly give devil may care orders to blow up a school with children in it to get some bad Hamas types - then deny that such a care free and reckless order was given..well - that's bad - looks like there are more evils than just mines - maybe it is the human mind that is dangerous ---

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I don't like to hear the word "sexy" when it comes to death - sex creates life - not death....this cute use of words is annoying..

You said elsewhere that French are calling orgasm, the little death. Recall also that, for Freud, the death drive is a desire to go back in our mothers' wombs.

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Could you post a link to this epic, detailed video? I couldn't find it on YouTube, only snippets. You seems to have gathered a lot more information from the movie you saw then the one that the media showed at that time... Do you guys get to see the `extended' version or the `edited-to-make-you-hate-them-more' version?




The video should be somewhere in the first link, the actual vid is over 10 mins long...what it shows you is Omar handling a Russian anti tank mines ( a self contained wpn) what that means is it comes complete ready to kill no wiring or assemble required just plant it and remove the safety....these are normally stacked, serveral mines place on top of each other to increase the blast and killing power of the mine.....

Omar and his buddies where wiring them so they could be remote Detonated by cell phone or radio, so you don't have to run over them to make them work........hence all the wiring seen on the video...

Also on the video you'll see omar and his merry band planting them at night....the same ones found by American EOD teams the next day....

Planting any explosives in afghan is a death sentence, deadly force with out warning is authorized under ISAF ROE....it is a very serious offense...

I've been involved in serveral IED strikes, and seen up close the results, most ending up in comrads getting a trip home in a closed casket...i know it is all part of war, but bombers are are not shown much mercy....

I want to make something clear....i don't hate Omar, what i do hate his what him and his buddies stands for, thier ideals and the sorrow and pain they have brought Afghanis....

And like you i do want him to have a fair trail, but i also want him to answer for his crimes...it is important that we send a signal to the others , Canadians fighting on the wrong side....that thier choices have consquences here at home....unlike the message we have already sent out with Omars brothers....

Our nations soldiers are fighting and dying everyday over there....Our dead and wounded will be compasated, but not nearly as much as we have already paid out to the Khadr family.....and it is a sad day when the bad guys get more recongnition than our brave heros who have volenteered to fight in our nations name....

Edited by Army Guy
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It is a sad day when the nation you live in is at war. People die in wars. This kid, who is now of legal age actually desired to get involved in a war. He actively engaged in operations that were designed to kill people. He was caught as a foreign national, without a uniform in an active theater of operations. Now reasonably speaking , what outcome can he expect?

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Canadians fighting on the wrong side....

To me, it is David (the Taliban) against Goliath (American Imperialism). Canada has decided to take side with Goliath, which is the wrong side. But, as Prime minister of Canada, I would have done the same for two good reasons: 1) because to reason Goliath, up to a certain point, you have to cooperate with him; and 2) because the terrorists' cause, although we can hint at its legitimacy, is just not articulated enough by their promoters.

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To me, it is David (the Taliban) against Goliath (American Imperialism). Canada has decided to take side with Goliath, which is the wrong side. But, as Prime minister of Canada, I would have done the same for two good reasons: 1) because to reason Goliath, up to a certain point, you have to cooperate with him; and 2) because the terrorists' cause, although we can hint at its legitimacy, is just not articulated enough by their promoters.

Just because sometimes i'm a little slow....we are on the wrong side and should have taken up the Talibans cause.....

And in your opinion you think the Taliban cause has legitimacy, and they just have not made that clear enough to the rest of the world...

What part of thier cause has ligitimacy?

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I couldn't find the video of Khadr that Army Guy supplied but here's a Globe and Mail summary that simply reports the news.....so many people have tried to put "spin" on Khadr to advance their own agenda. This is just a raw story....I don't see how you can find any sympathy for any of the Khadr family and I believe their actions have clearly shown that they have made their own decisions to give up the right of being a Canadian because they have absolved themselves of all responsibility for BEING a Canadian.

Monday, November 19

12:33 AM

'60 Minutes' airs video of Omar Khadr


From Monday's Globe and Mail

CBS News has broadcast shocking new footage of a Canadian terrorism suspect allegedly building bomb timers and planting land mines while he was a 15-year-old militant hoping to take on American soldiers in Afghanistan.

The footage, some of it shot on a night-vision camera by alleged al-Qaeda fighters before it was seized by U.S. forces after a deadly raid, leaves a more sinister impression of Omar Khadr than the widely circulated photo of him as a boy benignly smiling at the camera.

That teenaged terrorism suspect's image has been reproduced the world over since he was arrested in Afghanistan in 2002 and sent to the Guantanamo Bay prison experiment on allegations of killing an American soldier.

The military has long been planning to show the seized videotape during trial, but proceedings have repeatedly stalled before the evidence could be aired.

Beyond the new footage, the 12-minute 60 Minutes piece contained few surprises for Canadians who have been following the case for years.

There are more remarks from fundamentalist Islamist Khadr family, whose televised statements will once again do little to build public support for the groups and politicians who are arguing that Canada should adopt a principled stance and lobby to repatriate Mr. Khadr from Guantanamo Bay.

A U.S. military official who launched the prosecution described that case against Omar Khadr as strong, but circumstantial. “I think it's fair to say that no person saw him actually throw the grenade,” retired general John Altenburg told 60 Minutes.

A producer for the news program, George Crile had a long-standing relationship with the Khadr family and 60 Minutes dug up footage shot just a few weeks before 9/11, when the patriarch of the family made anti-American remarks from Afghanistan.

“I'm not a terrorist,” Ahmed Said Khadr says in the footage. But he adds that the Arab Afghan mujahedeen like him were enemies of the United States: “It's looks like after we have removed the Russian empire we will have to be ending up removing also the American empire.”

By 2003, the elder Mr. Khadr was alleged to be a senior al-Qaeda member. He was killed in a battle against the Pakistani army in 2003.

It was he who enrolled his sons into al-Qaeda training camps, and sent his second youngest, Omar, then aged 15, to the front lines in 2002. U.S. soldiers say he threw a deadly grenade that killed a soldier during a battle, prompting them to shoot him three times before giving him medical care.

Five years later, legal proceedings in “Gitmo” have repeatedly stalled against Omar Khadr, and the tall 21-year-old prisoner in Cuba now bears faint resemblance to the boy filmed in the 60 Minutes video, caught smiling and laughing as he prepares for war.

Omar's younger brother Karim was also shown in the piece. The footage was shot in 2004, just weeks after he returned to Canada from Pakistan. He survived, but was paralyzed by the deadly battle that killed his father.

In that footage, a 14-year-old Karim Khadr talks about how he wanted to become a martyr so he could be doted on in the afterlife by dozens of fragrant-smelling virgins.

He adds that he expected that Omar would want to resume battles against Americans when he gets out of Guantanamo Bay. “When he's all right again he'll find them again … and take his revenge,” he said.

Link: http://ago.mobile.globeandmail.com/generat...9/wkhadr19.html

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Thats the best you got benny "anti-imperialism " and to obtain that goal anything and everything is permitted right.....No benny anti-imperialism is not going to cut it....your nothing more than an appoligist for a murderist group of thugs that only goal is to rule with brutal force,pain and suffering.....i hope you sleep well at night....i know i do....

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And like you i do want him to have a fair trail, but i also want him to answer for his crimes...it is important that we send a signal to the others , Canadians fighting on the wrong side....that thier choices have consquences here at home....

child soldier

Human Rights Watch Commentary: Omar Ahmed Khadr

Nationality: Canadian

Omar Khadr, a 21-year-old Canadian, was just 15 when he was captured and seriously injured in a firefight in Afghanistan on July 27, 2002.

The US has accused Khadr of throwing the grenade that killed US Army Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer and injured two others. He is charged with murder and attempted murder in violation of the laws of war, conspiracy to commit terrorism, providing material support for terrorism, and spying.

In spite of his juvenile status at the time of his capture, the United States has refused to acknowledge his status as a child, or to apply universally recognized standards of juvenile justice in his case.
Both US and international law allow for detention of juveniles only as a last resort, require juveniles to be provided educational opportunities and housed separately from adults, and mandate a prompt determination of all cases involving children. Yet, Khadr has been incarcerated with adults, reportedly subjected to abusive interrogations, and not been provided any educational opportunities (as have other children at Guantanamo). In addition, he was detained for more than two years before he was provided access to an attorney, and for more than three years before he was charged. He was initially charged in the first round of military commissions, which were ultimately struck down by the Supreme Court. Another two years passed before he was re-charged before the current military commissions.

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[87] The respondents argue that, if Mr. Khadr returns to Canada, the question will arise whether he can be prosecuted under Canadian law. The respondents’ concern is whether the threshold criteria for launching a prosecution – that is, whether there is a reasonable prospect of conviction and the prosecution is in the public interest – would be met in Mr. Khadr’s case. To my mind, any concern in this area merely reinforces the case for repatriation. If there is doubt about whether those criteria can be met, there should also be doubt about whether Mr. Khadr’s ongoing detention at Guantánamo Bay is consistent with principles of fundamental justice.

Federal Court of Canada

That says it all, I think.

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If he was going to be charged with TREASON as he should ,I would love to bring him back to face a firing squad. Remember that American soldier just as easaly, been a Canadian soldier.

Respectfully, Muddy, I don't value a Canadians life more than an Americans. Nevertheless, the government appeared to have doubts wether any treason charge (or any other charge for that matter) would hold up to scrutiny. That was the point.

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The video should be somewhere in the first link, the actual vid is over 10 mins long...what it shows you is Omar handling a Russian anti tank mines ( a self contained wpn) what that means is it comes complete ready to kill no wiring or assemble required just plant it and remove the safety....these are normally stacked, serveral mines place on top of each other to increase the blast and killing power of the mine.....

Omar and his buddies where wiring them so they could be remote Detonated by cell phone or radio, so you don't have to run over them to make them work........hence all the wiring seen on the video...

Also on the video you'll see omar and his merry band planting them at night....the same ones found by American EOD teams the next day....

I couldn't find any video evidence of what you continue to narrate from the links you provided but I did find this video:

60 Minutes

And like you i do want him to have a fair trail, but i also want him to answer for his crimes...it is important that we send a signal to the others , Canadians fighting on the wrong side....that thier choices have consquences here at home....

How can he have a `fair trial' when most people have already pre-judged that he committed crimes? The videos that I've seen show a friendly kid.

Have there been any adult Canadians caught `fighting on the wrong side' lately? I doubt it.

Our nations soldiers are fighting and dying everyday over there....Our dead and wounded will be compasated, but not nearly as much as we have already paid out to the Khadr family.....and it is a sad day when the bad guys get more recongnition than our brave heros who have volenteered to fight in our nations name....

Quit the melodrama, would ya? We're not friggin' cheerleaders for the bad guys. Hooeh.

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How can he have a `fair trial' when most people have already pre-judged that he committed crimes? The videos that I've seen show a friendly kid.

Have there been any adult Canadians caught `fighting on the wrong side' lately? I doubt it.

Quit the melodrama, would ya? We're not friggin' cheerleaders for the bad guys. Hooeh.

To me, Army Guy is overshooting his target.

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To me, Army Guy is overshooting his target.

He's spinning the story around his own view, as we all are, I guess.

I think Army Guy's bad guys are mine too; the fascist, militant, al qaeda-backed group that calls itself the `Taliban'.

Although Taliban once meant something akin to `students':

The term taliban is derived from the Persian and Pashtun plural of the Arabic word talib ("seeker of knowledge").

Taliban Definition

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If he was going to be charged with TREASON as he should ,I would love to bring him back to face a firing squad. Remember that American soldier just as easaly, been a Canadian soldier.

Dude, why don't you just move to the States if you're already blurring the lines.

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