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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Bloody 'ell.  Another Liberal party in the making.....posing as conservative!

    They're killing off Conservatism!    I say, stick to true Conservative values even if we lose! 


    Liberalism is not sustainable.  Sooner or later, the folly of Liberalism will swing the majority to Conservatives!

    1. OftenWrong


      Yes indeed and that means combating cancel culture. We need to be open and clear about what we mean when talking to liberals, without shame. Without judgement... because it's judgement that defeats us.

    2. scribblet
    3. betsy


      It's not a party - it's a movement within the Conservative Party that want to get rid of Scheer.  They claim they don't have anyone in particular to support yet.

      Mind you, I think Scheer isn't quite effective and I do  want someone else with more oomph to tackle Trudeau next time....but I don't like it for the reasons that this Victory something (?) are promoting their desire to get rid of him.

      They want him to be a LIBERAL! 

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