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Election 2008

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I find it odd when the economies tank and people are thrown out of well paying employment the tune is to reward those very same companies with tax cuts. I believe the government should adopt a robin hood approach and tax these companies more while at the same time offering tax credits/Incentives for employing people in the middle income tax schedule. This is the approach to ensure these greedy corporations receive no benefit in their greedy exploitation and cost cutting tactics. Economies tank and mortgage/debt defaults is because of these companies. Companies should not be rewarded for ruining the economy with lower taxes.

Strike One, those big companies employ a lot of middle class individuals, no company no work which results in a trip to the unemployment office. Harper isn't planning on hurting these companies which means more people get to keep their jobs. The publically trading corporations if your smart can make you some money with wise investments.

The fact is the conservatives don't have Canada's back and are an untrustworthy lot when it comes to managing the economy. They have no concept of business and their tactics. They do more to wreck the economy then to bolster it. Their style is to reward the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Strike Two, Canada is in the black and I have more money in my pocket. They're doing pretty well at manging business if you ask me, Look at Atlantic and Western Canada.

A government should approach business and people from a tax point of view. There is little or no value to people working at minimum wage. They pay very little in the form of Income taxes. However, these same companies who pay minimum wage may be immensly prosporous because of the volume of business they are doing. What this means is huge profits for the company. Companies get away with paying low wages because these workers have been socially conditioned to believe that is what they should get for that work. If the employee made no money and pays little taxes and the company pays less taxes how does that benefit Government revenues? All lower business taxes will do is create more incentive to throw more people out of work or pay less to capture larger profits. Economies crumble becuase of corrupt corporations/businesses and their greed.

Strike Three, If your a good enough worker a company will reward you very well. A worker with a ag diploma can get a job at Bayer Crop Science and have himself a nice little living complete with goodies and pay based on performance, company truck anyone? Likewise minimum wages are a dime a dozen, don't like minimum wage, go get an education.

In tough economic times, the government needs to get out its stick and inflict as much pain on as many corporations and businesses as possible. In a further move the government has to recognize a bad economy is also because of bad social attitudes in general that wreck the economy and disrupt peoples lives. The only way to get even with those pricks is in times of economic uncertainty is to double and tripple consumption taxes such as the gst and pst while at the same time giving this money back in the form of rebate cheques to those of need.

Only a Robin Hood attitude will ultimately stabalize and bring about the right attitude to grow and prosper a country. Call it economic fascism if you want but the government needs to focus on its objectives of tax revenues and growth. Any companies and people that get in the way of that objective needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Punishing people who are succeeding is the most proposterous idea there is. That failed experiment was tried in the USSR and look how that craphole turned out. The fact that the tories do well in the polls and have formed government reflects that enough Canadians are not stupid enough to fall for socialist nonsense.

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You know, The Liberals may have made an excellent decision with Dion as their leader. I was just watching him speak on CBC news and he continuously identified himself as a Quebecker. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Liberals won this election based on the seats they pickup across Quebec because they have Dion as their leader.

The only thing that remains to be seen is how many seats he will lose in Ontario, BC and the Maritimes by alienating English speaking Canada.

Edited by cybercoma
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You know, The Liberals may have made an excellent decision with Dion as their leader. I was just watching him speak on CBC news and he continuously identified himself as a Quebecker. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Liberals won this election based on the seats they pickup across Quebec because they have Dion as their leader.

I think the situation is grim in Quebec. They will never forgive him for the Clarity Act.

The only thing that remains to be seen is how many seats he will lose in Ontario, BC and the Maritimes by alienating English speaking Canada.

My early prediction based on the trend we saw in the polls is under 50 seats.

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You know, The Liberals may have made an excellent decision with Dion as their leader. I was just watching him speak on CBC news and he continuously identified himself as a Quebecker. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Liberals won this election based on the seats they pickup across Quebec because they have Dion as their leader.

The only thing that remains to be seen is how many seats he will lose in Ontario, BC and the Maritimes by alienating English speaking Canada.

Martin was from Quebec, identified himself as a quebecer and got licked.

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Punishing people who are succeeding is the most proposterous idea there is. That failed experiment was tried in the USSR and look how that craphole turned out. The fact that the tories do well in the polls and have formed government reflects that enough Canadians are not stupid enough to fall for socialist nonsense.

You can't work for a living because if you did you would know how companies operate. I guess you don't watch CNN. The United States has issued rebate cheques of 600 per adult and 300 per child. A family of 4 got $1800. Socialism? Where's my 600 hundred dollars harper? The word is, there could be more stimulus cheques. Where's my stimulus cheque? Furthermore, the US is set to pass a Federal Law giving 7 paid sick days a year to all full time employees. More socialism? If Obama is elected, that could translate into health care for all Americans. Socialism?

What's harper and the conservatives doing? Importing workers on work permits then giving them citizenship, in turn driving down wages and putting people out of work. He is steering Canada into deficit and the economy is tanking. Harper has an energy policy of giving Canada's oil to the US before Canada's own refineries. Somehow huricanes in the Gulf should affect Canada's pump prices. Harper lacks leadership and like you is a clueless wonder.

The facts speak for themselves. The conservatives ruin economies and wreck people's lives. The reason for this is they represent the greedy and they themselves are a greedy lot. The sooner people realize this and toss harper out, the sooner Canada can be turned around towards the road of prosperity.

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I'm guessing it took you a while to decide whether or not you should include the Liberals and NDP...

This poll was a legit shot at forming gov't, who got entered was done alphabetically. Sorry the tinfoil hat green party didn't get included. When they elect members, they'll get included the next time.

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You can't work for a living because if you did you would know how companies operate. I guess you don't watch CNN. The United States has issued rebate cheques of 600 per adult and 300 per child. A family of 4 got $1800. Socialism? Where's my 600 hundred dollars harper? The word is, there could be more stimulus cheques. Where's my stimulus cheque? Furthermore, the US is set to pass a Federal Law giving 7 paid sick days a year to all full time employees. More socialism? If Obama is elected, that could translate into health care for all Americans. Socialism?

What's harper and the conservatives doing? Importing workers on work permits then giving them citizenship, in turn driving down wages and putting people out of work. He is steering Canada into deficit and the economy is tanking. Harper has an energy policy of giving Canada's oil to the US before Canada's own refineries. Somehow huricanes in the Gulf should affect Canada's pump prices. Harper lacks leadership and like you is a clueless wonder.

The facts speak for themselves. The conservatives ruin economies and wreck people's lives. The reason for this is they represent the greedy and they themselves are a greedy lot. The sooner people realize this and toss harper out, the sooner Canada can be turned around towards the road of prosperity.

Wrong again, I'm a farmer and I'm just waiting for the crop to dry before my long harvesting days. I have a pefectly good example of how companies operate. And yes I watch CNN, and no that is not socialism, those are tax dollars being given back, it's like a tax cut. Socialism would be the US spending that money on daycare or something like that.

There's jobs a plenty in Saskatchewan, if people in eastern canada are too lazy to fill them, then open the doors up with people who will. It's better than letting in people who clog the services system raising my taxes.

Harper's not giving Canada's oil away, he's charging market value and making hard working Canadians rich off of it. Why does Alberta owe you free oil? The economy out west is not tanking, it's booming, maybe if Easterners wouldnt tax business's so heavily they might turn a profit and help out their economy. Canada's own refineries can pay the price.

The facts are speaking for themselves the economy is not tanking, western and atlantic canada are booming, the sooner ontario and quebec get off their socialist horse the better. My life and others has been a lot better since the tories took over. 4 more years!!!

Time for a new toaster.

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This poll was a legit shot at forming gov't, who got entered was done alphabetically. Sorry the tinfoil hat green party didn't get included. When they elect members, they'll get included the next time.

Oh, my quip was not in reference to the order, rather their inclusion... Frankly I couldn't care less if you don't include the Greens because your poll is irrelevant...

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Oh, my quip was not in reference to the order, rather their inclusion... Frankly I couldn't care less if you don't include the Greens because your poll is irrelevant...

about as relevant as the greens as a viable party in Canada. This is just seeing where posters on the forum are going to park their vote.

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They only run in one province. Even if they won every seat they contested, forming a government is a mathematical impossibility. They are a fringe party.
Regardless, they're a major party that currently has 48 seats, which outnumbers the NDP by 18 seats. Also, for a fringe party they have more than 50% of the number of seats the Liberals have. So, although you consider them fringe, their weight in the house is a determining factor in legislation by the number of votes they control.
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Too bad Saskatchewan is in the middle of nowhere. The heart of Canada will always be Ontario and Quebec because of it's proximity to the US northeast.

Too bad that they only account for 50% of Canada's population. The west is the new Quebec now. I live in Ontario and I'm THRILLED about that. The only reason that Ontario is Liberal is because of Toronto and its gigantic ethnic community.

When you have a Liberal government that panders to reunifying unqualified immigrant families, it's unsurprising that the places where they almost exclusively settle vote entirely red. Sadly for the Liberals, focusing exclusively on Toronto and Quebec has and will continue to bite them. Quebec doesn't even like them anymore and Ontario outside of the GTA votes mostly conservative.

It's music to my ears and I will be singing/skipping to the polls in October.

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Regardless, they're a major party that currently has 48 seats, which outnumbers the NDP by 18 seats. Also, for a fringe party they have more than 50% of the number of seats the Liberals have. So, although you consider them fringe, their weight in the house is a determining factor in legislation by the number of votes they control.

The Bloc is a separist party. They are irrelevant to this poll. Guys let off on the technicalities.

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In tough economic times, the government needs to get out its stick and inflict as much pain on as many corporations and businesses as possible. In a further move the government has to recognize a bad economy is also because of bad social attitudes in general that wreck the economy and disrupt peoples lives. The only way to get even with those pricks is in times of economic uncertainty is to double and tripple consumption taxes such as the gst and pst while at the same time giving this money back in the form of rebate cheques to those of need.

Only a Robin Hood attitude will ultimately stabalize and bring about the right attitude to grow and prosper a country. Call it economic fascism if you want but the government needs to focus on its objectives of tax revenues and growth. Any companies and people that get in the way of that objective needs to be dealt with accordingly.

You know, businessmen are not genetically programmed to set up shop in Canada. If you ever achieved the power to implement your philosophy, you'd need to put a gun to the head of every businessman to get them to stay here!

Perhaps you could get China to accept all our unemployed as economic refugees...

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Canadians must remember that we must keep at least three parties because when we have only the Cons or the Libs running this country, then we have two parties knowing that one or the other will be elected and when the country gets to the position when one party is ruling and its not serving all Canada, then that is when the country will be in trouble! I'm still not sure who I will vote FOR but I know who I'll vote against. I didn't vote in this poll but I'm not surprised with the results because I think more people on here are from out west.

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You know, businessmen are not genetically programmed to set up shop in Canada. If you ever achieved the power to implement your philosophy, you'd need to put a gun to the head of every businessman to get them to stay here!

Perhaps you could get China to accept all our unemployed as economic refugees...

The fact is the numbers have to jive. Income has to meet expenditures. Bush gave tax cuts to the rich, people who don't need the money. Year after year bush has run a deficit driving the states further into debt. The mortgage meltdown is because people don't have the incomes to keep up with their payments. If people don't have the incomes it's because corporations are engaging in cost cutting measures and driving their costs down and throwing these people out of work. If business taxes are low that is incentive and reward for companies to trim costs wherever they can. Why pay you 50k when they can outsource the work to mexico for 5k and keep 45k for themselves and pay little taxes on that money thanks to bush.

Economics is not rocket science. Comes down to who the politicians are really looking out for. If the government took a heavy handed approach to protect their bottom lines the world would ascend to heights unimaginable and spur unprecendented innovation , creativity, and real economic prosperity. Unfortunenately we are still in the dark ages and the governments are clueless lot.

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The fact is the numbers have to jive. Income has to meet expenditures. Bush gave tax cuts to the rich, people who don't need the money. Year after year bush has run a deficit driving the states further into debt. The mortgage meltdown is because people don't have the incomes to keep up with their payments. If people don't have the incomes it's because corporations are engaging in cost cutting measures and driving their costs down and throwing these people out of work. If business taxes are low that is incentive and reward for companies to trim costs wherever they can. Why pay you 50k when they can outsource the work to mexico for 5k and keep 45k for themselves and pay little taxes on that money thanks to bush.

Economics is not rocket science. Comes down to who the politicians are really looking out for. If the government took a heavy handed approach to protect their bottom lines the world would ascend to heights unimaginable and spur unprecendented innovation , creativity, and real economic prosperity. Unfortunenately we are still in the dark ages and the governments are clueless lot.

Tried that in the USSR, don't be talking about dark ages.

Economics isn't rocket science, you don't seem to be getting it.

Alberta is how an economy should be run, the avg. person out there is doing very well.

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