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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. Agreed, but "politics makes strange bedfellows". The idea is not that outlandish: May For Leader
  2. "If you were up to your neck in sewage and someone started to pee on your head, would you duck?" On a more serious note, If I am paying for a product than I would expect it to favor me - and my family. Do you really want someone creating software in your car that would prioritize other people over your wife and children? Not if I am paying for it.
  3. I am OK being called anything by anybody here. If I had respect for the source then it would probably make me re-read what I had written but who cares what somebody on an anonymous board calls you? I have been called racist, bigot, moron, anti-Semite, Jew hater, left winger, right winger, passive aggressive, aggressive passive, illogical, uneducated, dumb, a jerk, pervert, and a lot more. Most of the time it just reinforces in me that I am on the right track. I have been called an anti-Semitic Jew hater by an obviously disturbed individual who appears to live in a religious bubble and sides with Zionists. I am more than pleased that he holds that view of me. I have been called a moronic uneducated fool by a poster who prioritizes quantity over quality in his participation and shows an obvious lack of education and intellect. It is like being criticized by a jackass. The criticism becomes an endorsement of correctness and sanity. That is why I have never nor will I ever report something to the mods. I need being criticized by jackasses to indicate that I am making a point and encourage my participation.
  4. In my time, the greatest athlete was considered the winner of the decathlon. The individual was tested in a variety of human abilities and the winner was considered the best "overall" athlete. But best etc depends on the criteria set by the evaluator. I know the arguments that take place when discussing the MVP of anything and the comparison of Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr.
  5. I respectfully ask why would you consider his achievements as superior to those of Michael Phelps? I won't bother reciting his records but the numbers appear greater than those of Bolt.
  6. I would assume that any leader of the NDP would have to be considered left of center. Actually my positions are generally center or right of center. I think you have your left and right confused and would certainly have difficulty keeping in step in a parade. Have you always had that difficulty? It may help if you print a big letter "L" on your left hand and a big "R" on your right hand. Make sure you get help with this so you don't screw them up. You do know that the NDP s role is to represent left of center positions? Your homework - read and differentiate the difference between the left and right in politics.
  7. To lock somebody up they have to know who they are. That is why it is far safer to spread fear and hate on anonymous boards than under your own name.
  8. I think the next leader of the NDP should be Elizabeth May. With the party wanting to go in a different direction, she may choose to run for the NDP. She is more qualified and experienced than any others contenders at this time and the Green party is not that distant from the NDP. She has been elected and re-elected on personality and work ethic - traits that can be easily transferred to the NDP.
  9. Does putting someone on your "ignore list" absolve you from answering his questions? I will provide an answer to this question: Big Guy yields the floor to the very articulate, sensitive, analytical and informed Governor of the great state of Reality - cybercoma
  10. What objective criteria would you suggest be used to make that decision?
  11. What came first - law or religion? I suggest that religion came first. I believe all religions are a template for survival and the basics were translated into law by those trying to maintain social order.
  12. What I don't understand is why the North American media would print any information gathered illegally and intended to weaken the United States? Be this embarrassing to the Republicans or the Democrats or the USA government, why be complicit with a foreign power in weakening the Republic?
  13. You do not deserve answers from me. You have called me every name that this site will allow, you have tried every insult of which you are able, you have accused me of every vile thing that you can think of, your have reported my posts and you keep whining to the mods. When are you going to get the message? I want to spend minimal time with you and move on. What are you going to do next, bite my legs off? Passing Through
  14. Thank you for your pity. I am sure it is honest and from the heart. BTW - Perception is reality to the person doing the perceiving. That is why I do not say that yours is faulty, I sat that it is the "r" word. Perception is greatly influenced by attitude, understanding and tolerance (or lack of such). I suggest that you do a little more reflection - perhaps looking into a mirror.
  15. Answer - why? So you can go on another tirade. Why would you deserve an answer to any question? I am certainly not answerable to you. I answer when, how and whom I choose and/or respect. You don't qualify. Just keep whining, complaining and reporting. That appears to be one of the few areas on here in which you excel. BTW - Why are you so irritating and insulting to people? Do you think that people who want to ban the wearing of a niqab to be exhibiting racist qualities? On second thought - do not reply. I really do not care.
  16. I do not see where Hillarys health is an issue. If Hillarys VP was running for President instead, he would be 30 points up on Trump.
  17. I suggest that "the easily offended" are those who keep complaining and reporting "offending" posts. The biggest whiner is also the greatest cheap shot artist who cannot take or accept criticism. There is a big difference between whiner and winner. Whiners are the opposite of winners.
  18. Are the "nationalists" and "protectors of decency" now demanding that all private homes have at least two washrooms - labelled male and female? What a bunch of malarkey!
  19. Yes these kind of conversations do take place - usually in meetings of like minded individuals like different "Heritage" groups. Some of them wear pillow cases and others wear leathers with the tetraskelion. These bigots are getting their due. People who find your kind of views outrageous and distasteful will tell you and then shame you with their points of view. You post your real name and address as verified by the mods and I will do the same. Many of my posts here have already been published under my name. I have nothing to be ashamed of. The cowards have a lot be be ashamed about. Just quit your continuous whining. You seem very prepared to pitch but you certainly can't catch. Always whining to the mods for help and reporting anything that "offends" you should give you an idea that you got problems. Remember, there is a big difference between quality and quantity. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
  20. Some people watching the games are surprised that most athletes get paid for winning medals. The amateur thing is of the past. Canadian folks get $20,000 for a gold, $15,000 for a silver and $10,000 for bronze. http://www.moneysense.ca/olympics/rio-olympics-2016-how-much-prize-money-canadian-gold-medalists-win/ Do you think Canada should be paying our athletes for medal placings? If you do, how much should each medalist get?
  21. I assume that the kind of dialogue that takes place here daily, regarding immigrants and Muslims, would not take place in public or socially with friends and family present. One of the advantages and disadvantages of these boards is that you are anonymous and therefore not responsible for your statements. That is why these boards can become a cesspool of racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia and any kind of prejudice. People who use these boards for that purpose are cowards. They are afraid to take the responsibility for their stated views. There are many impressionable people who read these boards and cannot discern the difference between the "make believe" of anonymous interaction and the reality of responsibility for your statements. That is why I comment how I do. My personal standards are that I would not post anything here which I would not post under my real name to the "letters to the editor" section of printed media. It is one thing to be proud of being a Canadian and another to demean another nationality, culture or religion. You can do the first without resorting to the other. Racists and bigots will cloak their prejudice in cries of freedom of speech and nationalism tones. I find racists and bigots fearful people, needing to focus their own shortcomings on some defenseless and identifiable group. To do so under the cloak of anonymity makes them cowards. That is why I post as I do. This is a virtual reality "social" setting. We are all here by choice and prepared to be heard. I would react the same and make the same statements in a real social setting where I would confront the racist. But that is me. I do get tired of the whining I see here at times. If you can't catch - then don't pitch. Do not confuse quantity of posts with quality of posts. The first requires a lot of free time, the second requires thought, intelligence and knowledge about the issue.
  22. racist - a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
  23. I say what I state. As to your guesses; who knows, who cares? Please do not ask me frivolous questions and expect a serious answer. Shoo, go bother somebody else.
  24. My first choice is that the car makers are forced to use the program as dictated by government policies. Short of that, the program should prioritize the heath and safety of the owner/driver over all other choices.
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