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Everything posted by kuzadd

  1. it merely tells you that the pay off in US tax dollars is to great to risk, ditto for egypt!
  2. "The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief." - Jacques Ellul
  3. the theological approach you mention is exploitive of the working classes as I believe it was always intended to be. There is no logic to be taken from the harder you work, the richer you can be. There are a great many people that work very hard, long hours etc and still just get by and this is somehow there fault? Is it not the fault of the employer who exploits them by working them for cheap wages? Is it not the fault of the business man who charges the maximum amout possible for his products, as to make the cost of them out of reach? ( I am thinking of private health care US style that is the single largest cause of bankruptcy in the US) Is it not the fault of the banks and there excessive charges, interest and fees? Is it not the fault of the system of capitalism that uses and needs a natural rate of unemployment to manage a system that serves the upper echelons? How then about the church that further exploits the emotions of the person, by making it their fault despite the variables, some listed, and there are many more that effect any person at any time. For a so called christian church to espouse that theory is utter and sheer nonsense. With the infinite number of variables that effect the lives of each of us. It makes no sense to say work hard and you will be wealthy. But this ideology, takes the load or societal responsibilities off of the upper echelons, who are benefitting greatly via exploitation of the working classes, and with the christian church as the conduit puts the responsibility back on to the people being abused/exploited. It is there fault! This is certainly not very christian in the sense of what are the actual teachings of Christ. I also do not note any other religion as exploitive of it's own followers
  4. actually since you had to mention other religions, though this article is specifically about christianity. Islam has specific ideas about usary. There have been a couple of interesting news reports on that. As it seems the Islamic way of banking has been fairing way better then the western way of banking. Let's face it western banking is highly exploitive of the working class, and we don't hear christianity condemning that. If so inclined read on. Is Islamic finance the answer? There are many arguements that this has alot to do with invasions of Islamic nations and installation of western style central banks. Off topic, but since you cannot focus on christianity......
  5. since you have demonstrated that you too are a fanatic. And believe that "God says, does and gives" Therefore every crappy action and decision is justified by God, Like other fanatics, be they Islamic, Israeli or Christian. I will let the words of a great thinker take this one away! Over to you Albert! Albert Einstein described belief in God as "childish superstition" and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday. As a Jew himself, Einstein said he had a great affinity with Jewish people but said they "have no different quality for me than all other people". "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. "No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this," thank you Albert, well said!!!
  6. what goons are you talking about in the ME? Isn't Israel on a mission from God? God gave them the land, right Jerry? God wants them to have the land? God said the land is theirs. fanatic!more fanatics! Biblical certainty of the Israeli settlers Oslo’s death throes may be recognised in the United States, but Washington seems to have drawn only one conclusion: allow more time. But each day the tension rises in the still occupied territories. And each day sees more settlers move in, convinced that this is their own God-given land. lots of fanatics!!!! right Jerry? So Israel is on a mission from God, to get land, that allegedly God says in a story book is theirs? That sure sounds fanatical to me and clearly their is more then one fanatical group in the ME. As for western wackos believing this nonsense, it goes to show quite clearly fanaticism is alive and well in more western nations then just Israel. Why is it that the mentally ill share the same beliefs as these people? Answer; there is something wrong with the whole lot of them
  7. I saw this news story and it is completely outrageous. As a parent, I can tell you if someone cut my minor childs hair, against his/her will, especially a person in a position of authority and trust, there would be hell to pay. Did the parent consent. NO It was an outrageous abuse on the part of the teacher's aide! The parent has every right to be upset. Oh and the teacher's aide, should be admonished at the very least, taught some kind of proper way of dealing with children, because clearly the TA hasn't a clue. And since it is not an assault, I say, cut the TA hair, hold her down and cut. Let's see if that person interprets it as an assault against her person. When my child was younger, she was a slow eater, the lunch room supervisor, told her eating so slow meant she was stupid. OH really? Wanna know how fast I was at the school? Sitting and waiting???? Talked to the teacher, and dammit that ignoramus apologized to my kid. btw: my kid graduated with honours and was valedictorian.
  8. could not agree more! How to deprogram and person to actually have a thought outside of any party line, would be better. How about, how to think outside of prescribed political ideologies? How about, How to think for yourself, and stop letting politicos lead you buy the nose. Look at the politican who cross the floor, they aren't even loyal to their brand. Look at Obama, can you see the difference between him and Bush? I can't see the difference, oh yeah, different brand name , right.... btw: bandelot did you see this picture, it is brilliant! I like to call it "the more things change, the more they are the same spot on, isn't it!
  9. of course they are, because Canada is an old society. and before someone says I am making up the costs associated with death penalties story Can Californians afford to keep the death penalty? 'Dysfunctional' death penalty racks up 28-year, $5-million tab And that's just for one case. Michael Ray Burgener's death sentence in the murder of a 7-Eleven clerk has been overturned multiple times, and lawyers say his appeals could span another 15 years. and one more Colorado wants to repeal the death penality, arguing that more money needs to be spent on cold cases Proponents of the bill hope to save an estimated $1 million in annual fees that go toward maintaining the death penalty. Connecticut House and Senate have voted to abolish death penalty. Richardson signs death penalty repeal and we can of course tell the families of the wrongly executed how the state killed there family members on behalf of all the people of that state, then of course, taxpayers can make massive compensation payments
  10. No , I am not, election coming, watch the law and order games begin? Who is tougher on crime? I am, I am. It is the same crap every election, pass new laws, incarcerate more people, spend more taxpayer dollars. Eventually, we can criminalize everyone, with just the right laws, but there is only one taxpayer too foot the endless bill of incarceration. There are states in the US that are ending the death penalty for exactly the huge costs involved with it. Justice and laws have to make real sense, not nonsense.
  11. No it is about the self-righteous, you are not the young girls mother. She is an emotional wreck at this time, revenge is a natural thought at this moment. I would feel the exact same way. But justice HAS to be rational. The death penalty is a bigger issue then one person. It is a societal issue. It is not an effective deterrent. Will do nothing to make people safer. Will quite possibly result in further deaths of innocent people done on behalf of the citizens, no thanks. It is always the law and order self-righteous types who tout these kind of useless actions. They accomplish nothing. It is the game well played by politicians who always appeal to law and order types, incarcerate everyone, pass more laws, and hell the taxpayer will foot an ever increasing bill. The police and judicial systems have been demonstrated to be prone to corruption, willing to bend to political will rather then actual justice. These are huge, huge problems, in an imperfect system. When the state executes, it is for good, and it is done on behalf of you , me and everyone else. It will prevent nothing and in all likelihood open up a great big can of worms.
  12. Disagree. It won't deter a dam thing. And given the corruption within the police forces, rcmps, and political pressure to solve crimes we have seen innocents found guilty, some cleared and some still sit and rot, It is a hot button issue that makes the "self-righteous" feel righteous but accomplishes zero.
  13. Interesting that army guy and moderate american, two who support the troops offer no condemnation for the bonus paid, despite electrocuted troops, and the abuse of soldiers who are pushed past the limits. You don't condemn these abuses of the troops and infact chastise another poster for pointing the abuses out. But you both support the troops? How is that possible?
  14. army guy, I think you had better read the article: "According to data from a U. S. Army mental-health survey released last year, about 12 percent of soldiers in Iraq and 15 percent of those in Afghanistan reported taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or sleeping pills. Prescriptions for painkillers have also skyrocketed. Data from the Department of Defense last fall showed that as of September 2007, prescriptions for narcotics for active-duty troops had risen to almost 50,000 a month, compared with about 33,000 a month in October 2003, not long after the Iraq war began." oh and anti-depressants are major meds. You ever read about the effects on the brain, how it works? this ain't aspirin! sorry, I don't do mindless flag waving. I prefer to see the troops at home.
  15. They are their for legit reasons. Despite what they may think about helping people and freedom. They are there to aid in the construction of pipelines, support puppet regimes, and generally make life easier for corporations. Hell, with the way the poppy crop has just blossomed Biggest crop ever, all while Afghanistan is under full occupation, with a puppet gov in cahoots with warlords. That can't be a coincidence? All that money can sure fund lots of covert ops, good things the troops are there!
  16. but they are completely expandable, to the powers that be. Not to there mama's. I recall you saying, a renewable resource, right BC?
  17. I am saying there is NO real support for the troops, other then lip service. I am actually being more supportive of the troops then empty promises, and flags waving. Bonus's were paid, despite electrocution, what were they paid for? A job well done? Did that job include electrocuting the troops? The drug useage by the troops, who is guarding their interests, who is supporting them? No one. Who is supporting the troops? Not you if you stand by these abuses. Me, I support the troops by saying bring them home!!
  18. Or have they been so co-opted by big business interests, they just can't see past the fact they have always been manipulated for other ends Only in America can one find significant numbers of Christians who argue that unfettered capitalism represents God's Plan for human thriving. Yup, I am sure that is exactly what God had in mind for his children Why sure it was, cause God says Greed is Good, he preaches that all the time, in the bible. Just you read it! besides theologians? There are always think tanks to equate god and acquisition. Thou shalt covet they neighbours goods!
  19. I am quite certain the troops are serving big corporate interests as has always been the case! Empty flag waving has pretty well always been the state of affairs, and the occasional memorial and drag them out for parades, real support for the troops, non-existent.
  20. while I agree with that statement to some degree, the troops are likely drugged at higher rates, given they are more stressed and more injured then the general population. Also the rest of the population is not shipped to another country to invade and occupy that nation. So there is a difference in having drugged up soldiers.
  21. U.S. military: Heavily armed and medicated KBR bonus paid in full despite electrocutions So troops drugged up and sent back to fight. Troops electrocuted by shoddy work, but hell KBR get's it's bonus's It's showtime! Cue flag waving, hand on heart and national anthem. That is the only way the troops are really supported!
  22. There is no vindication of George Bush, unless you wanna say there is a vindication of Bill Clinton. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, has been going on continuously, from President to President. Wasn't it Greenspan that called Clinton the best Republican President ever? Obama never was about real change, just the cosmetic kind. Fluff
  23. while I am sure bc and oleg barach mean well. I am a beleiver in picking your fights, what and who are worth fighting for. Wasting time with posters who engage in nothing but insulting ad hominem attacks and name calling ,over and over, by posters who have nothing of substance to add to a discussion, aren't worth one second of time. Which btw, if one notices BC and Oleg are much more of the discussing types then others.
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