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betsy last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. How do we know you’re telling the truth?”

    The speech of sex workers is under unprecedented scrutiny in American politics right now. Clifford replied, “‘Cause I have no reason to lie. I’m opening myself up for, you know, possible danger and definitely a whole lot of shit.” 



    Exactly!  Why open yourself to possible danger (not only from Trump - if he is a dangerous opponent, or from his followers)?  What's in it for you?  There's gotta be something.


    No reason to lie?  Oh yes, you do.

    The cynic in me says......

    There is one very big reason to lie:  15 minutes of fame for a porn-star only porn enthusiast would've heard about!   You and your lawyer are making the media rounds.....


    ....could there be a book coming out in the near future?

    1. BubberMiley


      Uh...they paid her $130K and admitted that they had an agreement that she would keep quiet. They admitted that. Admitted it. It was admitted by them. They paid her money and admitted that it was to keep her quiet. First they said it wasn't true, but then they admitted that it was true. They made an admission that there was an agreement for her to keep quiet. They said she was in violation of the agreement they admitted to having with her. Are you starting to understand?

      Oh, and Stormy has dick pics.

    2. betsy




      Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, told Cooper she was never paid the $15,000 the publication offered her to publish the story.
      While the interview was done in 2011, the story was not published until this January. The magazine also released the full transcript of Daniels' conversation with reporter Jordi Lippe-McGraw.
      Daniels said Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen threatened to sue shortly after the interview she did with the magazine.




      So.....it was supposed to be old news - stemming from an old interview that was done in 2011!

      Why the publishers sat on that interview for years, is anyone's guess.  At the time, they most probably thought no one would care about an affair.....


      .....but now, we know that Trump news sell! That's why the media is on to him like ticks to a dog. 


      The cynic in me says:  everyone is trying to ride on Trump's coat tails.  The more sensational, the better.  Milk it to the last drop.  Everyone.....has an angle.

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