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  1. Trespassing, refusing lawful orders from police officers, obstruction, assault, battery, destruction of property, vandalism... appears there are some conspiracy-related charges as well. You know this, though. So why are you acting like you don't?
  2. That would certainly be the more tolerant thing to do! Hodad could take a lesson on tolerance here from you.
  3. There is only one criminal trial with any merit: the one with Trump and the classified documents. But the problem I have with that is they have proven twice now that it is political by never going after Clinton and saying Biden is too old and can't remember anything to go after. If you are going to prosecute people for this, then you prosecute them all. Otherwise, it is exactly as it appears to be: selective prosecution to play politics.
  4. You were coming across as being deliberately obtuse, that there is no religious prohibition you know of for baking a gay cake... but that isn't the issue. Which is why I make the point and asked you what I did. I did not say anything about condemning sinners... I very specifically talked about not wanting to engage in the activities you find wrong. You can love your drunk Uncle and not want to go out to the bar drinking with him.
  5. Well, why are you focused on a prohibition on the fabrication of gay cakes so narrowly? I mean, you claim to have been part of a liberal Catholic Church, are you not familiar with the basic concepts around the general Christian view regarding Homosexuality? Not wanting to bake a cake is simply not wanting to participate in an activity you find wrong.
  6. Except, that concept already exists today with the exceptions for protected classes. A business can indeed refuse you service for any reason under the sun. They don't like your hair, they don't like that you are not wearing shoes, they don't like that you smell funny, they don't like that you were not polite... But we were not talking at first about completely barring gay people from entering a business; that is not what happened at Masterpiece Cake Shop.
  7. It depends... are you not familiar with the Supreme Court ruling on this? Its findings were pretty specific here, and we do have many carve-outs for religious belief in our country. A Catholic Private School doesn't have to hire an openly gay person. But my main point this whole time was to merely show that there are in fact intolerant LGBTQ folks contrary to the disbelief of Hodad. We all have many rights and often times those rights conflict, and there is a hierarchy of rights. You have the right to free speech, I have private property rights... you do not have the right to free speech on my property. That is one example.
  8. Alright... I am done. You have no interest in honestly discussing this. Your entire schtick here was to want a gift economy that had no money. Now, you are pretending like you never said any of that, and your idea of a gift economy does have money.
  9. What specific action was being incentivised and what evidence do you have that is why it was being done? What business was brought before the court that had anything to do with Thomas going on vacation with friends or having a friend help him with an RV? What evidence do you have behind the motivation for why he failed to report anything? All you have is baseless speculation and assertions you can't back up with anything.
  10. This is a question, not an argument, about what makes anything you have listed so far a bribe.
  11. So, you should be screaming for John Oliver's arrest and prosecution, then... What evidence do you have that the purpose of going on vacation with a friend was to keep him on the bench? Also, a bribe connotes illegal behavior; otherwise, it is just a figure of speech. Try responding again, only this time answer the question.
  12. You seem to have no concept of how precedent works when reviewing the history of law. They routinely go back to common law concepts when articulating historical precedents. That is not all they did either. This is just a pathetic attempt to cherry pick to try to discredit the overall 70+ page opinion.
  13. There you go with another word. You moved on from trying to defend bribe and are now throwing "corruption" at the wall. It is just another word associated with taking bribes. I am not defending "corruption" here, I am merely pointing out that the assertion he was bribed is nonsense, not based on any facts that anyone has presented here so far, and trying to change up the terminology certainly doesn't change that. Ah, now you throw "crooked judge" in there too! What evidence do you have to show how much of the loan was repaid or not repaid over a decade? How much was forgiven? No, it was not just money handed to him, as you tried to assert initially. Accuracy matters, you try to characterize things in not just a negative way, but outright defend things like "bribe" which is not true. Because you know it is a pretty big nothing burger, a Judge has some rich friends he goes on vacation with, and one of them helped him with an RV too. *GASP* The horror.
  14. It is not just collision sports. What kind of man celebrates setting records by beating women in any women's sport? It is just as wrong for all the same underlying reasons. Its just that it should be beyond obviously wrong watching a man beat up a woman.
  15. These are your strawman arguments. You can counterprogram kids without having to engage in teaching them how to do the things in porn in the classroom. Your interest is not stopping kids from seeing porn; your interest is not actually in any counterprogramming; it is simply trying to justify why you think schools should show kids how to do it all based on YOUR notion of what a healthy relationship is. My disagreement with your warped sexual perversions that you want to push onto kids in K-12 is just that. No, you are conflating acceptance with tolerance, saying that I must agree and participate or I am intolerant. Tolerance is not going over to your neighbor's house and tearing down their Pride flag. It is not tolerance to then demand your neighbor have to be OK with your insisting the community fly the Pride flag, too. You are the one who refuses to tolerate others and others' disagreement here. Live and let live is you flying the Pride flag all you want to... not forcing me to accept your wanting to fly it in a classroom or turning the classroom into your political soapbox. You are the one trying to impose your ideology onto others while acting smugly as if you do so under the banner of tolerance. Tolerance, for you, is a big stick that you beat people with, and when they resist, you mock them for being intolerant. How dare you not take this beating you are intolerant! Nothing nonsensical about it at all. You continually misconstrue what the terminology Pro-Life means. The point here was that you are talking about courtesy when you offer none here. And yet here you are demanding I partake in a mans thinking of himself as a woman... The harm to me is that you keep demanding I must partake in the mans fantasy. Where did I say anything about forcing them to do otherwise? No, you are not asking basic courtesy from me at all, you are demanding my acceptance and my participation. Courtesy is being polite, courtesy is seeing them as a human and holding the door open for them, saying hello, helping them up if they fall down. Courtesy is not rejecting truth and your own integrity to play along with something you do not agree with or believe to be true. Yes, it costs me my integrity. It costs not only my integrity, but it costs the concepts of reality, and truth, in the world. It doesn't matter what you think I think about it or how gross it is... the point here is that a person has every right to hold their own views and opinions on things, they do not have to agree with yours. That is not tolerance. What you demand is acceptance and participation when you offer none of that to any of the things you don't like or agree with either. Yo, its a Pro-Life flag, no negative message for anyone... Again, you are conflating values with policy. Amazing how you demand I accept the Pride flag as harmless symbolism, but you continue to refuse to do that with the Pro-Life flag. I have already told you what it represents, you keep adding to it something that is not there. Having a Pro-Life flag in the classroom is not forcing anything on anyone. It is just a flag hanging there. No lie, I made no specific comment about the original cake, but the LGBTQ folks did harass him beyond that of wanting a dildo cake. I am speaking to all the harassment he faced. Now, this is not true. He sells baked goods to anyone, even if they are gay. He had no policy not to serve gay people at all. He refused to participate in their wedding by making them a custom cake to celebrate that wedding, which he found contrary to his beliefs. They could have come in and bought any generic cake and walked right out. You are the one who doesn't understand tolerance. You use that word as a billy club to beat people with to agree with you and accept your positions and participate in your fantasies. To the larger point here, you were mocking the notion that LGBTQ folks were forcing compliance on people... and now you are here justifying it and completely ignoring how they treated this man and tried to destroy his life. That is not tolerance. Tolerance is understanding that people have deeply held religious beliefs and if they don't want to participate in your Satanic rituals by baking you a Satan Dildo cake, then you should be OK with that.
  16. No, it is hyperbole to describe the behavior of the concerted efforts of those LGBTQ folks to destroy this man's life because he wouldn't bake them a special cake. That is how the mafia behaves. You pay them, or they come to destroy your business. This guy was minding his own business, literally harming no one, and going about his life making people cakes. He was not trying to push anything on anyone, just going to work and earning a living doing what he liked. The combative stance here was all on the LGBTQ crowd's side. And he won out to a large degree on the legal side.
  17. So... where is the bribe? This started with the accusation he was bribed and you have turned it into a complaint on how many gifts or ways someone like Thomas profits from his position instead. If you want to have that discussion, great, but you jumped in trying to defend the assertion of bribes, implying he was somehow bought off to make decisions a certain way. Now you are just throwing as much mud as you can to distract from your inability to back any of that obvious nonsense up. You asserted he was just handed a quarter of a million dollars... when in reality a friend loaned him money for an RV and the accusation by Democrats is that Thomas someone profited from this, but it is just that, an accusation. They don't really have any of the proof to show how much Thomas paid back or not, while his lawyer claims the loan payments were fulfilled. None of what you have listed is "greatly" enriching, it is certainly someone enjoying some lavish gifts and favors from friends. What is his net worth again? Not a whole lot for as much as you are feigning outrage over.
  18. There is no equivalence. The amount of destruction and violence from those BLM-associated protests / riots was beyond anything that happened on the 6th. They were just as incited by Democrats, like the Speaker of the House.
  19. What are you talking about? Your take on the scripture is still a contradiction to your position here. You tried to say you wanted a gift economy, and then you said you wanted everyone to be paid the same wage.
  20. If we go with your definition, it is "ethnic cleansing" if Israel evicts one Palestinian from their home for any reason. I mention the amount, because with what Israel is doing, there is no real path to ever achieving any kind of you know... "ethnic cleansing" So, if that outcome is not going to happen... how is it that you claim that is what is being done? Listen to yourself, you claim that it doesn't matter if the population is not reduced... so then how is it ethnic cleansing if nothing is being cleansed? You are the one ignoring the complexity behind the fact that Palestinians lost a war, and Israel's ongoing Settlement policies, which started with a concern with Security... you know, because the Palestinians and others keep trying to kill them.
  21. Yeah, some bad people on the right screwed up royally that day and should be punished. The exception... meanwhile, the left did far more damage over their summer of violence, attacked more police, killed more people... I am new here, and I am not sure if the trend is the same here as in other online forums where folks on the left pretend none of that ever happened.
  22. What about it? Baseless charges? Did they have any charges at all? Remember, this was you trying to be cute throwing it in my face that I was wrong on them having no charges... and you were wrong. So, tell me, what charges do you think they should face then? Do you agree they should face charges? It's just my imagination that the Pro-Hamas protestors are taking over college campuses all over the country, including harassing people, blocking students, and otherwise breaking the law by trespassing at a minimum and then refusing lawful orders to disperse. You really going to be that obtuse?
  23. Nice strawman and spin to attempted personal insult.
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