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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. The "folks" to whom I am referring and will continue to refer to are the racists. If you are not one then ignore it and move on.
  2. That is the problem for many posters on this board - you look at postings and sharing opinions as a "win" or a "loss" - like some kind of game. I do not play that game. I state what I feel and what I read in world events. I read others responses and if they disagree and make sense to me then I investigate in greater detail to check the validity of their argument. There have been times when, after investigation, I have changed my opinion. If that is not the intent of participation here then why bother? I would never accept some anonymous opinion as valid - if it comes from a credible poster and differs from mine then I check it out. A "win" or "lose"? No thank you. I am not here to play games.
  3. You are what you believe you are. When I read something that I consider racist then I point it out. If you feel you have been caught in that net then I apologize - that was not my intent. I have been called many things on this board. I consider the source and evaluate that criticism based on the source - then move on. Some folks have called me stupid, misinformed, moronic, insane etc and yet get upset when I disagree with them. Why? If I thought that someone was stupid, misinformed, moronic, insane etc then I certainly would not care what they think or post. And in most cases that is my reaction. Why do the indignant care what I think?
  4. The "folks" to whom I am referring are the racists. If you are not one then ignore it and move on. I am comfortable in my views, have no respect for racists and bigots. It is the racists and bigots who seem to be doing the most complaining. I am glad that I have hit the nerve of conscience and the reaction to my posts appears to be "beating around the bush" of racism and causing some to reveal themselves. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
  5. At least the French racists do not hide behind "intellectual bally-hoo". They tell it like it is: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/rights-group-action-cannes-burkini-ban-160812135552944.html If those Muslims don't take off their clothes then they will be banned!!! As our local purists have said, you do not want to allow women to wear outfits that cause uncontrolled lust in men. Oh by the way, this is what is being banned: Birkini Outlandish!!!!
  6. Iran continues to gain influence in the Middle East: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/iran-turkey-agree-cooperate-syria-160812141119888.html It now looks that there will be no solution to these wars without the direct participation on a political level by Iran. Israel is losing any control of events and Canada should be looking to Iran for an economic and military ally of the future in the Middle East.
  7. What I believe is what I post. What you state is bogus. I will give the credibility to her achievements that I believe and you may .... Then there is: http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/rio-2016/2016/08/12/chinese-swimmer-chen-xinyi-provisional-doping-suspension/88624452/ But of course, all dopers are being caught so ...
  8. A sick Hillary, close to death, would be a far better president than a healthy Trump. In fact, Tim Kaine would make a better president than either of them.
  9. I agree. This is one time where I would support a politician crossing the floor. She has been elected and re-elected based on her personality, not on her affiliation. I believe the old Green policies were not that different from the current Liberal ones. She is respected by most members of all parties and I suspect that JT would accept her into his party.
  10. I found it very uplifting and proud to see these young ladies succeed on the wold scale. Penny is the smiling epitome of good, fresh Canadian attitude. Well done ladies. You make Canada proud!!!
  11. As to points, I have lost track of the number. Mods generally allow anything until someone complains. I have never made a complaint but I have a pretty good idea who the complainer would be in my case. I have been called many things in my time. Most were faulty and based on misinformation. I just let those comments go because there was no substance to them. Now I have noticed that the duck analogy has hit a nerve with you. Why is that? If there is not some truth to the analogy in your case, then why such an indignant reaction? There are those on this board who consider themselves as superior to the recent immigrants who will soon be Canadians. They and/or their ancestors were also immigrants but they want the door closed now because these folks do not look like them, do not talk like them, do not worship the same god as them and probably smell bad. The truth is that many of the immigrants are smarter than them and will probably succeed far better than the racists. They fear this competition. Being Canadian is their RIGHT! - even if their families are not native to this country. They feel ENTITLED!!! This is where the mods get caught in the middle. They have decided that racists cannot be called racists on this site - for various reasons. Because of this restriction, the racists now feel vindicated and continue to try to intellectualize or rationalize by cloaking their prejudices in self-righteous gaffly-gob. I do not know what is the big deal. Big Guy has been called every name in the book by the different posters who resent his truthful messages, are unable to counter them with facts and instead go after the messenger. They have lost the moral ground and want to strike back. He understands that - and that is why it does not bother him. Those insults and names just re-enforce the fact that he has hit the nerve of conscience. That is why he has not and will not report any negative comments. He has no need for protection from angry losers. I suggest that you spend a little more time contemplating why some Big Guy statements are hitting a nerve with you folks and less time looking to the mods for help. Yes, I have received a number of warning points to remind me what the parameters are of this board. I have not contested or complained about those decisions. I thank them for that direction. Perhaps it is time for you folks to look in a mirror and read some of your anti-immigrant rhetoric. It may be something of which you are not proud.
  12. I remember following the summer Olympics in Melbourne Australia. There were PED's used then and at every subsequent Olympics. How many of the athletes in Rio will be found later to have used some PED that is not identifiable at this time? Professional sports are played on a level playing field. How many of those behemoths in the NFL and CFL are on PED's and/or pain killers during games? When was the last time that you saw world class soccer players being suspended for using PED's?
  13. So we have the most prolific reporter and complainer crying again because he might not be getting his way. Curious? I would suggest confused is a more accurate term. But ducks do have difficulty with the English language. If you disagree with how this site is managed then move on. Please.
  14. We are at war with ISIS. A Canadian person makes no pretense that he supports ISIS - our enemy. He then decides to take action. Hello - this is a surprise? During WWII, if someone in Canada stated that they support Germany or Japan they would be immediately taken into custody and rendered peaceful. Why was this guy treated differently?
  15. I believe any person has the right to ruin their lives if they so wish. I believe those in constant pain should be able to stop that pain permanently through suicide - assisted if required. I believe any individual has the right to make decisions about their own bodies as long as it does not affect others. I also do not believe that any government of organization is responsible for individual adult lifespan and quality of life. As to pro wrestlers dying at an early age because of drug use - I have no sympathy for them. They knew the possible effects of the long term use of steroids (and other drugs not needed to maintain health), made that decision and suffered the consequences. It was their choice. Many individuals abuse medications. From truck drivers using "bennies" to stay awake for longer runs to healthy people using pain killing drugs to get "high" to soldiers using pot to make the war experience more acceptable. That is my view - Yes, so says me.
  16. Hello - Not sure how level your ass is but if you have been following this thread, my suggestion is to drop the artificial approach to PED's and allow the athlete the choice. If the Canadian wants to dope up then go for it - most of them are already doing it and have been for years. That is what a level playing field is all about. These are folks who have the right of free choice. Many of the drugs that are banned are legitimate use for certain ailments but are a PED as a side effect. I see no humiliation in somebody competing and not winning a medal. The are minimal qualifications for participation and if an individual achieves that level then they can compete. My suggestion would guarantee a far more level playing field than the one currently being employed.
  17. If the intent is to win and make your nation look good then maybe you are right. But the whole intent of the games is "“The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.” It is brotherhood and cooperation. I cannot find anywhere in the Olympic doctrines that the focus is to win. If you can find a reference to winning as a priority then please share it with me.
  18. Watched some female beach volleyball. Saw one side in the usual skimp and the other side in full body coverage. Apparently dress code is up to the competitors. The outfits on these skimpy ladies is an embarrassment. After every series of volleys they have to pull their bikini bottoms down and pull out a wedgie. Those outfits may have been required to get this sport off the ground in California but it is now an Olympic Sport!! I enjoy volleyball but found this unpleasant and quickly turned to rugger. Am looking forward to the guys coming out in jock straps to see the reaction of the rules committee.
  19. That is just plain silly. You want a serious discussion or do you want to make silly?
  20. Yes, the problem is Marcus and Big Guy - and a few more millions of people who care about the innocent civilian Palestinians who are subjected to the Israeli hammer every day. Although there is nothing that Big Guy has referenced that is not true. These things happened and continue to happen. I see nothing in the rebuttal that the events and incidents have not taken place. In time, the rest of the world will condemn the Israeli cancer that is spreading into Gaza and repudiate the Netanyahu war criminals. Then justice will have been served. Canada should be in the forefront of bringing these criminals to trial.
  21. Interesting. The you would have to believe that the reverse was true: The navy will not go to war when ordered by the government. Might happen with President Trump.
  22. No, I am a fan of most sports, played a few on a serious level and coached different school teams for years - including soccer, rugger, basketball, football and aquatic competitive teams. I no longer have a passion for home teams but do enjoy watching skilled athletes doing their best. I do resent the fact that the good chemists are able to give that 1% edge to human ability but sometimes that 1% is what separates the top 10 in the world. I do support organized sport for youth for many reasons but when organizations have brought in $billions into the mix for young adults in competition, then I say make it a level playing field.
  23. And Carl Lewis got a little chemical help: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2003/apr/24/athletics.duncanmackay He just had a better chemist than Ben Johnson.
  24. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." but since ducks are not very popular it would probably deny that it is a duck. "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - close that immigration door!
  25. Give me a break. The racists are demanding that the immigrants conform immediately to Canadian culture, living, speech - Canadian by their own strict definition. These racists are also all immigrants or the offspring of immigrants but do not want these new immigrants to be given the same welcome and opportunity as their ancestors. They got through the door and now want to close that door. Well, too bad. It ain't gonna happen. Start learning to adapt.
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