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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. Looks like we will never agree on this one. There is major doping going on that is not being caught - yet: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/rio-olympics-rocked-by-new-doping-scandal-mj63m0rw7 And the games have just begun!
  2. We already have "reasonable accommodation" in single gender schools in Canada - for resident Canadians. We have many boys only or girls only schools so what is the big deal with segregating by sex for swimming? http://www.canadianfamily.ca/kids/baby/sexed-education/
  3. There are about 100,000 "illegal" immigrants right now in Canada. It is approximated that about 20,000 sneak in every year.
  4. I believe that with globalization, citizenship will lose any importance. Not sure if it has any function at this time. Who cares if you were born here or not? What difference does it make?
  5. So what is smart about that decision? What does the banning of handicapped people from Russia the opportunity to compete against other handicapped people from around the world do? The folks who did the doping have not been punished. The people who organized the doping have not been punished. The Russian competitors who took the drugs in 2012 were not penalized. I believe that only one athlete from Russia - a woman discuss lost her medal. If the IOC had disqualified all Russians from Rio then the games would have become a joke. Russia took about 80 medals in 2012. Without Russia the games would mean as little as they did in 1980 when the USA decided to boycott and in 1984 when the Russians did the same. Remember at one time the "pure" Olympics banned "pro" athletes but gave up when they could not control it. Time now to drop all testing for drugs and let anybody who qualifies to compete. That is the only way to guarantee that everybody has the same base for competition. I'll also bet that during these Olympics there will be many athletes who will be using "outside chemical performance enhancing" which are yer undetectable - till next time.
  6. Russia has just been banned from the Paralympic games: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/russia-banned-2016-paralympic-games-160807154251039.html We sure do not want some guy with one arm and one leg taking performance enhancing drugs. This is a really dumb punitive action!
  7. Regarding statistics, I was watching Fareed Zakaria this morning and he stated that only about 9% of eligible voters actually voted for Trump and Clinton.
  8. I watched the opening ceremonies. I will admit that the presentation referred to a history with which I was not familiar. I found it enjoyable and informative.
  9. I understand the Trump and Clinton are being briefed on secret government information because they are the choice of their political parties. I am trying to find out if Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for President, was also briefed. Anyone?
  10. Right answer but to the wrong question.
  11. Perhaps you are referring to wisdom: I believe that education is the amount of formal learning that you have achieved. Intelligence is your ability to understand concepts. Experience is the time that you have spent on this earth and how many different life experiences you have survived. Humanity is your vision of the human interaction. I know some who have an extensive education, some who are very intelligent, some who have survived to a very old age and some whose vision of life is positive, sensitive and enduring. Wisdom is the achievement of a positive inter reaction of education, intelligence, experience and humanity. I know of very few wise people.
  12. Being successful is defined as accomplishing an aim or purpose. ISIS, once considered a "Junior Varsity" team and dismissed by the West as harmless now controls a large part of the Middle East. I assume that their aim and purpose was to control a large part of the Middle East. Therefore anyone understanding the English language would consider ISIS to be successful. Unsuccessful is defined as NOT accomplishing an aim or purpose. Zionists have been stealing Palestinian land and trying to convince the world that what they are doing is acceptable. The rest of the world does not believe the truth of that purpose. Therefore anyone understanding the English language would consider the the Zionists to be unsuccessful.
  13. As a practicing Catholic but following church doctrine as a "cafeteria catholic", I find the current Pope to be very progressive and a fine leader for Catholics. I think he is doing a very good job leading a following of over 1 billion and giving meaning to most of those who believe the doctrine of the church. This is Faith - either you believe or not. To those who believe, it gives comfort and solace. If you do not believe, then good for you. Find your own meaning of life and leave those who are comfortable with their answers that give them peace.
  14. Big Guy is a messenger taking facts on the ground and stating his opinion based on the truth of reality. Big Guy is not creating these confrontations or the decisions of Netanyahu or misrepresenting the decisions of the Knesset or reporting something that did not happen. Big Guy is only focusing on certain facts. Rue, your problem is not Big Guy - it is what your Zionist friends are doing in Israel.
  15. So the Israeli's have decided to jail pre-puberty "terrorists": http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/israel-imprisonment-palestinian-children-decried-160803142431941.html Those 12 year olds should be in jail. That will teach them!! Teach them what, you ask? How to become successful terrorists of course! What else do they learn in jail? Looks like Netanyahu wants to guarantee a new crop of terrorists for the next many years. Canada has to wash its hands of this global pariah! The sooner the better.
  16. Looks like the American soldiers are also unknowingly bringing it in: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/03/politics/zika-33-military-members-contract-disease/index.html Why no inoculation from it?
  17. I think Paul Ryan has had enough. I predict he will drop Trump very soon.
  18. See, there are things on which we agree!
  19. Looks like the Zionist lobby is making inroads in American politics: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/07/bds-movement-facing-challenges-160717125349715.html "Civil liberties groups say that these measures are unconstitutional attacks on the right of activists to boycott Israel, and note that the US Supreme Court has upheld boycotts as protected advocacy under the First Amendment of the US Constitution." I agree. Time for Canadians to take a close look at supporting BDS.
  20. The excellence of my posts got me into final round but then they checked my birth certificate - too old. But I have been studying the qualifications for Supreme Court: http://www.fja-cmf.gc.ca/scc-csc/qualifications-eng.html Looks like I am short a couple but I can fudge it during interviews.
  21. I just applied (and was turned down) for the Senate and now I can apply for the Supreme Court: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/08/02/trudeau-announces-new-selection-process-for-supreme-court-of-canada-justices.html Canada, what a wonderful place to live!!!!
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