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Everything posted by Muddy

  1. It`s war people! It is nasty and innocents get caught up in it.Very sad. But I think we should concentrate why their might be innocents caught up and taken prisoner. The Terrorists do not wear a uniform so for preservation we must always have a jaundice eye when looking at civilians. They may look like innocents but they may just be Taliban ready to destroy and maim our guys. Lets err on the side of of caution. We made a pact ,back in the Liberal days to turn prisoners over to the locals. Do you really think that we should be running POW camps? It has been my experience that good soldiers make lousey policemen in a war zone. They are not trained for this. Lets get the Taliban to fight by the rules of war and wear a uniform and then we will have less civilians being arrested. Seems simple enough! Oh ! There I go blaming the terrorists again for this situation.
  2. Well you are brave! So you feel that the Taliban has better men than our guys? When did we ever condone beheading, stoning, denying women the right to be educated, deny little girls going to school. We may have a few rascals in the midst of our army but we as a military do not condone what some of your better men in the Taliban believe and practice as a terrorist organization.
  3. In Canada nobody cares about a bunch of terrorists being roughed up by their own people. The way we see it the terrorists Islamic thugs are trying to kill our guys. They don`t wear a uniform and so do not belong to a recognized military.What Geneva conventions are they under anyway? This did not just start with the Harper government. As Bill Graham said they got the best deal they could at the time as a Liberal government. They did not care then but now they are all teary eyed. Canadians don`t care! It will not be an issue come election time.In fact a lot of Canadians are looking askance at those who are making our troops out to be committing war crimes.
  4. So we are talking about Africa and how we should be forcing those societies to accept abortion as normal rights. Is that correct? If so what right do we have entering their culture and telling them how wrong they are when it comes to womens rights.Africa is underpopulated at this moment in history. Do we want to force our norms on a people who find abortion sinful? Are we trying to control Black Africa`s population ? We won`t stand up to what we percieve as terrible practices of forced marriage and female circumscion but we think we should dictate abortion rights? I don`t appreciate people coming into my house and saying my life style is wrong! Why should Africans feel any different?
  5. Well if thats true then I thank you for correcting me. I think money would be better spent fighting female circumscion and forced marriage. But thats because I believe in freedom of real choice.
  6. What surprised me was that he came from the PC Party side and not Reform. He acted like a Reformer should have. I am surprised that Harper has not brought him back into cabinet. After all Harper`s routes from Reform days encouraged independent thinking like Chong`s. Maybe someday this CP outfit will recognize greatness within their ranks. Till then I am homeless politically.
  7. For many years under Liberal Rule ,why was this not as big an issue as it is now? Why now?
  8. But I do believe he deserves my vote as an independent thinker. He is not a party hack thats for sure. Although I no longer a party member for several reasons I will continue to support my M.P. Michael Chong.
  9. It is especially stringent on cabinet ministers,unlike ordinary caucus members who have some flexibility. My MP ,Michael Chong was a cabinet member. Even if you disagree with him you must admire the stance he took as a member of the Harper government. He was a cabinet minister and he resigned his cabinet post on a point of principal . That to me was courageous and one of the finest moments in democracy and self esteem.He still sits in caucus and as I told him ,he will always be able to face his mirror and see the reflection of an noble,honest and honhourable man. .
  10. There are those that seem to think that anyone of the female persuasion that gets pregnant are women and should not be counselled by men,sperm donater, Father ,brother grandfathers should all keep their collective wisdom to themselves. It is my conclusion that girls get pregnant too. This does not make them a women. They can still be little girls . Mentally! I think kind and loving family can give better advice for the childs future mental health than some abortion rights fanatic who thinks they know better than family. It is imperative that young women ,girls, know the long term repercussions of abortion before committing themselves.This is not a tooth being pulled. I am not completely against abortion but I certainly think counselling and knoledge is imperative. .
  11. I feel for seniour citizens who thought because they kept their noses to the grind stone and shoulder to the wheel they were being responsible for their old age needs.They paid off their homes. They saved and went without . Now at seventy years of age they have to think about finding a job if they are healthy enough to have that option. I am anold fart ,but I am fortunate that I built my own business ,and now they can1t figure out how to get rid of me. I come in at seven and get in the way then go home at twelve. So I am OK jack! But I really feel for some of my Pals. Good honest hard working souls ,who now pay more in property tax than what their mortgages were. Revenue neutral my hairy bottom. Lies and more lies.
  12. If the Harris government was at fault why were there not more cities effected? Hmmm! Could it be because they were not practising nepotism by hiring unqualified good old boys? The two drunken louts in charge in Walkerton should be where all blame should lie. If this drinking water scandal had been consistent through out Ontario then maybe blame could have been on the Harris government. But it was isolated to Walkerton.
  13. Speaking as a former fetus, I sure am glad abortion was not part of birth control in the old days as it is today! I was not a welcome thought at the time because of the hard ships my family was enduring. But my Mom soldiered on and I was loved and cherished by my much older siblings.
  14. I don`t know if she is guilty of anything other than allowing her husband to use her office and equipment that you and I pay for. Is that enough to oust her from her post,caucus and now the party? I think she would be toxic material if allowed to run in the next election however. So I agree with the reasons for Harper`s action. It is self preservation of the CPC.
  15. Well Molly you sure are sure of yourself. I have been around a long time and I have come to the conclusion that people need people. And Yes, men are people too. We love and care for our families and from time to time we give advice even to our grown children. They may or not like the advice but at least they have something to ponder. I can not begin to imagine a young girl (yes there is that word again) who goes off and gets an abortion and is traumatized by the experience and can not bring herself to share her feelings with her closest love ones. It must be very lonely. Like men I don`t think all girls are as tough as you Molly.
  16. A very good post that I do not believe can be successfully argued against. I have always been of the opinion that getting all the facts and consequences before one acts is a very good idea. I have always said if a loved one was considering an abortion I would try and give the best advice on what little I know about women if approached. But I would be there to love and hold their hand no matter their decision.
  17. The last thing we want to do is cut the military budget. After we pull out of Afganistan the equipment we are using will be worn out. We need to once again rebuild our military so that when or if we are called upon by our allies or (shudder ) do UN duty we are prepared. In the early sixties we had an armed forces of around 120 thousand souls. Our population was around 21 million. We are now over 30 million,yet last I heard we were around 60 thousand souls. Whats wrong with that picture? Until Afganistan and thanks to PM Martin and PM Harper our military is once again relevant and respected to our allies in NATO.We must never again allow our military to be cut to irrelevance.
  18. You want us to go back to our roots do you. Living in caves,gathering and hunting for food? That sort of thing? People on earth from the lowest evolved to the mighty live better today than at any time in history. That includes nutrition,health care and longevity. It is the human nature to give our offspring a better shot at life than the what we had. It is impossible to find a utopia that will not have social climbers and those who know best for mankind. Look at you! Your one!
  19. I have no idea how you figure the present government has some hidden agenda in regards to abortion! At their first policy convention ,Harper had the abortion issue squashed. Myself and others had a proposed policy on Partial Birth Abortion that was kicked to the side in no uncertain terms by Harper`s people. I thought and still think that there should be guidelines for Doctors in regards to what is a fetus and what is a human baby. The Harper government will not even discuss abortion.There is no hidden agenda ,at least on this issue. Me ,I am not totally against abortion. I see every case differently .But then what do I know. I am but a mere man.
  20. Ah ! We will make another peacekeeping success like Rawanda! Stay the hell out. We will be seen as a bunch of white colonials. Get real top notch black military troops from Zimbabwe.I mean those guys are good at murdering opposition. Yes I know they have only been practicing on unarmed political rivals ,but they could use the experience.Leave Africa to Africans. Maybe we could have those in North America who call themselves African Americans or Canadians start their own over seas brigade to go peacekeeping! I will support our troops if they are sent there but if we do they better be equipped with a ruthless mandate to kill bad guys without quarter.
  21. Your right Argus! I am so very happy my children all live within two minutes of my house.When they need a baby sitter the family is close by and Grandma, Uncles and Aunts are ready to pitch in. That is what family is all about! The state should not be in the baby sitting business. Second rate baby sitters at that. We already supply baby sitting for prekindergarten so parents can abdicate their responsibility to nurture and parent their off spring. Prekindergarten perpetuated more unionized teachers that we did not need.
  22. I don`t get it! Why are we expected to shape abortion laws in other countries and finance them? If we want to take up a cause for women ,why are we not fighting forced marriage and female circumciseon? Why are we not fighting for womens rights to get educated? To go walk about without a male family member? Lets free women from being mere chattel first! To me this is but cheap election gimmick. Shame on those who use women that have no choices at all.
  23. Soldiers don`t rape women. Thugs dressed as soldiers rape women. Real Soldiers defend the vulnerable.
  24. It just may be there ,but I will never know. I want my bloody reward! I want that small communication with the strangers I meet. Could be I gave up my seat to a cross dressing Muslim! LOL
  25. Well as an old fashioned gent If I give up my seat to a lady I want to be rewarded with a smile at least.
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