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Status Replies posted by sharkman

  1. I see a bad moon a-risin'
    I see trouble on the way
    I see earthquakes and lightnin'
    I see bad times today




  2. image.thumb.png.bffca04b5cb64856f5c2419d9bc3af62.png

    Did you know that Ivermectin is annually taken by close to 250 million people?
    Ivermectin has a dozen anti-cancer mechanisms but they can be summarized into two main ones: 
    1. Inhibits cancer proliferation signaling pathways (Akt, mTOR, Wnt) 
    2. Inhibits Cancer Stem Cells
    Recent studies confirm IVERMECTIN use in certain types of cancer: bladder, lung, glioma, multiple myeloma, ovarian, prostate, colon, pancreatic and melanoma.
    1. sharkman


      It's sad how the brainwashed are too scared to wake up on this issue.  This and Fenbendazole are turning out to be great cancer fighters.

  3. President of Iran goes down in a helicopter crash.  It’s a remote area, they have been delayed in finding the crash site.

    1. sharkman


      Probably because their iPhone isn’t telling them to.  
      The Slovakian PM gets shot, and 5 days later the Iranian president.  What will happen next?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. President of Iran goes down in a helicopter crash.  It’s a remote area, they have been delayed in finding the crash site.

    1. sharkman


      It's been reported that the president of Iran is dead.  Things are about to heat up. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. President of Iran goes down in a helicopter crash.  It’s a remote area, they have been delayed in finding the crash site.

    1. sharkman


      Apparently they still haven't found him.  This could affect oil prices and or markets tomorrow...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. This quote from the 1944 book, The Road to Serfdom: "It is well known that particularly the scientists and engineers, who had so loudly claimed to be the leaders on the march to a new and better world, submitted more readily than almost any other class to the new tyranny."

    1. sharkman


      Yeah, I’ve heard this type of compliance coming from the more educated.  Trust the science, trust the system…

  7. I think they're trying to set Carney up as next Lib leader, making him appear less radical than Trudo.  But from what I've read, Trudo just says what he's told to say, this guy really believes in the globalist agendas.  Although I think "You can't have a circus without a Carney" would be a great slogan.


    1. sharkman


      The globalist agenda will be upheld by Poilievre.  There is no Canadian leader on the horizon that will oppose it.  Trump was the only one in the US, and you can see what happened to him...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. You can sure tell it's a full  moon.🌕

    1. sharkman


      Hey, I saw that last night.  Stayed in the right late the rest of the 60 km drive.

  9. He who controls the past controls the future. - George Orwell

    1. sharkman


      "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it's laws."

  10. Whoa, long time no see! Welcome back @Black Dog ... For those of you who don't know, Blackdog was an early adopter, he first registered back in 2003 - making him one of the oldest members still active. 

    1. sharkman


      So, blackdog changed his handle to treebeard?  What?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. Canadians, you've been sold out to the WEF Globalists.

    Jan 18 2024 -
    "Freeland’s official itinerary stated, 'the Deputy Prime Minister will hold meetings with business leaders and other participants at the World Economic Forum throughout the day'.

    The entire visit was much more under-the-radar than usual. Although WEF materials freely publicized Freeland’s upcoming appearance, her office issued no press release about her attendance, and it wasn’t mentioned on her social media until after the fact.

    Freeland was once a public critic of the WEF’s supposed role as a place for the “global super-rich” to unilaterally set world policy. In her 2012 book Plutocrats, Freeland characterized an invitation to Davos as marking “an aspiring plutocrat’s arrival on the international scene.”

    - Canada's Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister attending WEF.

    1. sharkman


      You don’t worry yourself about it, it’s being handled.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Crowd at internationally televised live UFC event in Toronto chants loudly - "F*ck Trudeau!"


    1. sharkman


      And the same crowd loves Poilievre.  Sorry to rain on your parade, Boges.  The reason Trudeau has gotten unpopular is he had Canadians bank accounts frozen.  Now even our courts are saying that this was wrong.  Treebeard obviously needs to catch up with this reality...

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. Canadians, you've been sold out to the WEF Globalists.

    Jan 18 2024 -
    "Freeland’s official itinerary stated, 'the Deputy Prime Minister will hold meetings with business leaders and other participants at the World Economic Forum throughout the day'.

    The entire visit was much more under-the-radar than usual. Although WEF materials freely publicized Freeland’s upcoming appearance, her office issued no press release about her attendance, and it wasn’t mentioned on her social media until after the fact.

    Freeland was once a public critic of the WEF’s supposed role as a place for the “global super-rich” to unilaterally set world policy. In her 2012 book Plutocrats, Freeland characterized an invitation to Davos as marking “an aspiring plutocrat’s arrival on the international scene.”

    - Canada's Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister attending WEF.

    1. sharkman


      And we know that Trudeau is a WEF stooge.  What isn't common knowledge yet is that Poilievre is also a  WEF stooge.  He's another controlled asset.  How many in our political system are allied with WEF?  I have no idea, but at the start of the most recent Conservative leadership election process,  3 candidates were denied entry.  All 3 had similar positions to Poilievre. 

      They would have competed with and taken votes away from Poilievre, so they were denied entry into the contest.  Did you notice how lame the candidates were aside from Poilievre?  The leadership contest was fixed.

      Which means that the conservative party has become compromised, just as the liberal party has. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. SaskPower is providing 153 MW of electricity to AB this evening to assist them through this shortage. That power will be coming from natural gas and coal-fired plants, the ones the Trudeau government is telling us to shut down (which we won’t).



    1. sharkman


      Under Notley, all of Alberta's coal fired power plants were retired, up to 30 years ahead of schedule.  Their capacity was partly replaced with green power.  Wind and solar.  During the cold snap, the wind died and there went a large percentage of Alberta's electricity supply, putting people at risk of death.

      I drive through southern BC to Alberta, and there were over 200 of these stupid wind turbines as of about 3 years ago.  They are not a dependable source of power.  When the wind dies so does the electricity.  How stupid can you get?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Martin Luther King's views are no longer respected by Democrats and never were by Republicans.

    1. sharkman


      People who are connected to truth, regardless of their political affiliations, respect his legacy.  I heard part of his famous speech this morning and I was moved to tears.  He was a prophet, and the deep state could not allow the truth to be told, so they killed him.  Same with JFK, Malcolm and others who were persecuted, railroaded and otherwise shut down by the FBI or CIA.

      The bill for this evil is coming due this year.

  16. Happy New Year !!   🎉

    1. sharkman


      And a happy year to you.  Hope you are holding up alright after 3 years of Biden.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Tim Horton's culture.

    Am in a Timmies I've never been in before. Shocked at the overall feelings of a certain animosity. 

    Staff are all brown men and women, clientelle all older white folks, guys with baseball hats and long beards. After sitting here for a coffee it's clear there's a problem.

    Can overhear the conversations at the tables, is not encouraging.

    Behind the counter, they are not very nice either. No one smiles.  I saw a few times they didn't get the orders right. Didn't apologize.

    Guy was giventhe wrong donuts. He says out loud which ines hewants. She still didn't understand and gave the wrong donuts. When he tried one last time to point it out, was told he was given the ones he pointed at. He and his girl politely left the store.

    Plus they sneeze real loud and don't cover up.

    Im a gtf outta here

    1. sharkman


      It's all built on a false claimed need for hundreds of thousands of immigrants needed in Canada each year.  They need cheap food restaurants to feed them.  Entry level jobs for money.  Cheap housing rush-built to house them.  And subsidy money paid to those who aren't working, paid for by debt added to Canada's bill. 

      All nonsense thanks to Trudeau.  Way to go liberal voters, scarf down those $20 fast food meals.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Just to provide some context, I predicted Turner would beat Mulroney, Secretary Clinton would beat Trump, Trump would beat Biden and I am predicting Trump will win in 2024 and Poilievre will win in 2025. See where I am going with this?

    Take care,


    1. sharkman


      Then perhaps he should have won 2020, by that reasoning.  But something stopped him in 2020, and i think that same force would prevent him in 2024.  
      Some new unexpected movement will have to happen for Trump to beat the courts, the media, his political enemies and win an election in 2024.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just to provide some context, I predicted Turner would beat Mulroney, Secretary Clinton would beat Trump, Trump would beat Biden and I am predicting Trump will win in 2024 and Poilievre will win in 2025. See where I am going with this?

    Take care,


    1. sharkman


      No I don't see where you are going with this.  But perhaps you could explain why you think Trump will win in 2024?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Kissinger was a stooge of the same people that had JFK killed.  

    1. sharkman


      Ah yes, thank you DUI for that earnest response.  Perhaps that growing rash in your nether regions is more serious than what a little soap and water can do.  I suggest a round of antibiotics.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Kissinger was a stooge of the same people that had JFK killed.  

    1. sharkman


      That’s not what I said.  There were people behind the one that pulled the trigger.  Kissinger was their stooge.  At least take issue with what I actually said…

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Kissinger was a stooge of the same people that had JFK killed.  

    1. sharkman


      I guess they didn't call him Kissinger for nuthin'.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Kissinger was a stooge of the same people that had JFK killed.  

    1. sharkman


      What, only one smiley face?  Show me some love, people!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Liberals have shit their bed, now want to change their position.

    "I am not a Liberal!" ... almost like

    "I did not vote for the NSDAP!"


    Sorry no, baby. You still own the stinky mess you made.

    1. sharkman


      Funny how all of the liberals on this forum did not come running to defend.  In fact, it supports your position.

  25. Poilievre issues gag order for Conservative MPs.  No opinions allowed?

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