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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. Right a bad case for her not being on. Glad we agree. It's a political thing because of the people who dont like her. The intersectionality crowd are the ones who MAKE everything political
  2. He mentioned Nick Wright. It may have been him. We all know Wright is a sports imbecile. The only reason they have him on television is so people can tune in to see what it is he will get wrong next. It's ironic his name is "wright" because he rarely is.
  3. The thing is this has nothing to do with skill. This is mostly a race issue and jealousy on the side. It's rather straight forward. It's a Lifetime movie like my wife watches all the time.
  4. Straight white woman in a black lesbian dominated league. What could go wrong. The reason for animals like reese to dislike her wide and varied. The only reason anyone knows Reese's name is because of Caitlin. I understand why the lezbos are mad but they need to wake up and see what side of their toast is buttered.
  5. I tend to disagree. I think depending on the woman it's quite enough that the man is just rich. But power generally follows money.
  6. You're probably right but rich powerful guys get chicks no matter how tall they are.
  7. Be proud of your hatred Benito. Your namesake was.
  8. Now you're just rambling incoherently. That means your rambling doesnt make sense. Not that it ever did.
  9. 1. Agreed 2. Agreed but it must also cut spending severely which will never happen. Taxes are no longer about generating revenue. Taxes are now a weapon.
  10. You realize don't you that "taxing the rich" even at 100% wouldn't be enough to pay for all the spending the left has already done and wants to continue to do. Half of the American population already doesnt pay any federal income tax.
  11. Leftists are disciples of the king of lies. Leftists are the only real threat to America. Domestic terrorists
  12. So no answer for your made up leftist BS. Your whole ideology is a pile of festering garbage.
  13. No need to. You leftists make up stuff all the time. "excess mortality" , "hate" crime, "social" justice, "microagression", "systemic" racism. I mean the listing of stupid leftisms is almost endless
  14. Carville is losing it because he's a raging buffoon. Apart from that the Dems seem to think doing a Jurassic park thing with carville is somehow going to stimulate their base. Does anyone under 45 even know who carville is?
  15. Good. The plandemic happened 4 years ago no need to "prepare". Unless you guys are planning another one so you can pretend people are voting legitimately from home.
  16. Oh well. If he wins and he does pardon I guess you'll have to get over it
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