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Why Conservative Policies are Better for the Middle Class


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An interesting column on Conservative policy, why it works and how it can be better still.


Failed platform of Liberals has been discredited and rejected

Why Conservative Policies are Better for the Middle Class

By Yomin Postelnik Sunday, September 7, 2008

People can’t afford to fall prey to false rhetoric, no matter how favored it is by the mainstream media or how often it is repeated. When it comes to a nation’s economic future, facts must dictate one’s choices.

When it comes to what’s best for working people, for the struggling middle class and for those who are not yet at that level, Conservative policy is head and shoulders above that of the Liberals. It is more sensible and designed to work. Conservatives understand the need for a strong middle class, and most conservatives are members of that financial category.

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I don't think the people who got hurt money-wise by the interest income tax would agree with you, I don't think people who never really benefited from the reduce GST tax would agree. There's also a matter of TRUST and how many times has he broken his word???? TRUST is the biggest part of a PM's role and I don't think we can trust what he says because he'll change his mind later just like with the election law.

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The income trust crap had to happen. That sort of loophole was pretty crooked in my opinion.

You can go on all you want about trust, but the alternatives you'd provide us are not any more trustworthy. How about the Liberals campaigning to the left and then governing from the right all the way through Chretien/Martin?

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The income trust crap had to happen. That sort of loophole was pretty crooked in my opinion.

You can go on all you want about trust, but the alternatives you'd provide us are not any more trustworthy. How about the Liberals campaigning to the left and then governing from the right all the way through Chretien/Martin?

It may be easy for you to over look the trust but there's seniors, even in Alberta, that are very angry! Majority ruled for those 13 years, Harper can only dream for a majority!

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The income trust crap had to happen. That sort of loophole was pretty crooked in my opinion.

You can go on all you want about trust, but the alternatives you'd provide us are not any more trustworthy. How about the Liberals campaigning to the left and then governing from the right all the way through Chretien/Martin?

The income trust structure was in danger as soon as rumours of a few Telcos visiting some top gun Income trust lawyers on Bay St started circulating. The loss of tax revenue would have been enormous and wouldn't have been recouped even though the companies off load the taxes on to the shareholders.

Income Trusts still exist....

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The income trust crap had to happen. That sort of loophole was pretty crooked in my opinion.

Not only that, but the situation changed such that the government had no choice but to close it, even if they didn't want to. It was not a lie at all, rather a different decision based on different circumstances.

When it comes right down to it, that's the kind of government I want. Someone who won't just stick to party-line dogma, but will treat each situation on it's own merits.

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Not only that, but the situation changed such that the government had no choice but to close it, even if they didn't want to. It was not a lie at all, rather a different decision based on different circumstances.

When it comes right down to it, that's the kind of government I want. Someone who won't just stick to party-line dogma, but will treat each situation on it's own merits.

The big difference between the Liberal and Conservative handling of the issue is the Conservatives didn't telegraph that they were mulling over the decision and there by sending the market into a tailspin and end up lining the pockets of those "in the know"

I got wind of Goodall's musings 24 hours before the official announcement from a lawyer wanting to know if I could confim it.

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It may be easy for you to over look the trust but there's seniors, even in Alberta, that are very angry! Majority ruled for those 13 years, Harper can only dream for a majority!

They may be angry, but the Income Trust tax structure as it was previously held couldn't really be justified. It was unfair and again, was basically just a loophole for investors to pay less taxes. It was abused by seniors and large corporations alike.

Any reversal of the changes to Income Trust laws would be nothing less than a crooked pander to big business and seniors to the detriment of Canada.

How do people even really try to justify Income Trusts as they stood? Really? I'd love to hear someone try because I've never actually seen/heard it before.

I don't fault anyone for taking advantage of them, but I do fault any government that tried to justify it.

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Why Conservative Policies are Better for the Middle Class

Could it be this?

The 2008 budget set spending growth at 3.4 per cent this fiscal year. The department of finance reported last month that expenditures grew by 11.1 per cent in June alone and swelled an eye-popping 8.4 per cent in the first three months of the year. This is two-and-a-half times the 2008 budget plan.

Or this?

“The Conservatives continue to claim they will still hit 3.4 per cent in spending growth for the year, but they’ve proven throughout their term in office that they can’t stop themselves from spending,” said CTF research director Adam Taylor. “Their first budget called for Ottawa’s expenditures to grow by 5.4 per cent in fiscal 2006/07. At the end of that year government receipts had jumped by 7.5 per cent. The 2007 budget plan announced an additional 5.6 per cent spending hike. The real amount in 2007/08 was a 6.9 per cent increase.”


Or could it be that the Harper Conservatives are the biggest spending government in the history of Canada?


Or could it be that the middle class benefits from Harper's "cut" in personal income tax rates? Here are Canada's marginal tax rates in 2005: 15%, 22%, 26% and 29%. In 2006, the Conservatives raised them to 15.25%, 22%, 26% and 29%. In 2007, they "lowered" them to 15%, 22%, 26% and 29%. Now they actually have the nerve to claim in their election ads that they've lowered income tax rates for the middle class. Canadians need only to check their T1's for 2005, 2006 and 2007 to see that marginal income tax rates remain the same as before the 2006 election.

With their out-of-control spending, no wonder the financially challenged and incompetent Harper can't lower income tax rates. :angry:

But the blatantly dishonest Harper and CPC have no problem falsely telling Canadians that they've lowered income tax rates.

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But the blatantly dishonest Harper and CPC have no problem falsely telling Canadians that they've lowered income tax rates.

My income taxes have gone down noticeably. So did my wife's, my parents, and my in-laws. In my father-in-law's case, it was the first time in 20 years that he actually got a refund instead of paying.

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My income taxes have gone down noticeably. So did my wife's, my parents, and my in-laws. In my father-in-law's case, it was the first time in 20 years that he actually got a refund instead of paying.

Mine too. Even though last year's income was one of my best years, my refund was also the best I have ever had.

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I don't think the people who got hurt money-wise by the interest income tax would agree with you, I don't think people who never really benefited from the reduce GST tax would agree. There's also a matter of TRUST and how many times has he broken his word???? TRUST is the biggest part of a PM's role and I don't think we can trust what he says because he'll change his mind later just like with the election law.

But he did keep his word in both those cases. GST is down to levels promised and the interest income trust debate (in part), predates him. As a side note, any reduction does give some benefit, for which some credit is due, but I would prefer an income tax break as being more effective. But he did keep his word.

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Taxes for business has fallen dramatically since Harper took power. The wage slave however has seen little relief outside of a 1% cut in GST. No current partisan faction advocates getting rid of these detrimental revenue streams for exclusive government use.

Its time for a change alright, all these political parties need their asses kicked with the hope that some group would actually advocate doing something positive for the citizen. There are ways to do that while keeping income taxes, but nothing would benefit citizens more then abolishing them altogether. Can you imagine having somewhere between 15 and 29 percent more money to pump into the economy? Now that would have a POSITIVE economic impact!

Government could at least eliminate personal taxes as a starter. That would bring numerous highly qualified new citizens to the nation. Get rid of corporate income tax and watch hordes of companies moving here to take advantage of the situation. Government revenue streams need to be fueled with consumption taxes. Its that or dump the capitalistic system of consumer economic theories altogether.

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Government could at least eliminate personal taxes as a starter. That would bring numerous highly qualified new citizens to the nation. Get rid of corporate income tax and watch hordes of companies moving here to take advantage of the situation. Government revenue streams need to be fueled with consumption taxes. Its that or dump the capitalistic system of consumer economic theories altogether.

Sounds good to me. I'd also add environmental levies where appropriate (to pay for protection, restoration, research, and other 'green' initiatives etc.) that account for the natural capital that fuels our economy.

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My income taxes have gone down noticeably.

Mine didn't nor did those of my wife or daughter. If your's went down it was not because of a change in income tax rates. They remain 15%, 22%, 26% and 29%. Or do you think marginal income tax rates have

gone down?

I notice not a single person on this board has defended Harper's phenomenal increase in government spending. Not even the most partisan Harper supporter can defend this level of financial ineptitude.

And to those who claim that the Harper government has lowered their income taxes, if this were true for all taxpayers, it would mean government revenues are dropping while government spending is increasing. This type of voodoo economics is not sustainable and leads to deficits. It's too bad Dion is so remarkably inarticulate that he can't get this simple message across to Canada allowing Harper to claim falsely and repeatedly that he's "financially conservative".

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Mine didn't nor did those of my wife or daughter. If your's went down it was not because of a change in income tax rates. They remain 15%, 22%, 26% and 29%. Or do you think marginal income tax rates have

gone down?

I notice not a single person on this board has defended Harper's phenomenal increase in government spending. Not even the most partisan Harper supporter can defend this level of financial ineptitude.

And to those who claim that the Harper government has lowered their income taxes, if this were true for all taxpayers, it would mean government revenues are dropping while government spending is increasing. This type of voodoo economics is not sustainable and leads to deficits. It's too bad Dion is so remarkably inarticulate that he can't get this simple message across to Canada allowing Harper to claim falsely and repeatedly that he's "financially conservative".

Harper's spending has been budgeted for, He's repeating budget points. Are tax cuts counted as spending? If they are, I guess Harper is spending like a drunken sailor :lol:

The gov't shouldn't be rolling around with 20 billion extra dollars or however the amount is, that means taxes are too high.

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The posts on this thread have little to do with the premise of this thread. Conservative Policies are Better for the Middle Class?? Really? What policies? The only policies I see is Harper is a scourage to the so called middle class. Whoever, they are exactly. If middle is actually the Middle Income tax bracket I would have to say Harper is a tool of sorts. His polices have driven down wages and impoverished many. It is not a mystery why the Income trusts are now taxed, he had to find new tax revenues to make up tfor the tax revenues of all the middle income jobs lost in the Ontario and Quebec's manufacturing sectors, and BC's forrestry sectors.

Under his government we saw an over valued dollar which is killing Canada's export sector and taking away middle income jobs. At the same time Canada has record gas prices which is siphonig away what little money people have left to the oil companies. A conservative government has turned Canada into a resource economy. Resource Economies are often equated to 3 rd world countries. Way to go conservatives, congrats on your drive to turn Canada into a 3rd world country.

Harper is a clueless wonder and it's time for the conservatives to go.

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A conservative government has turned Canada into a resource economy. Resource Economies are often equated to 3 rd world countries.
Uh, like Norway?

But you fall victim to the false impression that the government "runs" the country. 30 million Canadians "run" Canada by the myriad decisions they make every day and by their dealings with themselves and with foreigners.

I think that it's a fair bet that middle class people do not get value for their tax dollars and most would largely benefit if taxes were cut and government spending reduced.

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The posts on this thread have little to do with the premise of this thread. Conservative Policies are Better for the Middle Class?? Really? What policies? The only policies I see is Harper is a scourage to the so called middle class. Whoever, they are exactly. If middle is actually the Middle Income tax bracket I would have to say Harper is a tool of sorts. His polices have driven down wages and impoverished many. It is not a mystery why the Income trusts are now taxed, he had to find new tax revenues to make up tfor the tax revenues of all the middle income jobs lost in the Ontario and Quebec's manufacturing sectors, and BC's forrestry sectors.

Under his government we saw an over valued dollar which is killing Canada's export sector and taking away middle income jobs. At the same time Canada has record gas prices which is siphonig away what little money people have left to the oil companies. A conservative government has turned Canada into a resource economy. Resource Economies are often equated to 3 rd world countries. Way to go conservatives, congrats on your drive to turn Canada into a 3rd world country.

Harper is a clueless wonder and it's time for the conservatives to go.

that resource based economy is why Canada is not in economic trouble.

Wages going down, Tim Hortons workers get 19 bucks an hour in Alberta.

Canada's export sector is still doing well. Manufacturing jobs are a great way to turn us into a developing country.

4 more years!!!

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that resource based economy is why Canada is not in economic trouble.

Wages going down, Tim Hortons workers get 19 bucks an hour in Alberta.

Canada's export sector is still doing well. Manufacturing jobs are a great way to turn us into a developing country.

4 more years!!!

It's good to see tim horton's is spreading the wealth. As for Manufacturing jobs, we are hurting!! Who's inflicting the hurt?? Harper!!!

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It's good to see tim horton's is spreading the wealth. As for Manufacturing jobs, we are hurting!! Who's inflicting the hurt?? Harper!!!

Nobody wanting to buy overpriced crap is hurting the manufacturing sector not Harper, honestly factory workers demanding to be on par with people with 5 yrs. ed is how an economy goes south. In Alberta grunt workers are on par with 5 yrs. ed because there is demand for what Alberta produces.

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This article is nothing but the author's opinion with nothing to back it up. I liked the part where we find out why Dion would be so bad - he's "radically left" "clueless on the economy" and "fails to acknowledge his own limitations". There's nothing to support that in the article. You'd think that an article with the word policies in its title would actually look at policies.

I've also got to doubt the knowledge of the author when looking at his "new and bold actions". 2 of his 3 proposals involve high school or middle school programs. There are elements of his suggestions currently in schools in at least some provinces but the real problem is that he apparently needs to glance at a copy of the Canadian constitution. Education is a provincial area not federal. It certainly would be a "new and bold" direction for a federal party to take. One that'll land them in court with every province telling the feds to mind their own business.

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Are tax cuts counted as spending?

Canadian income tax rates in 2005: 15%, 22%, 26%, 29%

Canadian income tax rates in 2006: 15.25%, 22%, 26%, 29%

Canadian income tax rates in 2007: 15%, 22%, 26%, 29%

Only a Harper supporter would call these tax cuts. :lol:

Meanwhile the financially incompetent Harper has taken a surplus in the billions and totally squandered it instead of cutting our income tax rates:

"The 2008 budget set spending growth at 3.4 per cent this fiscal year. The department of finance reported last month that expenditures grew by 11.1 per cent in June alone and swelled an eye-popping 8.4 per cent in the first three months of the year. This is two-and-a-half times the 2008 budget plan.

“The Conservatives continue to claim they will still hit 3.4 per cent in spending growth for the year, but they’ve proven throughout their term in office that they can’t stop themselves from spending,” said Canadian taxpayers Federation research director Adam Taylor. “Their first budget called for Ottawa’s expenditures to grow by 5.4 per cent in fiscal 2006/07. At the end of that year government receipts had jumped by 7.5 per cent. The 2007 budget plan announced an additional 5.6 per cent spending hike. The real amount in 2007/08 was a 6.9 per cent increase.”

Do you deny these figures from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation? What a financial moron the inept Harper is. No wonder Preston Manning threw him out as Finance Critic and replaced him with Herb Grubel, a fiscal conservative.

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