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Everything posted by myata

  1. A democracy without any real independence and accountability is only a fiction, facade. No resources will be enough to sustain it indefinitely.
  2. The Republican party: the whole of it is being held hostage in pretending to not understand and reneging on a solemn commitment of their country: the United States of America. It has no other meaning, to them: only the words. This is a one-way trajectory. The reputation of a country takes generations to build and it can be erased in just months to erase by a betrayal of this magnitude. The party is going down the drain, morally and ethically. No: you did not have to do that. It was a choice: this is clear now, and nothing will change it in generations.
  3. By his followers you would know him. And by his brazen lies, too. All was right before your eyes. There are no explanations and zero excuses. Yes: you knew.
  4. You have nothing to say here. And can't even notice, know it because there are only two dead brain buzzwaves, since deep and unknown ages. Dead buzzwave #1: Worship Him!!!! Dead buzzwave #2: ANATHEMA!! Enjoy
  5. General folks easier submit to propaganda and fear, so unavoidably, a massive propaganda of fear. This is of course the same phenomenon that lead to extreme forms of oppression such as fascism. I won't assign labels here. But sure, it's the same ground basis.
  6. From the looks of it, this kind of "naive" manipulation of data is nothing short of disgusting. Putting ideology, any greatest one, ahead of the objective reality is always a trouble and a dead end too. Always. And we're still struggling to figure it out, here. Ooh.
  7. Yep, this kind of dudes clearly understand exactly two dead brain buzzwaves. What surprises?
  8. One morally corrupt individual in a certain high place successfully blocking an important, if not critical matter of national security for months. This is not a functional democracy, de facto. It is not what the founding fathers have intended. But it certainly is the sign of the future, if a certain faction and way of mentality succeeds in gaining power. To use every mean and tool, by hook and by crook, to grab as much power as possible and stay in it indefinitely. This may very well be your last call. If the pet and his lying master succeed, they will smear all with the shame; you will never be able to raise your voice, loose all dignity and integrity. This is not a prophecy: it already happened, and very much this same way. It will go in the history and your names will be read in disgust and disbelief of such a grotesque failure of integrity and responsibility. The pet does not need any more lying words, pretend sighs and complains: only to move to the vote the package that has already been passed by the Senate. Why wouldn't he do it? That is the only question.
  9. The pet has to stop his sleazy games and move to the vote the package already adopted by the bipartisan majority in the Senate. He and his bunch are playing right into the hands of the totalitarian thug Vlad Putin. The failure, the shame and the betrayal will go right into history.
  10. Key presumption: immigration that is out of control is bad. Even in good times it is bad, because they will not last forever and when the times change it will be the first one to blame by the populists, whether it is (that it can be) or not. We need to have a broad, non partisan agreement to that extent. Just let everybody in and see what happens won't work. Can we get to this point, first?
  11. Funny that the converts can still spell the word. Wait only a bit longer, not too far now.
  12. In a way, it is true that a large part of the population will not be, and cannot be involved sufficiently closely in the politics to make responsible, informed decisions. But still, it gets the wind, the feel where the things are going. If there's a message, and a direction of hope and improvement it could get it. But if not, it can be easily sold to the ages old adage of a miracle panacea, just follow the lying piper and all your dreams will come true. So the onus and responsibility are on the thinking part of the society, to create directions and opportunities of positive change, not point fingers or marvel at their own navel. In that work too, there's no simple "do nothing" avenues.
  13. From the crowd that is all ready to lay their brains at the door and worship their Lying Idol brainlessly and mindlessly? Yep, of course how could it be anything else? There are only two dead brain harmonics known to the science, since the beginning of this Universe. First dead brain harmonic: worship, worship, adore Him Our One and Only Idol! Second dead brain harmonic: ANATHEMA!!!
  14. The history is telling us clearly that once a group has entered this course, it may not be reversed easily. The mindless will drive it all the way to the outright insanity and the silent majority will stay silent and follow blindly, just to be safe and in keep status in the group. This is monkey politics, nothing more. We are already seeing it playing out right before our eyes. It will not get better. It can be the time to abandon the idea that lost its way and is rushing head first into insanity. Learn lessons, make a new start try to not repeat old and dumb mistakes. Though with one intelligent species that seems to be quite a tall order.
  15. One of those things one believed they wouldn't see in their lifetime. Wow, wow. What's next, intelligent aliens? But the history teaches as that with this intelligent species, there's no such notion as "never". There seems to be one rule and that is, with any kind of !diocy/stupidity and atrocity, there will always be the first. Not if, not even how, just when.
  16. The Guardian Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania told Fox News Digital: “In my lifetime, our nation has never been greater than under the leadership of President Donald J Trump". History shows very clearly that this kind of collective delusion cannot be healed quickly or easily. Once into the tunnel, it becomes very difficult to recognize and acknowledge the grotesque failure of intelligence and judgement. They will try to silence and turn everyone around, only to not think and notice their patent and obvious !diocy. This is exactly how authoritarianism works. Run!
  17. Well yeah how else could one explain it? Walking by the load of sh*t, every day and no fragrance, miracle!
  18. It happening every year doesn't make it any less astounding; bizarre; inefficient and counter-productive.
  19. The pet just couldn't stop lying. He wants to combine the support for fighting Ukraine - not a charity, a guarantee given by a U.S. president, with the export of natural gas. Like there's any, even most remote connection. But what is truth and logic, to a liar? He will keep lying and delaying, by hook and by crook because he is a pet of his lying master and that is what his master is telling him to do. But he will stain you with the shame of the betrayal for a long, long time. For the posterity.
  20. Wow, wow. An outrageously paying job with automatic annual rises, no performance review and zero accountability? Perhaps you could name one other, single example?
  21. It's not the individuals. It's way easier than that: it's the system. If you put 100 people, fittest and intelligent around a free table with a lot of free stuff, day after day the majority, then all begin to gobble, then non stop and no limits. This is just natural. Try the experiment with any animal. You cannot seriously run a system with physically, a) zero independence and b) zero accountability for the results. Figureheads have zero independence. Courts aren't independent. Institutions cannot perform their entrusted duties because "they aren't sure" what they can and cannot do. The answer is obvious from the outset and no need even to try. It had to happen and so it is happening. This is what's next: 1. The system is on the collision course with the reality of the country. 2. It cannot modernize itself in any meaningful way and even if could, it has no desire to (pigs modernizing their bottomless trough, why?). 3. The quality of the decisions it produces will diminish, progressively because of growing disconnection and entitlement. 4. While the environment, external and internal is becoming more volatile and challenging. The conclusion? It's obvious: stagnation, crisis and a hard reset, at some point as the only logical possibility.
  22. Three decades back: almost to the day, Ukraine gave up the third largest stockpile of nukes, at the time in exchange for the guarantees of security by an American president. Today, the pet of his lying master wants to forget it, pretend that he was born just yesterday and sell the guarantees given by American president on behalf of his country, as a "loan". The pet will lie and squeak every way to serve his master. He has no notion of right, dignity and propriety any longer. The shame of his lies and the betrayal will stain you, for generations to examine. Make no mistake. Yes, you knew.
  23. "See no evil".. the kind of extreme, existential dumbness old as the humanity itself.
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