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Everything posted by kuzadd

  1. christianity has made our world more nasty then ever. civilized this world? how deluded pompous people can be? so full of self-righteousness arrogance.
  2. further to Ian Tomlinson, who collapsed moments after the attack on his person by the police. The cop who hit him had his face covered He was not wearing his identifying tag why? obviously so he could NOT be identified. Why would the police want that to be possible unless they were up to no good? Like when someone cover their face and commits robbery, up to no good. the first pathologist chosen was an at least twice discredited pathologist and an unusual choice , out of the norm. The Police force conspired with their official story to cover up their roll in the death of Tomlinson. More then one officer was present when the attack took place. Yet, they all stayed true the official conspiracy! The officer was already on "medical leave" when he was suspended. The allleged police watch dog said they were going to do a quick and thorough investigation, but more then 48 hours after the video footage was turned in they acknowledged they had not even questioned the officer who hit Mr. Tomlinson. I wonder if they have yet? The alleged police watch dog also claimed their were no cctv cameras in the vicinity which was shown to be a lie. How is it they did not know that? Answer: Not possible. They themselves claimed they spent weeks and weeks going through cctv footage but miss the cameras in the area of the attack on Tomlinson simply not credible! Had the bystander not turned the footage into the press, Mr Tomlinsons official story concocted by the police force would have stood. Heart attack and obstructed by the protestors. Oh and after the cop bashed and pushed Tomlinson it was the protestors that came to his aid, not the cops. All in all the official story was a lie from start to finish.
  3. Ian Tomlinson did NOT die of a heart attack, he had a belly full of blood, he died from internal bleeding. Likely a result of his body meeting the sidewalk in a hard and forceful manner.
  4. Canada is a pathetic toady country. The JDL is blocking free speech of Canadians They have no right to dictate policy for the rest of Canada. Galloway belongs in Canada giving speeches to those who want to hear them!!!!
  5. Ah, the IDF, the most moral army in the world. Burning kids alive with phosphorous and then making t-shirts savouring the kills . Rabbis exhorting them to kill the 'gentiles' Or is that the American Army that is the most moral With their Christian fanatacism and killing of civilians, with their crucifixes on their armaments. Really begs the questions who is waging the religious war on who?? Israeli tshirts special made for the IDF Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killings oh, how very moral, from the most moral army? Soldier says rabbis pushed "religious war" in Gaza pathetic, given the obviously hollow claims of moral righteousness. Personal attacks = no brains. Try to stay on the topic of flaunting attrocities and encouraging the killing of gentiles, if that isn't totally bigotted!
  6. I said Israel was "going to steal the gas' could you provide my quotation on that. I think again, it is you that needs to take in all the facts. Israel did not give the gas to the Palestinains for free, and they had no intention of "buying" it from them. It is Palestines gas, therefore it is not the Israelis to give. It says, they wanted to exchange for goods, that is not buy, that sounds like barter. I can assure you as you call me another name, the "nimrod" is not myself.
  7. ah sorry sharkman, is Israeli insider a "left wing source" ??? Do you know that for a fact? Or do you just make stuff up as you go along?
  8. Since I am not lying, what's your point? Do you ever get tired of looking and acting foolish? It appears not.
  9. white doors, can you read?? are you capable, since I read and quoted from the article I posted, I would hope you would do the same, so read a little further, ok. read down to the last paragraph. Here wait, I'll help you since you do indeed seem desperate for it. Here is the last paragraph, AGAIN. and again from the story I posted I hope that helps you, if not there is always fun with phonics or something like that
  10. and if someone had occcupied my people for all this time, and stole my land, and killed all my kids and my nieces and nephews in the streets, I may be inclined to lob some rockets over in my occupiers direction, all things being equal.
  11. ah, actually kimmy, we do not "know" that, we are just TOLD that, repeatedly...... just like we were TOLD that hamas broke the ceasefire, but lo and behold, it has come out, as I had made mention of prior to CNN breaking the news story, that is was infact Israel that broke the ceasefire.
  12. what was so interesting when it came to this deal, and the likely reason the democratically elected government didn't sign it, may have had to do with the fact Israel didn't want to pay any money to the Palestinians for the gas. Imagine that? In "amazing turnaround," Olmert OKs spending of billions for Gaza gas paid in goods and services, 4 billion dollars worth of natural gas, yeah right. and what fool would accept that deal? maybe the puppet fatah? but that will do nothing for the Palestinian people
  13. odd isn't it? I was thinking of giving up my claim to my neighbours house, I'll announce how magnanimous I am to do so of course, just so I can make myself look much the statesman. Since they never signed on the dotted line anyway, what do I have to lose by making myself look so honourable?
  14. hmmm isn't it redundant to "give up' rights to gas, that you have no rights to anyway. hahahahahahaha some people will believe anything, ya know dupes, useless fools, good germans such as "wmd's in Iraq', and" threatening" Iranian speed boats?????? lol But Israel needs that gas, so no matter the spin and the pr bullshit, sadly hamas is in the way
  15. there would be no embargo, if Hamas would have been Israelis puppet on a string dance puppet dance like fatah
  16. Israel wants peace you say? Is the question posed. Well I have already answered that with a no. It is easier to grab land and resources using warfare. So colonial, think the holocaust of the North American natives So imperial, think Iraq and Afghanistan. What with Canadians dying for TAPI pipeline construction. So we know, Israel doesn't benefit from peace. We know that Israel pre-planned this attack. What else could Israel want? Palestian Natural Gas!!! OH, yes Palestinian natural gas... read it, get informed, here are some facts Gas deal, coming polls behind military operations in Gaza? Jan 5th/09 or this: Hamas holding Natural gas discoveries off coast of Gaza hostage in 2006? Why It Rains: Hamas holding Israeli gas reserves hostage BG Group at centre of $4bn deal to supply Gaza gas to Israel too bad Hamas won and wouldn't let Israel covet the Palestinians oil. Will Gaza ever get a whiff of its offshore gas? why yes, gaza's gas is indeed a precious resource they should be in charge of. But Israel can't have that, that is far to empowering, in more ways then one.
  17. If the Israelis really wanted peace would they have done this? Israeli army trained in Gaza mock-up Posted Mon Jan 5, 2009 8:09am AEDT IDF trained for 18 months for the attack, and time to construct the mock city, so how long have they planned for this attack , that was because of alleged rocket fires? Though Israeli media has noted it was Israel that broke the ceasefire. This has alot to do with politics, no it has everything to do with politics and elections. The usual bullshit in other words, save for the slaughter of Palestinians, that is all to real. including a school Israeli bombs hits UN school and of course the country that always wants peace... being completely facetious here Israel rejects push for Gaza cease-fire Isn't that the second request for a truce now rejected, well, onward ho, there are woman and children to kill, schools and hospitals to attack. Israeli PM rejects EU request for temporary ceasefire and as Eric Margolis points out: One already so familiar to consumers of NA media yet that is the version loved by so many ignorant persons, the cartoon version. Because Israel infact controls gaza, like one big open air prison camp. It controls everything that goes in that country and Israel has been denying Gaza's inhabitants the most basic of necessities for months and months now, in fact starving the people. perhaps that is exactly what Israel is trying to do, right under the world's noses.
  18. re: Hamas they are the democratically elected government of the Palestinians(in Gaza) They won in the most legitimate of elections, monitored carefully. Elections so touted by the US and Israel, that they had to bite there tongues when the election results came in... for no matter the behind the scenes machinations for the puppet,(fatah) he didn't win. Ever since that time Israel has been trying to rid itself of Palestines government. Also, the fact that Hamas was an Israeli creation, in the vein of divide and conquer, to take power from the PLO.( to keep the Palestians divided) So to call them "terrorists" is far to simplistic.
  19. The occupation, the stealing of the land, the genocide of the palestinians, it began long before the intifida.... Judaism: * "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. This is the law: all the rest is commentary." Talmud, Shabbat 31a.
  20. link bombing and strafing kids in the street, as they change shifts at school. Oh and strafing is flying low enough to know exactly what you are shooting at. The Americans strafed civilians in Korea, Vietnam and likely elsewhere, But Israel doesn't intentionally target civilians??? right.................... If Israel wanted peace, she would have it, but she wants land and water and resources, these can be taken under the guise of war... If Israel wanted peace she would have long ago ended the occupation, but she hasn't because peace does not serve Israel.
  21. well that has to be bar none the most foolish response I have read regarding this latest "shoot the fish in the barrel" attack by Israel. After having starved the Palestinians, cut off medical supplies , attacked humanitarian vessels, like one today..... breached ceasefires and more and you come up with......crap, irrational crap. BTW: Israel bulldozes Palestinian houses with people inside everyday, no attacks required. It's just a daily routine. But given the colonialist attitude you have previously displayed, one can see why you side, with the white man slaughtering the natives, so to speak.
  22. a better and more sensible question is what gives your neighbours the right to cut off your medical and food supplies. I'll answer that one, there is no way in hell any "neighbour' has that right. would you allow yours to do that to you? using the neighbour analogy, would you let your neighbour starve you and imprison you? if you respond yes, you would be a hypocrite wouldn't you?
  23. oh and one more thing: breaching of the ceasefire 1: Israel did not exhaust the diplomatic processes before embarking yesterday on another dreadful campaign of killing and ruin. The Qassams that rained down on the communities near Gaza turned intolerable, even though they did not sow death. But the response to them needs to be fundamentally different: diplomatic efforts to restore the cease-fire - the same one that was initially breached, one should remember, by Israel when it unnecessarily bombed a tunnel - and then, if those efforts fail, a measured, gradual military response. breaching of the ceasefire 2: Nov 5th An Al-Qassam Brigades leader, Mazin Sa’da, who is also a police officer, was killed and four civilians were injured including a woman as Israeli forces invaded Juhr Ad-Dik and clashed with Palestinian fighters, according to Muawiya Hassanein, director of ambulance and emergency service in the Palestinian health ministry. breaching of the ceasefire 3: UN official says Israel responsible for breaking truce with Gaza they called a 48 hour truce, but then broke it better to play the perpetual victim, the old bait and switch
  24. A more accurate analogy would be how would you feel, if your neighbour imprisoned you in your neighbourhood, cut off your food/water and medical supplies for an unknown length of time, and you made a choice that your very survival depended on. Wouldn't you do what you could no matter how crude to fight the oppressors? To fight the occupiers?
  25. hey bc chick: was the reference in the post you replied to "genital mutilation" regarding the genital mutilation that the jewish people chose to practice on their young men. Or is just some genitial mutilation 'bad' and other genital mutilation 'good'?
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