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  1. It is a yes or no question. Do you no longer support any aid now, or do you think that you might not in the future? I am not asking if you will always support aid and support to Ukraine. However, now I am asking what exactly would make your support wane or why you no longer do. Well... yeah, it does. Maybe not completely gobbled up, but Russia has certainly taken some significant chunks and is still trying to take more. No, that is not the only way this conflict ends. First, Putin can't be trusted, he is a liar. You might as well be demanding we talk to Hitler to bring an end to WWII and just let him keep France. Russia can be pushed to the point where this conflict is to painful for them. There are more options. This is not an answer, it is a hope, that they will negotiate or that we would even be negotiating with someone on good terms. As I said, there are more ways out than this.
  2. Well, I don't claim to know much about any of this, but I did read the article. A few notes to point out here: 1. Prosecutors noted these charges "do not relate to the Media Company [the Epoch Times'] newsgathering activities". 2. That Chinese Cult is really a group of Chinese Americans who advocate against the Chinese Communist Party.
  3. Of course he is not this glib about the right of Clarence Thomas to have a rich friend who takes him on vacations... What stupidity. If Trump had claimed paying off someone with hush money as a campaign expense then that would have been a violation of federal campaign expense laws. This is why we rightfully point out the stupidity of the charges he was facing. There was no campaign crime he was concealing.
  4. What I said: "Here and in other threads, you clearly have some kind of bent against white people that borders on racism if not out right being racist. " I don't have to prove this, your words do. Oh, I get it now. So you are white-knighting too! Thanks for correcting me to what you are doing as well. Just like many black people don't like watching a bunch of white people in many other things. So? And many of my Asian friends love K-Pop. Bigots! All of them! There are more white people than black people in the audience for everything... including NBA, NFL, etc... yet, Hockey is mostly a white audience compared to those. Stop with the games, you know the point I am making and you are trying to hide from it. I guess you would be the expert there. Thanks for the advice.
  5. But hey, lets not worry about little kids getting killed until AFTER it happens...
  6. LOL, looks like you let me get under your skin, now you are left with petty name calling. Just as much as yours was. And? For most of the WNBA, elite white players like this have not existed. Nice dodge. NHL audience is mostly white people. Why don't more black people watch? Are they bigots? Keep crying!
  7. Now you are crying that I responded to your racism. As opposed to your black knighting? Do you think it says something that Black people are not as interested in watching a show with almost all white people in it as opposed to one with more black people too? That Black people are not as interested in Hockey? Keep crying!
  8. LOL, I am no more crying than you are. You are the one crying about being called out for what you are doing. No, you are stereotyping an entire race of people, making presumptions about them and their motivations. The cultural context doesn't justify that. You are proving the point of this thread... that it is somehow bad that white people take an interest in a white person doing well. *GASP* Oh no! Yes, boo hoo indeed, you need to cry about it some more.
  9. Except... school shootings do happen too. As does general violence in school. The issue is not if fires happen more frequently than school shootings, it is your absurd logic in when SRO's are needed. What practical justification is there for a fire department in a city or town without a fire yet? -> Same dumb argument. Where did I view a prediction as evidence? What are you even talking about.
  10. No, it was an accurate observation. I made my argument and you balked, trying to claim it was not a fair comparison. All you did was prove my point. Here and in other threads, you clearly have some kind of bent against white people that borders on racism if not out right being racist. You selectively single out white people as bigots for doing the same thing that anyone else would do.
  11. Again, your point here is absurd. It is the same thing as saying... we don't need a fire department because no houses have burnt down. But when a house does catch on fire, then we should bring on the fire department... except, you don't have one and now half your neighborhood burns down. It is too late to say bring on the SRO, AFTER a shooting starts happening.
  12. A justified "assault" Again, you want to support goons getting up in kids faces to attack them verbally, be prepared for a parent to intervene. I have not invented anything here. It is not my fault you don't grasp these concepts. Many folks don't, they think everything is perfectly OK and find until you physically touch someone and that is not how the law works nor how it works conceptually. People are well within their rights to defend themselves and their personal space from threatening behavior well before the person acting like that actually touches them. Assault and Battery are often two different concepts, because there is the act of being threatening and then the act of actually causing physical harm or unwanted touching. You are just hell-bent on defending this goon, well, because you support killing 1 Million babies a year, and don't like that anyone says it is wrong. Again, for the millionth time, he has no FACE act protection when he is the one who instigates something. It was not Mark who went over to the goon to push him to interfere with anyone getting an abortion. Mark was on the corner protesting like he always does. It was the goon who went over to him and started crap with him and his son. The FACE act doesn't protect that. Context matters. He shoved that goon only AFTER that goon came over to instigate crap with him, shoving him had nothing to do with stopping anyone from accessing the abortion clinic. Seriously, you keep ignoring this fact. Again, the FBI refused to answer any specific questions to refute, confirm, or verify any of the details. They just say they acted professionally. You claimed the FBI told a different story. They did not. Yes, it is quite vindictive to send armed FBI agents, guns drawn, to arrest a man in front of his family and children, when there was no need to. The fact that you sit here saying "boo hoo" is what proves you support this as a vindictive action and is EXACTLY why I will be saying "boo hoo" when Trump turns the DOJ on left leaning folks in the same way. Again... None of this has anything to do with the FACE act. That is the point here. He was already investigated by local authorities and they did not press charges because... surprise surprise, when some goon gets in a kids face to say shitty things and a dad intervenes to protect his kid from the goon continuing to try to do so, that is not illegal. It certainly has nothing to do with the FACE act. You keep ignoring the entire point here. The DOJ dredging this up as some violation of the FACE act was a politically motivated use of the DOJ to send a message and target people, facts be damned.
  13. Well, you did not make this point... I did.
  14. My house has never burned down... so having a Fire Department is not an absolute necessity. What is your point here? Of course, an SRO is not always going to be an absolute necessity, but the entire point of having one is to be there when it is. Because it is too late to need them at a school with a violent threat when the violent threat is already happening. Duh. It may not always be practical or affordable to have an SRO in every single school, no matter the size or risk... but that is a different kind of discussion than others are making here being opposed to them conceptually at all.
  15. You keep trying to personalize this with me... I am here talking about what others are saying. I don't care about your subjective taste in women. No nuance to it, you called folks bigots. Do you think black people are bigots because they have excellent black actors, musicians, and athletes they can be interested in and look up to?
  16. You are a complete waste of time. Seriously... The vast majority of charges brought are for misdemeanors and the vast majority to come are for misdemeanors. The vast majority of those charged were for illegal parading... This is not complicated, most of the folks there who did anything illegal were not involved in a felony level offense. Approximately 1,186 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/36-months-jan-6-attack-capitol-0#:~:text=Approximately 11 individuals have been,restricted federal building or grounds.
  17. No, not everyone did any breaking to enter, nor are those the charges many are facing at all. I am very specifically talking about the folks who literally did nothing more than wander around and leave. Not pretending, the DOJ is in fact going after folks for the petty crime misdemeanor of illegal parading for doing nothing more than wandering around and leaving.
  18. Exactly. According to your logic, America should have never entered the war. We should have demanded that Europe surrender to stop the loss of life. Same for Japan, might as well have ignored Pearl Harbor, right? Why respond and waste more lives. The only simple-minded outlook here is yours, as you actually agree with this nonsense. It is important for me to understand what a person actually supports, because like you, my guess is that they are being duplicitous. You want Ukraine to lose and support their losing, then you turn around and argue they are losing. It is a dishonest argument you are making, so you can support Russia. You are just fine with Russia continuing to invade countries at will, you welcome and encourage it. Speaking of simple notions... a peace agreement how? No, you have not. I understand your lousy arguments just fine. Disagreement != a lack of understanding. My outlook is no more binary than yours.
  19. No, this is great. I am glad you agree there is no Russian Disinformation. Thank you for clearing this up.
  20. Perhaps to you, but to the point of this thread, she is being criticized for having pretty privilege. LOL, there you have it. BINGO! You just confirmed exactly what this thread was about.
  21. I can only understand what you actually argue. I am not a mind reader. Why do you keep playing these games instead of answering the question?
  22. Again, Russia invaded Ukraine. They can't just end the war. This is like saying the United States should have just surrendered to Hitler, because the most humane thing to do would be to end the war. Did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Well, crap, no need for more loss of life, don't go to war with them at all. Do you support NATO/US giving money and materials to help Ukraine? Yes or No? Stop refusing to answer this question. Wait, what? This is complete ignorance or revisionism. The world did put pressure on Russia to not invade. Zelenkski was not acting or talking tough, like they were inviting a Russian invasion. They were pleading for peace the entire time Russia was building up its forces for an invasion. KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — With the Russian threat growing, the Ukrainian president is pleading for peace and says Russian President Vladimir Putin would not accept his call. In an emotional address to the nation late Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rejected Moscow’s claims that his country poses a threat to Russia and lamented that a Russian invasion would cost tens of thousands of lives." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/ukrainian-president-pleads-for-peace-amid-russian-threat So... again, do you favor supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia? Of course this is a concern which is why so many in NATO/US continue to push for this support to continue. This is not the only possible outcome. You presume a prolonged war with continued costs to Russia is just something they will live with and history proves otherwise. There is no foregone conclusion that Russia will be able or willing to simply go on forever. The war can certainly become too costly for them as well. Stop them... how? Your argument is not to stop them, it is give up. And so far... you have yet to clarify for me where you stand on helping Ukraine to stop them. Well, let me know when you can provide more than such a simple vague response that doesn't actually respond to anything I said directly.
  23. "It's REALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be "wrong" when they say they don't have the FACTS, just REASONS and EXPERIENCE. The FACT is, whether Russians tampered with the laptop with enough skill to HIDE it, is STILL UNKNOWN, no matter how CERTAIN you believe YOU are."
  24. You certainly do care. Your arguments are all in favor of Russia ending this on their terms in the most beneficial way to them giving them all the leverage... while you also push their propaganda to justify the invasion and ignore their role in instigating all this before the full blown invasion. Yeah, you have said this vague crap many times, and every time I point out that there are many ways to get to peace, yours happens to be the one that most favors Russia while leaving Ukraine high and dry. You are not interested in what is humane either, that is all a ruse. The most humane thing would be not defending Russia, pushing their lies, justifying their actions, and ultimately giving in to their aggression, inviting more.
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