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Robert Dziekanski

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"You and your fellow officers collaborated to fabricate your story in the expectation that it would justify your conduct to your superiors. Do you deny that?" Rosenbloom asked.

"Yes. We never did that," Millington replied.


This is likely true. I think what these bastards really did is collaborate with their superiors to justify their conduct to the public. They've cock-ed that up even worse.

Perhaps we should just boot the RCMP out of B.C. and go with a provincial police force instead.

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This is likely true. I think what these bastards really did is collaborate with their superiors to justify their conduct to the public. They've cock-ed that up even worse.

Perhaps we should just boot the RCMP out of B.C. and go with a provincial police force instead.

I think the RCMP SHOULD be disbanded, they have acted disgracefully far too often. If the provinces each had our own police force we could individually decide what priority to place on drug law enforcement for instance, as well as gun registry enforcement. People would then be free to move to areas of the country that best suit their lifestyle.

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This is likely true. I think what these bastards really did is collaborate with their superiors to justify their conduct to the public. They've cock-ed that up even worse.

Perhaps we should just boot the RCMP out of B.C. and go with a provincial police force instead.

Yeah, because we know provincial police forces are soooo much better.

The problem isn't with just with the RCMP, or even with Canadian police. It's the "us vs. them" attitude that most cops, even the guys who stop you at a roadblock, have

Disbanding them just means you create a new police force largely made up of the same guys. You won't fix a damned thing.

Edited by ToadBrother
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Yeah, because we know provincial police forces are soooo much better.

The problem isn't with just with the RCMP, or even with Canadian police. It's the "us vs. them" attitude that most cops, even the guys who stop you at a roadblock, have

Disbanding them just means you create a new police force largely made up of the same guys. You won't fix a damned thing.

Speaking of RCMP officers - one retired that I know fairly well - said --- one night in a private confession ..."I feel so guilty about arresting and helping to convict all of the heroine dealers, when all the time I was addicted to herione myself"...perfect system - ?

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Speaking of RCMP officers - one retired that I know fairly well - said --- one night in a private confession ..."I feel so guilty about arresting and helping to convict all of the heroine dealers, when all the time I was addicted to herione myself"...perfect system - ?

My point is - perhaps they should question the offending officers and find out what prescribed medications they were or are on. The side effects of some of these new compounds that are handed out like candy via some policy to millioins of Canadians - have one thing that is consistant - some medications when administered to young people cause suidicdal ideations - perhaps in old people it may be the reverse - They may open the door to homicidal ideations? I have seen people go from sensitive thinking human beings to cold robots once medicated by well meaning doctors who push big pharma product on as many as possible. This is a very important issue - who in authority is drugged and who's judgement is impaired by that drug. Because we have the attitude that street drugs make one crazy and perscribed medications do not - because - doctors are perfect and we trust them - there are creepy doctors and cops..and people who look okay on the outside but inside they are creeps and are dangerous.

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Yeah, because we know provincial police forces are soooo much better.

The problem isn't with just with the RCMP, or even with Canadian police. It's the "us vs. them" attitude that most cops, even the guys who stop you at a roadblock, have

Disbanding them just means you create a new police force largely made up of the same guys. You won't fix a damned thing.

Perhaps, but at least they'd be one less step removed from accountability to their jursidictions and as Dr G points out provincial and even less senior jurisdictions could also decide what they want to focus their police resources on.

I liken the ineptitude of the RCMP to DFO, much of it can probably be traced back to the fact they get their mandate from Ottawa which might as well be on the dark side of the moon for all the accountabilty and relevence it seems to have in people's day to day lives.

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Perhaps, but at least they'd be one less step removed from accountability to their jursidictions and as Dr G points out provincial and even less senior jurisdictions could also decide what they want to focus their police resources on.

I liken the ineptitude of the RCMP to DFO, much of it can probably be traced back to the fact they get their mandate from Ottawa which might as well be on the dark side of the moon for all the accountabilty and relevence it seems to have in people's day to day lives.

Ottawa? Where is that? Is that the place where people who are privledged and entitled yell insults at each other all day like it was a paid vacation and a hobby? What instructions would or could these policy makers give to the RCMP or any other sub-authority? They seem to have enough trouble finding out who is in authority in the house let alone dispense it.

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There is another case. I think it's totally unnecessary or...insane. It seems these officers were just enjoying the power of absolutely domination to the people whom they are supposed to serve to.

B.C. man pepper sprayed when he asked border guard to say 'please'

I think there do have needs to set up some restriction on police officers and their kinds using unnecessary violent force against unarmed civilian....before the countries here become more likely police states. :(

Edited by xul
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There is another case. I think it's totally unnecessary or...insane. It seems these officers were just enjoying the power of absolutely domination to the people whom they are supposed to serve to.

B.C. man pepper sprayed when he asked border guard to say 'please'

I think there do have needs to set up some restriction on police officers and their kinds using unnecessary violent force against unarmed civilian....before the countries here become more likely police states. :(

Some people go through their lives and have awakenings. They search for the truth because they know it is of utmost importance - they go beyond the institutional ways of thinking - they evolve to a higher level...Those people seem to forget - they seem to feel as they change and move forward that the world around them evolves and moves forward also -------the shock is - the world and it's people remain unchanged and still practice barbarism - It does come as some surprise that stupidity and evil still persist and resist common sense, goodness and logic...but it does and this is the thing that the maturing mind and spirit must not forget - that there are savage apes out their in human form....doing what they have always done...provoke and be attacked - If you want to stay safe - go around the apes - head long into them is a challenge - and I would never insist that some monkey say "please" - thats like asking the dog to talk.

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There is another case. I think it's totally unnecessary or...insane. It seems these officers were just enjoying the power of absolutely domination to the people whom they are supposed to serve to.

B.C. man pepper sprayed when he asked border guard to say 'please'

I'll bet he will not ask the border guards to say "please" again. Some people only learn lessons the hard way.

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I'll bet he will not ask the border guards to say "please" again. Some people only learn lessons the hard way.

Okay - I just had the only laugh of the day. Only an idiot would irritate a guard by saying..."nope - not moving - and you are not looking in my glove box unless you say please --- and pretty please...go ahead say it" No way hot sauce face ever going to demand that a guard kneel before him as he crosses the boarder ever again..

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Okay - I just had the only laugh of the day. Only an idiot would irritate a guard by saying..."nope - not moving - and you are not looking in my glove box unless you say please --- and pretty please...go ahead say it" No way hot sauce face ever going to demand that a guard kneel before him as he crosses the boarder ever again..

Ha! Back to Ghostbusters:

Walter Peck: And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them?

Dr. Peter Venkman: Into a storage facility.

Walter Peck: And would this storage facility be located on these premises?

Dr. Peter Venkman: Yes.

Walter Peck: And may I see this storage facility?

Dr. Peter Venkman: No.

Walter Peck: And why not, Mr. Venkman?

Dr. Peter Venkman: Because you did not use the magic word.

Walter Peck: What is the magic word, Mr. Venkman?

Dr. Peter Venkman: [looking surprised] Please!

Walter Peck: May I *please* see the storage facility, Mr. Venkman?

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Was that from memory or did you write the script? The scene and the faces of the characters played in my mind - in colour I might add. Don't be revealing to much of yourself BC........and let me tell you my story about the lost opportunity... or maybe not....okay Please let me tell you.

I was coming down the street and a youngish woman at a cross street...stops and rolls down her windos and asks "Are you going to the audition?" _ I assumed she was an actor...so egoish me starts to give her tips on how to audition more effectively - she looks at me..and says "I am not an actor" - "I am a the casting director" --- so being the dumber and dumb guy...I tell her how I was in the "buis" for 18 years but have been out of it for a long while...she looks at me and says "you are exactly what I am looking for" - then - like a jerk...my mind gets negative - inner voice talking: Jezzz Al - your actra card is void - they want 15 hundred bucks for a re-instatement.....stupid me...it could have been a non-union shoot...so what could have dragged me out of the finacial hole - I let pass .,.

---- I watched the car go up the street and though - "maybe she will turn around and I will have a second kick at the can" I was not much of an actor then - but I am now.....Here come the negative thought - "Damned tax department will snatch the money anyway" - I did love working on Blues Brothers 2000..met all the great old players - Dans best buddy was his standin and we hung out for the whole shoot...learned a lot...I was never impressed with actors but to meet the great players - well it was easy...I fit right in....maybe it's time to go back - but you can never go back - and with you - your ghost busting days are over also.

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.... I did love working on Blues Brothers 2000..met all the great old players - Dans best buddy was his standin and we hung out for the whole shoot...learned a lot...I was never impressed with actors but to meet the great players - well it was easy...I fit right in....maybe it's time to go back - but you can never go back - and with you - your ghost busting days are over also.

Out on the road today, I saw a DEADHEAD sticker on a Cadillac

A little voice Inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back."

I thought I knew what love was

What did I know?

Those days are gone forever

I should just let them go but...

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Out on the road today, I saw a DEADHEAD sticker on a Cadillac

A little voice Inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back."

I thought I knew what love was

What did I know?

Those days are gone forever

I should just let them go but...

I will never go back...the past does not exist - it seems long and inviting because the future looks so short and limited because to much time has passed...still the future no matter how short is still longer than the past and there is still room there but not back there. Sweet bluesy meloncoly...You know BC - I just don't like the fact that they judge me by the white of my very very jazzy beard...I am still me in here...walked a tall beautiful woman home last night..she talked about the street when the snow and Christmas lights were in glory..we talked about how much we miss the country - then down she went into her little apartment...did she know that I would be the greatest lover...? Yes - but I have this damned expirey date on my fore head... :lol:

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I will never go back...the past does not exist - it seems long and inviting because the future looks so short and limited because to much time has passed...still the future no matter how short is still longer than the past and there is still room there but not back there.

Correct...the past does not exist.

I just don't like the fact that they judge me by the white of my very very jazzy beard...I am still me in here...

I know 'Bro...but I also watched Willie Mays stumble in the outfield because he wouldn't accept what we already know.

Lok at the bright side....this poor Polish bloke will never get a jazzy beard.

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Correct...the past does not exist.

I know 'Bro...but I also watched Willie Mays stumble in the outfield because he wouldn't accept what we already know.

Lok at the bright side....this poor Polish bloke will never get a jazzy beard.

Yes you will...you can tailor your appearance anyway you want...and I never stumble-- with effort - I still put on a good show...but - there is no more money in the buis...but to do it because you love it is grand and now I am having some fun..to be up there and ripping a solo - to sing a new tune it tooks me a few weeks to write - to have the woman and men shake my hands and be proud to know me...to maybe have some one know that inside of me is great soul...and that I am very valuable to the right person...I have no choice but to start all over again...so you have the slavonic soul also..we love the world to play in a minor key and the sound of inner tears make everyone that is hard of heart to feel again - I am still useful ------and you ---get back up there! If I am willing to give it another go - so can you - wants the alternative - aging prematurely and fading?

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I'll bet he will not ask the border guards to say "please" again.

Yes, I agree with you. :P .

I remember, since June 4th, 1989, there has had no one dare to challenge or merely correct authority in China, do you think it's good to China? The consequence what I have seen is almost all CPC officials have become the corrupt so-called "village emperors"(honestly, in 1980s, the CPC officials might be more stupid, but also less corrupt than today). The authority which has the power of "I can do what I want to do" is absolutely a nightmare of any nation.

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BC - sometimes it takes ten years - sometimes twenty and sometimes forty - it comes when it is supposed to ...and we are an accumulation of all our experience - like fine wine or a piece of gold that will never lose it's shine - missions must be accomplished - you don't want to go back to head office and say - well - "humanity was nasty..and I did not deliver the gift" - the boss looks at you and says "It was not your gift nor was it your call not to deliver" - Performance is not the problem - the problem is that I have alway had a partner - a patron - a fine woman at my side - for the first time in my life I am alone...I feel like a kid that has never been on a date - in fact my date consisted of playing a ballad and moving in...you get my drift - it's hard to admit that I am not 35 - and that I was not super human and now I my spirt pales ever so slowly on this earthly plain as I gradually exist in grace......But - just our of spite I'm staying. :lol:

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BC - sometimes it takes ten years - sometimes twenty and sometimes forty - it comes when it is supposed to ...and we are an accumulation of all our experience - like fine wine or a piece of gold that will never lose it's shine - missions must be accomplished - you don't want to go back to head office and say - well - "humanity was nasty..and I did not deliver the gift" - the boss looks at you and says "It was not your gift nor was it your call not to deliver" - Performance is not the problem - the problem is that I have alway had a partner - a patron - a fine woman at my side - for the first time in my life I am alone...I feel like a kid that has never been on a date - in fact my date consisted of playing a ballad and moving in...you get my drift - it's hard to admit that I am not 35 - and that I was not super human and now I my spirt pales ever so slowly on this earthly plain as I gradually exist in grace......But - just our of spite I'm staying. :lol:

Thanks ..you got soul ...and that is all you need - the life force!

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I remember, since June 4th, 1989, there has had no one dare to challenge or merely correct authority in China, do you think it's good to China? The consequence what I have seen is almost all CPC officials have become the corrupt so-called "village emperors.....

I believe you are right about that...but China has a very difficult challenge and must strike a balance with CPC power. It is amazing that it works at all.

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........so, I had to Youtube the whole scene again, after reading this thread...

The choice was not 'Tazer vs. gun', nor even 'Tazer vs. (pepper spray/baton/barehand wrasslin' etc.)'

The choice was between 'Try to talk to this man vs. do something completely stupid and counterproductive'.

Incompetence/negligence by airport staff set up the situation, and incompetence by police killed the man. I hope his mother sues the socks off both airport authourity and police. Had there been even one reasonable person attending in a position of even minor authourity, this incident would never have happenned.

(And yes, the police did know that he spoke no English. The bystanders told them.)

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I believe you are right about that...but China has a very difficult challenge and must strike a balance with CPC power. It is amazing that it works at all.

If you know the way that America rules the world is just the same way that the CPC rules China, you will understand why though CPC is not popular in Chinese people(just like America in the world) but its rule will not end up in several years later(just like America :P ). Please let me make two examples to explan how these kind of dictatorships work:

Example 1, the American President in White House

(telephone ringed and the president picked up the receiver)

"Hellow, my dear Israeli PM....yes....yes...of cause, I strongly support your efforts of fighting back millitants and please allow me expressing deep condolence to those kids died in the rocket attacks.....what?...oh....no,no....it is not at the best of time to achieve a exclusive victory especially I don't want all thresholds of oil pipes only handled by one hand....no, I can not back you on this, I'm sorry....you must consider my suggestion seriously...this is my final words. "

(several minutes later, the telephone ringed again)

"Hellow, my dear Caliph.....yes....yes....of cause, I strongly support your peaceful efforts of calling for Israel giving up some territory to trade peace with Palestinian and please allow me expressing deep condolence to those kids died in the Israeli aggression.....what?...oh...no,no....it is not at the best of time to shut down all oil pipes especially most of these pipes lead to my country not Russia.....no, I can not back you on this, I'm sorry...you must consider my suggestion seriously....this is my final words"

Example 2, the CPC boss in old emperor's study of Forbidden City

(telephone ringed and the boss picked up the receiver)

"Hellow, my dear Chief of Upper River Province....yes...yes...of cause, I strongly support your effort to pump up water from the river to relieve the drought your peasants suffering....you know, I count on their GDP to increase national GDP to prove the legality of my rule....what...oh....no....you can not pump every drop of water up and left nothing for Down River Province.....you know, I also count on their GDP :lol: ...I'm sorry, I can't back you on this...you must act precisely as what I have dictated.....this is my final words."

(several minutes later, the telephone ringed again)

"Hellow, my dear Chief of Down River Province.....yes....yes....of cause, I strongly support your effort to call for share water of the river to relieve the drought your peasants suffering....you know, I count on their GDP to increase national GDP to prove the legality of my rule.... what... oh.... no.. no... you can not shut up your harbours to Upper River Province for revenge....you know, I also count on their GDP....I'm sorry, I can't back you on this....you must act precisely as what I have dictate....this is my final words."

In both two cases, there is a one thing works the same way---both the conflicting two sides failed to compromise their conflicts by themselves, so they had to depend on something "up" to do for them. Sometimes they may whine about the judgement of the "up" thing's, but they have no choice....until one day they have leant that tolerance and compromise are the best interests of themselves rather than others.

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....In both two cases, there is a one thing works the same way---both the conflicting two sides failed to compromise their conflicts by themselves, so they had to depend on something "up" to do for them. Sometimes they may whine about the judgement of the "up" thing's, but they have no choice....until one day they have leant that tolerance and compromise are the best interests of themselves rather than others.

This is a very good observation, because if they wait for China or America to solve their problems for them, they may regret doing so for a very, very long time. And so it goes......

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