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McCain suspends campaign

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Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign to return to Washington and focus on the "historic" crisis facing the U.S. economy.

What's wrong with the rest of the republican party? They can't handle this job? McCain is the one who felt that the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Dead wrong. He has been wrong about the economy before, why is his advice suddenly so valuable now?

Of course, those supporting McCain say he is making the right decision, putting "Country First" before running a presidential campaign.

However, someone involved in the actual negotations had this to say:

We haven't heard hide nor hair of Sen. McCain in these negotiations," said Schumer, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. "He has not been involved except for an occasional, unhelpful statement, sort of thrown from far away, and the last thing we need in these delicate negotiations is an injection of presidential politics.
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Let's see. They've been talking about the economy for months, postponing the debate for a week or two makes no difference, since we've already been hearing their views on the economy.

Some may not realize this, but the American financial crisis is very serious and is being felt around the entire world. If they don't solve it and fast the harm will take many years to undo. McCain and Obama are senators first and need to earn their pay on this.

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Let's see. They've been talking about the economy for months, postponing the debate for a week or two makes no difference, since we've already been hearing their views on the economy.

Some may not realize this, but the American financial crisis is very serious and is being felt around the entire world. If they don't solve it and fast the harm will take many years to undo. McCain and Obama are senators first and need to earn their pay on this.

Why can't they do both? Debate on friday, AND deal with this crisis? They have airplanes.

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Guest American Woman
Why can't they do both? Debate on friday, AND deal with this crisis?

Which is basically what Obama said:

"This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess," Obama said in Clearwater, Fla.

"It's going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once." link

I couldn't agree more. Seems ironic, though, that the man who said our economy is strong wants to now postpone the debates because of an economic crisis. I can see why he'd hope to get out of the debates.

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The US Congress will recess on Friday. This legislation must pass before then and it must pass in a way that is credible to financial markets (while including whatever critiques others have).

McCain and Obama are both influential Senators with votes in the most exclusive club in the world. The Senate is about to negotiate and vote on a critical piece of legislation. Neither has time to prepare for a TV debate now. They can do it later.

McCain is right and I'm sure Obama agrees. Of course, both will use this for partisan gain but both understand the gravity of the situation.

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I couldn't agree more. Seems ironic, though, that the man who said our economy is strong wants to now postpone the debates because of an economic crisis. I can see why he'd hope to get out of the debates.

Good point about him changing his tune about the economy.

Another irony is how he thinks he's fit to govern a superpower like the USA, yet he's incapable of handling a debate and an economic crisis at the same time.

God forbid he has a root canal appointment scheduled for the following day should the 3am call arrive.

Edited by BC_chick
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Which is basically what Obama said:

"This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess," Obama said in Clearwater, Fla.

"It's going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once." link

I couldn't agree more. Seems ironic, though, that the man who said our economy is strong wants to now postpone the debates because of an economic crisis. I can see why he'd hope to get out of the debates.

Of course Obama is wrong on two counts. First, neither will be responsible for 'dealing with this mess' in 40 days. The swearing in of a new president won't occur until January 2009, much after this relief package is dealt with. His 40 day comment is an obvious attempt to score cheap points, and I guess some people have been duped by this obvious inaccuracy. Second, inferring that to postpone the debate and suspend the campaign in order to put the country's health first in such a crisis amounts to doing one thing at a time shows a shallow comprehension of the situation at best, and again attempts to score cheap points with a short attention span audience. Some are not fooled.

McCain gets it right about the economy despite his earlier claim of health and does the right thing.

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It makes perfect sense that during an economic crisis, the debates be suspended. I mean, wthe election is around the corner, it makes absolutely no sense to see what the two contenders have to say on the subject of the economy.


Respectfully, I must disagree. The election will happen in November as scheduled and the voters must have as clear a choice as possible. It's too late for McCain to go running back to the Senate.

Not that it would bother me if he dropped right out. I think even with all Palin's bad publicity, she'd still do better without him.

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Guest American Woman
Of course Obama is wrong on two counts. First, neither will be responsible for 'dealing with this mess' in 40 days. The swearing in of a new president won't occur until January 2009, much after this relief package is dealt with. His 40 day comment is an obvious attempt to score cheap points, and I guess some people have been duped by this obvious inaccuracy.

If the president-elect doesn't start dealing with this the minute he's elected, if he waits until he's sworn in, there's something seriously wrong with him.

Second, inferring that to postpone the debate and suspend the campaign in order to put the country's health first in such a crisis amounts to doing one thing at a time shows a shallow comprehension of the situation at best, and again attempts to score cheap points with a short attention span audience. Some are not fooled.

McCain gets it right about the economy despite his earlier claim of health and does the right thing.

That's your opinion. However, a lot of Americans would like to know who they are voting for; ie: where they stand on all the issues, as well as where they now stand on the economy. It's a shallow attempt to get out of the debates on McCain's part.

But yeah. McCain sure got it "right about the economy." Our economy is going strong. <_<

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The US Congress will recess on Friday. This legislation must pass before then and it must pass in a way that is credible to financial markets (while including whatever critiques others have).

McCain and Obama are both influential Senators with votes in the most exclusive club in the world. The Senate is about to negotiate and vote on a critical piece of legislation. Neither has time to prepare for a TV debate now. They can do it later.

McCain is right and I'm sure Obama agrees. Of course, both will use this for partisan gain but both understand the gravity of the situation.

Well said... I have to say McCain went up a notch in my eyes and Obama has gone down a couple, I would have hoped that Obama would have taken the situation seriously enough to suspend his campaign and re-schedule the debate.

It is my understanding that the debate is not about the economy, it is about foreign affairs, therefore not entirely relevant to the current situation, although does tie in. It would be better if they either re-scheduled the debate to change the topic to domestic affairs and the economy.

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Well said... I have to say McCain went up a notch in my eyes and Obama has gone down a couple, I would have hoped that Obama would have taken the situation seriously enough to suspend his campaign and re-schedule the debate.

You have a great respect for desperate political plays? How does not running a commercial deal with the financial crisis? How does not having a debate on a Friday evening get us out of the mess that McCain's efforts towards deregulation have gotten us into?

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Attend a frivilous public debate that can easily be rescheduled or deal with an economic depression? Hmmm tough choice there.

The either-or choice you pose is an utterly false one. It is not a matter of holding a "frivolous public debate" or dealing with an economic depression. First, no debate is frivolous, particularly when campaigns are so message-managed as they are these days and when the people are seriously considering who of the two main candidates will need to shepherd the country in the aftermath of the issue. This particular debate is more serious and more necessary than it was two weeks ago. Second, we're not yet in a depression.

Neither McCain nor Obama will add anything to the negotiations going on up on Capitol Hill. All that will result is that the campaign operations will fill the Capitol and the media will follow along and it risks being made into a circus. The Committee chairs and minority members currently attending to the delicate negotiations are fully capable of acting as the experts they are. There is no reason McCain couldn't hold a private meeting with top Republicans to establish his position on the vote. Obama could do the same. They do not need to suspend campaigns or cancel two hour debates.

McCain needs to establish some bona fides on economic issues. He probably won't be able to between now and 11/4, so he's trying to grandstand (again) to show leadership on the issue or his maverick nature and self sacrifice. Anyone who can't see this as anything but a vain attempt to change the media narrative is suspending his disbelief.

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With the telecommunications we have, cell phones, internet, email, ect ect.

One does not need to be IN Washington to make a difference (althought it helps) So MCcain and Obama can multitask with doing a debate, and helping to solve the financial crisis. All of us multitask every day .. why can't the politicians??


Attend a frivilous public debate that can easily be rescheduled or deal with an economic depression? Hmmm tough choice there.

The only thing frivilous about any of this is what useless old and tired rhetoric both parties use during a debate. Junk food for the masses, when we really need the meat and potatoes.

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You have a great respect for desperate political plays? How does not running a commercial deal with the financial crisis? How does not having a debate on a Friday evening get us out of the mess that McCain's efforts towards deregulation have gotten us into?

"Us"? What "Us" are you possibly talking about? Perhaps you are a resident of Arizona?

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With the telecommunications we have, cell phones, internet, email, ect ect.

One does not need to be IN Washington to make a difference (althought it helps) So MCcain and Obama can multitask with doing a debate, and helping to solve the financial crisis. All of us multitask every day .. why can't the politicians??

Because you can't vote in the US Senate by cell phone. Besides, one of these men will likely be the next president and as is custom, can/will participate with Executive briefings and consideration as the next office holder.

The only thing frivilous about any of this is what useless old and tired rhetoric both parties use during a debate. Junk food for the masses, when we really need the meat and potatoes.

Nope..even your so called meat and potatoes is very contrived, scripted, and rehearsed to the point of being meaningless. And of course, Canadians without dual citizenship aren't invited to dinner anyway.

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With the telecommunications we have, cell phones, internet, email, ect ect.

One does not need to be IN Washington to make a difference (althought it helps) So MCcain and Obama can multitask with doing a debate, and helping to solve the financial crisis. All of us multitask every day .. why can't the politicians??


The only thing frivilous about any of this is what useless old and tired rhetoric both parties use during a debate. Junk food for the masses, when we really need the meat and potatoes.

You hit on my point, those debates are full of rhetoric and set up questions they are a bigger joke to me then the Conventions. You wanna know something about the candidates go look up there voting records, actions speak louder than words. I'd rather see then try to avert economic disaster then waste there time on questions that they already have prepared answers to.

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Prediction: in the next 24 to 36 hours, Congress will strike a deal on the bailout and it will be voted upon successfully. Regardless of the input by Obama or McCain, the Republicans will all come out to say that it took bold steps and bold leadership to get the deal done and that McCain showed such leadership by coming back to Washington. (Note: they will not say that he was the leader on the issue or that what got approved was his plan, but by heaping praise on McCain's leadership they'll try to create the impression that it couldn't have been done without him and that he saved the economy. Meanwhile, the reality of the situation is that the parties involved are *this* close to making this a done deal, without the help from with Obama or McCain.)

Edited by Liam
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You hit on my point, those debates are full of rhetoric and set up questions they are a bigger joke to me then the Conventions. You wanna know something about the candidates go look up there voting records, actions speak louder than words. I'd rather see then try to avert economic disaster then waste there time on questions that they already have prepared answers to.

I've always thought we should have real debates: two podiums (podia?), two people, a moderator who's only there to run the clock and two hours of open discussion/debate.

You're right, these, technically aren't debates, but it's all we get from stage crafted campaigns and they can occasionally shed light on a politician's plans and temperment.

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Respectfully, I must disagree. The election will happen in November as scheduled and the voters must have as clear a choice as possible. It's too late for McCain to go running back to the Senate.

Not that it would bother me if he dropped right out. I think even with all Palin's bad publicity, she'd still do better without him.

It was called sarcasm.

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One thing is for certain, if the bail out package is not approved and many of the major financial players in the US are allowed to go under, the republicans would have absolutely no chance of winning this election. You can spin a lot of things, but when the economy collapses under your watch, you are pretty much screwed.

Many of the senators opposed to the bail out package are in fact republicans. This just makes sense really, when they are the party of deregulation and ardent supporters of the free market system. In fact, a year or two ago, I would have not been suprised if McCain had in fact been one of the hold outs. However, they have to put their agendas aside and realize that the damage caused by not passing this package is too great for individual ideologies to override.

I don't think McCain is wrong to suspend his campaign. His political future is entirely hinged on the passing of the bailout package. Of course he has to do everything he can to ensure it passes. He also needs the support of Democrats to do that however, hence the call for bipartisanship and Obama's involvement.

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Because you can't vote in the US Senate by cell phone. Besides, one of these men will likely be the next president and as is custom, can/will participate with Executive briefings and consideration as the next office holder.

Nope..even your so called meat and potatoes is very contrived, scripted, and rehearsed to the point of being meaningless. And of course, Canadians without dual citizenship aren't invited to dinner anyway.

Awesome, CANADA again. Spectacular. So apoligetic for the status quo. Ho hum.

So the whole election is meaningless when you state it like the way you did.

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