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How low can Israeli supporters sink


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When the killed Rachel Corrie, they said she was hidden behind some rubble.

When they killed dozens of children they claimed that it was just one dead child hauled around for many photo ops.

Corrie was an idiot...not withsatnding the palestinians are notorious for staging victims parades. They value life and dignity somewhat lower than we do and use our higher standards against us in their propaganda. We all shed tears for child victims, and no one is denying there are too many, the pals just feels that it is easier to show the same 3 or 4 worst two dozen times than to show 68 individuals....same with coffins...why show 20 closed coffins with bodies being carried when you can show 10 empty closeed coffins carried by 3 times....after all, we have to think of the people carrying the coffins...it's the images that count, not the reality.

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Hey everyone lookit all the pretty pictures..


A good many of you will be overjoyed to see these... the rest of us are sickened beyond belief.

The second one down on the left side... those Isralis are just havin' loads of fun watching the children get blown to bits. :insert puking icon here:

Edited by Drea
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We like to avoid personal attacks around here.

OK, when in Rome..fair enough.

I'll stick to making gross generalizations, and telling offensive lies instead.

Because that's how WW2 worked. Kill a Nazi...ten more popped-up.

I guess that analogy would make sense, if you think that Nazis are innocent.

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not withsatnding the palestinians are notorious for staging victims parades.

Right? And you have fact to back that up?

You are of course aware that Israel does everything it can to confiscate cameras, and deny the UN presence and foreign journalists in Palestine?

But hey, don't ask questions why, just believe what the Israeli media and their supporters tell you.

They value life and dignity somewhat lower than we do and use our higher standards against us in their propaganda. We all shed tears for child victims,

I wouldn't say that we all do. There seem plenty here who don't seem to care how many children are killed.

and no one is denying there are too many, the pals just feels that it is easier to show the same 3 or 4 worst two dozen times than to show 68 individuals....same with coffins...

Israelis lie. They lie about everything in regards to Palestine. They try to block as much information from Palestine as they can. They deny any information that comes from Palestine that does not have evidence. Even when there is evidence, Israelis lie, and claim that it is faked footage etc. There are so many dupes out there willing to believe every word Israelis say, that Palestinians now have to stack the bodies of children together side by side, so that the Israelis can not claim that they are just dragging one body around and re-shooting it.

why show 20 closed coffins with bodies being carried when you can show 10 empty closeed coffins carried by 3 times....after all, we have to think of the people carrying the coffins...it's the images that count, not the reality.

We know that a lot of children are dying and we know that many of them are dying in painful, grotesque ways. The Palestinans are trying to show that to the world so that somebody helps them, so that the international community puts pressure on Israel to stop. But Israel finds a way to even turn that against them - calling every video that they produce a lie and a distortion.

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.....We know that a lot of children are dying and we know that many of them are dying in painful, grotesque ways. The Palestinans are trying to show that to the world so that somebody helps them, so that the international community puts pressure on Israel to stop. But Israel finds a way to even turn that against them - calling every video that they produce a lie and a distortion.

So it's the same old propaganda game as before, regardless of who is dying. That's why it won't work. Palestinians lie...too.

Remember the incubator stories out of Kuwait in 1990?

What do you expect the world to do based on the Palestinian version?

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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To the Hammas, the only thing better than a dead Jew is a dead Palestinian kid. At least they can use the kid as further propaganda for the bleeding hearts.


I'm sure that the Israelis dance with glee in the streets whenever the Palestinians kill an Israeli child, since it gives them an excuse to kill as many Palestinians as they like.

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I'm sure that the Israelis dance with glee in the streets whenever the Palestinians kill an Israeli child, since it gives them an excuse to kill as many Palestinians as they like.

Okay, then why else would hamas fire their rockets from beside schools and hospitals? It would appear to me that hamas wants civilian deaths... it works to garner support for them. Like I said, to Hamas a dead Palestinian is almost as good as a dead Jew.

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Okay, then why else would hamas fire their rockets from beside schools and hospitals? It would appear to me that hamas wants civilian deaths... it works to garner support for them. Like I said, to Hamas a dead Palestinian is almost as good as a dead Jew.

Correct...Hamas calculus always has the same result.

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To the Hammas, the only thing better than a dead Jew is a dead Palestinian kid. At least they can use the kid as further propaganda for the bleeding hearts.

Your comment struck me Chuck, especially as I had just read the following article.

The Palestinians are but the latest lightning rod unleashed against the Jews, their supposed victimization reaffirming the millenarian demonization of the Jews in general, and the medieval blood libel - that Jews delight in the blood of others.


Arab Mistreatment of the Palestinians Went Unnoticed

How can this be? Why do citizens in democracies enthusiastically embrace a radical Islamist group that not only seeks the destruction of a fellow democracy but is overtly committed to the substitution of a world-wide Islamic caliphate (or umma) for the existing international order based on territorial nation states? Not because of compassion for the Palestinians, whose plight has never attracted genuine international interest, especially by the Arab states (and for that matter, the Palestinian leadership), whose decades of mistreatment of the Palestinians have gone virtually unnoticed.

Between 1949 and 1967, Egypt and Jordan ruled the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively. Not only did they fail to put these populations on the road to statehood, but they showed little interest in protecting their human rights or even in improving the quality of their life - which is one of the reasons that 120,000 West Bankers moved across to the East Bank of the Jordan and about 300,000 others emigrated abroad between 1949 and 1967.

Nobody in the international community paid any more attention to this than they have more recently to the ongoing abuse of Palestinians across the Arab world from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon, a country which was condemned in a June 2006 Amnesty International report for its "long-standing discrimination and abuses of fundamental economic and social rights of Palestinian refugees."


Again, more than two decades ago Abu Iyad, the number two man in the PLO, publicly stated that the crimes of the Syrian government against the Palestinian people "surpassed those of the Israeli enemy." While in the wake of the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, Kuwaitis not only set about punishing the PLO for support of Saddam Hussein's brutal occupation by cutting off their financial support for Yasir Arafat's overblown and corrupt organization, but there was also a widespread slaughter of Palestinians living in Kuwait.


This revenge against innocent Palestinian workers in the emirate was so severe that Arafat himself acknowledged: "What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories." Yet there was no media coverage or specially convened UN meetings because it is only when they interact with Israel that the Palestinians win the world's attention.


It does appear a case can be made that Palestinians are being used by the entities striking at Israel. It's difficult to believe that Hammas is acting alone.

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Okay, then why else would hamas fire their rockets from beside schools and hospitals? It would appear to me that hamas wants civilian deaths... it works to garner support for them. Like I said, to Hamas a dead Palestinian is almost as good as a dead Jew.
Some "corpses" are even used several time, and some aren't so dead when in the coffin.
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It does appear a case can be made that Palestinians are being used by the entities striking at Israel. It's difficult to believe that Hammas is acting alone.
There's always some excuse for people alarmed by the idea of Jewish self-determination. After all, the left (I happen to be an extreme leftist myself) should be in favor of the right of self-determination of peoples' deprived of dignity and statehood.

Well, I guess that doesn't apply to constructive entities.

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While, I obviously don't agree with nuking Israel, I do understand your frustration.

Let's look at ratios.

Currently, the death toll is approaching about 1000, 500 of which are civilians.

Hamas has killed about five civilians with their rocket fire.

So, Israel feels they are justified in killing 100 times as many civilians. One Israeli life = 100 Palestinian lives.

So, if Hamas reversed the ratio. and thought that 1 Palestinian life =100 Israeli lives, then that would justify them killing 10,000 Israeli civilians.

It's not quite a nuke, but if Hamas was to respond (if they were capable) with a reciprocal level of cruelty and disregard for human life, thats what we would see.

You cant morally equivicate war. In other words even body counts dont make a war less or more justifiable.

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Okay, then why else would hamas fire their rockets from beside schools and hospitals? It would appear to me that hamas wants civilian deaths... it works to garner support for them. Like I said, to Hamas a dead Palestinian is almost as good as a dead Jew.

Let me ask you a question.

How do you know that Hamas is firing rockets beside school and hospitals?

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All they do is spin, lie, and distort.

No matter what happens, they always have a lie to excuse things.

Their latest sick, deplorable lie is to suggest that a video a man shot of his 12 year old brother dying.

Their 'evidence' of it being faked, is that the doctor in the video is pro-Hamas. Gosh, a pro-Hamas doctor in Palestine.

So where have you been? This is the kind of stuff that people have known about for a looooong time. Just look at the legal profession in this country. There's a reason it's the way that it is...

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There's always some excuse for people alarmed by the idea of Jewish self-determination. After all, the left (I happen to be an extreme leftist myself) should be in favor of the right of self-determination of peoples' deprived of dignity and statehood.

Well, I guess that doesn't apply to constructive entities.

So you support white nationalism, then?

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Let me ask you a question.

How do you know that Hamas is firing rockets beside school and hospitals?

There are no accurate reports coming out of Palistine - it's media black out. AND no one knows if the Israeli reports are real or accurate. I don't get it - the world acts as if Israel can do no evil - both sides are commiting evil - and evil mixed with more evil and violence produces more of the same - Maybe we should evangelize Israel and Palistine ...loving your neigbour as your self might just work - but Muslim and Jew dispise Christian doctrine - even if it save their lives and nations...plain old stubborn and arrogant....as for Hamas...Media shows a small hole in the side of an Israeli house ....this hole in the wall is countered by the Jews with a bomb pit big enough to put five houses in - These days are historic and the Jews had better take into account that their hard earned reputations will be ruined - Frankly _ I think it's the anglos in Washington doing this ----Bush and Cheney ----- pushing the Jews to do their dirty work.

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...Media shows a small hole in the side of an Israeli house ....this hole in the wall is countered by the Jews with a bomb pit big enough to put five houses in...

Yeah...that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

- These days are historic and the Jews had better take into account that their hard earned reputations will be ruined

That's what you said about the Americans too...must be a Canadian thing....reputation...like a high school virgin...cute.

- Frankly _ I think it's the anglos in Washington doing this ----Bush and Cheney ----- pushing the Jews to do their dirty work.

Good till the last drop.

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Your comment struck me Chuck, especially as I had just read the following article.


It does appear a case can be made that Palestinians are being used by the entities striking at Israel. It's difficult to believe that Hammas is acting alone.

I would agree with that.

The other countries don't particularly care about the plight of the Palestinians, as evidenced by the number of refugees they take in.

A lot of their support of Palestine, is a way for them to fight Israel by proxy, and get non-Arabs out of the Holy lands.

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Well, Kimmi, you certainly have the stupidity to qualify for the Darwin award.

Unfortunately, there is something you lack to be eligible, but hopefully you will be eligible soon.

As for the lies that you spread, about Rachel Corrie, it sickens me.

It's an excellent example of how the sick disgusting Israelis try to dominate the blogosphere with an army of trained morons such as yourself.

Lie, lie and lie some more. And useful idiots such as yourself soak it up.

Here are some pictures of Rachel Corrie in front of the bulldozer.


1) She is standing up, not lying down.

2) She is wearing a bright orange jacket.

3) She has a megaphone.

It is a sad and tragic incident.....but sorry to say, Rachel is responsible for her own death.

And I've come to that conclusion by reading the information you've provided.

Edited by betsy
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It is a sad and tragic incident.....but sorry to say, Rachel is responsible for her own death.

And I've come to that conclusion by reading the information you've provided.

What's with you folks?---- the Rachel incident was years ago- talk about dragging up the past. The holy land belongs to everyone.....EVERYONE! In fact me as an orthodox Christian would really like to settle in the area boarding Gaza...or maybe I could be mayor of Jerusalem...or maybe be the king of Palistine? Why not - the Israelites don't have claim on the area...what makes them think they can just show up and have a "homeland" I want one also - mabe theirs? :rolleyes: After all I did have ancestors from that area 15 hundred years ago - so I own the place...so there!

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There's always some excuse for people alarmed by the idea of Jewish self-determination. After all, the left (I happen to be an extreme leftist myself) should be in favor of the right of self-determination of peoples' deprived of dignity and statehood.

Well, I guess that doesn't apply to constructive entities.

So you support white nationalism, then?

Your point is a good one when taken to the extreme. There is no danger of there being no predominantly white country. If there were the issue may be perhaps be worthy of discussion.

Let's just say that except for the U.S., Canada and a smattering of other countries Diaspora life hasn't worked out too well for the Jews. Why are the Khazakstanis, Kashmiris and Palestinians entitled to (non-economically viable) self-determination but the Jews are not?

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Let me ask you a question.

How do you know that Hamas is firing rockets beside school and hospitals?

I, of course, have no way of knowing conclusively that Hamas is or isn't firing rockets from these places. I have to go with what the media tells me as I have no intention of going there to find out for myself.

I have to ask though, what would be the point of Israel bombing such places if there was no threat from that area?

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