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BubberMiley last won the day on February 28 2022

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    ƃǝdıuuıʍ ‘sʇɥƃıǝɥ ɹǝΛıɹ

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  1. "I stress 'if true,' because this is a single source," O'Donnell said on the program. The claim has not been proven wrong, and O'Donnell has only said he should have had more sources before reporting on it.

    So anyone saying they lied is a liar.

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    2. betsy


      Surely we can't just rely on your claims, right Bubb?  You've proven many times that you have problems with comprehending what you read. 



      a reputable source at Deutsche Bank who has seen his tax returns and says he is a stooge for the Russian mob.

        Give us your link, and let's check it out.


    3. BubberMiley


      That is what the whole thread is about. If you are unaware of this, why are you commenting at all?

    4. Shady


      I heard Bubber has ties to the Lebanese mob.  He should probably provide evidence if it’s not true.  We’re all waiting Bubber.

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