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  1. I gave your post enough thoughtful consideration to search your cited link looking for EXPERT corroboration and didn't find ANY. And I posted data and a graph to show you that your trickle response was IN ERROR. MAYBE you can explain the difference that ^this response made to the LACK of expert corroboration of overuse of ventilators causing deaths. My mom was on a ventilator for 6 months and didn't die until she CHOSE to remove it.
  2. You got any peer reviewed journal articles about ^this? All I see in your link is random Interwebz BS. BTW, you never responded to my comments on your graph in the "trickle" thread. Is that because you're too embarrassed that you interpreted the meaning of the graph wrong?
  3. Of course they did. That's not really debatable, even. They shifted favor to capital over labor, dramatically cutting taxes on the rich while busting unions, deregulating, unwinding the "New Deal" and eliminating economic protections--again, to benefit the wealthy. All of this was done based on the argument they the wealth would "trickle down" from the wealthy to everyone else. Of course, that was always a bogus idea. GHWB called it "Voodoo economics" and he was right. What actually-and predictably-happened is that the wealth did not "trickle down." Instead, income inequality exploded as we turned millionaires into billionaires and the middle class into the working poor. Literally everything you complain about economically is traced back to those policy shifts. Instead of making things here, capital sought cheap labor abroad. Instead of building things, we consume things others built. Instead of one person being able to support a family with a manufacturing job, out takes two adults working at Wal Mart. That's the weirdest thing about modern conservativism. It's a near-religious belief in the Reagan dogma. Rather than looking at the actual effects of the supply-side experiment, they complain about the outcomes and propose to"fix" them by doing even more of the same things that caused them.
  4. its an age old gag for "conservatism" in the US... that "conservatives" aren't conservative at all. they are just another vehicle for the richest of the population to get richer and a lot of it directly from tax payers. the gag goes like this... get people all riled up about some imaginary enemy ("social conservatism")... gays, "wokeness", immigrants, abortion. the issue doesn't really matter, it used to be something else, the actual issue can be switched on a dime. this works mostly with uneducated rural types. just keep repeating that they are in danger and they will believe it. now the center of the GOP support, the uneducated rural types are already pissed that they've missed the "american dream" economically because GOP policies mean they've been getting more poor for 40 years. they need someone to blame. get them to blame gays and immigrants! studies show that people who suffer more from black and white thinking lean "conservative". and so these people are targeted by the business status quo. Political Ideology and Black-and-White Thinking and then have a god like cult figure like Trump to push these people over the edge. a cult like figure that will attack the faceless evil. save the country from "wokeness". while only making them more and more... poor! Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (no Jobs there!) "under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1.125 trillion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies) over 10 years, while corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits. The CBO estimated that implementing the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years" "Bloomberg News reported in January 2020 that the top six American banks saved more than $32 billion in taxes during the two years after enactment of the tax cut, while they reduced lending, cut jobs and increased distributions to shareholders." meanwhile, Democrats continue as always to support unions and working people. no one can point to ANY policy evidence that the GOP support working people. they only support business and promise "economic trickle down" except that that hasn't been working for 40 years. as a business owner here in Canada... Trudeau has not made it easy for me. because i control the corporation from which i make money, my effective tax rate went up from 8% to 11%. poor working stiffs have to pay a minimum of 17%! but i'm aware that the happiest societies are those where the wealth gap is smallest. Income Inequality Makes Whole Countries Less Happy and with that wealth inequality destroys democracies... because it leads to concentration of power.
  5. i find the GOP civil war absolutely fascinating. MAGA is eating the GOP. the Tea Party was a real grass roots movement. and it was a movement run by the rural poor. and it happened in red states. i'll never forget laughing at the tv screen watching traditional GOP types attempt to assume the Tea Party. they would regurgitate Tea Party slogans and then conveniently add on traditional GOP "national security", "energy security" globalist, pro business rhetoric. from the beginning the pro business globalist GOP has been trying to blame the lost american dream on Democrats. on the "woke". Trump used the Tea Party energy to create MAGA. when MAGA starts hunting "globalists" and "forever wars" then traditional GOP suddenly start denouncing everything they were doing during the Bush years. starts denouncing free trade! all of which they instigated! Trump is attempting to contain things. but not much. mumbling "drill drill drill" or saying "the country needs to be strong" is his meagre attempt at propping up the military industrial complex and big oil. saying that maybe anheuser busch should "get another chance" is his attempt to appease the powerful business class. but its failing. MAGA is eating the GOP. evidence of that is whats happening to good old Mitch Mcconnell. yeah, he's never been beholden to Trump and Trumps personality can't take that... but Mitch is the old globalist forever war guard! Kentucky's largest business is defence. and MAGA has eaten him. who will replace him? some peace loving isolationist? so i'm really curious how Trump manages this. i think as much as pro business love his pro business policies they see that he unable to control MAGA's attacks on traditional GOP "values" (trickle down economics, no end to federal debt if its going into private hands etc). are the business elites going to try to take the GOP back? where is all that giant corporate campaign money going to go?!
  6. America does not have an Open Borders policy, immigrants are flooding our borders because of American politics which has destroyed the foundations of safety in their own countries now to the point that their countries are run by the drug cartels We Started in the 1960-70's . During that time large American companies began investing in South American countries by first going in to.log as much timber as they could, then when 80% of old growth hardwood timber was gone, coffee and banana plantatiins, pineapples and marijuana were grown for American markets. Soon, when these countries found that marijuana was making the most profit, these countries dropped more trade in other goods for higher levels of MJ. Then the opium trade showed how to make more from growing pretty red flowers...poppies, and heroin came to America along with coca from Peru and Argentina, where historically it was grown to help runners of the ancient Mayan Empire run much longer and be able to fight with enhanced strength but which also killed many because, like heroin, it is very addictive and all too soon it burns the heart literally of its users. America didn't think of the side effects because the cartels here, such as the American MAFIA saw huge profits and created even more markets for these highly dangerous drugs. China also hooked more Americans on drugs by forcing the Vietnam War to become another conduit of drugs to America, again without conscience, China wants our land and it's mineral and vast oil reserves. In fact, drug money is buying up what used to be the best Country on Earth, and who caused that? Who is forcing these "undocumented aliens " to come to America? Look in the mirror. WE DID. So....don't support Trumps contention that America is the innocent party being invaded, if anything, Americas drug habits and its wealth by sale of illegal drugs, has made this bed, and now WE in THIS Generation have to fix it and it won't be by busing these immigrants to other cities and dumping them there, that just creates MORE criminals on our streets. Nor will a Wall stop them. What we are wasting on forcing up Walls however, if invested in cleaning up OUR MESS, caused by Americas crime families, THAT WAY and ONLY that way will fix this flood and turn it back to a trickle, as most of these immigrants really didn't want to leave their countries to come here, but We made them Come Here, because we destroyed the safety to.live in their own countries.
  7. Also happened to me. No press coverage, no impact other than a few pennies in stock dividends per share to someone somewhere. Rather than all of us get angry at easy targets, we should inform each other that THAT is the game: cut costs, make owners richer so that... so that... Interestingly they don't even WHISPER "trickle down" anymore. They just use the term "the economy", to refer to a great ghost who becomes pleased when it gets bigger irrespective of peoples' lives. In the 20th century, even the centre-left used "the rich" as an even worse version of that great ghost... as a demon who wanted to exploit the little guy. That was just as disingenuous but the results were affordable homes, the 40 hour workweek, and public healthcare. "Hate the game not the player" Snoop Hardy Hardnerr
  8. I had to read that like 4 times .... Sounded like gobbledegook but that actually was a correct sentence (More or less) Sorry for doubting you Having said that you're wrong. So... you win some and you lose some I know you find facts and logic to be 'argumentative for the sake of it' when they don't agree with you but that's more of a 'you' problem than a 'me' problem. Maybe but in the end the goal would have to be to pressure china to open up it's markets. Right now trade is extremely lopsided, giving china huge access to a massive market that basically drives its entire economy while restricting access to it's own people to a trickle for political control.
  9. Is actually disagree with that. The economy continued on nearly the exact same trajectory under Trump as under the Obama recovery. Little to no change. It's possible that the timing coincidentally aligned so that Trump's massive elective deficits supported what might have otherwise been a slowdown, but I think it far more likely that the deficit was pure waste. Kind of like adding more gas to an engine that's already at capacity. You can do it, but it just gets burned off as exhaust. Running rich, as it were. It was tax cuts for the wealthy rather than strategic spending. And tax cuts only bolster the economy if it becomes disposable income that is spent back into the economy--money that wouldn't otherwise have been spent. As we've learned from multiple experiments with "trickle down" economics, it doesn't work. When you cut taxes on the wealthy their net worths will grow a bit, but they don't spend more. They were already buying everything they want.
  10. The technical name is “supply side economics” and the broader right wing ideology behind it is called “neoliberalism” in academic circles, with notable right wing economists using the “trickle down” metaphor to describe how enriching billionaires and corporations will eventually benefit workers and it’s a largely a disproven theory. Its message to workers was that they must live a life of sacrifice and hardship NOW so that they can be rewarded later once the rich and powerful have had their fill. Of course that day never came. Kind of like religion’s suffer in this life so you cab rewarded in the next life That is absolute opposite-of-reality BS….“outragerous” even ? Trickle-down economics as government policy only dates back to the 1980s, which is right when the working class began to experience its long decline in living standards and quality of life More BS. Democrats didn’t get people mad and furious about their …they were mad and furious on their own. Contrary to republican lies, people don’t like being poor despite working 60 hours a week at multiple jobs, don’t like going bankrupt over healthcare expenses, don’t like having their unarmed kids and family members killed by police over jaywalking or shoplifting or other petty crimes , don’t like lead in their drinking water or having their kids die in school shootings and so on. PS nobody banned Dr Seuss.
  11. The only trickle down economics is the Democrat WELFARE STATE. Jobs went overseas because major corporations had accountants who decided it was cheaper to locate a factory in the FAR FUGGING EAST than it was to pay DemoNazi taxes here in the States. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP actually overturned that process by cutting corporate taxes. He BROUGHT BACK those high paying manufacturing jobs. And he was impeached for it. Seig Heil.
  12. I can't tell if the synopsis of trade deals is your take on the book or their take on the deal. I get the sense that someone thinks that the decimation of manufacturing jobs was an unintended result but it wasn't. With those salaries so far above world market levels there wasn't much further that manufacturing could go. The idea is to give up one sector for huge growth in others and new sectors too as well as lower prices and higher profits. That part worked beautifully. What didn't work was relying on trickle down economics to manage the winfall. And I don't believe that populism came out of a working class revolt against the Clintons as a result of this. Poor people still vote Democrat it seems. A lot of it is right, and also no mention of Clinton's welfare cuts or Hillary's Walmart board membership. Yeah incredible because they're so communist haha...
  13. FALSE That’s not a real thing that actually happened. False Whatever “greatness” America once had was lost because its government was deigned for a simple 18th century agrarian European colony in which all businesses and political issues were small and local, women were a man’s property, black people were simply considered beasts of burden, slavery was socially acceptable, and indigenous people were considered little more than nuisance wildlife. In those days formal education and a professional public service were virtually nonexistent, therefore citizens had to rely on a person’s local reputation instead of professional qualifications. The American solution to government was therefore to politicize every possible public office and rely on citizens to elect one of their own to run affairs and originally only wealthy land owners were allowed to vote. In those days, a large business might be someone who owns a few sawmills or maybe someone descended from aristocracy who owns a trading company. Corporations as we know them did not exist. The fathers of American confederation could not foresee the rise of large regional corporations - much less global corporations- that could buy up scores of politicians from coast to coast and manipulate them all like puppets. These corporations have run America into the ground in pursuit of their own interests and now that their old Ronald Reagan neocon trickle down economics was fully discredited even by Republicans after the last economic meltdown, they’ve changed tactic and put on the phoney mask of populism and culture war politics. It feels real to you but the real forces behind it are the same corporations pushing the same toxic trickle down policies have been poisoning Americans for 4 decades now.
  14. Here is the trickle thread. @Goddess does not know how to post links. Hint: click on the infinity symbol in the post banner
  15. You're dumb enough to look at a graph showing 2-10 times greater death rates among the US unvaccinated and STILL repeat LIES about vaccines not working. Not to mention pharma TRIALS of 10s of thousands which ALSO shows it working. Maybe in Canada, those trials are not done. But I doubt that. LMAO. Prove it. Post a link of your search results. Here's mine: https://repolitics.com/forums/search/?q=trickle&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=9
  16. I can't believe you keep referring to some obscure "trickle thread" and "read the studies" with NO LINK. Do you know how to post a link?
  17. There are a multitude of studies that show lockdowns had a neglible benefit - "at best, small" - namely. 0.2%. And the harmful effects far outweighed the neglible benefit. There are 78 studies on masks, including a definitive Cochrane review of over a million people, that show the same for masks - neglible benefit with harmful effects far outweighing any benefit. This is why Eyeball makes statements like "Lockdowns wère great and we need to lockdown harder and longer." with zero proof. There is none. He's repeating CBC talking points from 3 years ago. It's not me who is not following the science. Please read all the studies and datasets I've posted on the Trickle thread. Because they're going to bring it all back. It's starting again. People like Eyeball are DANGEROUS. We all must not comply this time. If you complied in the past but were silently not agreeing, you must stand this time with those of us who have been standing all along. Do not comply. Our lives, our children's lives depend on it. Demand the science. Read the studies. I cant believe the amount of disinformation in this thread.
  18. There are many studies that answer this. On the Trickle thread, someone said that the virus causes more myo than the vaccine and I posted at least 5-6 studies that show otherwise. I doubt they changed their mind at all, so kudos to you for actually following the science. ? The only thing I will caution you about, if you're interested in the studies and data - is to first check the conflicts of interest and work history of the authors. The only study that the person on my thread posted, that said myo was higher from the virus, was funded by Pfizer, authored by people funded by Pfizer. I also have information on there about how to read medical studies and what to watch for. Up til now, it's really only small, independent doctors and scientists conducting unbiased studies. Now those smaller studies are being combined into metastudies, so the data is becoming much more clear and undeniable. A lot of the best, most well-put-together, unbiased, non-Pharma funded studies have been done in countries with no horse in the race - the Nordic countries, Thailand and India for example. Japan, as well. Have fun. ? I hope you find more studies and want to discuss them. I hope I see you on the Trickle thread.
  19. You are ignorant. Either intentionally or because you're lazy. The links to the actual grants from the NIH to Daszcak and the WuhanIV in China are in the Trickle thread. The grants outline the very process they used to hotwire bat coronaviruses, using a funky furin cleavage site and monkeying with human ACE2 receptors to make it more virulent. They received 14 million from the NIH to do just that and less than a year later the exact same virus described in the grant appears and Fauci,et al miraculously have a vax in record time and make billions in profits. We ignore this to our peril. Fauci should be hung.
  20. Biden made an awesome speech in Chicago today. He explained how Biden economics has been working, what it is, and why it’s succeeded so much better than the proven failed trickle-down economics of the Republicans. The American middle class wants good wages and a fair share of the pie, not the “trickles” of the oligarchs.
  21. That’s a lie. Like most people I prefer to call it trickle down to expose the idiocy of it all. You were the one who previously thought it was Keynesian Ha you’re busted again. You’re just another internet dumbass who makes up blatantly false claims. Typical MAGA. You don’t have single credible non-partisan link for your BS because there are none. There weren’t many 2009-2014 either. Sorry you’re just another internet dumbass
  22. More of your Fake news. You amd I have discussed this topic many times and you’re the one who keeps getting in it wrong. You once thought it was called Keynesian economics FFS. You don’t know sh1t. You continue to spread blatant falsehoods. Why don’t you post a non-partisan link to back up your BS? What incidents are you talking about? Riots? If so I dispute the timeline Not coincidentally there were no major recessions during that period. The early 90s recession under Republican George Bush Sr was the worst since the Great Depression, then there was widespread economic boom and property during the 8 Clinton years followed by 2 recessions under the next Republican George Bush Jr., the last one being a major catastrophic collapse of the financial sector and the new title holder of “worst since the Great Depression” Keep in mind, economically Clinton followed conservative economic policies: privatization, deregulation, tax cuts for businesses and the rich, service cuts for everyone else, and mass incarceration for the growing number of people forced into society’s margins as a result. The economic boom that occurred during his 2 terms was simply a bump due to the end of the cold war, the rise of the internet and e-commerce “tech bubble” and rock bottom interest rates that allowed people to affordably finance their lifestyle or make ends meet with an endless supply of cheap debt. The working class has been in a continuous downward slide since the 80s because of Trickle-down policies and theories, which were first implemented under Reagan
  23. See? I made you google it and now you learned something. I"m not just smart, i'm educational The rest of it went off the rails for you but hey - baby steps! I agree. THat is the opposite of Reality BS. The opposite of reality bs is reality. Sigh. You're making this too easy. It takes the fun out of it. And as we've noted 'trickle down' doesn't exist. But the concept has been around for quite a while. And it has been what gave rise to the middle class. Nope. The dems exploited existing dissatisfaction to create the 'mad and furious'. From 1992 - 2009 there were very few incidents. Since then, it's grown in leaps and bounds in number AND size - largely driven by the divisions the dems have inflamed. "If i'd had a son, he'd look like travon". And as i noted this has a very long history with the dems.
  24. Well that's demonstrably stupid First off there is no such thing as 'trickle down' economics, that's just a term lefties use to explain concepts too complicated for them to understand. But in fact the concept behind it is why we had a middle class form in the first place. it's OUTRAGEROUSLY pro worker. Tell your union rep to do a little research before telling you lies Culture war is without a doubt the left wing's invention and democrats have been using it all the way back to the days of slavery. And it was obama and the democrats who put together the intersectional coalition to get him elected - get a bunch of diverse groups, get them mad and furious about their situation, then tell them you'll protect them if you get elected. Since then things have gone down hill fast. But i love how the left pretends it's not doing anything "We must stop racism - BAN DR SEUSS - IT MUST BE SHUT DOWN!!!!! FORM A COMMITTEE! CANCEL IMMEDIATELY!! REEEEEEE" 'Hey - those were great books, why are you doing that?" gee dude - don't make a big deal over it. Why are you guys always getting so worked up over little things
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