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  1. Not true at all. Here you are on this online forum, with all the time in the world to respond as you have been and continue to do so even now. You are incapable of offering a well-thought-out and articulate argument to back up the garbage claims you make. Has nothing to do with the time. I noticed you ignored the question of whether you condemned Hamas before I got here... should I just guess no? That you are all in with Hamas? Did you cheer them on October 7th for their rape, torture, and targeting of families and innocent people?
  2. Yeah, we know. That is the problem. Folks like you encouraged this lawlessness and then you get upset when others take matters into their own hands. The fact that LEO did nothing or next to nothing is not proof there was no violence, we already pointed out violence. It is simply proof they did nothing.
  3. So, running out of any ability to even pretend to be able to respond with any kind of real argument... insults is all you have. I will be here when you are ready to admit you are not only wrong, but just pushing Hamas propaganda for them. I do have a question though, since I am new here, have you ever focused any of your angst or ire against Hamas or the Palestinian people for their part in the atrocity on October 7th? For Hamas tactics of hiding behind their people? For any of Hamas role in the tragedy they have caused and continue to cause for their people?
  4. Its not that you question me and ask for a source... the fact that you assert it is BS is the problem. That is no longer just you wondering if its true or not, or if I can back it up or not. No, that is you asserting it is false too. Something so easy to google or know if you pay any attention at all to these things. As you have already learned from me, I bring the receipts... and then you run away. ASPCA spending may not be what donors expect, CBS News investigation finds https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aspca-spending-donor-cbs-news-investigation/ Public outcry follows ASPCA decision to euthanize Oreo, ‘miracle’ dog who survived six-story fall https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/la-unleashed/story/2009-11-18/public-outcry-follows-aspca-decision-to-euthanize-oreo-miracle-dog-who-survived-six-story-fall PETA's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad History of Killing Animals https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/petas-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-history-of-killing-animals/254130/
  5. LOL, the ASPCA has killed far more dogs. They hoard their money in investments and offshore bank accounts. There have been numerous stories on how they have hundreds of millions in money hoarded away, they pay hundreds of their employees 6 figure salaries while giving 2% to 7% to animal shelters. The ASPCA. LOL What next, PETA? They kill dogs like they were Hitler enacting a final solution.
  6. I already told you what was happening. They are at war with Hamas and executing military attacks on Hamas. Their aim is not to destroy the Palestinian people. If they wanted to do that, they could have killed all of them in the first few weeks. Israel has enough military capacity to line up their arm and march across Gaza shooting everyone and anything that moves that their planes didn't blow up.
  7. No, it's not. Not by any objective review of the facts.
  8. It was a figure of speech. You claimed they were peaceful and then ignored them when we pointed out there was violence there and then tried to act like you did not move the goalposts by trying to claim "largely peaceful" proved your point. Also, claiming it is peaceful doesn't excuse the vandalism, trespassing, obstruction of law enforcement, and refusal to follow lawful commands.
  9. This became a much easier decision for me once Biden went on TV to regret using the term illegal immigrant to describe that illegal immigrant who murdered Laken Riley. When Democrats and the President have more concern over the terminology used to describe illegal immigrants rightly as illegal immigrants while they are being encouraged and allowed to pour across the border under their watch, voting for Trump became a whole lot easier for me to swallow.
  10. No, says any objective review of the evidence. 30,000 to 40,000 dead, at least 1/3 of whom are Hamas militants targetted in war, with the others as unfortunate collateral deaths because Hamas hides behind their people, out of a population of 2 million, is not a genocide.
  11. I can understand just fine, you are the one trying to have it both ways. You want to claim that when Trump gets due process the system is corrupt but when the DOJ is levying charges against him then everything is 100% on the up and up. So, back to my point, Trump is getting due process here. This is making you guys really uber mad because they can't just rush this through before the election. Justice is about justice, not trying to stop Trump from being elected.
  12. The SCOTUS is part of the American justice system. A huge part of it. They set precedent all other courts must follow. Your position is nonsensical and contradictory. You cant claim we have the fairest system in the world to avoid having to deal with how the DOJ can be politicized and then also claim the SCOTUS is corrupted when they are ruling on the law…. you are trying to have it both ways.
  13. Make up your mind: "The US justice system is the fairest in the world" or "The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump." Let me know when you figure yourself out.
  14. No, it was not peaceful. This was before the unrest with counter-protestors. And they were breaking the law. https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/pro-palestinian-encampment-blocks-ucla-students-from-entering-library-during-midterms/ You invite counter-protestors to take matters into their own hands when YOU condone and encourage this lawlessness.
  15. No, they were not "peaceful," and when they break the law, and you encourage it and encourage law enforcement to ignore them, you invite people to take matters into their own hands. This is not "peaceful" as they are using force to stop others from moving freely by them.
  16. You are the one complaining about the Justice system right now... What is your purpose with this thread if you find it the fairest in the world?
  17. Due process is a real inconvenience for your guys trying to railroad Trump. Boo Hoo.
  18. This is #1 something you have zero ability to prove and #2 completely and obviously wrong just by any casual observation of any of the footage we see on TV based on the chants they say, their signs, their advertisements, their clothing, etc...
  19. 1. "what he's talking about is the absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible from the banking business to the mortgage industry to the automobile business to the healthcare I do not want the government in charge of these things I don't want this to work" 2. No, it is your logic. 3. You are the one saying it means failed programs. He did not say that. 4. If you listened, he clearly pointed out that the left didn't do this with Bush, so why should he: "why they didn't give Bush a chance in 2000 before he was inaugurated the search and destroy mission had begun..." 5. No, the point was that if you do express any opinions against things you don't agree with, it is an indication that you are doing so because you might be wrong... again, applying your bad argument to yourself that you tried to apply to me. You could have fooled me that you were on here to discuss and learn. Here I am giving you an alternative to what you are claiming Limbugh was saying and at every turn it appears you just want to argue to argue as you extrapolate more than he said to prove your point and you refuse to acknowledge anything I propose here regarding what he meant. (he has given interviews on this after he said it explaining it more too) No, I think most leftist policies driven by liberalism are in fact bad and have caused outcomes I do not like or agree with in the past and I do not want folks on the left to succeed in implementing more of it. I could do this for entertainment, maybe to see what kind of arguments others post to hone in my own skill in debate and argument, maybe I do it for some friendship and camaraderie with like-minded folks on here... could be any number of reasons besides having to think I can learn something from you. Not that I would be opposed to that either.
  20. 1. Yes, he was saying he didn't want Obama to succeed in making government bigger... 2. Yeah, it might improve some lives if Obama crashed a train killing thousands. Are we wrong to want him to fail? 3. Rush did not say he wanted the country to fail... you are extrapolating more than was said 4. No, failure means fail to implement. You are once again extrapolating more than was said in trying to say he opposed the good goals being achieved... 5. So, moving forward, you will no longer express any opinions on this forum against any particular policies, because doing so means you are opposed to *GASP* my god, your being wrong? Well, seeing as you have already been fabricating more things than were ever said to argue against, I imagine you can take this conversation a lot of places.
  21. This is a degree of difference in the point. You are pushing an extreme doomsday position which isn’t supported by any real objective evidence.
  22. Again, there is A LOT of space between climate change is fake and the doomsday we will all die nonsense you are pushing. it isn’t one or the other.
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