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  1. LOL, so now you are here defending Biden showering with his daughter to the point she wrote about it in her diary, questioning how appropriate it is? Yes, this is solid ground to "attack" Biden over.
  2. Way to completely ignore any part of the subject of this thread and get a dumb jab in at Trump...
  3. Sufficiently understand? That is subjective and meaningless. Sufficiently understand what exactly? See, you are still playing this argument from the authority game. No, I do not have to be an expert in all things climate science to have a well-educated, articulate, and well-thought-out position on the subject. Just like I don't have to be an expert at the mines where they get the graphite for a pencil, the forest where they harvest the lumber, the mills where they prepare the lumber, the paint, and the rubber etc... to be able to use a pencil and understand how it functions. This is the game you folks play. Perhaps it is because you know that you cannot hold down an intelligent conversation here, so all you can do is say buzzwords like "consensus!" because you have not put more thought into it than that. Guess what, I have. Mine is not an argument against all experts or their expertise. I am not here saying to ignore them all in everything, so your mockery about ignoring warnings is as misplaced as your fallacious reasoning with the illogical appeal to authority. I am the guy who would be questioning why precisely the "experts" want to give my wife a lobotomy. You are the guy who would shrug your shoulders, no questions asked, and go along with it because they are the experts, hell, even won a Nobel Prize!
  4. This is precisely why this whole push is a ruse to ban semi-automatic weapons.
  5. 1948... what was the dispossession, oppression and subjugation on the Palestinians by Israeli's? Feel free to actually respond to my comment, which I have posted twice now for you, in regards to your put yourself in their shoes comment. Reminder: Aliens vs Space Marines.
  6. I was never confused about anything here. You are acting as if you can't understand my comments, which never had anything to do with some technicality between literally saying kitchen or homemaker... Yes, he is praising his wife. Back to the point: Nowhere is he telling women to stay in the kitchen. Are you through playing dumb?
  7. OMG The issue isn't the technicality of kitchen vs homemaker, for crying out loud, man. He was not telling women to stay there. He was praising his wife, her decisions, and her contributions to his success in life.
  8. I understand just fine. He is praising his wife for her contributions to their family and his success. Nowhere did he tell women to get back into the kitchen. The issue is not my intelligence here, it is your dishonesty.
  9. I went back to look at how this thread started, and your post was the most relevant and first... that went unanswered. Imagine that. Like the claims of genocide, those who claim war crimes are never quite able to support their assertions and explain themselves.
  10. You have certainly made it that way. I was just fine shredding your crappy takes on Isreal and Hamas in this thread. You took us down this road.
  11. So... where does he tell women to stay in the kitchen? Seriously, this thread title is a lie. This article is trash and little more than a troll job.
  12. Seems more like some projection on your part here.
  13. The science is clear.... on what? The science is only clear in as much as there is measured warming and humans contribute some part to that.
  14. Perhaps. Perhaps a sustained campaign will impact their operations enough to cause a constant state of disarray during leadership changes... A bunch of dead drug cartel leaders certainly isn't a bad thing. Worth a try!
  15. Interesting. Snopes changed its rating on this claim after Ashley Biden's testimony. If you do not recall, she questioned if she was molested and said she took showers with her dad (Biden) that were probably not appropriate. Claim: A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes actions taken toward her by her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate." Rating: True https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/
  16. Because nothing Israel is doing supports your assertion. No, there was peace with Hamas prior to October 7th. This has been going on since 1948. The Palestinians have NEVER been willing to accept Israel. This isn't genocide. Try again. No, you don't get to pretend like there is some moral parity going on here. You said you did not endorse what happened on the 7th... but now you down play it and try to equalize it. So, which is it? Again, Hamas started this current conflict with October 7th. Of course Israel is not going to agree to leave Hamas in charge after what they did. You claim to not "endorse" what Hamas did, and here you are acting like it was no big deal.
  17. You are not listening very well. For as long as you post nonsense on here, and I notice and have time, I will likely respond.
  18. You said Israel was denying their right to exist. What do you base that garbage on? If Israel wanted to kill all the Palestinians, they could have lined up their military and carpet bombed them into oblivion with their tanks following behind to crush whatever was left standing and their infantry close behind to finish off anything they missed. The difference between the Palestinians and Israelis is that Israel has that power and doesn't use it like that... if the Palestinians had that power all the Jews would be dead and Israel wiped off the map. Enough of your nonsense already.
  19. Israel left the Gaza strip in 2006. Hamas has ruled there since then and they spent their time terrorizing Israel and attacking them repeatedly. They kept the war going. Hamas attacked on October 7th. There is no Genocide. You have yet to offer any argument supporting this other than repeatedly asserting it. OK, so you don't endorse what they did on the 7th... but you want Israel to ignore it? How do you rationalize that. You may not endorse it, but you certainly don't support stopping it? Here you go again... you just keep flip flopping back and forth. How does Israel "force" peace on Palestine when you oppose them doing anything? You just said Israel should just give them everything and not do anything to them anymore. How is that forcing peace on them?
  20. She testified Trump was most concerned about protecting his wife. Seriously, this whole case is an absurdity.
  21. What a completely ignorant thing to say. If Israel wanted to kill all the Palestinians, they could have lined up their military and carpet bombed them into oblivion with their tanks following behind to crush whatever was left standing and their infantry close behind to finish off anything they missed. The difference between the Palestinians and Israelis is that Israel has that power and doesn't use it like that... if the Palestinians had that power all the Jews would be dead and Israel wiped off the map. Enough of your nonsense already.
  22. So, you just want the Jews not to care if they keep getting killed... Listen, you have no coherent thoughts here, at all. Israel is telling them how to live their lives in as much as that means to not kill Israeli people. Israel is already justified in doing what they are doing. Yeah, you and a handful of others on here make this assertion, and none of the others could back it up with any factual argument. Can you? Yeah, I bet you would. In the end the truth always comes out with you folks on here. You support Hamas. So, tell us, did you support Hamas actions on October 7th too? Rape, torture, killing women and children, taking hostages?
  23. Clearly not, as you have been soundly defeated in several other discussions we have had now. What if all 10 of them base their opinions on the same faulty presumptions? See, you are still doing it. Instead of focusing on the argument's merits, you say someone should listen because an authority told them so. I prefer to ask questions, understand, and be informed. Just like when all the so-called experts and organizations like the WHO told us not to wear masks at the start of the Pandemic. They lied to us. They told us that so they could protect the inventory of masks. They knew what they were doing and lied. Not me, I have enough intelligence to understand how an airborne virus spreads and that we still didn't have enough information at the time to simply rule out a need for masks. My family wore masks when all the experts/authorities were saying not to.
  24. You don't even seem to know the circumstances of what happened. But you certainly do care, and you are still here doing a lot of caring.
  25. Enforcing one? Wait a minute... so now you want Israel to occupy and control the Palestinian people? You are right... no other country will tolerate the Palestinian people, which is exactly why you don't see countries like Egypt or others willing to do anything to let any of them take refuge there. Jordan seen what happens. Jordan ran them off. So, your big argument now is that you want Israel to wipe them all out into total submission? If that is how you feel about things... I see things differently.
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