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  1. Yes, and we should hold them accountable for submitting the data. We are not doing a "security check" though. This is for buying a weapon, something that 1/3 of all adults and almost half of all households have. There are not enough people in the world to do this kind of a check on someone buying a weapon in any kind of reasonable way.
  2. And I will keep criticizing you for being little more than a troll with your behavior in spamming the forum and barely hanging around in the threads you create to defend your positions.
  3. Yes, and you spam this forum with the garbage. Seriously, you don't even bother to stick around in most of the threads you create, you just run away to spam more.
  4. Again, that is not a reason why they are machine guns, that is merely a point that they have some equivalent functionality. Go look up the legal definition and common definition of what a Machine Gun is. Educate yourself.
  5. The Democrats keep trying to sneak this garbage in... "Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service." https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fy25_ndaa_executive_summary.pdf For as long as there are able-bodied men to send to war, I staunchly oppose any mandatory registration of women to be drafted.
  6. I did not say you did. No, it doesn't. You have not explained how it does beyond the assertion. Let me help you out: Machine gun is a specific term to describe a specific thing.
  7. Oh, my apologies. You jumped in on a response I made to robo. He said that. I did not compare motor vehicles to guns, I was responding to robo's logic.
  8. Yes, you did, and looking back it was a bit more specific: "The fact that he watched the riot unfold for over three hours without saying anything should dispel any fanciful notions otherwise. " It was not just that he did nothing. It was that you tried to claim he didn't say anything. As I have clearly demonstrated, he did. That you don't think it was substantive enough doesn't change the fact that you are a liar and were wrong. Instead of owning up to this, you just keep playing these games and lying even more.
  9. Are you OK? I know it is similar to a machine gun, I am the one who just said that. You are the one who wrongly claimed it made it a machine gun. Yes, you did in fact say exactly what I quoted you as saying. It had nothing to do with banning guns...
  10. It's the rate of fire, not how much fire can practically be sustained.
  11. No, that makes it function similarly to a machine gun. You were the one who said "The details of the mechanism don't matter when it comes to KILLING PEOPLE."
  12. Now, you are back to the same original stupidity as before. That is not the definition of a machine gun. Functioning similar to a machine gun, doesn't make something a machine gun. Words have meanings. You can run people over with a car, too; that doesn't make a car a machine gun.
  13. You are still not being honest now. This: "In REALTY a bump stock does convert a semi-automatic weapon into a machine gun. " Does not equal this: "AR's with bumpstocks perform substantially the same as machine guns. "
  14. We need to do away with the FACE Act. The same damn people on this thread cheering on putting her in prison for blocking movement into an abortion clinic are the same people cheering on Hamas protestors blocking people on roads and schools.
  15. Yet again, you just say contradictory things. You were not saying war was chess a moment ago, you were saying war is a matter of who has more on paper. What, mistakes? Imagine that... now you want us to believe Russia is going to perfectly hold what they have. No, you support Russia and surrender to them on terms most beneficial to them. What you support leads to more aggression, more war. Already explained to you many times more things can work than negotiations that are most beneficial to Russia.
  16. Its almost like you are cheering them on.
  17. Maybe... just maybe you will engage with me honestly one day. No where did I say I wanted everyone packing everywhere. I certainly do think those with concealed carry licenses should be allowed to carry more places and teachers with safety standards should be allowed to carry if they want as well. Well, if those things are on his record, then it would show up. You don't know if someone is a criminal or not if you don't know. How would you ever know if someone was addicted to drugs or not? Are you going to send someone to follow them around and live with them 24/7 for a couple of months?
  18. What does this have to do with anything I was saying here or show how I was not being honest? That is rhetorical, it doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying and I have been honest this whole time.
  19. You claimed he did nothing. Even after I corrected you, then you tried to play dumb games with the timeline, I corrected you again, and you still refuse to admit what you are doing and that you were wrong. No, the point was not that the damage was already done. The point is that you have repeatedly lied now and are twisting things to further your lie. It is your characterization that Trump had some control over a rioting mob that he could make them all stop.
  20. Nothing was dodged. You keep ignoring my responses.
  21. Seriously, how many threads have you started today? You can't even keep up with the garbage you posted in the others.
  22. No, they don't. You have to read into that. You have to fabricate things not said. No, it is your words that are drivel.
  23. You claimed: "There is a LAW REQUIRING JoSCOTUS RECUSAL when a case involves THEIR WIFE" Ginni Thomas is not part of any case before the Court. Alito was not flying any flags, nor are they insurrection flags. Again, nothing here demands he recuse himself. I already knew you were posting garbage, the questions were mostly rhetorical hoping you would have enough decency to admit your lies. No, you run away when you are backed into a corner for the lies and crap you post.
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