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Everything posted by Muddy

  1. Pedophelia continues too but it is my business and yours as decent people to try and stop it. These cultural differences are beyond reasonable accomadation. I had no problem with the turban on mounties. In fact I think it looks darn sharp. The commonwealth had great Sihk allies in two world wars wearing the turban. Allies could be sure of bravery and the line not breaking with Sihk troops on your flank.
  2. Trudeau did! Thats why we are discussing this today. He said he would create a culture for us since we lacked one based on Multiculturism.
  3. A very good point Peter . but I think you inadvertantly made my point. We can do something about female circumscion of pubescent Muslim females by outlawing and condemning this cultural practice here in Canada. Reasonable accomadation ? I don`t think that Canada should give reasonable accomadation to this practice or arranged marriages. Remember some of these arranged marriages are between children and old men. Toleration of our differences should end at a certain points. I find it so hard to believe ,that men and women on this board ,living in a free and civilized country can condone and defend these so called cultural differences..
  4. Bjre, a parent chooseing healthy food has nothing to do with chooseing a wife for your daughter. That is a very strange response. True Metis, I am not saying circumscion of a male child is healthier . For I am not well educated enough to know. Being ignorant of some health issues we look for guidance from the medical profession. That is where you should direct your statement. I am recovering from a heart attack. Guess who I take advice from now on my health care? The guy who through medical science saved my life! Not posters on this board.
  5. Bjre and Topic, I really am sorry. I would like to answer but I just don`t understand what your asking or suggesting. Canada has a culture and I believe those immigrating here should remember why they immigrated here. The culture that exists is the reason why Canada is such a great place to start a new life. Why not accept the norms of Canadian culture ? Why bring prejudices and tribal wars to these shores from a previous homeland? As a Canadian man I can not accept the enslavement of females by their male dominated culture anymore than I can accept slavery of any race. People have a right to be free to make personal choices.Male or Female.
  6. I can assure you I am not part of any special interest group. My concern is for women who have no advocate or are denyed choice because of any culture or religion. I want every women to have the right to choose their husband within their culture or not.To choose to have kids or not. I want all women to be free to choose these fundamental rights.
  7. 1 .When a Gal does not have free choice because the culture dictates that the Father will make the choice should not be allowed in Canada. 2 and 3 There are decent people across canada are horrified ,me being one that this practice is allowed even though it is afainst the law. 4 As for who ever compared circumscion because of little boys are routinely done , the difference is obvious. It is for health reason as the parent sees fit with guidance from a Doctor when the boy child is an infant. The mutilation of a grown girl against her will for cultural reasons is a completely different matter. It has nothing to do with physical health, unless one pictures health as deterring sexual drive and enjoyment by a women.
  8. If we mistakenly allow the use of a mask in our society to give reasonable accomadation what will be next? Will we allow circumscion forced upon girls and women as is the custom in some Islamic states? Will we watch as young children or women are forced into arranged marriages? Where does reasonable accomadation start and stop. Our culture built on British custom and common law have given the greatest freedom for people from all over the world to immigrate and become equal citizens. Show me where in the Islamic world one can immigrate to ,have their religion, customs and life style accepted along with citizenship. The only place is Israel in the middle east. Enough of this so called reasonable accomadation. It is not reasonable nor sane.
  9. That was leadership. A family of influence and money setting their personal safety aside to inspire their people. A courageous family.
  10. Well I am trying you must admit .Once about 1960 Princess Alexandra was inspecting the regiment. The guys were being soaked to the skin on the parade square. The Princess sent her aid away with the umbrella . Then continued the inspection. Do you know what that does for moral. She is held in high regard by us old timers.
  11. When state visits by the Monarchy are held people gather. When people gather they buy things. When people buy things it produces taxes and employment. In other words the Monarchy generates money. It pretty well is a wash to be quite truthful. I lovr the pomp and ceremony to be honest. This is part of our history and traditions.
  12. I don`t care if they wish to wear a tent. But the covering of the face is what I object too mostly. I do not think unless disfigured any sane women would choose to wear this apparel. This dress indicates the wishes of the males in their families. I notice you never answered how you feel about forced female circumscion or arranged marriages. These are their traditions . Do you wish these traditions imported into Canadian society? I am in business,should I be able to refuse service to someone I can`t identify by their countenance?
  13. When one is called upon as a professional soldier ,General or Private by their country to fight they better damn well fight unless called upon to commit a criminal offence. We as a country were called up by the United Nations to fight this war. The United Nations asked NATO to prosecute the war. This is a legitimate war. Since then there have been no more terrorist threats carried out to completion in North America. You Eyeball can go to sleep tucked in your bed because tough ,honourable soldiers keep you safe. We as a people elect our politicians to our parliament. It is that government in it`s wisdom that decide the merits of sending our volunteer armed forces into harms way. God give them strength. it is not easy to send our sons and daughters into harms way. You eyeball and those like minded dishonour the sacrafices being made while you go on about your daily life. After WW2 and Korea our nation once again fell into complacency. Fortunately as part of NATO we were able to keep the our respect and the Warsaw Pact at bay by being prepared. But people like you Eyeball felt the same way then about being involved in NATO and preventing a cold war from becoming hot. We were a country respected by our allies. Then along came Trudeau and his ilk who decimated our forces and our country became irrelavant in world security. We need our allies and we must pull our weight or we could be a target and we will have no allies to call upon. Sleep tight Eyeball. Your being taken care of.
  14. The Americans who had a bloody war to rid themselves of the Monarchy now fall all over themselves when the Royals visit.They are above politicians ,sports hero`s or hollywood actors. Our history as country is steeped in tradition within our military and parliaments. Although I love my American cousins the Monarchy has been instumental in keeping us different than Americans and I personally am glad of that. The Monarchy costs us nothing nor does it the British.
  15. Why would we make reference to Pakistani or Arab culture for that matter. We don`t believe in forced female circumscion or arranged marriages either. We actually believe women should be allowed to walk about freely without a male family member. We actually believe that women should be allowed to get a drivers licence.That girls choose to marry a fella of their choice no matter of religion or colour of skin. Pakistan should not be referenced when it comes to traditional Canadian culture. We have evolved to a higher plain I should hope when it comes to womens rights.
  16. I am stll trying to figure out who these conscrips are people are on about. I was a soldier ,I was never pressed into service or to brake laws. Because of professional army ,we have also prevent war. Bad guys don`t like an even playing field. God Bless our professional soldiers.
  17. The U of O ran into an accident of it`s own making. Coulter strikes me as many things. Entertainer,comedian ,inflamatory and sometimes profound. She did nothing to Houle and the UofO! They kicked their own reputation to pieces . best thing that ever happened to Coulter.
  18. Where has this guy been? The plan is to withdraw our soldiers in 2011. Should we run away willy nilly?
  19. Yes there was but all the brave souls who fought for gender rights have gone to ground.What happened to the feminists? I was with strange bed fellows being a right wing male during that cause.
  20. Michael ,I believe in reasonable accomdation but we should never discriminate in sexual hireing. Why should men not be able to request a man to look after them in hospital if that the case? The logistics and hiring of civil servants would put prices up every where in society.
  21. Actually I don`t much like Harper. I will compliment people when deserving though because I am a gentleman.Harper has nothing to do with my oath to Her Majsety that I swore to half a century ago.
  22. Bjre wrote-quote-How many bank robbers are female and wear that? in percentage? If robbers don this garb how would you know if it was a female or male you are dealing with? How do you know your dealing with the person they say they are? Set these women free to be all they can be. Where is Dr. King when you need him! How anyone can believe that most Muslim women are free to choose are inabeling the Muslim males from ownership of women. The modern Muslim man does not ask his wife,daughter,sister to be dressed in a tent. He is more secure than that. Brave Muslim women are starting to speak out about the domination of men. They are asking why they must be behind walls in the mosque separated from their men folk.
  23. Boorish men will always be with us and should be chastised and a gentlmen present will always do just that.
  24. The Royal family has never shirked their duty to the military and have put themselves in harms way. Her Royal Highness ,Princess Alexandra will be attending a dinner of my Regiments, Queens Own Rifles of Canada 150th birthday. She is a grand lass, but this is her last occasion as our Col.in Chief. She has held her post longer than fifty years.Longer than I have been associated with this storied regiment. I am always moved by the anthem. God Save The Queen. I am looking forward to this 150 th Birthday/reunion on the 23,24 and 25 of April at the Harbour Castle in Toronto. Anyone interested qor2010 is the address to gain further information. God Save the Queen..
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