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French Patriot

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Everything posted by French Patriot

  1. I see that you do not know either or you would have informed before taking your points. Your crystal ball is cloudy. A sign of a small mind. Your end game was quite easy to spot. Regards DL
  2. I don't know. You will know them by their stats. Here is another set. http://www.pewforum.org/2012/08/09/the-worlds-muslims-unity-and-diversity-2-religious-commitment/ What is the purpose of your questions and let's get to your end game. Regards DL
  3. You might be right, but Fake News is not quite just lying. It is lying to people who want to believe the lie enough to pass it on as real when they know it is a lie. Regards DL
  4. I read white. What color do you read? "Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God, holds other people in contempt. Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God, there is in that man no spirit of compromise. He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature; he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance. Believing himself to be the slave of God, he imitates his master, and of all tyrants, the worst is a slave in power." --Robert Ingersoll Regards DL
  5. True, but I see that word used quite a bit when Christians are the target and their immoral double moral standard does not help. They forgive God for quite a bit that they condemn people for. That is quite hypocritical. Regards DL
  6. I think you are looking for the word, tradition. I do not know who the someone is that you are talking about. Regards DL
  7. With ironic respect. Should we thank God that religionists are such hypocrites? The religions that offer a supernatural God are basically authoritarian religions with tyrannical Gods. They are quite divisive and if Christians and Muslims do not do things just right, they get to burn forever in in a purposeless hell. Yahweh and Allah are mean demiurges. https://vimeo.com/7038401 In terms of following their religions to the letter, I see both Christians and Muslims as being quite hypocritical and I thank all the Gods for that. If Christians and Muslims did live by the barbaric ideals their religions and Gods wanted, the inquisitions and jihads would force the rest of us to eliminate those fouls religions for reasons of self-defence. Let us thank all the good Gods that Christians and Muslims do not practice their religions and are such hypocrites. Let us thank all the Gods that Christians and Muslims are moral enough to be hypocrites and only give lip service to their vile religious ideologies and imaginary Gods. How many Christians are hypocrites? This link says the vast majority right at the beginning of the link, and I would say that the same number applies to Muslims even though their mosque attendance is higher than the Christian one due to culture more than religion. Jesus for the non religious - Retired bishop John Spong on religion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUmKEH9jnu8 Regards DL
  8. My journey from within showed God to be fluent in French and English. Regards DL
  9. Were religions the first propagators of Fake News? Fake News is considered to be lies or distortions of the truth. The first wholesale use of lies may have been religions. Ancient temple inventions meant to fool people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7BHvN6rZZA What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common? With Maria Konnikova https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6DfJVjEMlc&t=4s Do you think religions were the first propagators of Fake News? Do you think that the term fraud can be applied to most supernaturally based religions? Regards DL
  10. Yes. The curse of any ideology, especially an immoral one like Christianity. Regards DL
  11. He is demonstrably a liar. Same old same old reason all fraudsters emerge. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Martin+Luther+indulgences&&view=detail&mid=6DB2C12344263EDF8D846DB2C12344263EDF8D84&&FORM=VDRVRV Regards DL
  12. Christians judge god as good. Gnostic Christians judge god as evil. Which religion is correct? “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” Richard Dawkins. I say shame on all Christians for not judging justly and being morally corrupt. I offer as evidence of Yahweh’s corruption one simple fact. 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. This is god setting a bribe price to reverse his usual justice of punishing the innocent to punishing the guilty. This shows his moral and ethical corruption. It also show Jesus as just as corrupt as he went along with it. Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. What is your judgement? Regards DL https://vimeo.com/7038401
  13. Some few have that problem. Thankfully not most. Clearing things up are what discussion is all about. Regards DL
  14. You are saying but I have no idea what you meant. A church cannot be gay. No junk. Well not the right junk in any case. Regards DL
  15. I have no needs that a church can assuage. Do you? Regards DL
  16. The story of dogs is not what is hurting society by creating a homophobic and misogynous religion. Go away, fool. Regards DL
  17. Satan gave man love. Was it worth the hate? Adam thought so. He instantly and without argument or hesitation ate of that knowledge when Eve offered love to Adam. Without Satan causing Original Sin, mankind could no know of love or hate as love and hate are subject to being good or evil. Would you do as Adam did? Was Satan right in opening our eyes to love and hate? Should we venerate Satan more than Yahweh who tried to deny mankind love? Regards DL
  18. Would Jesus condemn or condone Yahweh for his crimes against humanity? I see more than one Jesus speaking through the bible. The good Jesus would likely condemn while the less moral and good Jesus that most follow might not. A number of his policies have been found wanting, --- in moral terms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUfGRN4HVrQ Dogma says that Jesus ascended to heaven and his rightful place as judge of the universe at Yahweh’s right hand. The pure hand says tradition. Would Jesus dethrone Yahweh for the insane genocidal example he shows for a god, or would Jesus somehow justify what Yahweh, and himself to Trinitarians, did? Would Jesus say that genocide was good? Heaven forbid. Condemn or Condone? I say Jesus would condemn Yahweh. What say you my moral friends? https://vimeo.com/7038401 Regards DL
  19. Correct, yet that myth has been used to create the misogynous Christianity of today. Regards DL
  20. Better than you think if you do not recognize the myth of A & E as not being a part of Christian dogma. You have made quite a fool out of yourself with your assumptions. Go away fool. Regards DL
  21. Well, part of my life is dedicated to ending the ongoing misogyny that the church has used to discriminate against women forever, so I have so usefulness in my life. You might want to add usefulness to your pathetic life. Regards DL
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