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Everything posted by Muddy

  1. If I thought that no one in committee would not leak findings I would not have a problem. All to often I have seen political opportunism over rule patriotism and leaks happen. We have but one year to go. Finish our military task then lets sort it out if we were the bad guys or not.Personally I think our troops have done a commendable job in a very hard war to fight seeing as the enemy wears no uniform. Because of the enemy hiding behind civilians by wearing ordinary garb mistakes happen. Everyone in our military wants to go home after this is over. We should not be running prison camps over there.You will notice I did not call them Prisoners of War camps. That was deliberate.
  2. We have no jurisdiction to sort out the guilty from the innocent. That is the job of the Afgans. If our enemy wore a uniform I could see how we could follow more closely Geneva conventions. It is the enemy by not wearing a uniform who put innocent people in jeopardy of being swooped up. Lets put the blame where it should be. The by hiding behind a civilian mask is the biggest problem in these cases. The Afganistan Army is in uniform, they are recognizable. So some guy hiding behind the barrel of an AK47 without a uniform I think has put himself in jeopardy of ending up in Agan prison hands. Screw the legalities Amir and CBC. This is war! It is not for the squeamish. Another year to go before our guys come home. I only care about their safety and the task at hand of killing the other guy and not being killed.Then we can sort it out.
  3. There is nothing being done or not being done by the previous governments when it comes to the war in afganistan. In war secrecy from the public is neccessary. If we had not spun the news on Dieppe Canada may have lost heart and not been part of the liberation of Europe from Hitlers evil regime. We might have quit during WW1 from public pressure in the early days and never had the victory of Vimy Ridge. War is a terrible messy thing but must be fought on many fronts. Our troops have enough to contend with every day facing an enemy that wears no uniform. Get the job done then we can sort out wrong doing in public. I am amzed that our soldiers actually take prisoners now when they are damned if they do and are damned if they don`t when turning them over to the proper authority. Our guys do have certain rules of war they try to follow but our enemy has none of our rules or compassion. Lets get the friggen job done. Let the other guy die for his cause. I want our guys home safe and I don`t give a crap about terrorists..
  4. The big difference is in our world ,we as a society do not condone the raping of little girls,then stoning them to death for their transgression in the eyes of Islam. We don`t condone forced arranged marriages. We don`t condone forced circumscion on children. Our women can own property. They can go on walk abouts with out a male family member present.They can drive cars or trucks for that matter. They do not have to wear a tent. We don`t stone women who commit adultry or are raped. I could go on but I know I am calling upon deaf ears to listen. sometimes I think I am the only feminist on this board and yet I am but a an old crumudgeon of a guy.I guess Mom taught me repect for what was then the weaker and better smelling sex.
  5. Back to the question . Sure I think it is OK to insult Islam.Hindu,Sihkism,buddism ,Christianity,Jw`s or holy rollers. Thats life. If your insults are lies ,then shame on you. If you are being hurtful just for the sake of being hurtful then shame on you. But if you are telling the truth,or what you percieve to be the truth and someone takes offence ,they should suck it up. I personally believe that Islam is not a religion of peace as it is being practiced in some mosques. It is exporting terror in the name of God. It`s form of justice and punishment to men and women is barbaric. It depress` the rights of women in some kind of middle ages thinking. I think like Christianity once had to go through some terrible times during the inquisition Islam is now in the period. Islam is approximately 500 years younger than Christianity and is it not a sad comparison 500 years later Islam seems to have that over zelous bent to it. We should have the right to insult one another. But,always think first of the manners your dear Mom taught you. Now, with saying that, I better go back and see who I have insulted.
  6. Yep! And Chamberlain said that Hitler was a gent and gave us peace in our time. Chamberlain was a nice bloke and was very discouraged by Hitler`s double cross. You try hard but sometimes shaking hands is not enough. You have to turn it into an arm wrestling match.
  7. Did you not just critisize Bush-Cheney for changing the subject. Lets try and keep comparisons to the last 100 years or so OK.By the way, there was not a 100 million natives in North America before the white guys came. The only reason they were here first is because they had reservations !
  8. There was human rights in Saddam`s Iraq? I chuckle in your general direction you dolt! Saddam was a mass murder` just like your old pal MAO and Stalin. His tribe is still killing people to stop peace from breaking out.To bad you were not with the KURDs when the peace loving Saddam had their villages gassed. You might be a little more suspect of those you defend. Gas warfare was even to insidious for Hitler to use on allied troops. I know he used it on Jewish prisoners. But it is a weopon of mass destruction and Saddam had no compunction about useing it as was proven.
  9. When immigrants and refugees are allowed here based on lies that should be enough to send them packing. I don`t think any relationship started on lies is a basis for a long term relationship. If someone lies about being an axe murder in their home land then when found out get rid of the threat out to Canadians.
  10. If we had not fought the good fight and gone to help europe in it`s time of need Hitler just may have ruled the western world. I will not forget the attack on the Trade Centers where not only Americans were killed but a lot of Canadians. That was my neighbours door being knocked down Wyly. If you lived next door to me you would feel secure going away and asking me to watch your house. As for Iraq Bjre! I too was convinced that Saddam had nukes. Why? Because the United Nations had no doubt and Saddam would not let UN inspectors do their job. He also gave a great impression that he had them. If you tell me you have a knife in your pocket and are going to cut me up, I will strike first before I allow you the opportunity of slicing and dicing me.
  11. No one disputes that the Taliban Government was giving sanctuary and training camps to Binny Ha Ha Ladin and his happy gang. Since the invasion of Afganistan sanctioned by the UNITED NATIONS and their wish to have NATO prosecute the war in Afganistan, there has not been a successful attack on North America.I hope it stays that way. Lets remember two things. Canadians were killed in 9/11 and Binny the old spoil sport promised he would commit a terrorist attack on Canada. No matter what you think of old Binny, the long Lad does try to keep his promises. As for people referring to me as a NAZI,I thank you for the vote of confidence in my character. I have seen the extemes of National Socialists and communism first hand. Democracy although not perfect because there are no perfect people ,is still the best hope of mankind . It has allowed with all it`s warts to give the majority of it`s people to live at the highest and healthiest standards in the history of man. Utopia will never come closer than what we have achieved since WW2. WW2 and the Cold war ,if not confronted by the western world would have destroyed the freedom we enjoy every day of our lives.The freedom to fail or succeed. The freedom to rise above the station one is born into.The freedom to enjoy argueing and conversing here on this site. The freedom to critisize one another and our elected leaders. What we have achieved in our duty to stand up to the Binny Ladins of this world is to give others pause before attacking us and our way of life. That our allies and friends know we are a stout hearted lot that can be depended upon. Chrieten, Martin and Harper deserve credit for this. Especially Martin and Harper who gave our troops the training ,confidence and tools to fight above their weight.
  12. You can`t fix a problem till you recognize the problem. Being politically correct will not fix a problem. Profiling and keeping stats will give us answers so we can disarm anti social behaviour in our society. Instead we put our heads in the sand. We continue to frisk and harass blue haired old white Gals at the airport instead of concentrating on the minorities that are prone to blowing people and things up.
  13. Yes but there has not been another 9/11 in North America as Benny Ladin and his happy gang promised. Sleep tight now. There are tough hard men and women keeping you safe in your wee bed.
  14. Health! We should not bring in people who have communicable diseases and will be a burden on the health Care system .We can not afford to be the worlds health care system. I don`t care if they speak the official languages. Everyone can learn a new language. What we don`t need is older people who will never contribute and of course people with a history of crime.
  15. A couple of months ago I had an Algerian Doc save my life. He had me in an ambulance in 15 minutes and rushed to Trillium and right into the operating room. So I don`t care what colour,religion a chap is. I just want competence.
  16. I am all for profiling and keeping stats by race and religion. We would problably find that orientals have a higher IQ . That the majority of shootings in Toronto are by Blacks on Blacks with unregistered guns. That Terrorism is almost a 100% Islamic. That Jewish,Hindu and Sihks people are very good at business and hard work. That midgets are shorter than most of society. That females bear children.That white people continue to apologize for past sins or percieved sins, to everybody else.That being a Father is not just screwing some tart and knocking her up.I am all for stats and profiling.Lets get on with it!
  17. Public perception becomes reality very quickly. I think something smells about this pair ,but then again it might be my perception. Meanwhile ,I don`t think anyone can honestly connect Harper or his governments honesty in this case. Of course that could just be my perception again. As an old Reformer I am not happy with Harper. I think he surrounded himself by the wrong people long before he merged the CA and the Torys .He could have had a majority I believe if had stuck to principals that he espoused when he was part of the Reform Party. I am now homeless politically. My party was shanghied.
  18. Harper did call in the RCMP, then there must be a heck of a reason. If these two people have broken the law I want them punished. I hate corrupt politicians no matter their party.I hear that Iggy said ,Harper didn`t go far enough. Did Iggy wish an execution or just torture before the RCMP investigation? As for those silly insinuations about Harper getting Rahim Jaffer off cocaine and drunk driving charges, once again I say your arguement is with the Ontario Provincial government. You know ,I think they are Liberals.
  19. I knew Rahim back in the Reform days and I thought he was a nice young fella. He seems to have gone off the rails and he is hurting anyone associated with him. Sad story for sure. Harper has done the right thing in asking for resignation. I will not blame her for the actions of her husband. But poop splatters.
  20. Your arguement is with the Liberal Government in Ontario and Crown . Was he in McGuintys pocket too? I knew this kid back in the Reform days and he was a pretty solid guy. I think he has gone off the rails myself ,but I would not blame his behaviour on Harper and any deal with the Ontario Crown and court system.
  21. Jaffer is not the Conservative Party. He is a loud mouth now who thinks he can bamboozel by saying things to impress business aquaintenances. He is separate from the government of the day.This kid has gone off the rails. But it is only him,not the government.
  22. Not a darn thing. They can`t change the Liberal`s Red and White. It is my contention that official multiculturism was the greatest plan that Trudeau ever devised to keep minorities voting Liberal. Before Trudeau immigrants became Canadian first. Yet still were proud of their heritage. Now we have tribes of other nations that gettoize into their own culture. But I have hope in the children to Canadianize themselves.
  23. Old Geezer here. Your answer is yes. Still is amongst some groups. Have to give those Liberals credit they wrapped themselves in the Red and White Pearson flag and showed their colours as a party ,making immigrants believe they were one and the same. Once upon a time long ,long ago, Canada brought most of it`s immigrants from Europe and they brought many skills needed to build a country.Some were just strong backs and nose to the grind stone types who never for one moment thought of turning to crime or the dole for survival. We were very selective about immigrants past. Refugees were true refugees. We still need immigration so that you young folks can pay for this old parasitic Geezer. We should not be bringing in older geezers into the country that will never produce a dollar but will be a burden on the rest of us. Our immigration policy should be colour blind ,but be tied to bringing in the best and brightest along with the trades we need . Yep we have to discriminate profile if we want to achieve. This Hindu fella sure is not wrong.
  24. It appears that some of the parents of our soldiers killed in action are encouraging Canada to stay in the fight against the terrorist thugs.
  25. Isralie Apartied week will and is going to create an atmosphere where Jewish students are going to feel unsafe. This attack ,I believe if everything I heard is true, was fostered by Isralie Apartied week. It will give some Islamic youth the feeling they have a licence to go one step over hating Jewish students to the next step of violence.Apparently there are witness` to this machete attack and if the two victims were not fleet of foot someone may have been seriously hurt.By the way only one of the victims was Jewish. The thugs surmised the one who they centered their attack on was not. But he was being cursed as a Jew. So no one is safe from the hate being fostered by Isralie Apartied week. Be careful out there dear friends if you are mistaken as a Jew. Now the Gays have a problem because they are going to have a float in the Toronto Gay Pride condemning Israel. Now that one really is stupid. The only country where it is legal to be gay in the middle east is Israel and is a death penalty anywhere else. Some Jewish Gay people are really upset at their parade being high jacked.
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