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Everything posted by Remiel

  1. Footage from a strictly partisan event should not be linked to the Government of Canada website anyway. The Conservative Party is not the Government of Canada. These things are not the same. Their institutional interests are not the same. I am getting sick of this kind of fraudulent and unconstitutional blurring of the lines between them.
  2. What perplexes me is: What is wrong with the existing roads? A trail is not a mystical thing. It is timeworn way to get from one place to another. Modern roads are so damn time worn it seems they are always having to fix them up. So obviously they work and people are using them. If the beach is at all nice why tear it up with vehicles?
  3. I thought "neutral network" was it by I could not quite remember if I was porting the term from something else. Thanks.
  4. If we are talking about real artificial "intelligence" here then the question of "writing its program" might be a lot different than we commonly imagine. I forget what exactly they are called but there is a type of program/computer that operates more like a human mind than a simple script. Using feedback loops and "training" it "learns" to perform tasks better rather than following a strictly designed program, and if it is complicated enough it can be extremely difficult to untangle what exactly it is doing. I have head of mine-detecting systems (for sea mines, I think), modelled on this method.
  5. I think that contraband alcohol being sold off of reserves would last about thirty seconds before being shut down. Part of the rationale offered for why reserves can get away with cigarettes, besides jurisdiction, is that tobacco is a traditional product native to North America that was cultivated and traded before contact. Alcohol, on the other hand, is something that Europeans introduced. Not being traditional in any way, shape, or form, I do not see the provinces and feds turning a blind eye on that one.
  6. Colonialism in the Arab countries seems to me to be a bit of a different beast than colonialism elsewhere. For a long time, up until the defeat and breakup of the Ottoman Empire, Arabs were party to a great deal of colonizing themselves. We tend to think in terms of continents these days but the Mediterranean region was a "thing" long before Europe was. Other than the Kurds, what singular minority of the region was even big and pervasive enough to have been screwed over specifically by how borders were drawn?
  7. Black people do not talks oaths not to shoot black people. White people do not take oaths not to shoot white people. Cops do in fact take oaths to "serve and protect" , at least they used to, and I am pretty sure they are not qualified as "serve and protect white people, and maybe yellow people, but not black, brown, or red people" . If cops are disproportionately shooting black people then the cops have a problem, because they are their oaths imply treating people equally.
  8. Our Arctic Islands do not lend themselves well to defence. Given how important Arctic resources seem to be these days, what with all the posturing over the North Pole, anyone who does not think Russia has a plan to try and take some of those islands is a damn fool. Their finger is probably even on the trigger, and they just to decide when or if they want to pull it.
  9. I do not think you do something as serious as accuse someone of sexual harassment if you merely want them to "get their act straight" . You are expecting some kind of consequences.
  10. And here I heard SodaStream was going out of business because it turns out that making your own pop is just not that amusing or time efficient or tasty. But by all means, stick to your crackpot BDS propaganda.
  11. This thread has been sidetracked a bit by the Sarkeesian question, which while eminently related to #GameGate is not the issue which animated it. Zoe Quinn, the woman at the heart of the genesis of #GameGate, and Brianna Wu, who has been big time involved and attacked, are both game developers making their own games. The latter made Revolution 60, which I cannot try out because it is iOS only. Anyway, there is this article from Maddy Myers that might be relevant/of interest to this thread from the other day... http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2014/10/femme-doms-of-videogames-bayonetta-doesnt-care-if.html
  12. Harper can be like Putin and yet Canada not quite like Russia. Putin can murder his enemies both because he is a wicked man and because Russia allows it.
  13. Except a soldier, even an unarmed soldier, and Parliament are the Chris Kluwes of this argument, not the Felicia Days. Also, I still keep the definition of terrorism where it was not a terrorist attack until he went for the Hill. In any case, what cybercoma said.
  14. It sure as hell as not the "mainstream media" that doxxed Felicia Day in under ten minutes and completely failed to doxx Chris Kluwe. The difference is the way they were treated is pretty much all you need to know about the situation.
  15. I suppose it is possible that Harper is not the worst PM, but I think you would have to go back to before Mackenzie King to look for contenders.
  16. If you wanted to fix or drive the last nail into the coffin of the Olympics I think the thing to do would be to create a proposal that completely ignored the absurd demands and expectations of the IOC, market the hell out of it, and then tell the IOC as publicly and forcibly as possible that they can take or leave it.
  17. Last I heard PBS was still a quality station. If it is available we could probably do worse than keeping it part of the basic package, American or not.
  18. I think I said Canada has de facto control. That is not supposed to be synonymous with moral right.
  19. More and more I am starting to think the Rue we knew of old has had his account hijacked. If you cannot make your points without using the man's middle name as an insult then I suggest you take your own advice and grow a spine.
  20. Canada controls those lands through de facto power and military force. If you recall my previous 50/km^2 rate, in a world with even population distribution we would occupy around 700,000 km^2, as opposed to the 9 mil+ we do now. Cosmic justice is not the source of our control, and yet we are being told we must submit to owing natives vast tracts of land and wealth for that very same cosmic justice when their claims, on a population basis, are often far worse than ours. If the FN in question had 140 km^2, they would have a "fair" share of the Earth. They want 80,000.
  21. You did mention xenophobia. Somehow I doubt anyone would be having this conversation if it were George Hussein Walker Bush.
  22. So there is this article from the Huffington Post today: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/08/atikamekw-first-nation-quebec-territory_n_5787216.html . According to Wikipedia, the Atikamekw First Nation has about 7,000 members. And they are claiming sovereignty over an area the size of the Czech Republic or Austria, countries with 10 1/2 million and 8 1/2 million people respectively. The precedent in British Columbia was for a FN of comparable size, but they were claiming an area of what, 1500 square kilometers? This group is claiming 80,000. If this is the way it is going to be it is insane. No one has a moral right to that much land for themselves: eleven square kilometers per person! No ones owes these people an aristocracy.
  23. I wonder at what point trying to undermine your President with racist and xenophobic slanders counts as giving aid to the enemy. That could be a great recruiting tool right there: The Americans hate Muslims so much they accuse their President of being one because of his name! Any unlike many of the other batshit crazy religious psychobabble bullshit they spout, they would be 100% correct about the existence of such hatred.
  24. Some people are just not happy unless they are killing people to ensure their own supremacy.
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