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Status Replies posted by betsy

  1. Know who else spent the end of his rule cowering in a bunker? LOL

  2. Trump decides it would be fun to torment the family of a dead young girl by playing games and blaming her death, for fun, on Joe Scarborough. Very presidential.

  3. Joe Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."  What a disgusting pig.

  4. Greta Thunburg is on the CNN coronavirus fact or fiction town hall tomorrow.  But, but, but listen to the experts!

  5. CNN hates this:  Trump leads Biden in 2020 battleground states.


  6. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  7. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  8. The World Health Organization now points to Sweden as the model to use.

  9. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  10. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  11. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  12. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  13. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  14. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

  15. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

  16. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

  17. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

  18. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

  19. I got the CERB for April.  When do we apply for May?

  20. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

  21. Nescafe that normally sells for $4.95 now priced at $7.95!  I suppose, brewing coffee will be next!

    Also, I wanted to pickle some eggs, but there's a limit to how much eggs you can buy!  You can only have 2 cartons!

  22. Nescafe that normally sells for $4.95 now priced at $7.95!  I suppose, brewing coffee will be next!

    Also, I wanted to pickle some eggs, but there's a limit to how much eggs you can buy!  You can only have 2 cartons!

  23. CNN forced to admit Biden sexual assault allegation from Larry King Live.

  24. It turns out that Joe Biden actually did grab somebody by the p*ssy.  Great job on the nomination Democrats!

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