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  1. You are choosing to read into it more than is meant. I merely offered you the meaning behind the phrase. The phrase isn't meant to pretend your skin color doesn't exist. I am curious: do you cringe or take issue if a white person says they are proud to be white? What do you mean, your culture? Skin color has no culture. There is no black culture. I was in the military and served with black people from all over the country and world. I served with a guy from Nigeria and a guy from the South. Their cultures were worlds apart. One of them was basically a redneck driving a pickup truck and the other from a tribal culture who could speak something like 10 different languages. I now have a friend from Malawi and another from the rural midwest... you think they both have some "black culture?" they share? Nope. I am not shocked. We (the political left) have spent the last 10 years pushing racial division in this country, including trying to build a hierarchy of victimization to push people into.
  2. So... you have spent the last few weeks I have been on this forum defending these protests. Now, you want them to stop?
  3. You don't seem to care at all about Biden's dictatorship efforts.
  4. You have moved on from tolerance and courtesy to: come on, dude, mocking the whole thing. No, it was not merely being verbally trolled. These intolerant LBTQ bullies, intent on destroying his business, sued him not just for the Satan Dildo cake but for a Gender transition cake as well. Yet again, you continue to conflate not wanting to participate in an event by creating something for it with outright discrimination based on race. Yet again, you prove your whole schtick about "tolerance" and "courtesy" was all a ruse. You are not interested in these things. You demand acceptance and participation and cheer on using whatever force or coercion people use to demand it. As I said before, in my last big response, which you ignored, you conflated tolerance with acceptance and then demanded people accept. These are not "prank calls." You are not making honest responses now, as you continue to ignore the facts and try to downplay what is going on as I have repeatedly explained it to you. Well, you claim not to be ignorant, but then you make one of the most average ignorant comments an ignorant person about Christianity makes. You make the average ignorant response that Jesus did not mention homosexuality! And yet, Jesus did talk at great lengths about marriage, the relations between husband and wife, and analogies of such, as well as what Paul went on to write as well as the constant theme of scripture throughout the Bible. The baker did not refuse to feed sinners. He refused to participate in their wedding. He would have made them any other baked good. Again, you continue to ignore and contort what happened completely.
  5. Just as bogus. I made it clear as to why. They were not being "punished" If you are so concerned about these lives being lost, why do you not spend more time criticizing Hamas for their tactics in endangering them? What exactly is it you think is going to cost trillions? What is this fix?
  6. You are on here making a bogus assertion that Israel was punishing these people through collective punishment. I don't want to quibble anymore than you want to push bogus assertions. The creation of Israel isn't a disaster. The continued hate of Israel and the push to kill all the Jews is the problem.
  7. So, do you think it is racist to want a Black History Month or an all-Black school/one that focuses exclusively on Black students?
  8. When people say they don't see skin color, it is a figure of speech, meaning they don't treat people differently because of skin color.
  9. No, at least 1/3 of those are Hamas militants killed in a war. The rest are the tragic collateral damage from killing that 1/3 because Hamas is fighting from among their people and, instead of helping to keep their people safe, they willingly endanger them just so they can get folks like you to play the stupid games you are doing right now.
  10. When folks like Bill Gates start living a life of moderate consumption, I will take them seriously on their commitment to their beliefs in climate change. I mean, read this article. This is just his home, not all the jets he owns or anything else he has. This isn't a man living his life like someone who really believes climate change is a great threat to mankind. "The lakefront shore contains sand that's delivered in large quantities by a barge from St. Lucia each year." https://www.businessinsider.com/crazy-facts-about-bill-gates-house-2016-11
  11. *GASP* Trump "floated" ideas? Is there a way to post an eyeroll emoji on here big enough for my response to your thread here? đŸ™„
  12. The entire point of bringing up the Masterpiece case was in response to your absurd rhetorical questions: "This is completely new territory. lol Gay thugs forcing "compliance" on people? Jeebus. Compliance with what? Compliance with equal rights? Compliance with not bullying gays? Compliance with live and let live? đŸ™„" So, yes, the Satan dildo cake was indeed relevant and part of the response to you. You have tried to claim some moral high ground of so-called tolerance here, and you even tried to argue for basic courtesy. I bring these things up to counter your clearly hypocritical arguments. You now say "cry me a river" when you first tried to act like this didn't happen, tried to preach tolerance and courtesy. Thank you for continuing to show your true colors here. Well, if your sandwich shop is run by a person of sincere religious belief who doesn't wish to participate in a homosexual wedding, they certainly seem to have some grounds here for choosing not to participate. Then again... how would they ever know if you just went in and asked for some sandwiches? And to the point here... about tolerance, you should be OK with that. Are you really this ignorant regarding Christian views on Homosexuality or just making bigoted comments like you usually do? Jesus marginalized sin and sinful behavior. Forgive me for not taking anything you have to say about what Jesus would or would not be thrilled with when you clearly do not seem to have the first clue or care at all about such things.
  13. No evidence? The guy broke the law by keeping classified documents at his home... garage... office... remote office.. I forget how many different places now.
  14. I know you said it. You were the one who tried to act like you didn't when I first made the assertion. The point here is that you clearly are picking sides, whether I can get you to own up to it or not. You repeatedly call out Israel and push Hamas-supporting propaganda. Acknowledging that October 7th is an "attack" is the most basic acceptance of a factual event. Of course, it was an attack... but can you bring yourself to directly condemn Hamas for what they did that day?
  15. And what is worse here is that Hamas deliberately embeds their military with civilians to use them as human shields. They use Hospitals to hide in, to run command from, to store weapons, and fire rockets from schools or near them... so when Israel dares to blow them up... they can play on the ignorant sympathy of the world to cry about how awful it was that some kids were blown up or a school destroyed. No, it was Hamas that endangered them.
  16. I already provided it to you in another thread... and like you consistently do, you run away. It is not lawful to block other people's paths in a public right of way. It is not lawful to assemble as they were, taking over public areas. The fact that police stood by and did nothing is only evidence of their allowing the lawlessness. And as I have repeatedly told you now, if you are going to support this kind of lawlessness, you do not get to cry when others take matters into their own hands.
  17. He has to realize how beyond depraved he would be if he had to answer the satan dildo question along the same lines he has been arguing so he just keeps ignoring it or obfuscating to avoid it. And if he does own up to the fact that the satan dildo cake is so obviously disgusting and wrong to force on him and an example of LGBTQ intolerance... then he has to admit he was wrong earlier on trying to act like such intolerance doesn't happen.
  18. I never said the "couple in question" requested a Satan dildo cake. I said: "And beyond that, the LGBTQ community relentlessly bullied the man, trying to force him to bake a satan dildo cake." As I have repeatedly said now, it was the LGBTQ community trying to destroy this man and relentlessly bully him like this. And you KEEP ignoring this point. You ignore it now and you ignored it before when I proved you wrong when you mocked the notion that anyone in the LGBTQ side was intolerant forcing others to comply like this. No, the SCOTUS did, in fact, rule in his favor on the grounds we are discussing here; they punted on setting a larger precedent. I did not say a sandwich artist was an artist. This is your bad attempt at an argument. He was not a bakery churning out cakes. As I already said, they could have come in and bought any average cake. He was one man creating cakes for various things, including weddings. It is not the end at all, the Court ruled in his favor, Colorado, just like you, had a clear bias and intolerance against his religious beliefs. You are the one here using "tolerance" like a billy club to beat people into submission.
  19. Your second post in this thread: "I am equally upset that Israel has not stopped the bombing and is planning more raids and will not even sit to discuss cease fire. It seems that Israel is doing it's utmost to wipe out hamas regardless of the cost of civilian life." I had not reviewed all your others before I joined the forum. No, it is not genocide. I already explained this to you, and if you remember, that is when you went off on your tangent of nuking them all, pretending like you don't care. You keep saying there are no good guys, but I have yet to see you directly criticize Hamas by name and for what they did on October 7th. You keep criticizing Israel, and then when your arguments get picked apart, you resort back to the generic they are all bad comment acting like you don't care.
  20. LOL, more like you have been confronted with someone who picked apart your arguments bit by bit... so you just ignored the response and keep repeating the same thing again. No, not the exact same cake. Creating a wedding cake is an act of art, made for that specific occasion. They could come in and buy a birthday cake or any other cakes or baked goods. This has already been ruled on by the Supreme Court now. You call it patently absurd, but they provided quite an extensive legal review of this. A straight person could have come in and informed them they wanted a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding and been refused service as well. Even then, the point here was merely that they were not refused service for merely being gay as you keep trying to argue. Nope. I already explained this to you, they were not refused service for being gay. Says the guy who routinely has to interject your own hateful bigoted comments towards religion every chance you get. Are you going to keep ignoring the satan dildo cake?
  21. Welcome back! I see you have moved on from where we left off here and are back to making the same bad arguments to someone else instead. The baker, in this instance, was not refusing service to them because they were gay. Hell, how would you ever know someone was gay unless they told you? No, he refused to participate in their marriage, as his deeply held religious convictions precluded him from doing so. They could have walked in and purchased any other baked goods and walked right out happy customers. And beyond that, the LGBTQ community relentlessly bullied the man, trying to force him to bake a satan dildo cake. In your world of tolerance, are you here to tell us this man should be compelled by the force of law to bake satan dildo cakes, too? Look in the mirror. You are the one with the billy club beating people into submission while chanting tolerance.
  22. At this point, you are simply not telling the truth. It has already been pointed out to you they engaged in violence before counter-protestors showed up. Even then, being "peaceful" doesn't mean they were not breaking the law. YOU invite this lawlessness that leads to violence when you want lawlessness.
  23. No, we have checks and balances in place. Trump has to be elected and Congress would have to support him. When you bring such politically motivated specious charges... you are not going to win over people or Congress. And when you start a thread complaining about how the DOJ is not charging Biden, I will believe you have a care in the world about injustice. The system is designed just fine. Calling me names doesn't make your case any better here.
  24. Well, you certainly have proven your lack of interest in articulate argument. Yes, you keep claiming there are no good guys there and to nuke them all... but this is only after you spend your time complaining about Israel and making absurd comments like they are committing genocide. Now, you do it when pressed to condemn Hamas. Instead of condemning Hamas, you play this they are all bad game instead. So, if your position is to nuke them all, why are you on here complaining about what Isreal is doing and pushing Hamas propaganda to do so?
  25. I said Hamas. Can you not condemn them either or are you going to play this game as if they were not responsible for October 7th atrocities? Hell, even the biased UN had to quasi-admit it: "A UN envoy says there are ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7" https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-rape-oct7-hamas-gaza-fe1a35767a63666fe4dc1c97e397177e However, ordinary Palestinians/Gazans were out in the streets cheering Hamas on, celebrating them on their return with Hostages, publically berating the hostages/dead bodies of Israelis being drug through the streets. Ordinary Palestinians/Gazans were going across the border to take advantage of the chaos to loot. "New footage shows Hamas’s onslaught on the southern Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7, as well as dozens of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip joining the terrorists and looting the community." https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/new-footage-shows-dozens-of-hamas-terrorists-entering-kibbutz-beeri/ Here is your ordinary folks in Gaza...
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