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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Uh-oh.  Did Mueller colluded with the Russian???  Could this be true?


    "Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch


    But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.


    In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.



    Yes, that’s the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller’s current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration.


    I was alerted to Deripaska’s past FBI relationship by U.S. officials who wondered whether the Russian’s conspicuous absence from Mueller’s indictments might be related to his FBI work.

    They aren’t the only ones.

    Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz told me he believes Mueller has a conflict of interest because his FBI previously accepted financial help from a Russian that is, at the very least, a witness in the current probe."




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    2. BubberMiley


      Mueller isn't done yet.

    3. OftenWrong


      You're free to wait for Mueller all you want.
      Enjoy your nice, big, nothingburger! :) 

    4. BubberMiley


      If it were a nothing burger, why the grand jury subpoena of Trump's social media strategist today? Why the expanding investigation? Be patient. It will end, everything will come out, and you'll deny you were ever a Trump supporter soon.

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