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  1. Here you go again, trying to bring some kind of moral parity to Israel and Hamas. Lets do a quick history lesson here: There was peace BEFORE Hamas decided to invade Israel, killing women and children and going into families homes to kill, rape, torture, and take hostages.
  2. How do you give that to them when Hamas is in control and not allowing elections? Now? You had plenty to start and throughout this thread.
  3. You did not say it was ineffective. You said: "Didn't you MAGA CULT types get the memo: auto kits are bad?" Lets try this again: This is not an attempt to ban auto kits. They are already illegal. Try reading my comment, the link, hell even the title again. Maybe do a little google search of your own.
  4. I see that expecting you to engage earnestly and honestly here is a waste, but it is you who continues to post your nonsense here. For as long as you post your nonsense, I will call you out for it. Then you can play your little games here and act like you don't care. You defend Hamas. You repeatedly criticize Israel, pushing Hamas propaganda that defends them and attacks Israel. When you get called out for it, you resort to this game of your acting like you don't care about either and to nuke them all.
  5. So... why do you spend so much time on here trying to defend Hamas then? If your flippant position is peace can't exist, then you should spend more time in a different thread and not worry so much about what Israel does.
  6. No. Do you not understand how a forum like this works? Perhaps you should look into using notepad and type to yourself.
  7. No, you have yet to offer any kind of explanation as to what you mean making them redundant would make them cease to exist. Israel is not trying, they are succeeding. And the return of any Hamas depends on what Israel does after they destroy them. Their strategy to leave Gaza before didn't work. They will need to control Gaza for some time to prevent another Hamas. So, no, you do not know what their goal is. Hamas wants to see the end of Israel and to kill all Jews there. Your trying to equate them to Netanyahu's coalition is beyond absurd. I already answered your question. Here you go again, feel free actually to respond to it this time: "You are trying to equate whatever morality, culture, and understanding you have (or me) with that of a Palestinian devoid of any context. You might as well ask what a Space Marine in the movie Aliens would do if he were in the shoes of one of the Aliens. You are either on the side of the people who want to kill all the Jews and just kill around 1000 of them, as well as the rape, torture, and Hostage-taking... or you are on the side of stopping that. I am on the side of stopping it. "
  8. So, you will not even try to defend your ignorant assertions about an election. Israel is pursuing their victory as we both sit here typing. You guys won't have a Hamas to support soon enough. So far, your so-called different approach was to claim you wanted to destroy Hamas, and now it was to let them live on. You have yet to explain how any of this will not perpetuate anything. Do you even know what the stated goal of Hamas is?
  9. What about me? My positions are quite consistently clear here. I don't change them every other post. You are trying to equate whatever morality, culture, and understanding you have (or me) with that of a Palestinian devoid of any context. You might as well ask what a Space Marine in the movie Aliens would do if he were in the shoes of one of the Aliens. You are either on the side of the people who want to kill all the Jews and just kill around 1000 of them, as well as the rape, torture, and Hostage-taking... or you are on the side of stopping that. I am on the side of stopping it. I hope Israel and the international community can take whats left and turn around the generations of brainwashing put upon the people of Palestine to hate Jews and want to wipe Israel off the map so they can live in peace and start building a future for themselves beyond how many Jews they can kill.
  10. The purpose of this war is to defeat their enemy, Hamas, so they will no longer have to put up with the constant attacks and attempts to kill their people. It is not a tit-for-tat. You claim you don't support either side, only when your support for Hamas is called out for what it is. Who is going to force elections on them? Your positions here certainly are ignorant. You tried to act like letting Hamas live on will bring elections and "normal" and you can't offer anything more than they will have elections forced on them. Your obstinance in refusing to admit you are wrong is not a victory for anything other than your continued ignorant positions on the subject.
  11. Here you are again... what happened to your focus on Iran, China, and Russia being the problem? As I drill down more into tearing apart your facade, we get to the real truth here. You do support Hamas. Now you are justifying their actions. Hamas and the Palestinians have been left to their own devices in Gaza since 2006. Instead of building a country, Hamas squandered billions on building tunnels to hide under their own people, to build rockets to hide in schools and around Hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. Instead of devoting their lives to building themselves up, they have chosen to kill as many Jews as they could. This is what you support.
  12. No worries, when Democrats do it, they can apologize, and all will be forgiven. If it were a Republican, no apology would suffice and it would be evidence for how they were clearly a huge racist and the party as a whole has a problem with racism.
  13. Not really. I mean, it might put a lot of pressure on Israel to stop... but their goal from the beginning was not the mere release of the Hostages. They have repeatedly refused to any ceasefire deal that calls for a complete end to the war or their military operations, as I don't know how they said it exactly, but they are going to end Hamas rule. Now, Hamas might be able to walk away with their lives if they surrender, but I am not seeing that Israel is going to just let them live on and continue to rule in Gaza for the Hostages.
  14. Hamas surrendering would stop current events too. Hamas started the current events by, oh, you know, invading Israel and slaughtering a bunch of young adults at a party, gunning them down as they ran for their lives... by going into homes to rape, torture, kill, and take hostage families including women and children. We are getting to the truth here, and its that you support Hamas. There is no "normal" with them. Hamas never allowed elections since they first won them. But now you think leaving them in power will lead to elections? You are either being woefully ignorant about the situation or purposefully deceitful to support Hamas. Which is it? The discussion you jumped in on was eyeball first claiming he wanted to destroy Hamas. As it turns out, he really didn't and both of you want to see them survive this war and stay in power.
  15. This is not an attempt to ban auto kits. They are already illegal. Try reading my comment, the link, hell even the title again. Maybe do a little google search of your own.
  16. Huh? Peace with Hamas doesn't destroy Hamas. You say you want to destroy them, now you say you want peace with them.
  17. Lets see... Universities are giving people of color their own spaces, their own dorms, their own graduations... they had been giving people of color special treatment in accepting them (well, not Asians, they don't count) and they are continuing to try to circumvent the law to do so. These are all things that folks would be screaming about 24/7 on the new media and raining down lawsuits if there were a white only graduation, etc... African history? We were talking about Black history and Black history month. I presumed in America, but perhaps whatever other Western nation you are from or thinking of... this meant teaching about prominent Black figures history in America, or whatever Western nation you are from or thinking of. So, now your big complaint is about how much world history is being taught? I am not complaining about the fact that there is a Black History Month in as much as such a thing would be an outrage if there were a Whtie History Month. You are conflating cultural things and National things with race now.
  18. Well... now Democrats are pushing to ban any pistol that can be converted into a Machine gun. They are claiming that Glock should have done something about the kit that can modify their pistol into a machine gun. I would say this is just ignorance on their part. I mean, if you know anything about how any Semi-Automatic firearm functions, they have a sear that functions with the trigger to keep the hammer/firing pin/striker from releasing and firing the weapon. (the short version) You can modify basically ANY semi-automatic firearm to be fully automatic by messing with the sear. These are typically what you might call a runaway gun, in that once you pull the trigger, it will just keep firing until there is no more ammo. It is a bit more complicated, but you can modify almost any Semi-Automatic firearm to function with a sear/trigger mechanism, allowing the trigger to reset the sear to stop firing once it is released. It is not rocket science. However, it is all illegal to convert a firearm like this already. The point... is that Glock has a "kit" out there, made illegally by others, that can do this because Glock is a very popular pistol. But in reality, someone could build something similar for just about ANY other Semi-Automatic firearm. So... is it ignorance that Democrats are trying to push this law? I don't think so. Their attempt to justify a way to effectively ban all Semi-Automatic firearms is a deceitful charade. Even if they can pass it, I don't think this holds up in court. "In an unprecedented move, New York is pushing forward with legislation to ban the sale of pistols that can be converted into machine guns. This ambitious proposal positions New York to become the first state to tackle what many see as a loophole in gun regulation." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/new-york-proposes-crackdown-on-highly-popular-gun/ss-BB1m2arn?ocid=ientp
  19. When the drunk is racking up bills on the credit card without regard, you take away the credit card and get him in rehab. You don't give him more money.
  20. Hey, now we are getting somewhere. So... if you think they deserve to be destroyed, why do you spend so much time criticizing Israel for doing so? In this situation, yes, only Hamas has it coming. No, that doesn't mean I have anything coming. Please explain how it has anything to do with me.
  21. Your position seems to be that you will say anything other than actually directly criticizing Hamas for what they are doing and making excuses for them. When pushed to criticize them, it is the vague F, everyone.
  22. Here you are again... attacking Israel with your spin on "murder" Hamas is responsible for the death of their people when they conduct military operations among them. You said: "I'm to busy criticizing the real root causes of the current outbreak of hostilities - Iran, Russia and China." No, you have and continue to be too busy going after Israel, over and over and over again.
  23. Which is why instead of actually responding to what I said... you come up with some phony DURRRRRR "MAGA Crowd" DURRRRR response?
  24. I am not the MAGA crowd. So... spare me your attempts to avoid having to put up an intelligent, well-thought-out response.
  25. Like how? Which ones do you take issue with? This is all you have?
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