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French Patriot

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Everything posted by French Patriot

  1. Thanks. That is not a gospel. Thanks for showing how split Christianity always has been. A true sign of corruption. Today the split will be anti LGBTQ+ or not. Will the conservative political and religious right love all it's future children, or only non-LGBTQ+?
  2. Our friend does not promote a genocidal LGBTQ+ hating God. Better amoral, if your label is correct, than immoral as the Christian theology demonstrably is.
  3. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi and thought in terms of Temple. Where did this Church term start to be used and why, if Peter is key, is there no Gospel of Peter?
  4. I think the Jewish anointing someone to Christ, is the same as the Christian election of a Pope. Fun Fact. The biblical Jesus was never anointed to Christ.
  5. Who said the answer was always yes? The only a hole I can think of is Yahweh as he always kills and never cures. The Gnostic Jesus cures instead of killing.
  6. The Pope, like most of Christianity, East or West, right or left, has been forced to turn to Gnostic beliefs to save the believers from supernatural beliefs and the anti LGBT+ position. We are the universalist side of Christianity. The good side that unites instead of separate.
  7. Ok. Your changing descriptions and gender for your imaginary constructs and if you cannot lie better than this, you are not worth my time. A prochaine.
  8. Send one over and I will believe your stupidity. I will trade you for the dragon in my garage. Have you read that story? You could learn from it. It's wisdom is that the supernatural is for the brain dead.
  9. Shy on details and you are not telling me anything. WTF was evil about it? Can you form a sentence and tell us?
  10. How did you know it was evil?
  11. Who are you to hate what your God created? Who, if not God created them? Who are you to judge God?
  12. Why then did your incompetent creator create people the LGBTQ+ for you to hate without a just cause?
  13. Satan was put into Eden by Yahweh. Tell us how our fall added to the excellence we began with?
  14. I love it when the ignorant liars put words in a genocidal homophobic God's mouth. Why would you even think of supporting a God who can cure,--- yet always kills ---, and seems to create people for the right wing to hate?
  15. Who does Yahweh mean when he mentions other Gods, like in the first commandment. Is he lying about their existence? Who are these other Gods that we might put above your genocidal homophobic one?
  16. If I have to point and click, it is too late for your moral mind.
  17. Please explain these images of the products of your intelligent designer.
  18. Go play your word games elsewhere and stop posting like an a hole.
  19. Yes, and a lot of things believers ignore. Jesus' ---- What you do to the least of us you do to me --- was one of his good ones. Have you seen the right wingers and how badly they treat the LGBTQ+?
  20. The bible is clear on this for you and I. The literalists cannot see it because they have been conned into thinking he is a savior, while they ignore the injustice and immorality of that concept. They intentionally call evil good. What can one tell such a screwed up immoral mind?
  21. Their own bible tells them that God does not lose any of his perfect souls. They ignore that. What can you tell them that Jesus did not? He says he came to serve and not be served and to not call him Lord. When they stupidly continue to do so, ask them what great sin earned them such a great and inhumane punishment. When they stop babbling or running away, you might have a reply to offer them.
  22. Most ignore that for a mind to produce faith, it must do the work and deed of thinking. By faith alone cannot ever happen, as faith is automatically a product of works and deeds.
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