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Everything posted by daniel

  1. Ha Ha, I knew it was only a matter of time before somebody started blaming Obama or the Democrats for the recession. For the record, we all know that the economy was already in destruction (that's what a recession is) during the presidential campaigns. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that eventually somebody else will re-write history and state something like the economy was ok until Obama or the Democrats took over - just like some people blame the Democrats on the war in Iraq.
  2. The opinions of this discussion forum sooooo represents the general population.
  3. Sounds like a proposal for nanny-state from a critic of daycare complaining about the nanny-state. Less government inevitably leads to more government.
  4. If everybody thought like that, there would be nobody left on earth. Only from the 2nd half of the twentieth century did the standard of living in western countries really improved - health care, education, work environment, relative peace. From beginning of human history right to the end of WWII, alot of humanity just lived through constant wars, diseases, famine, etc. One wonders how people continue to have children under those circumstances but they do. And guess what, children were taken care of by extended families and others in their community. That's what daycare is.
  5. And preceded by Mulroney. Yes, it was much better without the Conservatives.
  6. If F=GmM/(r^2) what happens when M increases by the same amount m decreases?
  7. So much for the myth that conservatives are fiscally responsible. They keep throwing more bad money after bad.
  8. Thank goodness for the Conservative $100/month universal childcare program.
  9. Of course, the title of this thread is mis-leading. The appointment wasn't even complete and the nomination withdrawn. But we can all see the immediate improvement with Obama. After all we are no longer living in the Republican era in which this kind of information would either have been shrugged off or the person revealing this would have been investigated or prosecuted. We are now in the era of transparancy and openness and yes, did I hear Obama make an apology and take full responsibility? How many years did it take Bush to accept full responsibility for much worse mistakes? Seven years? And Reagan or Nixon? "If the President does it, it's not illegal."
  10. All of a sudden Republican own standards have improved. Another achievement by Obama.
  11. He needs to add Harper/Flaherty to the list of debt-builders.
  12. Yes, we note the Republicans would have had no problems accepting these doubious characters into cabinet. Such is the cost for upholding higher standards.
  13. Why would anybody be surprised that Flaherty would miss his targets. When he was Ontario Finance Minister, he said Ontario had a balanced budget. Then days later the Fraser Institute revealed he was hiding a $7billion deficit. Last April (2008) he started making speeches about not returning to a Liberal deficit. Why would he make a speech like that? I had suspected he was already creating a Conservative deficit and by August it happened. $15billion surplus gone - in true right-wing style. And that's before the recession hit.
  14. And Harper has appointed a Separatist to the Senate.
  15. Don't know what you're reading but I picked it up - Harper has to take responsibity for his actions. The rest of your posting is partisan opinion especially about the Chalk River inspector. Your argument is straight out of the Harper/Clement news releases at that time. Regardless of your opinion of her qualifications, the fact is as a nuclear inspector. she is more qualified than Harper/Clement who are politicians.
  16. I can see it now. In six months time (or whenever) the finger pointing will begin. The Cons on this site will blame it on the Liberals because Flaherty (under threat of non-confidence) tabled a the Budget to suit the Liberals. Since Ignatieff had already stated a few days ago, "it's not my budget", so the Liberals on this site will simply hit back stating Flaherty's budget could have been anything he wanted except that he chose to table that specific one.
  17. So Ignatieff is doing to Harper what Harper had done to his MPs.
  18. The recession is over. Both the TSX and Dow were up today.
  19. Suddenly the right-wingers have become anti-war. Nice going Obama. That's the kind of change we work towards.
  20. How long has it been since the last teachers' strike? Can't remember. Seems like a few years or maybe even before the last Ontario election. Just goes to show how long relationships can last without being intentionally confrontational. With a Conservative government, there's been strikes and demonstrations every six months.
  21. If there were any truth in that, he would have won the riding in the Ontario election on name recognition alone.
  22. Yeah... right. I'll believe it when I see your later threads. The title of this one is telling. Any criticizm of US policy is anti-American and that's a sin. It's ok for anti-Canadian postings though. I as understood, it has been tradition for the US President to visit Canada first. As I had learned from a collegue, the only two Presidents who didn't visit Canada first in Canada's 135years were Nixon and Bush. That's telling.
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